Of course, there is nothing to know about the Elephant Armor Academy. After all, it is a group of juniors of the Elephant Armor Sect. Don't they understand the diamond mammoth?

The real purpose is nothing more than Shrek Academy, to be able to compete with the Five Elements Academy in the Tiandou competition area, this kind of thing has never happened.

Even the Lanba Academy, which eliminated the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy in the last session, lost to the Five Elements Academy in turn, without winning a game!

The first to appear on the stage was naturally the old strong team Elephant Armor Academy, headed by Hu Yanli, each of the Elephant Armor Academy's academies is a giant man over two meters high.

Especially Hu Yanli, who is about [-] meters tall, is half a head taller than his teammates.

Shrek Academy, even the three grown-up former Purple Star Academy students were like babies in front of the Elephant Armor Academy.

In addition to the three former Purple Star Academy students, Tang San and Xiao Wu, who must appear in every game, Oscar, and Zhu Zhuqing, who had a relationship with Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, appeared this time.

At this time, she was no different from the past, she was still extremely obsessed with Dai Mubai, if there was anything different, her soul power barely broke through level 41, and she had a glimmer of hope of surviving.

"It's so pitiful. I was born in a deep quagmire."

A gleam of pity flashed across Shui Bing'er's pretty ice blue face, and she had nothing to say to Zhu Zhuqing.

The same is a marriage contract, and the same is promised to go out since childhood, but there is a huge difference between her and Shui Bing'er.

One is irreplaceable in the heart of the man whom I secretly promised since childhood, and the other is still struggling on the verge of life and death...

As the referee of the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena announced the start of the match, the experienced spirit fighting became richer, and the tactically skilled Elephant Armor Academy directly showed their unique skill, defense!

In contrast, Shrek Academy is still standing where it is, and has just activated the Martial Soul.

Chapter 179 The Confident Shui Bing'er

In the preparation area, as the brain of Shrek Academy, Yu Xiaogang looked at the field with great worry in his heart.

Others don't know, doesn't it mean that he, a master who was born in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and served in the Wuhun Palace, still doesn't understand?

Compared with other advanced academies, the reason why the five elemental academies can have a unique position in the Heaven Dou Empire is entirely because of their profound background.

These five academies can be passed down to this day, but there have been Titled Douluo in history.

Each family has its own background, some hidden methods, even the master Yu Xiaogang doesn't understand.

As for Shrek Academy, it has been full of calculations, and it has just barely been established for more than [-] years.

If there is no connection, if there is no background, it is because he forced Flender to snatch the quota for the Soul Master Competition and the current Shrek Academy from others.

For this reason, his dear disciple Tang San questioned him, he could only use the cruelty of the soul master world to fool Tang San.

In the lineup of both sides, there are three soul sects and four soul masters, but in terms of soul power, the Elephant Armor Academy may take a little advantage.

Facing the iron-fortified defense of the Object Armor Academy, Tang San immediately felt a headache.

In this round, apart from Zhu Zhuqing, two of the former Purple Star Academy players were from the agility department.

The most terrible thing is that they have no way to restrain the opponent in the face of the Weevil Academy of the defense department.

At most, Tang San's control system can play a role, restraining the people of Elephant Armor Academy.

At this moment, Hu Yanli, the captain of the Elephant Armor Academy, took the lead, charging towards Tang San.

Although it was difficult to fight, Tang San could only bite the bullet now.

Other than him, Zhu Zhuqing who was sitting in the Soul Sect was better, and it wasn't too difficult for one person to restrain the two Soul Masters of the Elephant Armor Academy.

However, the three students from the former Purple Star Academy were immediately cleared by the other two Soul Sects of the Elephant Armor Sect.

For a time, seven against four, the advantage lies in the weevil!

Similarly, Hu Yanzhen, the head of the Elephant Armor Sect who was sitting on Ning Fengzhi's left hand side, was also extremely proud.

His grandson really gave him a face in front of the cardinal Salas.

Salas also said quite proudly, "It's not bad, it seems that the thing is not in vain!"

Although the soul power of the two is almost the same, Hu Yanzhen's attitude towards Salas is extremely respectful.

This made Xue Ye who was sitting on the throne very angry, he was the most supreme person in Tiandou Empire, Hu Yanzhen's compliments to Salas made him very angry.

Ning Fengzhi, who was of the same generation as Xue Ye, naturally saw all of this, and he was even more disappointed.

He remembered that the snowy night before was not like this, and now he doesn't know what to say, he is also hesitating in his heart, is it really okay to just tie the future of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to the Heaven Dou Empire?

