Yibixi said to the others: "Anyone who has not given up will pass this exam!"

all of a sudden.

Uzumaki Naruto's pupils trembled violently.

His face also paled at this time.

He didn't expect that things would develop to this scene.

He didn't even know why he was so scared that he raised his hand.

It seems that there is something that has been suppressing myself.

"No...it's not like this...it shouldn't be like this!"

Naruto Uzumaki covered his cheeks with his hands, and his suppressed voice echoed in the hall.

Hinata Hinata also raised her head at this time, looking at Naruto Uzumaki in front of her.

She also never thought that Uzumaki Naruto would give up.

The gap between this and Uzumaki Naruto in her impression is really too big!


At first I was too naive.

He was only rescued once, so he put all his heart on him.

But I am different now.

I have transformed myself!

Now she is no longer the weak self she used to be!

And all thanks to Roger's help...

Chapter 644 Orochimaru!

thought here.

Hinata Hinata turned her head to look at Rogge behind her.

Seeing this, Rogge smiled at Hinata Hinata.

The handsome face combined with the gentle smile made Hinata Hinata feel more and more immersed in Rogge's gentle hometown.

Especially thinking of what Rogge told himself.

He likes himself very much.

This feeling of being cared for.

Her cheeks blushed instantly.

That shy look is so cute!

Rogge couldn't help stretching out his hand, stroking Hinata Hinata's hair lovingly.

Yibixi looked at the distraught Naruto, sighed, came to Uzumaki Naruto, and said to Uzumaki Naruto: "Naruto, it doesn't matter, you can take the exam next time!"

Ibixi took Uzumaki Naruto out.

And at this time.

A shadow suddenly appeared outside the window.

This shadow is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, he broke through the window directly from outside the window.


Shards of glass scattered all over the place.

Then Hongdou's figure came into everyone's eyes.

"All of you, get ready and go to the next main examination venue with me!"

After Hongdou finished speaking, she crossed her arms and looked at the people in front of her, waiting for them to follow her and leave the hall.

Roger looked at the red beans.

She was wearing a beige coat with a black silk crocheted dress underneath, looking extremely sexy and enchanting!

Following Rogge's gaze, Hinata Hinata also saw the appearance of Red Bean.

She observed Hongdou's figure, and compared it with herself.

Suddenly I feel that I am really difficult to compete.

I must strive to grow up quickly!

Only in this way can I become more perfect.

thought here.

Hinata Hinata secretly encouraged in her heart.

Everyone stood up from their seats, followed behind Hongdou, and walked in the direction of the death forest.

This is a huge forest with trees dominating the ground.

If it is night, I am afraid that the children will be scared to cry directly.

It's no wonder that this site is called the Forest of Death.

Rogge curled his lips, feeling that the trees inside were at least the size of 20 people hugging each other.

The height is much higher than that of Beria in his normal state.

"This is the second test, and it is also the most important point to test your strength!"

"You must remember to be more careful in everything! Do you understand?!"

"I understand!"

All the students shouted loudly at this moment.

Hongdou was very satisfied with the responses of these guys.

She nodded.

A scroll was then distributed to each group.

The scrolls have "heaven" and "earth" respectively.

Only the group that has collected the two scrolls of heaven and earth and reached the finish line will be considered as passing the exam this time.

"But you must pay attention to one thing, that is, this scroll must never be opened!"

Hongdou distributed the scrolls.

Rogge looked at the scroll in his hand and weighed it a few times, but it was quite heavy.

To ensure that the exam is as fair as possible.

Hongdou didn't let them go in together, but entered the dead forest in batches one at a time.

Stay till the end.

Hongdou looked at the only one left and said, "Rogge, it's your turn."


Rogge replied softly, holding the Scroll of Earth in his hand.

What he needs to win is the sky!

It's the scroll of that day!

The moment Rogge entered the forest of death.

The domineering color of knowledge is on!

The scarlet eyes are open!

A huge perception instantly fell in the death forest.

At this time, many people subconsciously feel that they seem to be shrouded in a weird atmosphere.

They observe their surroundings.

Carefully watch out for even the slightest change.

"May I ask if the scroll in your hand is the sky...or the earth?"

Rogge's figure suddenly appeared in the middle of their team.

The sudden voice made their bodies tremble subconsciously.

Afterwards, he distanced himself from Luo La for the first time.

Even if the people in front of Rogge are in the original book, they are just soy sauce.

Its strength is simply not on the table.

Roger tilted his head and looked at the people in front of him.

Just as his figure flickered, he transformed into three darkest clones, rushing towards the three people in front of him.

Three strikes, five divisions and two divisions easily subdued the team.

"It's done."

Rogge looked at the Sky Scroll in his hand, flicked it casually in the air, and walked in the direction of the end point.

Yet at this time.

Variation protrusions.

A figure sneaked in from outside.

"Huh? Uzumaki Naruto?"

Roger's eyes lit up.

Subconsciously, he wrapped the darkness around his arms.

I was too lazy to look for opportunities before.

But now is the opportunity to deliver it to your door.

It's really not good to plunder it...

"Well... forget it, the current Naruto is too weak, even if you open the box, you can't get anything good."

Roger didn't take Naruto seriously.

Then he closed his scarlet eyes, and just walked towards the distance.

Yet at this time.

He stopped himself abruptly.

He rushed towards that Naruto's direction quickly.


Rogge's figure turned into an afterimage and flickered.

Suddenly came to Naruto's side.


Uchiha Sasuke and Sakura didn't have time to react, how did Rogge appear.

They looked at Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, and they felt very shocked.

"Naruto! Didn't you give up? Why did you appear in the forest of death?"

Sasuke Uchiha had just finished speaking.

Rogge's voice resounded at this moment: "It's a pity, he is not the Sasuke you have been thinking about... but... Orochimaru!"

The voice fell.

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