
The bottom of the sinkhole.

At the bottom of the pitch-black pothole, a strong burning smell rushed into the nostrils, and all the eyes were black rocks that had been burnt into charcoal. Just a gust of wind brought by walking caused them to collapse one after another.

Xiao Minghuang propped up the body-protecting spiritual energy, and went straight to the First Prince's corpse without stopping.

Not long after, she came to the deepest part of the ground, on a flat open space, where a scorched black body lay quietly.

The First Prince's body had already been baked dry, all turned into charcoal, and only the shape of a person could be vaguely seen.

Facing the eldest prince's body, Xiao Minghuang did not step forward, but stopped a hundred feet away, with an extremely dignified expression, a faint light flickering on and off in the palm of his hand, ready to use all means at any time to deal with possible powerful enemies .

But in the eyes of outsiders, she is indeed very quiet, as if the waves are calm.

"Since your Excellency is here, why don't you show up and see?"

Xiao Minghuang spoke suddenly, and the voice clearly spread throughout the entire space, echoing deep underground.

The voice fell.

There is still no response around.

But in the next moment.

An illusory figure appeared out of nowhere on the First Prince's corpse, and appeared in front of Xiao Minghuang's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Minghuang's expression became more serious.

Ever since she saw the title of Medicine King on the system panel, she began to inquire about it in many ways, and finally learned some news about this person from ancient books and the mouth of her ancestors.

Combining various information, she roughly deduced the origin of the medicine king.

Yao Wang, who was born in the Danding Pavilion of the East Pole Holy Academy, was a three-forbidden arrogance when he was young, especially good at the way of alchemy. At the age of 99, he broke through to the realm of life and death, and won the title of the number one alchemist in the East Pole. The title, is revered as, Medicine King!

Recalling all kinds of information about Yao Wang, Xiao Minghuang took a deep breath.

The medicine king who appeared in front of him was not the king alchemist looking down on the world, but a true spirit with no end in sight.

After a monk breaks through the threshold of life and death, a true spirit will be conceived in his body.

The true spirit is immortal and does not enter reincarnation. It only needs to pay some spiritual objects to reshape the physical body and return to the peak.

But even so, the true spirit of the king has gone through a long period of training, and the power contained in it has long since disappeared, and there is no way to display its powerful strength.

Before, Yao Wang was able to use the eldest prince's body to display supernatural powers, but now that his true spirit has no carrier, he has lost almost all of his supernatural powers, like a fish out of water, at the mercy of others!

"Princess Tianzong is smart and unparalleled. How can I hide it from this trivial trick of this old man?"

Yao Wang said with a wry smile, there seemed to be a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Your Excellency, you are the number one alchemist in the East Pole 3000 years ago, Senior Medicine King?"

Xiao Minghuang didn't show any emotion, and said flatly.

Hearing this, Yao Wang didn't show too much surprise, he seemed to have thought that Xiao Minghuang would guess his identity, nodded calmly, and sighed softly:

"The old man originally thought that Xiao Yan was a man who could be made, but he didn't expect... Alas! The world is impermanent, and good fortune tricks people!"

ps: There is a chapter missing in the middle, if you find that you have missed it, you can go back and read Chapter 139

141. Standing in front of you is the number one among nations, the Prince of Great Xia!

"Princess Tianzong is smart and unparalleled. How can I hide it from this trivial trick of this old man?"

Yao Wang spoke bitterly, and there seemed to be a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Your Excellency, you are the number one alchemist in the East Pole 3000 years ago, Senior Medicine King?"

Xiao Minghuang didn't show any emotion, and said flatly.

Hearing this, Yao Wang didn't show too much surprise, he seemed to have thought that Xiao Minghuang would guess his identity, nodded calmly, and sighed softly:

"The old man originally thought that Xiao Yan was a man who could be made, but he didn't expect... Alas! The world is impermanent, and good fortune tricks people!"

Thinking of his good apprentice being taken away by someone who didn't know his origin, he felt pain in his heart.

If the original Xiao Yan was still there, then he wouldn't be reduced to this level!

Previously, he planned to seize the opportunity to seize Xiao Yan's body after he was defeated.

But he didn't expect that Princess Xiao had already sensed his existence, and rushed over early, completely ignoring his thoughts.

Xiao Minghuang didn't know what Yao Wang was thinking, he just thought that Yao Wang regretted the death of the eldest prince, and said calmly:

"Now that the eldest prince is dead, what is the plan for Senior Yao Wang?"

As if he didn't expect Xiao Minghuang to ask such a question, Yao Wang was taken aback, then slowly shook his head:

"What else can I plan? Xiao Yan is dead. He is my last hope. Right now, all I have left is a broken true spirit. I don't have any supernatural powers. Being able to linger in the world for a few days is the limit. Where? How dare you have delusions..."

"Princess Xiao, you can rest assured that the old man will not threaten you any more. If it takes at least three days or as long as ten days, the old man's incomplete true spirit will completely dissipate..."

Hearing this, Xiao Minghuang showed a smile on his face, and spoke softly, with a gentle tone:

"Senior Yao Wang, you misunderstood. Although Xiao Yan is dead, but the world is so big, how can he be the only one who can help you rebuild your body?"

Hearing this sentence, Yao Wang showed doubts and asked inexplicably:

"how do I say this?"

Xiao Minghuang smiled lightly and said:

"I'm just reminding seniors that the person standing in front of you is the number one of the countries in the southern border, the Prince of Great Xia!"

The elegant, calm and confident voice echoed in the pit and reached Yao Wang's ears.