While he was thinking about this, the Elephant Armor Academy on the ring had already begun to chase after the victory.

After all the team members used the first soul power, Hu Yanli immediately assembled the members of the Elephant Armor Academy to form a battle formation, and rushed towards the remaining four Shrek like a chariot.

Facing such a ferocious attack, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu were crippled immediately, and Tang San's Blue Silver Grass was extremely weak, and couldn't cope with the collective impact of the Wujia Academy at all.

At the critical moment, thanks to Oscar's flying spirit ability, Tang San and the others narrowly escaped the impact of the Elephant Armor Academy.

Hu Yanli, the captain of the Elephant Armor Academy, had an ugly expression on his face, "I don't believe that you can always fly in the air."

The answer is naturally no, without reaching the Soul Sage, the Shrek Seven Devils are just a bunch of wild chickens, except for Oscar, they can't fly at all on their own.

With Oscar's soul power exhausted, he also had to withdraw from the competition.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Zhu Zhuqing, who had always been relatively transparent among the Shrek Seven Monsters, turned the tide in time, cooperated with Tang San, and won by luck.

But what Tang San didn't expect was that Hu Yanzhen cheated openly and gave Hu Yanli guidance.

With a flash of white light, a medieval European-style helmet appeared on Huyanli's head.

But in fact, this is a head spirit bone, and its lifespan has reached 8000 years!

Fortunately, Tang San had the hole card of parasite, and finally won the game with a slight advantage.

And Xiao Wu, who was also the main force, paddled the whole way when Tang San was not in danger, until the end of the match, she still had more than [-]% of her spirit power left.

At the end of the match, the referee announced that Shrek Academy had won.

For a moment, this made Kamikaze and Thunder begin to put Shrek in the same position as them.

Chi Huo, it was because the Elephant Armor Academy underestimated the enemy, and they completely restrained Tang San, the Grass Soul Master, so they didn't take him seriously at all.

On Tianshui College's side, Shui Bing'er was in a happy mood, leaning on Su Qingyu's shoulder, humming a beautiful tune softly.

Ye Lingling was a little curious, why didn't her big family seem to care about Shrek Academy!

So, I couldn't help asking Shui Binger curiously, "Sister Binger, aren't you worried?"

Shui Bing'er smiled softly, "Don't worry, I know Shrek quite well, it's not a problem. Besides, don't forget that there is him!"

This is really not Shui Binger's big talk. If all the players from both sides are allowed to play, Shui Binger alone can abolish more than half of them.

Tang San lost the Binghuo Liangyiyan, and the two rare flowers and plants whose value could be compared to Qiluo tulips, not to mention the Blue Silver Grass, even the Blue Silver Emperor would be restrained by Shui Bing'er to death.

As supporters, Ning Rongrong and Oscar, Shui Binger can destroy them as soon as she comes on stage, after all her first soul skill Frost Imprisonment can directly freeze people into ice cubes.

With her extreme ice domineering, Shrek Academy's forceful rescue will only shatter her to pieces.

The last one is Ma Hongjun, who is very likely to be the offspring of an evil soul master and an ordinary person with a grass chicken martial soul, a bastard with a heart higher than the sky, who wants to turn into a phoenix, how dare he look directly at the person who has undergone the transformation of Qiluo Tulip The lofty Nine Heavens Ice Phoenix?

In the end, it was Shui Bing'er who said that if it really didn't work, there was Su Qingyu.

It is the so-called Nether White Tiger, and Su Qingyu can also turn it into a little white cat.

When Tianshui Academy was about to prepare for the afternoon contest with Thunder Academy, Yu Xiao, who was sitting in the preparation area of ​​Shrek Academy, breathed a sigh of relief just now.

It can be regarded as winning, and his heart that has been hanging has been relaxed.

To be honest, he had no idea that Shrek Academy could defeat Weevil Academy.

But who would have thought that with Zhu Zhuqing's super performance, the Elephant Armor Academy would carelessly underestimate the enemy?

Similarly, Shrek Academy's victory also made Yu Xiaogang feel confident that even if he could not win the final championship, he would let Shrek Academy beat other elemental academies.

In this way, even if he can't be directly famous in the world and leave a name in history, it can still make him a great teacher remembered by the world instead of a wimp in the world's impression.

Chapter 180 The Delayed Meeting

The duel between Tianshui and Thunder will start in the afternoon, so after watching the match between Shrek and Elephant Armor, Su Qingyu took Shui Binger and Ye Lingling away from the Big Soul Arena for a while.

Near noon, Su Qingyu brought the two girls to a restaurant near the Tiandou Great Soul Arena.

