If it was Rogge, when the people in the village treated him like this.

I ran away long ago.

Instead of staying here, let alone protecting the village.

After all.

Naruto is brainwashed too deeply after all.

As Hinjuriki who protects the village, his father is Hokage and his mother is the princess of the Uzumaki clan.

No matter which one of his identities is enough for him to eat and drink.

But after his parents died.

Except for a small house, where did the rest of the property and property go?

Naruto can only afford instant noodles.

Rogge absolutely didn't believe that the little old man Hiruzaru Sarutobi was not in the way!

After all, this old man is a scheming guy.

Hiruza Sarutobi didn't know what was going on in Rogge's heart.

After scanning the crowd, his gaze finally landed on Rogge.

do not know why.

He felt that the boy's aura was very deep.

Like a black hole.

After seeing it, it is difficult to get rid of it unconsciously.

Only when he probed carefully.

But found nothing weird.

Is it because I think too much?


The first exam has officially started.

It's Sasuke VS an Otonin.

But because Sasuke was tortured by Rogge before.

So Sasuke won the victory with difficulty when he was almost exhausted.

Kakashi on the side was watching Uchiha Sasuke from beginning to end.

I don't know if it's because of my own relationship.

He is very concerned about the Uchiha family.

At the beginning, I was very partial to Sasuke Uchiha.

So at this time Kakashi didn't hesitate even more.

Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him, he proposed to take Kakashi away.

But in the name of "treatment", it helped Kakashi become stronger.

And this.

Sarutobi Hiruza naturally had no objection.

The subsequent games were Shino VS Zack, Kankuro VS Another Otonin, Sakura VS Ino, Temari VS Tenten, Shikamaru VS The Last Otonin.

Finally the seventh game!

Roger VS Inuzuka Tooth!

Chapter 648 Rogge's shadow!

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood at the highest point.

Take many ninja teachers around to watch this scene together.

He didn't know Rogge's strength.

But I also heard that Rogge completed the A-level mission alone.

Just for this case.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still quite skeptical.

Because Tsunade followed Rogge back then.

So in his opinion, Tsunade is very likely to help Rogge.

With Tsunade's help, even a trash can easily complete the A-level mission!

However, what Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not expect was that.

Before seeing Rogge make a move, Inuzuka gave up directly.

That's right!

Just admit defeat!

Inuzuka raised his hands and said to the referee ninja, "I surrender."

The voice fell.

There was an uproar.

Everyone obviously didn't expect Inuzuka Ya to make such a choice.

You must know that Inuzuka Ya's strength is among Genin, but it is extremely powerful.

And it was such a person who actually conceded defeat directly when facing Rogge.

This is really unbelievable.

The referee ninja looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi behind him.

In this regard.

Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded.

Although I don't know what happened in it.

But one thing that is obvious is that Rogge has the strength to make Inuzuka's teeth timid.

"Next! The eighth match! Hinata Hinata VS Ningji Hinata!"

With the voice falling.

At this moment, all the eyes of the audience fell on Hinata Hinata.

They all understand the conflict between Hinata Hinata and Neji Hyuga.

One of them is the main family and the other is the branch family.

And Ningji Hyuga, who is a branch family, has always looked down on Hinata Hinata, who is a main family but is much weaker than herself.

The main reason why she was able to stand above her was her background.

And Neji Hyuga hated her background the most!

Rogge walked in the direction of Hinata Hinata.

He fondled Hinata Hinata's hair, and said to Hinata Hinata: "Hinata, are you ready? Today is the key to practice your abilities, I believe you will not let me down of!"

Hinata nodded vigorously.

Then he walked firmly towards the center of the competition arena.

She looked at Neji Hyuga in front of her, took a deep breath, and then stared at Neji in front of her with an extremely sharp gaze.

do not know why.

Neiji Hyuga actually felt a little pressure from Hinata Hinata.

This is a feeling that Ningji Hinata has never experienced before.

Could it be that this guy has become stronger? !

Just how long is this? !

Judging from Hinata Hinata's talent, how could she improve so fast.

thought here.

Neiji Hyuga was undoubtedly shocked a lot.

The referee ninja watched the two stand still, and at the same time made a gesture.

The start of the competition was announced immediately.

Sakura came to Rogge's side at this time, and asked Rogge: "Rogge, who do you think can win this competition this time?"

"Do you still need to think about it? Of course it's Hinata Hinata!"

"Do you believe in Hinata Hinata's strength so much?"

At this moment, Tsunade's voice reached Rogge's ears.

Roger followed the voice and looked to his side.

I don't know when, Tsunade and Shizune have come to her side.

But Rogge seemed to have known it for a long time, and said to Tsunade: "Of course, with Hinata Hinata's current strength, even if you meet Chunin, you can still have the power to fight!"

It seems to be to verify Rogge's words.

Only Hinata Hinata and Ningji Hinata were seen, and they opened their eyes at the same time.

Chakra swam in their eyes.

Let Hyuga Hinata have a different kind of beauty.

As for Ningji Hyuga.


Roger just thought it was ugly.

no way.

Who made Rogge such a double-standard person!

As the two opened their eyes, the two moved immediately.


Many people around were exclaiming at this time.

"Is this the strength of Hinata Hinata and Neji Hinata?"

"Just in terms of physical skills like this, it has already surpassed many people!"

"It's really unimaginable. They are only young, but they can actually achieve such strength. Even if they hit the jounin in the future, it will definitely be a piece of cake!"

Everyone was chatting there.

But Tsunade vaguely saw Rogge's shadow from Hinata Hinata's battle.

She directly and domineeringly embraced Rogge in her arms, lowered her voice, and said to Rogge: "Rogge, tell me! Is this your masterpiece?!"

"What do you mean is it my masterpiece?!"

"Of course it's that little guy Hinata Hinata!"

Tsunade's eyes fell on Hinata Hinata, and he felt more and more that Hinata Hinata's way of fighting had a shadow that belonged exclusively to Rogge.

"Tell me, how did you teach her?"

Tsunade said again: "Could it be that you secretly met other women behind my back?"

"Woman? You mean Hinata? Please, do you want to think about what you're talking about here?"

Rogge and Tsunade were complaining to each other there.

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