The voice fell.

Everyone dispersed, walked towards the seats arranged in the hall, and sat on the wooden seats one after another.

"The test papers will be issued next, and the written test will start soon. There are only four rules!"

When handing out the test papers, Yibixi said to the people in front of him.

When his eyes were scanning the crowd, he couldn't help but paused when he passed Rogge.

Is this boy Rogge who can complete the A-level mission alone?

If he remembered correctly, this guy was brought back from the battlefield by Tsunade.

To be able to have this strength is definitely not too weak.

Thinking about this exam, it should be very easy for Rogge!

After seeing the test papers in front of everyone, Yibixi continued: "First point, one point will be deducted for every wrong question!"

"Second point, the score is calculated based on the total score of the three-person group. For that student Rogge sitting in the corner, you must calculate it yourself."

Roger was not surprised and nodded.

"Third point, two points will be deducted once cheating is discovered!"

"Fourth point, if someone gets zero points, everyone is out!"

"It doesn't matter if you understand it or not, just write it!"

Chapter 643 Forbearance Forever!

Yibixi's voice fell.

Countless people immediately set their eyes on the paper in front of them.

The paper is very difficult.

In addition to some common sense questions, it is about the various characteristics of ninjas and ninjutsu characteristics.

In addition to understanding ninjutsu, it is also necessary to understand the process of making seals.

Just the process of writing these seals, Rogge found it very difficult.

Not just Roger.

At this moment, many people showed extremely desperate expressions on their faces.

Relying on their abilities alone, it is simply impossible to understand all the knowledge.

and so…

Only cheating!

Only two points will be deducted if cheating is discovered.

This is obviously used to test their ability to cheat.

In other words.

It is to conceal oneself so as to achieve one's own purpose.

This is precisely the most important thing for ninjas.

Roger sat behind Hinata Hinata.

He wasn't panicking at all at the moment.

With Hinata Hinata present, this knowledge is simply not too simple!

I saw Rogge with his eyes closed, copying Hinata Hinata's movements with a domineering look, and reproduced them one by one on the test paper.

of course.

Roger wouldn't commit the stupid thing of writing other people's names on it!


At this time, the entire hall was filled with the sound of writing.

Many people have also noticed this information.

It seems that he started cheating with the ability he is best at.

It can be said that the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and each showed their magical powers.

After obtaining the answer, it is necessary to discern the reliability of the answer.

This has a very good exploratory nature for intelligence collection and judgment.

Looking at the many ninjas in front of him, Yibixi nodded in approval again.

No matter how you look at the quality of this year's ninjas, they are all higher than the previous ones!

Especially that Roger guy.

With eyes closed, he was able to write vigorously there.

What kind of ability did it display?

Yibixi was extremely curious.

It's just that soon he was attracted by a guy scratching his head.

Naruto Uzumaki lay on the table, staring intently at the test paper in front of him.

He really doesn't know the above topic!

What should a ninja do when he's lurking in the bushes and gets shit on his head by a bird?

Or when the transformation technique is detected by others, how to react quickly to defeat the opponent?

These Naruto really don't understand.

It can't be written on it, use the technique of seduction to confuse it, and then use the Millennium Kill, right?

Wait a moment.

Maybe too.

After all, as long as you can fill the gaps above, you should be able to give points, right?

With this thought in mind, Naruto Uzumaki also began to write vigorously there.

When Ibixi stood next to Uzumaki Naruto, looking at his test paper.

The eyebrows can be said to be constantly beating there.

What is written here!

Yibixi, who couldn't take it anymore, saw that everyone was writing about it.

Immediately announced the immediate revision of the rules.

He scanned the crowd in front of him with extremely sharp eyes, then said in a low voice, "You can choose whether you want to answer the tenth question or not."

"But before answering, I need to remind you that if you give up, your test scores this time will be invalidated."

"If you answer wrong, you will lose your eligibility for the Chunin exam forever!"

"Now you choose!"

Yibixi's voice fell.

Suddenly, the faces of everyone who were taking the written test changed.

They hadn't heard of this rule before.

How come they are here, the rules have changed?

They stared at the tenth question and looked at the questions above. Everyone's face was full of hesitation.

It's like the college entrance examination.

If you are not sure whether you can pass the exam, if you are not qualified for the next exam.

It would be hard for anyone to change.

The oppressive atmosphere continued to permeate.

Many people gritted their teeth and stretched out their hands tremblingly.

These are things that people with weak hearts will do.

Roger sat at the back, looked at these guys in front of him, stood up one by one, and walked towards the outside of the classroom.

The whole person just felt very bored and yawned.


Just at this time.

Rogge raised his eyebrows, he only saw Naruto Uzumaki slowly raised his arm at this time.

The arm trembled constantly, as if it couldn't bear the weight.

Roger could clearly perceive that negative emotions were constantly emerging in his heart.

The protagonist's negative emotions are like nourishment, which is constantly devoured by Rogge.

If Roger remembers correctly.

Back then Naruto Uzumaki persisted because of his dream.

He also said that it doesn't matter if he becomes a ninja for a lifetime.

He will surely follow his dream.


He really became a ninja.



I am too soft-hearted.

Naruto, just admit defeat this time, let's take the test next time.

Maybe you can become a Chunin!

Think about this.

The corner of Rogge's mouth rose, and invisible pressure condensed on Naruto Uzumaki's body.

Uzumaki Naruto's face suddenly paled.

He subconsciously stretched his arms.

Yibixi looked at the scene in front of her, her pupils shrank slightly.

He obviously didn't expect Naruto Uzumaki to give up at this time.

You must know that he is Jinzhuriki of Nine Tails!

Not only Ibixi.

When Uchiha Sasuke saw this scene, he was also taken aback for a moment.

what is happening?

Why does this happen? !

It stands to reason that no matter who gives up, Naruto will never give up!

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were full of pity.

Obviously want to fight this guy!

It seems that there is absolutely no chance in the future!

Yibixi finally sighed.

He looked at Naruto who raised his hand, and said to him: " are eliminated!"


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