The time has come to the eve of the Chunin exam.

until this time.

Tsunade finally got serious.

"Rogge, are you ready?"

"Well, it's ready, it's just a Chunin exam, it's easy."

Tsunade's red lips parted slightly, and he said again: "Is that so~ After you pass the exam successfully, I will give you a very special reward, okay~"

For Tsunade's words, Rogge didn't believe a word.

"Are you sure you are rewarding me? Not rewarding yourself?"

"Of course! After all, don't you like it too!"

Rogge blushed, pretending he didn't hear the words, waved to Tsunade, and walked towards the registration place.

It's just what he didn't expect.

Before he could take a few steps.

I met three people in strange clothes.

"Oh, I didn't expect to meet you so soon..."

Chapter 642 Chunin Exam!

Rogge's words immediately attracted the attention of the three people in front of him.

"You know us?"

Gaara frowned tightly, giving people a very unkind feeling.

The huge panda-like dark circles made Rogge feel very intrusive.

I drop well.

I didn't think so when I watched the anime before.

Now that I see it in reality, wouldn't this horrible dark circle really exhaust people directly?

This is too scary!

Roger didn't answer, he turned around and walked towards the registration place.

Temari looked at Rogge's back, glanced at the corner of his mouth, and said, "What a strange guy."

"Forget it, let's not waste time, let's sign up first."

Kankuro walked towards the registration hall with his puppet on his back.


The registration hall is full of people.

And there are many figures familiar to Rogge.

"Ro... Roger!"

Hinata Hinata timidly called Rogge not far away.

After this time together.

Rogge and Hinata Hinata are obviously closer.

It can even be said that she completely forgot that Naruto guy.

All the thoughts were on Rogge.

After all, personal guidance every day, under the long-term love.

The pure whiteness of Hinata Hinata's heart has been completely stained with Rogge's darkness.

Completely owned by Rogge.

"Hinata, how are you preparing this time? Are you confident?"


Hinata Hinata nodded shyly, and then said to Rogge: "I have the confidence to face everything, because with you guiding me, I can feel that I am becoming stronger rapidly!"

"And recently even my father praised me for improving a lot!"

"I'm finally not a disgrace to the family!"

Speaking of the end.

Hinata Hinata's voice became smaller and smaller.

The whole person got into Roger's arms.

I can tell.

She really became more and more attached to Rogge.

Sakura not far away watched the scene in front of her.

Can't help clenching his teeth.

She didn't think that she was just training in the seventh class during this period of time.

There is actually a girl who gets there first!

Obviously Rogge is his goal!

How can it be repaired!

Hinata Hinata I remember you!

Sakura kept roaring in her heart.

But the appearance gives people a very ladylike feeling.

And at this time.

A very rough and beautiful little Li... Locke Lee, who was dressed in green, with heavy orange sandbags tied on his calf, and bandages wrapped around his forearm, came in front of Sakura.

He looked extremely nervous at the moment, just standing in front of Sakura.

His voice trembled slightly.

"My name is Locke Lee, your name is Sakura."

Sakura nodded in confusion.

It can be followed by the next second.

Locke Lee gave Sakura a thumbs up, showed a youthful smile, and said, "Please date me! I will protect you till death!"

Even after speaking.

Sakura also saw the light reflected on Locke Lee's teeth.

a time.

Sakura only felt a few crows flying over her head...

There was a "whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa" sound.

Xiao Ying froze on the spot, and refused without hesitation: "Absolutely not... because your eyebrows... are too thick!"

"Ah... ah..."

The corner of Locke Lee's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know how to reply for a while.

Everyone in the entire venue was inquiring about each other's details there.

And at this time.

Uchiha Sasuke came to Rogge.


Rogge looked up at Sasuke Uchiha, "What, what's the matter?"

"I heard that you completed an A-level mission?"

"Well, it's just luck."

"I don't think it's luck! You are a very strong opponent and I will take it seriously."

"It doesn't matter."

Rogge didn't pay much attention to Uchiha Sasuke in front of him.

No idea.

I just feel that the Uchiha Sasuke in front of him is too much pretending.


To be precise, this is a common problem of many Uchiha family members!


It can also be regarded as his own common problem.

That's why he saw Sasuke very upset.

Rogge turned his head, brought Hinata Hinata to the corner, and said some intimate words to her.

Over time.

More and more people entered the hall.

The noisy sound annoyed Roger.

if you can.

He really wanted to sweep over with domineering look.

Let these guys fall into a coma.

This will undoubtedly be much quieter.

at last.

Another time passed.

Yibixi was wearing a pitch-black overcoat, with a black headgear on her hair, and a Konoha forehead guard tied on it, and she just came into the hall.

"Okay! Attention everyone, quiet down immediately, otherwise, your qualifications for the exam will be cancelled!"

Yibixi's words attracted countless people's attention.


In the huge hall, it was so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground could be heard clearly.

Facing the scene in front of him, Yibixi nodded in relief.

Just matching the scar on his face, not only did it not give people a close feeling, but it made many people shudder subconsciously.

"This guy is really scary!"

"Is he our invigilator this time?"

"Mom! What can I do!"

"I don't dare to answer the questions just by seeing him!"


Countless people are extremely afraid in their hearts.

Looking at the appearance of Yibixi in front of him, it can be said to be extremely fearful.

In this regard.

Yibixi didn't care.

More like getting used to it.

"You take your seats!"

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