"I can't lose! I must win!!!"

The eldest prince roared hysterically, his voice shaking the sky.


The eldest prince's eyes were red, he let out a hysterical roar, and endless black flames burst out from his body, like burning stars, his hands quickly formed seals, and in front of his chest, black runes appeared one after another.

The runes shone brightly in front of his palms, exuding a scorching breath.

Bunches of pitch-black flames bloomed from the runes, enveloped his whole body, and poured into his body frantically.

at the same time.

The eldest prince's aura rose rapidly, and he entered the third level of the Divine Sea Realm almost in an instant!

A beam of pitch-black flames soared into the sky, condensed into a giant palm covering the sky, and slapped fiercely on the sword light.

boom! ! !

The sword light collapsed, turned into thousands of streamers, and dissipated into the air.

After the sword light was scattered, the giant palm also disappeared.


ring space.

Yao Wang's face was full of horror.

"This stupid thief is so crazy that he doesn't hesitate to burn the source of the innate fire. Although it can greatly increase his strength, but such a miraculous existence as the innate fire is beyond the control of a mere fountain-level cultivator!"

"It only takes a quarter of an hour to burn the origin of the innate fire, and it will be wiped out!"

Previously, he had never imagined that this stupid thief who seemed to be greedy for life and afraid of death, who was pure luck, like a clown who couldn't get on the stage, would dare to do this step!

Looking at the eldest prince whose aura was rising wildly from a distance, Xiao Minghuang also had a dignified expression on his face.

For the eldest prince to burn the innate fire is tantamount to committing suicide.

However, the ability to erupt with extremely powerful power in a short period of time, using such a means of self-destruction, is enough to prove the resentment and madness in his heart.

This shows that the eldest prince is desperate, otherwise he would not try his best to burn the innate fire.


Even so, he did not rely on the power of Medicine King.

"It seems that I underestimated you..."

Xiao Minghuang whispered softly, his expression became more serious.

at the same time.

The First Prince's body was ignited with pitch-black flames, like a round of pitch-black sun, which made people palpitate and fear.

The black flames churned, forming a black mist that covered half of the world. The First Prince swept towards Xiao Minghuang very quickly, with an indomitable arrogance.

At this moment, the First Prince's strength has skyrocketed, and he has completely reached the second level of the Divine Sea Realm.

Under such a strong threat, even Xiao Minghuang did not dare to underestimate her. The golden crown of luck on her head was condensed, and the seal of mountains, rivers and towns flew out, and the suspended sky illuminated the boundless land.

Seeing this, the eldest prince couldn't help frowning slightly, but immediately his face showed arrogance.

The pitch-black flame burning on his body became more intense, and his aura soared several times, as if a black dragon had come to life and wanted to destroy everything in the world.

"Black Flame... destroy the world!"

The eldest prince roared angrily, his aura surged again, and he truly reached the third level of the Divine Sea!

Seeing this situation, Xiao Minghuang didn't dare to be careless, she could feel that this should be the ultimate enemy she could deal with without using the power of national destiny.


Xiao Minghuang's voice was faint, but like a sea needle, the atmosphere between heaven and earth became silent in an instant.


The small golden seal magnified countless times in an instant, covering the sky, and the world seemed to be plunged into the night, leaving only that radiant golden light, such a dazzling piece, even the stars in the sky, against the bright golden light , became dimmed.

"Old stars...I beg, lend me your strength!"

For an instant.

In the endless and distant starry sky of the universe, two beams of brilliant starlight passed through the ancient void in an instant and fell into the world, closely connecting the beloved son of the stars on the ground with the ancient and vast starry sky.

"Daylight Star Appears!"

Xiao Minghuang chanted softly, and the mountains, rivers, towns and mountains in the sky were sensed, and the brilliance of the stars merged with the power of luck like the tide, transforming into a bright star in the sky.

This star moved in the void, it looked very slow, but it was enough to cover the heavens and the earth, covering the First Prince under the starlight.

Boom! ! ! !

A loud bang.

The earth trembled and spread throughout the boundless and vast territory.

The First Prince was submerged by the stars, and the innate fire burning on his body, under this vast and majestic aura, actually began to gradually go out, and finally turned into specks of starlight and disappeared into the void.

Even if he is arrogant and arrogant like the eldest prince, when facing death, he can't make any more noise.

Wisps of starlight scattered around.

On the ground, a terrifying giant pit with a square of several thousand feet appeared before everyone's eyes. It was bottomless, like an abyss!

Starlight shines down.

At the bottom of the pit, lay a scorched figure, whose chest had collapsed in, and whose body had been burnt dry, like a piece of charcoal, motionless.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help gasping.

The eldest prince...died like this?

Some Divine Sea Realm monks who came to watch the battle showed disbelief on their faces.

