Hinata Hinata immediately raised her head and looked at Rogge in front of her with a panicked expression.

She closed her eyes subconsciously, recalling the scene when she first met Uzumaki Naruto.

At the beginning, I was bullied.

It was precisely because of Uzumaki Naruto that he was able to free himself from it.

It's just that they never communicated again.

She was the only one left watching Naruto silently.

thought here.

Hinata Hinata replied: "I...I don't know..."

Chapter 641 I Love You!

Today's Hinata Hinata is the most ignorant about feelings.

Looking at her in front of her.

Roger said very seriously: "It doesn't matter if you don't know, you just need to know that I like you!"


It was as if a cloud of white air curled up from Hinata Hinata's head.

Hinata Hinata only felt that her cheeks were very hot.

It's a special feeling like never before.

She shyly looked at Rogge in front of her, and said to Rogge, "Rog...Rogge, are you serious?"

"Seriously, of course!"

Roger nodded firmly.

He likes Hinata Hinata, and he likes Hinata Hinata's character even more.

As for the Naruto guy.

He'd better continue to dream of his Spring and Autumn Dream.

thought here.

The corner of Roger's mouth rose.

He took Hinata Hinata's hand, and said to her very seriously: "Hinata, don't think so much, you just need to know this matter yourself."

"Next, let's start today's special training."

"Trust me, I will make you stronger!"

Roger's words echoed in Hinata's ears.

Hinata Hinata felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter.

far away.

Hyuga Hanabi quietly watched everything in front of her.

She covered her mouth and stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of her.

This scene has exceeded her imagination.

So this is the special training that Rogge said? !

Roger glanced at Hinata Hanabi not far away.

He has known about Hinata Hanabi's existence from the beginning.

But he didn't take it too seriously.

Instead, he tried his best to teach Hinata Hinata, allowing Hinata Hinata to break through the constraints of her body.

In this way, you can practice three-color domineering and navy six styles.

have to say.

In the naval world, the six styles of the navy and the three-color domineering.

Really good ability.

He has his own very unique understanding of the use of body and momentum.

It is also the fastest way to improve strength.

I don't think it will take long.

Hinata Hinata will be able to stand out from the Konoha Twelve.


A little whiteness appeared in the distant sky.

After Rogge finished teaching this time, he watched Hinata Hinata and Hanabi Hyuga return to the Hyuga family.

He just lifted the clone this time.

The darkest clone!

This is a skill that Rogge learned from the scroll of the secretary.

A special ninjutsu released based on free evolution.

One's own will can move between the avatar and the main body.

As for his real body at the moment, he was sleeping in Tsunade's arms.

In the blink of an eye.

It's just that what surprised Rogge this time was that Tsunade woke up earlier than himself.

She even misses him furtively.

It just made him feel that Tsunade was getting more and more extreme.


He's still a kid!

In an instant.

Rogge opened his eyes, looked at Tsunade in front of him, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Cough cough."

Tsunade lowered his head very guilty, not daring to look at Rogge in front of him, and then said: "I'm watching the dawn, do I want to wake you up?"

"So you bite me?"

"Wouldn't you wake up faster?"

Roger: ...

Looking at Rogge's expression.

Tsunade became angry and hugged Rogge directly in his arms, "I am your savior, I can treat you whatever I want, do you have any complaints!"


Does he dare to have it?

If there is.

Isn't Tsunade afraid that he will suffocate himself to death?

"Okay, don't make trouble, the decoration team will come to tidy up the room today. If the progress is fast, it can be done this afternoon."

Mute opened the door and walked in from the outside.

Looking at the messy scene in front of her, her heart was already very numb.

She's used to it.

Just surprised by the silence.

Rogge seems to have really grown up!

After breakfast, the decoration team soon came over carrying various materials.

These decoration teams are not ninjas.

Both are breadwinners.

But even so.

Their physical strength is also very good.

No rest at all.

Riveting enough strength to start working.

The entire ancestral land was reinforced, and then divided into different areas for decoration.

Looking at the connection between the two bedrooms.

Forms a huge bedroom.

Roger unconsciously set his gaze on Tsunade.

"Tsunate, tell me, what is your plan for doing this?"

"Of course it's for you."

Tsunade did not hide his inner thoughts at all.

She became more and more possessive.

He didn't even want Rogge to leave his eyes.

If it is said that Tsunade was immersed in grief because of the death of his relatives before, and he was still unable to extricate himself.

So now.

After Tsunade came out because of Rogge, his whole body was concerned about Rogge.

Geometrically increased.

The love for Rogge can be said to be extremely heavy!

Make Roger often unbearable.

Almost suffocated!

It wouldn't be a big deal to Rogge if it wasn't for breathing.

I'm afraid he has died, I don't know how many times.

Night falls.

The decoration team has also done a good job.

After paying the final payment.

Tsunade looked at Rogge and said, "Rogge, let's go in, this time we can enjoy the atmosphere of home!"

Jing Yin looked at them messing around there with an unchanged expression, and said, "Fun and play, make trouble and make trouble, just remember to come and eat later."

Time just keeps passing.

Because Rogge successfully completed the "A" level mission to escort Dazna to the land of Dabo.

So Roger didn't need to complete other tasks at all.

In addition to researching and developing ninjutsu every day.

Just playing family games with Tsunade.

After that, in the middle of the night, I went to teach Hinata Hinata and Hinata Hanabi.

With the gradual deepening of teaching.

The two women became more and more familiar with Rogge.

blink of an eye.

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