Although she was used to intrigue in the palace, but when facing Su Qingyu, she was quite straightforward, "Hey, what's wrong with you, why are your hands shaking like this?"

Su Qingyu laughed in embarrassment, "Well, I want to ask, is the person we met a respected elder?"


She admitted without hesitation.

Although Qibao Glazed Tile Sect does not stand on the side of Wuhun Palace, it is even hostile to Wuhun Palace.

But in her eyes, Ning Fengzhi is indeed a highly respected elder, sometimes she also has a very headache, if her true identity is revealed in the future, she also doesn't understand how she should face this teacher.

Although Yu Xiaogang is an iron waste, Tang San is also a villain who betrayed the sect, can it be denied that the master-student relationship has a status in Douluo Dalu?

The two sat for a quarter of an hour, and finally the Lord came.

When she saw Ning Fengzhi's face, Su Qingyu was greatly relieved, luckily it wasn't that one.

He didn't know what was going on, he was so nervous just now.

Behind Ning Fengzhi, followed a young man with an extremely ordinary, even somewhat ugly face.

There was a faint smile on his face, and there was a hint of purple charm in his eyes, but it was such a young man who looked quite sunny, but he gave people a cold feeling.

It was Tang San who came. The first time he saw Su Qingyu, he had already put his hand on the storage belt around his waist, ready to take out the hidden weapon at any time and kill Su Qingyu.

But when he heard that the person next to Su Qingyu was the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, he froze.

For nothing else, in Tang San's previous life, the Tang Sect had both good and bad reputations.

But in the eyes of the imperial court, the general Jianghu sects are nothing more than that, after all, they need to maintain the power structure of the Jianghu.

But the Tang Sect is one of the most dangerous chaotic parties in the eyes of the court. When Tang San heard that the person in front of him was the imperial prince, Tang San was afraid in the depths of his soul!

Chapter 181 Planning, Qian Renxue

In terms of the scene, "Xue Qinghe" was talking about a beautiful woman, Tang San, who in his previous life only knew to follow a homicide cheat book as his principle and bottom line, suddenly had an urge to die for his confidant.

However, this also has the influence of her own innate divinity, which is very easy to arouse the sympathy of some people with purer hearts.

But Tang San was not among them, with such a vicious and cunning nature, how could he be infected by the divinity of the angel spirit?

If all this were for the person in the hall of enshrinement, it would be easy to see that Tang San was either a man with a tough mind, or a man with a vicious heart.

But for her who has been undercover for a long time and doesn't even know her own martial spirit very well, she thought Tang San was a tough person.

Tang San, who had been slowed down just by a slight influence, was already a rare talent in her eyes.

Regarding Tang San's identity, Qian Renxue naturally knew it well.

But for the time being, she didn't care about this son who killed his father and enemy, and even planned to use it.

That's right, it is to use, not solicit.

Because the Crown Prince in front of him also took a fancy to the shining treasure beside him.

Although for some unknown reason, the spirit beast aura on the little rabbit was suddenly eliminated.

But who is she, the little master of the Spirit Hall, after consulting the soul-hunting records of that woman back then, she also understood that the one next to Tang San was the fish that slipped through the net back then.

Due to some special reasons, even though she cannot absorb 10-year spirit bones, she is quite greedy for 10-year spirit rings.

It's just that it's really difficult for her to carry out this plan alone, so Su Qingyu was called over.

After she told Tang San some real situation of Tang Hao back then, she sent Tang San a request to recruit.

In fact, she didn't expect the solicitation to be successful, she just wanted to make the movement a little bit smaller so as not to cause too much shock.

After all, she is still the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire. Although the 10 year spirit ring is very attractive, her current affairs are also very important.

Using Tang San to force the rabbit to sacrifice to her, this is the idea of ​​the Miss Wuhundian.

However, Tang San was very suspicious.

Although "Xue Qinghe" seemed very sincere, even Su Qingyu, who was watching the show, was a little unsure whether she would bow down under the long skirt of this young lady.

Tang San was neither humble nor overbearing, he rejected the solicitation of the future emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire with his true nature.

