Roger lashed out with a whip.

I saw Naruto Uzumaki's body suddenly bowed, and the whole person flew towards the distance.


The smoke dissipated.

The figure of Orochimaru came into everyone's eyes.

Orochimaru slid nearly a hundred meters on the ground before barely stopping.

"Cough cough cough~"

The camouflage on Orochimaru has completely dissipated.

Revealed his true appearance.

It looked gloomy and cold like a snake.

Uchiha Sasuke and Sakura were stunned in place.

Rogge landed on the ground, looked coldly at Orochimaru in front of him, and said softly: "Oshewan, I was almost fooled by you."

He didn't observe carefully just now, but just scanned casually.

If it wasn't for the change in breath that Rogge noticed.

He was afraid that he would not notice that Uzumaki Naruto became Orochimaru.

After all, the snake's concealment is the best.


Even if he is not serious, Orochimaru's transformation technique can hardly affect Rogge's perception.

What is false is bound to be false.

Even if it is true, it cannot be true.

"Oh, by the way, I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself. It's the first time we meet, I'm Rogge!"

Chapter 645 Promise yourself!

"Cough cough cough."

Orochimaru coughed continuously in his mouth.

He could clearly feel that his throat was already filled with the taste of blood.

There was so much pain all over my body.

And the reason why he was so embarrassed was thanks to the young man in front of him.

Orochimaru got up from the ground in embarrassment.

Those snake-like eyes just stared at Rogge in front of him coldly.

The murderous aura emanating from his body pressed on Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura, making it difficult for them to move at all.

"So strong! What kind of momentum is this!"

"Did that fellow Rogge not perceive this breath?"

Sasuke Uchiha watched Rogge move freely, and became more and more nervous in his heart.

He didn't know how Rogge did it.

But at this time, he also noticed the terrifying gap between himself and Rogge.

It's ridiculous to think about it.

I actually want to challenge this guy.

In terms of current own strength, I'm afraid it's not completely unqualified, right?

Sasuke Uchiha thought a lot in his mind.

His eyes scanned back and forth between Rogge and Orochimaru.

The heart sank more and more.

On the contrary, Rogge didn't care about Sasuke Uchiha at all.

Instead, he came to Xiao Sakura's side and patted Xiao Sakura's fragrant shoulder lightly.

all of a sudden.

Sakura just felt her body relax.

The terrifying heaviness just now dissipated invisibly.

"Thank you...thank you..."

"You're welcome, if you really want to thank me, then please do so with your body!"

Roger made fun of Sakura.

It's just that he doesn't care about the current Sakura at all.

It was just a casual joke.

But just like this.

But it made Sakura suddenly think about it.

Orochimaru witnessed Rogge in front of him, and didn't take him seriously at all, and his anger began to burn.

"Rogge! I've heard your name!"

Orochimaru's voice resounded, he bowed his waist, staring at Rogge in front of him.

"You are a child adopted by Tsunade, but does she know that you have such terrifying strength?"

"Oshemaru? Are you trying to threaten me with this? Don't worry, she knows much more than you!"

Accompanied by Rogge's voice fell.

He swiftly formed seals with both hands, "Water Escape Great Waterfall Technique!"

The Array of Ten Thousand Snakes!

Orochimaru lay on the ground, and a large number of snakes spewed out from its mouth.

Confront Rogge's Great Waterfall Technique.

The two collide!

Splashes of water and snakes flew all over the sky.

It caused Rogge's figure to flicker, and he directly distanced himself from Orochimaru.

"Oshemaru, it should be said that you are a snake player, this move is really disgusting!"

"Hehe, but it's very useful, isn't it?"

The voice fell.

Orochimaru bit the tip of his tongue, quickly formed seals with both hands, and then pressed directly on the ground.

Countless petty words began to spread in all directions.

Psychic Orochi!


Incomparably thick white smoke appeared.

A huge gray snake came into everyone's eyes.

"Eat him!"

Orochimaru gave an order.

I saw Gray Snake swaying its body and rushing towards Rogge.

And take this opportunity.

Orochimaru cracked a smile at the corner of his mouth, and he succeeded!

Seal spell!

Orochimaru took the opportunity to stretch his neck, and rushed directly towards Sasuke Uchiha.

Fangs protruded from the open mouth.

Without hesitation, he bit Uchiha Sasuke's neck.


The shape of a three-pointed jade appeared on Sasuke Uchiha.

This is the "curse seal technique" mastered by Orochimaru!

Anyone who gets the seal of the curse can gain incomparably powerful power.

And this curse seal is divided into the curse seal of the sky and the curse seal of the earth.

Once the person who has obtained the curse seal uses the curse seal, even if the body's chakra is exhausted, the curse seal will draw chakra indefinitely.

It is a very terrifying ability.

But this spell has a very powerful disadvantage.

That is, the success rate of implanting the curse seal is one tenth, and the loser will die.

Therefore, Orochimaru itself has no curse seal.

What's even more outrageous is that the curse seal can also be used as a medium for the resurrection of Orochimaru.

Even if Orochimaru's body dies, as long as there are curse seals and Orochimaru's living cells, Orochimaru can be resurrected from the curse seal.

"Enjoy the power I give you, Sasuke!"

From the very beginning, Orochimaru's goal was Sasuke Uchiha.

But what Orochimaru didn't expect was that Rogge would be killed halfway.

The most outrageous thing is Rogge's strength, which seems to be very powerful.

The strength of that kick made Orochimaru still feel unbearable pain.

After he completely got Uchiha Sasuke, he will take a good look at Rogge and why he is so powerful.

Maybe it can give him a surprise!


Rogge looked at the big snake in front of him who was many times taller than him.

He stood there with a look on his face.

Sakura behind him was extremely nervous at this moment!

"Rogge, what are you doing?! Hurry up and dodge! If you don't dodge, it will overwhelm you!"

Roger glanced at Sakura behind him.

He stretched out a finger and placed it lightly on his lips.


Seeing Rogge's calm appearance, although Sakura was extremely anxious, she still resisted her fear and stood firmly behind Rogge.

This made Rogge feel better about Sakura.


Rogge directly broke off one of his fingers.

Sakura was so scared that she screamed.

Holding Rogge's back tightly with both hands, he asked anxiously: "Rogge! Can you not think about it!"

Roger: ...

Forget it.

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