"The eldest prince stepped into the realm of the four forbidden areas in a desperate situation, and he died like this?"

Although they all knew that the princess was invincible in Da Xia, but in the battle just now, the princess didn't really display the power of the national fortune, but only used it to assist herself.

In this way, the power exerted is less than one cent.

In other words, the princess basically just relied on her own strength to kill the Tianjiao of the third level of Shenhai who had entered the realm of the four forbidden realms!


Almost everyone present took a breath!

They couldn't help turning their eyes to the sky, looking up at that pale golden figure from a distance, as if they were looking up at a great god.

"It is my greatest honor to be the princess's subordinate in this life!"

"This is the princess, the proud daughter of the heavens, it's too late for me to look up to her!"

Everyone's eyes were full of admiration, and they couldn't help but burst into tears.

Xiao Minghuang, who was in the sky, listened to the voices of everyone's discussion, and remained unmoved.

She seemed to win this battle very easily, but in fact it was extremely exhausting.

Several methods she has mastered, including the prototype of sword intent, earth-level magic weapon, earth-level martial arts, great supernatural powers, etc., have been used over and over again.

If he still can't behead the eldest prince, then he can only rely on the power of the country's fortune.

"My strength is still too weak!"

Xiao Minghuang sighed softly, immediately took a pill, and while recovering his strength, he landed on the ground.

At this time, Lin Wanqiu and Ye Ruoshui also rushed over.

Seeing Xiao Minghuang's landing, he hurried forward.

All the Lords and priests of the Divine Sea Realm in Great Xia also showed concern

"Is Your Highness injured?"

Ye Ruoshui asked with concern, and was about to lie down on her to take a closer look.

Xiao Minghuang quickly grabbed Ye Ruoshui's hand, smiled bitterly and said:

"Ruoshui, don't worry too much, I'm fine."

Immediately, she looked at the crowd and said softly:

"Everyone, the princess is fine, let's go away!"

Hearing this, everyone didn't say much, and each bowed and said goodbye.

After everyone left, Lin Wanqiu and Ye Ruoshui came to Xiao Minghuang's side, each holding Xiao Minghuang's arm, asking.

"Your Highness, how are you? Is there any injury?"

Xiao Minghuang smiled and said:

"I really didn't get hurt. Although the eldest prince has some strength, he is still much worse than me!"

Ye Ruoshui excitedly said:

"I knew that His Highness is the strongest!"

Lin Wanqiu reminded:

"Your Highness, don't be too complacent and get carried away with complacency. You must know that a mountain is still as high as a mountain. Although the First Prince is powerful, there are no people in the world who are stronger than him. It's better to be more cautious."

Xiao Minghuang smiled slightly, leaned over, kissed the corner of Lin Wanqiu's mouth lightly, then leaned into her ear, and whispered:

"Of course I know, the mountain peak in late autumn is much higher than me!"

For an instant.

Lin Wanqiu's cheeks flushed red, and she lowered her head deeply.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ruoshui also came over, put his arms around Xiao Minghuang's shoulders, and said coquettishly:

"Your Highness, I want to kiss you too!"

【+> "The little girl doesn't know how to be shy at all!"

Xiao Minghuang joked, and immediately picked up Ye Ruoshui's little pink face, and kissed her lightly on the corner of her mouth.

Ye Ruoshui's face turned red again.

Lin Wanqiu watched from the side in a daze.

She suddenly discovered that when did Ye Ruoshui, a little girl, become bolder than her.

Or, did His Highness and Ruoshui secretly do something more intimate while she was away?

At this time, Xiao Minghuang noticed Lin Wanqiu's strangeness, and turned to look at her with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"Late autumn, come here."


Lin Wanqiu didn't think much about it, she responded and hurried over.

Xiao Minghuang stretched out his hand, hugged her into his arms, stroked her hair, and said softly:

"Lanqiu, you and Ruoshui are both my wives and my favorite people. You are unique in my heart, just like the stars in the sky, each one is shining brightly, and there is no second one." They are exactly the same!"

Hearing these words, both Ye Ruoshui and Lin Wanqiu stared blankly, and then felt a strong sweetness in their hearts.

They...are born stars...unique.

When they were in a daze, Xiao Minghuang kissed their foreheads respectively, and said softly:

"I still have some things to deal with. You can wait for me here, or you can go back first."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Minghuang turned around and jumped into the huge pit.

"Ah! Your Highness, wait for me!"

Ye Ruoshui woke up suddenly, and found that His Highness had jumped into the pit, and wanted to chase after him.

Lin Wanqiu quickly grabbed her, "Don't chase, you forgot what His Highness said just now, let us wait for her here."

Hearing this, Ye Ruoshui frowned.

"Alas! All right then."

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