When he didn't think so just now.

Sakura deserves to be Sakura, there is really no one else with this brain hole.

Rogge ignored Sakura, but directly clenched the finger that he broke off.

Cursed Body!

The art of cursing and killing!


Chi Chi Chi Chi -!

At this moment, Rogge's fingers suddenly rose into bursts of black smoke.

in the blink of an eye.

That finger completely dissipated into nothingness.

And the huge snake that is rampaging.

It also stopped completely at this time.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Orochimaru, who had just returned to his normal form, noticed the state of the psychic beast, and he quickly looked at Orochi beside him.

The big snake opened its mouth in pain, and before it roared, its whole body completely turned into countless black threads at this moment, completely dissipating from the world.

And Rogge's snapped off finger also completely recovered at this time.

"Well, from the current point of view, this ability is still very good!"

Rogge's voice fell, and he looked at Orochimaru aside.

all of a sudden.

Orochimaru didn't say anything, and ran directly into the distance...

Chapter 646 Death of the psychic beast!

What is this ability?

Why can the big snake die directly?

You must know that psychic beasts are spirit beasts that sign contracts.

Anyone who receives a very serious injury will automatically cancel the call and return to the place where they belong to cultivate.

But Rogge's actions just now directly let the psychic beast bypass such a procedure.

Directly... dead!

And his fingers seemed to be fine, and they were back to their original state!

Blood follows the limit!

That's right!

It must be the limit of blood inheritance!

Only Blood Successor Boundary can reach this level!

What Orochimaru didn't expect was that the boy Tsunade adopted casually had a blood succession limit in his body.

And it seems that it involves curses and quick recovery blood succession limits.

It is a very rare existence.

But I don't have the slightest blood inheritance limit.

It can only be sought from others!

This made Orochimaru feel that God is unfair!

just wait!

Sooner or later, he will have the most powerful ability.

As long as he can successfully pursue the technique of immortality, let alone the blood succession limit, even if Rogge is ten times stronger, it is absolutely impossible for him to be his opponent.

hold this idea.

Orochimaru's speed is a bit faster.

In the blink of an eye, he left from the death forest.

And this moment.

Rogge turned to look at Sakura behind him, patted her on the back lightly, and said to her, "Don't worry, it's all right now!"

Xiao Sakura looked at Rogge who was smiling very relaxedly in front of her, tears suddenly fell uncontrollably from the corners of her eyes.

just now.

Sakura also felt that she might go to hell with Rogge.

The feeling of experiencing life and death made Sakura's feelings for Rogge more intense.

She hugged Roger in front of her tightly, crying very loudly.

The sound immediately attracted the arrival of other classes.

"This is…"

Inuzuka Ya looked at the scene in front of him with a look of shock on his face.

Because the field in front of me is very messy.

There is even a big pit.

Even the tree with 20 people hugging each other has a human-shaped pothole.

It is enough to see that a super-standard battle has taken place here.

In the middle of the battle, it was Rogge and Sakura.

Inuzuka Fang looked at the two partners beside him, "Do you want to grab the scroll at this time?"

Yume Shino shook her head, "The bugs are trembling, we can't beat them."

And Hinata Hinata looked at the scene in front of her.

Sakura was holding Roger and crying.

And Rogge was also holding Sakura at this time.

She slowly clenched her fist tightly.

Walk towards Rogge on foot.

"Let go of him! Sakura!"

Hinata Hinata's voice sounded.

Sakura subconsciously looked up to the side.

He only saw Hyuga Hinata looking at him from the side.

"What's wrong?"

Sakura looked at Hinata Hinata very vigilantly.

Maybe it's because of the girls.

Sakura's intuition told her that Hinata Hinata in front of her also liked Rogge.


She hugged Roger even harder.


Hinata Hinata finally couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart.

He said to Sakura in front of him: "Rogge is the person I like, and Rogge said he likes me! So please let him go!"

Does Rogge also like Hinata Hinata?

Subconsciously emerged in Sakura's mind, the scene of Rogge and Hinata Hinata going to a wedding in the future.

have to say.

Sakura's thought made her feel even more uncomfortable.

She can't take it!

She absolutely cannot accept this scene!

"I don't care! I like Rogge too! Just now Rogge protected me from the enemy!"

Facing the two women, the smell of gunpowder gradually became stronger.

Roger touched his nose.

Why has there never been a Shura field before.

But once he transforms into a juvenile form, will he appear in the Shura field?

Just at this time.

Rogge looked at Uchiha Sasuke not far away.

Because he sensed Uchiha Sasuke's aura, it was becoming more and more intense.

"Be quiet first, it seems that something is wrong with this guy."

Orochimaru is a genius.

Roger admits this.

If possible, he also wanted to research his own curse seal.

Perhaps this opportunity in front of me is very good!

Rogge opened his hands and let go of Sakura in his arms. When passing by Hinata Hinata, he even stroked her cheek.

Then under the watchful eyes of Inuzuka Kiba and Yume Shino.

Rogge came to Uchiha Sasuke.


The curse seal of the sky began to exert its ability.

The continuous tattoo-like thing is gradually covering Uchiha Sasuke's body.

The powerful force made Uchiha Sasuke suddenly open his eyes.

He stared at Roger in front of him and clenched his fists tightly.



Feel the fighting spirit gradually rising from Sasuke Uchiha.

Roger smiled, "Do you want to fight me?"

Sasuke Uchiha nodded.

Although now he doesn't know what's going on with him.

But the power surging up from his body made him want to vent it!

And Rogge in front of him is undoubtedly the best opponent.


Maybe I can take advantage of this state to completely defeat Rogge in front of me.

Thus proving that his strength surpassed Rogge.

The more Sasuke Uchiha thought about it, the more excited he became.

He even began to faintly tremble.

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