Sakura at the side subconsciously flashed into the distance.

do not know why.

She felt bursts of pressure from Tsunade.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that Tsunade-sama is a little scary."

"Maybe she is afraid that Rogge will be chased away by you, after all, I can feel it, and I like Rogge very much!"


Sakura seemed to have found a huge melon, she couldn't believe it, and looked at Ino in front of her.

Ino nodded.

She is Yamanaka Ino, who has inherited the unique secret technique of the Yamanaka clan, the art of turning the heart.

You can let your spirit occupy the other person's body and control the other person's heart.

This can greatly increase her experience.

Yamanaka Ino can be said to be very familiar with the expressions of these people.

It can be said that he is a master of micro-expressions!

"Since Tsunade-sama's eyes entered the competition venue, he has never left Rogge's body. Not to mention, the jealousy on his face... Ah! I can't do it! This is definitely a super big melon!"

Ino felt her cheeks were very hot, and she was afraid to continue talking.

And at this time.

The battle between Hinata Hinata and Neji Hinata became more intense.

Soft fist method Bagua 64 palms!

This is the soft boxing method that only the Zong family can use.

But Ningji Hinata abruptly relied on his comprehension to comprehend it by himself.

The movement that seemed to be about to leave an afterimage suddenly enveloped Hinata Hinata like a storm, and faced with this situation.

Everyone felt that Hinata Hinata was overwhelmed.

Hinata Hinata's body actually floated away like paper!

Chapter 649 Special Quota!

Navy Six Styles Paper Painting!

The moment the paper painting appeared, everyone present gasped.

Even Maitekai was staring at the scene in front of him dumbfounded at this moment.

"What kind of body technique is this? How can you make your body as light as paper?!"

"Did Hinata realize this by himself?"

"If Hinata Hinata really figured it out by herself, then Hinata Hinata's talent is probably higher than Ningji Hinata's!"

"This is a completely new physical technique!"

Witnessing the scene in front of him, Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded in agreement.

"It is already very good to be able to do this at such an age!"

However, what Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not expect was that he was slapped in the face in the next second.

I could only see Hyuga Hinata's legs quickly landing on the ground the moment he landed.

The huge reaction force drove Hinata Hinata's body, and suddenly appeared behind Ningji Hinata.

this moment.

Everyone present couldn't sit still.

They leaned forward, as if to get closer to the field.

Only in this way can we see how delicate Hinata Hinata's movements are.

"The Art of Flying Thunder God?"

"No! It's not the Flying Thunder God Art! But it's not the Instant Body Art either!"

"It's pure taijutsu! But how did Hinata Hinata do it!"

At this time, Tsunade set his sights on Rogge, and said without hesitation: "Rogge, is there anything else you haven't told me?"

Tsunade's voice was so low that no one else could hear it except Rogge.

In this regard.

Rogge said to Tsunade: "Want to learn? I'll teach you!"


"Well, of course it's true!"

"Okay! Then wait for me to reward you tonight!"

Roger: ...


Destroy the world quickly!

And just when Rogge was feeling emotional.

The figure of Hinata Hinata suddenly came behind Ningji Hyuga.

Soft fist method Bagua 64 palms!

That day when Xiang Hinata performed the Soft Fist - Eight Diagrams 64 Palms.

The people around were shocked again.

They didn't expect Hinata Hinata to be so low-key in normal times, and it seems that her talent is really not strong.

To be able to reach such a level, in addition to that weird taijutsu, he also mastered the core taijutsu of the Hyuga family!

In the future, whoever said Hyuga Hinata is weak, who will they be anxious about first!

Are you sure it's weak?

Hammer your kind? !

Neiji Hyuga apparently did not expect Hinata Hinata to be able to improve her strength so much in such a short period of time.

Surprised, his body immediately began to bend down.

Baguazhang · Huitian!

Neiji Hyuga releases a large amount of Chakra from all the chakra points in his body to resist Hinata Hinata's attack.

Huitian is currently a form of absolute defense.

However, what they didn't expect was that Hyuga Hinata also retracted her arm at this moment.

Instead it is also released back to heaven.

The surging chakra scattered out at this time.

A chakra storm almost enveloped the entire arena.

The huge Kaitian easily swallowed Ningji Hinata's small Kaitian.

The terrifying Chakra pushed Hinata Neji and flew away.

Then fell heavily to the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Blood echoed in Hinata Neji's mouth.

His face at the moment is very ugly.

I saw Ningji Hyuga endured the pain in his body, got up from the ground, and wanted to fight Hinata Hinata in front of him again.

But what he didn't expect was.

At this time, Hinata Hinata had already come in front of Ningji Hyuga.

She stretched out her hand, trying to pull Hinata Neji up.

This scene.

Deeply stimulated Neiji Hinata!

"Why... why?!"

"what why?"

"Why did you help me up?"

"Because we are a family!"

"Family? Please! Have you made a mistake! You are the main family, and I am the branch family!"

"But so what? Whether it's a branch family or a main family, isn't it all the Hyuga family?"

Hinata Hinata said to Neji Hinata in front of her.

Looking at the expression on Hinata Hinata's face, it didn't seem like a pretentious expression at all.

Ningji Hinata only felt he hesitated.

Could it be that everything I have been pursuing is wrong?

Hyuga Neiji didn't stretch out his hand, but supported his body and got up from the ground by himself.

Facing Hinata Hinata in front of him.

Hyuga Neiji turned his back to her, and walked towards the distance in embarrassment.

Hinata Hinata also sighed slightly at this time.

She knew that sometimes, no matter how anxious she was, there was no way to eliminate the barrier between the main family and the branch family in a short time.

But she still hopes that through her own efforts, the Hyuga family can truly become a family.

Instead of talking about the Hyuga family, it is the main family and the branch family.

This is very unfair to the separation of families.

Hinata Hinata looked at Rogge at the side at this time.

Directly, Rogge stretched out his thumb and nodded to Hinata Hinata in front of him.

With Rogge's approval, Hinata Hinata also felt very happy.

The little face was red, and she was indescribably shy.


The competition is completely over.

Sarutobi Hiruzen announced at this time, "One month later, the finalists will compete in the third round! I believe everyone will show a stronger self! Let us wait and see now!"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen finished speaking, he turned and left from the arena.

The rest of the people began to draw lots to prepare for the competition in a month's time.

the other side.

Naruto Uzumaki squatted in the corner of the street in a daze.

He watched the villagers in front of him walking back and forth.

Shrink the whole person almost into a ball.

He didn't know what to do to get the approval of the people.


He believes that as long as he can continue to be promoted, he will be able to become Hokage one day, and then the people will naturally recognize him.

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