At this time, after watching the game, there are quite a few people who come to eat.

Especially in the hall, every table is occupied, and it seems that it is already full.

The three of them are relatively quiet and not suitable for the noisy atmosphere of the hall.

Su Qingyu asked the waiter in the restaurant, but fortunately there are private rooms.

Simply, he didn't save the money, and took the two girls directly to a box.

During the meal, Shui Bing'er also explained her plans for the afternoon.

Among them, the most important thing is to let Ye Lingling play instead of her, so that she can continue to retain her strength.

This made Ye Lingling whisper, "Sister Bing'er, although Lei Ting is much weaker than us in terms of soul power, don't forget that we don't have many effective means of attack."

There is one thing Ye Lingling hasn't said yet, that is, although she and Xue Wu are soul sects, they are after all soul masters of the auxiliary department, and their combat effectiveness is almost zero.

Most importantly, these two supports are not boosters, and neither of them has a very good boost effect on other people.

Therefore, Ye Lingling was worried about what to do if they lost.

But what she didn't know was that Shui Bing'er had no intention of winning at all.

The so-called Five Elements Academy is actually just as famous in terms of reputation. If Tianshui Academy is really too prominent, it will definitely attract attention.

Unlike the other four colleges that are essentially family-owned, Tianshui College really doesn't have much cohesion, so a position that doesn't rank above or below is the most suitable.

Although Shui Bing'er was going to appear on the stage after all, she was the one with the highest talent, not the entire Tianshui Academy.

It is true that she will face some unavoidable things at that time, but after all, he is by her side, isn't he?

As for why the Heaven Dou Empire won't support Tian Shui, it's their own problem.

Because whether it is a woman or a female soul master, they are always vassals in the Douluo Continent.

Just as the last three dishes ordered by the three of Su Qingyu were served, an acquaintance appeared.

As the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, "Xue Qinghe" actually came here, which also made the manager and waiters of the restaurant tremble, for fear of doing something wrong.

Although they have noble support behind them, compared to the largest noble and royal family in the Heaven Dou Empire, they are just bigger grasshoppers.

Although this prince is not the original one, she is more like a prince than the original one.

Gently closing the door, "Xue Qinghe" smiled slightly, "Brother Herring is really sorry for disturbing you, I wonder if I have spoiled your good deed?"

Su Qingyu let out a chuckle in her heart, as the so-called night owl comes into the house, he will come for nothing!

"Xue Qinghe" must have something to come to find him in person.

Fortunately, she did not reveal her true identity in front of Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling, otherwise it would be hard to explain.

Ye Lingling, as the crown prince, "Xue Qinghe" naturally knew each other, and Su Qingyu just introduced Shui Binger.

Maybe they are all girls, "Xue Qinghe" is quite willing to talk to Shui Binger.

After chatting with Shui Bing'er for a few words, "Xue Qinghe" also showed his true intentions, "I have a little trivial matter, I hope Brother Herring will come with me, and please invite Miss Bing'er Forgive me!"

Shui Binger shook her head lightly, "It's okay, as long as Brother Qingyu agrees, I have no objection."

Just like that, before Su Qingyu had enough to eat, the Prince Tiandou dragged him to a teahouse named Yunhua.

After all, he had been in Tiandou City before, and he had also heard of this Yunhua Teahouse.

Not to mention the Heaven Dou Empire, even in the entire Douluo Continent, Yunhua Teahouse is a famous existence.

Although it is located in Tiandou City, there are quite a few people who love tea, and they do not hesitate to travel across mountains and rivers, just for this sip of tea soup.

The style of Yunhua Teahouse is very elegant, except for the lobby, if you want to not reserve a private room, you can only do it like Ning Fengzhi, Xue Qinghe and others, who are the most powerful figures in the Douluo Continent.

Brought to the private room by "Xue Qinghe", Su Qingyu said indifferently: "If you have anything to say, just talk about it, what are you hiding?"

"Xue Qinghe" pursed his face, and a gentle smile appeared on his face, "Don't be so anxious, just meet someone with me first."

These words reached Su Qingyu's ears, but he was a little surprised.

No, it stands to reason that she had already met Tang San, and even recruited him.

Could it be that it was someone else who met this time, maybe even the one in the hall of worship!

As Su Qingyu kept making up his mind, his hand that was holding the teacup suddenly trembled slightly, and the tea almost poured out.

Noticing Su Qingyu's strangeness, "Xue Qinghe" was a little puzzled, what's wrong with this guy, is he injured?Why are your hands shaking so much.

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