"Thanks to the great love of His Royal Highness, Tang San will definitely try his best to help His Highness whenever something happens!"

Tang San has always never said what he said to death, and the sentence of helping with all his strength is also telling "Xue Qinghe", if I can help you, I will help you, and you don't need to waste your thoughts anymore.

A certain big girl who was thinking about a 10-year soul ring naturally didn't care, just when she was subconsciously planning to take out her own token.

But he forgot that his token had already been in Su Qingyu's hands.

At this juncture, she naturally couldn't ask Su Qingyu for the token, so she could only give Tang San a piece of fine jade pendant worn around her waist.

The guests and hosts had a great time, after seeing off Tang San, Ning Fengzhi was still in the private room.

When Tang San looked at Su Qingyu, he couldn't hide it from the old fox Ning Fengzhi.

He also knew that Su Qingyu was not the kind to fool around, so he simply said directly, "Mr. Su, just now I found that Tang San's eyes stayed on you for a long time, so it's possible that you two know each other. "

Holding the fragrant tea in her hand, Su Qingyu took a sip, "Zin, this tea is a bit stale."

Immediately, Su Qingyu put down the teacup and sighed slightly, "I do know each other, but our relationship is not very good?"

"Xue Qinghe", who knew Su Qingyu quite well, tapped the table with her fingers lightly, but when she heard this, she stopped suddenly.

She remembered that when he broke Xue Beng's ribs, he also said this sentence.

Therefore, she has already guessed that the relationship between Su Qingyu and Tang San may have reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated.

However, this is also just right, and the next thing will save a lot of effort.

After all, if Su Qingyu has a good relationship with Tang San, then she is really a little difficult to deal with.

Ning Fengzhi also heard that the relationship between Su Qingyu and Tang San was not good.

Therefore, Ning Fengzhi's attitude towards Su Qingyu gradually began to change.

In his eyes, Tang San is not just a genius, but more importantly, Tang Hao behind him, and the Clear Sky School.

Just like what Azu said, if you come out to hang out, you must have power and background!

It is true that Su Qingyu's talent made him very eager, but since he offended Tang San and provoked the only son of Haotian Douluo, he, Ning Fengzhi, could no longer stand by Su Qingyu's side.

Before Ning Fengzhi left, both "Xue Qinghe" and Su Qingyu could sense the sense of alienation in Ning Fengzhi's conversation with Su Qingyu.

The tea was cold and the people had left.

Su Qingyu took out her treasured tongue, and asked the people from Yunhua Teahouse to bring a brand new tea set by the way.

Immediately afterwards, Su Qingyu performed a pleasing tea ceremony in front of the young lady of Wuhundian who had already lifted her disguise.

Different from the formality and rigidity of the tea art in the former Wonu country, Su Qingyu's tea is full of nature and spirituality, and the operation like flowing clouds and flowing water is so pleasing to the eye, and the heart unconsciously calms down.

Qian Renxue, who had been sitting across from Su Qingyu with her chin in her hands, never expected that Su Qingyu would have such a skill.

When Su Qingyu handed her the teacup, Qian Renxue blushed slightly, "Your tea is really fascinating."

"I'm not wine, so how can I make people drunk?"

Su Qingyu was slightly complacent. She never thought that when she was performing missions in her previous life, the things she learned to use to dress up as 13 in the Wonu Kingdom would still be appreciated by this young lady.

The tea has not been picked up by Su Qingyu, but it has disappeared.

When Su Qingyu paid attention, he realized that the gray-bearded Golden Crocodile Douluo Tiancrocodile was in front of him, drinking the tea he had made in one gulp.

After savoring it carefully, the crocodile sighed, "It's really good, give me a lot later, and I won't treat you badly."

Ten catties and eight catties?

Su Qingyu's heart was bleeding, and she kept cursing herself secretly: I told you to pretend, it's okay now!

"Okay^[-]^~, Grandpa Crocodile, stop teasing him, and listen carefully to the next thing!"

Although she is not her own granddaughter, Tian Crocodile always treats Qian Renxue as if she is her own, pampering her very much.