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Yao Wang was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widened suddenly, his face was excited, and he said in a trembling voice:

"Xiao...Princess Xiao, you mean...you want to help me reshape my body?!"

There was a lot of disbelief in his tone!

The corners of Xiao Minghuang's mouth turned up slightly, a smile appeared on the corners of his eyes, he nodded slightly and said:


Hearing these words, Yao Wang's aura instantly became disordered, a look of ecstasy appeared in his eyes, he suddenly raised his head, the eyes looking at Xiao Minghuang flickered, extremely excited!

Before, he helped Xiao Yan and Xiao Minghuang become enemies, and made trouble for her again and again, but Xiao Minghuang not only did not blame him, but now he proposed to help him reshape his physical body!

How many years has this been his wish?

Now that his long-cherished wish has finally been fulfilled, he is naturally extremely emotional.

"Princess Xiao, there is no way for me to repay your kindness, I can only thank you for your kindness!"

Hearing this, Xiao Minghuang's eyes flashed, and he said immediately:

"No need, I'm not some human bodhisattva who saves all sentient beings. The reason why I save you is also out of my own selfishness."

"Princess's kindness, I will always keep it in my heart. If there is an order in the future, I will definitely obey!"

The true spirit of Yao Wang prostrated himself on the ground, extremely respectful.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Minghuang also felt somewhat emotional.

The king of the realm of life and death, what a powerful monk that is, he must have transcended the world and be incomparably brilliant during his lifetime.

And she is just a little monk in the spring state.

If it was the time when the medicine king was in full bloom, he might not even cast a glimmer of light on her from the corner of his eye.

But at this moment, Yao Wang is just a remnant of true spirit, like a candle in the wind, it will go out when blown.

In order to survive, what if he is the king of life and death?

Still kneeling at her feet.

"Senior Yao Wang, please hurry up, you are a generation of kings, how dare the younger generation be condescending?"

Xiao Minghuang hurried forward to support Yao Wang.

But the current Yaowang is just a spirit body and cannot be touched.

Xiao Minghuang's hand just passed through Yao Wang's body.

Yao Wang stood up in embarrassment, and floated back a certain distance.

"Princess, the old man is already disabled. Thanks to the favor of the princess, I dare not trust her, but in the future, I will obey my order!"


Xiao Minghuang nodded and said:

"Senior, you are being polite. The junior does have some questions, and I would like to ask the senior to answer them."

Hearing this, the Medicine King responded solemnly:

"Princess, please tell me, the old man must know everything."

Although Xiao Minghuang hadn't really helped him reshape his physical body, he could tell that the woman in front of him was completely different from the latter Xiao Yan.

She is a true arrogance of nature, fearless but with a heart of respect for the Tao, smart, sharp, resolute, flexible, and sensible. Such a person, even if he has no talent for cultivation, will definitely be able to create in the world. Make a name for yourself.

But appearing in the body of a person with extraordinary talent, it is destined to embark on an extraordinary road, and the future is immeasurable!

Next, Yao Wang described his general life, except for some details, which basically matched her speculation.

In the end, Yao Wang explained why he had only a trace of his true spirit left.

"...3000 years ago, I took my disciples to a Jedi to search for a precious medicine, but who would have thought that when the medicine was about to be obtained, my disciple would sneak up on me and try to put me to death!"

Speaking of this, Yao Wang's expression was both sad and helpless, he never expected that the apprentice he trained would do such a thing.

"My physical body was destroyed, and all my life savings were wasted. Only the remnant of my true spirit escaped. I went through many trials and tribulations, needless to say the ups and downs."

"The true spirit of the king is extremely tough, even the same king cannot be easily destroyed, but I have sacrificed too much to escape, and the true spirit is extremely fragile, so I can only find spiritual things to live in."

"I'm afraid of being discovered by that villain, so I don't dare to host a powerful spiritual object. I can only host it in the most common storage ring. If I stay there... it will last 3000 years!"

"3000 years...how long!"

Yao Wang was deeply moved, as if recalling the long time ago.

"It seems so far away in the previous life.【-|

Hearing this, Xiao Minghuang also revealed a look of nostalgia.

She is a person who has really experienced two lifetimes, and can fully understand Yao Wang's feelings.

Although I have almost forgotten the things in my previous life, the real feeling is still clear.

"...Then, do seniors want to seek revenge from your apprentice?"

Xiao Minghuang asked slowly.

Such a long time of 3000 years has passed by in a hurry, if Yao Wang's apprentice did not die of old age, he must have grown to an extremely terrifying level.

Yao Wang sighed softly, shook his head and said:

"My scoundrel has extraordinary talent. He broke through the Divine Sea Realm at the age of 20 and stepped into the realm of the five forbidden areas. He is not weaker than the proud son of the Holy Land family at all."

"With her aptitude, as long as she doesn't die halfway, she can definitely become a king, and even saints above this are not impossible to look forward to."

Hearing this, Xiao Minghuang remained silent.

After 3000 years, if the disciples of the King of Medicine have not died of old age, they must have stepped into the realm of kings, or even the realm of saints.

"Princess, don't worry. After such a long time, the old man has already taken it lightly. The matter of revenge is already a spectacle, and the old man will not have any thoughts."

The implication is that he will not cause trouble for Xiao Minghuang.

Regarding this, Xiao Minghuang did not answer.

According to Yao Wang, his disciple broke through the Divine Sea at the age of 20 and stepped into the five prohibitions.

But she is only 15 years old now, and she has stepped into the five bans, and it will be a matter of time before she breaks through the sea of ​​gods.

If the two were in the same era, she would not be weaker than the other.

"Senior, what's the name of your disciple?"

Hearing this, Yao Wang frowned and said:

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