"Okay, no matter what, I will definitely cooperate with all my strength."


A moment later, when Su Qingyu and Tiancrocodile heard about Qian Renxue's plot, they were both stunned. It seemed that the deal was OK!

Chapter 182 Tianshui vs Thunder ([-])

Tiandou Great Soul Arena, the main arena.

Lei Ting and Tian Shui are the powerful academies of the Tiandou Empire.

The two academies, whether in the soul master world or in the eyes of ordinary people, represent the top level of the younger generation of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Therefore, its game naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Of course, there are also reasons for this from Tianshui Academy.

The entire main fighting spirit arena is big enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, and now it is full of seats, and nearly [-]% of them are men.

In the preparation area of ​​Thunder Academy, Lei Tian, ​​the deputy team leader, couldn't help laughing wryly, "Fighting with the girls in Tianshui, the pressure is truly extraordinary!"

This statement was also agreed by almost all the members of the Thunder Academy, and it also made a certain captain surnamed Yu quite puzzled.

Isn't Ye Lingling from the Huangdou team? How did she become a member of Tianshui?

The relationship between Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng can't be finished for three days and three nights. If they are brothers, they are brothers, and if they are enemies, they can't wait to strangle each other to death.

Therefore, both parties know more or less about the people around them.

Ye Lingling's appearance in Tianshui was indeed unexpected by Yu Tianxin.

However, this is not what he cares about.

What he really cared about was that Shui Bing'er, the captain of Tianshui Academy, hadn't made a move until now.

What do you mean, is this looking down on other participating teams?

After a while, it was time for the game, and Shui Binger sat quietly on a chair in the preparation area.

Xue Wu at the side also reminded, "Sister, it's time to play."

"Okay, I get it now!"

There is no doubt that Shui Bing'er was distracted just now, she didn't understand what happened to Su Qingyu who had been away for so long.

Although the current Tiandou City is highly concerned by the major forces, it is also a mixed bag, and there are more things that cannot be seen.

Shui Bing'er felt a little worried as her white hands twisted together.

At this time, Su Qingyu hugged Shui Binger from behind.

Feeling the familiar breath, Shui Bing'er's heart that was a little suspended, also relaxed.

Some coquettishly said to Su Qingyu: "Where did you go and why did you come back!"

Su Qingyu gently stroked Shui Binger's soft waist with both hands, "It's okay, you forgot, I went out with Prince Tiandou."

In front of everyone, especially in front of other people from Tianshui College, Shui Binger, who was already thin-skinned, blushed suddenly, and slapped Su Qingyu's fidgeting palms on her body.

Then, he jumped out with a light step, "I'm going to play first, see you later!"

The other members of Tianshui Academy also followed Shui Binger when she came on stage.

This time, Shui Bing'er did not arrange Ye Lingling. With her added, Tianshui College happened to have five soul sects and two soul masters, so the lineup already had a lot of advantages.

To the surprise of those present, the members of the Thunder Academy did not come up.

Perhaps because of the long-term understanding, there was already a burst of melodious dance music on the main stage of the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

Even Yu Tianxin, who was always cold-faced in front of Thunder Academy players, also showed a slight smile.

Although after having Su Qingyu, Tianshui Academy has undergone a lot of changes, but it is the first time to come to the main arena of the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena, the biggest stage.

Shui Bing'er, Xue Wu, Yu Hairou and the others still performed the familiar dance steps.

The beautiful dance steps that Tianshui Academy has been circulating, even Tang San, who has been plotting the so-called fairy grass, was stunned for a while after seeing Tianshui Academy's dancing posture on stage.

Although he is a man of two lifetimes, his combined age is nearly 50 years old, and his mind is at most at the level of a twenty-something year old.

Although I am a rabbit fan, I will like the beautiful things I encounter.

It's just that in the eyes of a certain rabbit, it's quite bad.

No, I can't make him fall in love with someone else, he is the future God King, I can count on him to resurrect my mother! (As mentioned earlier, God Shura intervened in Xiao Wu's memory, which made her feel like a reborn person.)

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