"Spiritualism? Can't you?"

"Please, there is no such thing as spiritism in your collection scrolls. How can I learn it?"

"That's right, I remembered that the scroll seemed to be broken when I was channeling, so I threw it away."

mute:  …

Roger: ...

have to say.

Tsunade's heart is really big.

"I have no problem, let alone psychic, I don't care if you are psychic."

Rogge complained without hesitation, "So you like this tune?"

"I like your tone, okay?"

Roger and Tsunade just bickered with each other and walked outside.

Only Jing Yin was left behind sighing, followed behind the two, and walked towards the distance together.

When they came to the gate of the village.

Tsunade's words paused suddenly.

She directly hugged Roger into her arms, and then said to Jiraiya in front of her, "Jiraiya, are you back?"

"Yeah, don't you know?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in the whereabouts of other men at all."

Tsunade looked at Naruto Uzumaki beside Jiraiya, and she found Naruto Uzumaki looking at her lewdly.

Just like Zirai.

The Chakra on his body immediately started to work quickly.

This scene instantly woke him up.

"That... what are you doing?"

Jiraiya quickly changed the subject, he was afraid that he would be blasted by Tsunade!

You must know that Tsunade Hime's name is feared by everyone.

A punch from that strange force will definitely make people feel desperate!

"Practice, how about you?"

Seeing Jiraiya's eyes, nose, nose and heart, Tsunade's rising breath gradually dissipated.

"We are also practicing, Uzumaki Naruto is dependent on me! Let me teach him well!"

"Then work hard, we'll leave first!"


Tsunade took Rogge to the distance.

There was no thought of leaving with them at all.


Tsunade was afraid that Rogge would talk too much.

If you let Ji Lai also know that it is not Rogge who practiced, but himself.

Then, in a very short period of time, this news will spread rapidly in the village.

That's not what Tsunade wants to see.

thought here.

Tsunade hugged Roger even harder.

Rogge couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Tsunade, aren't you afraid of suffocating me to death?"

"How come, I'm hugging you lovingly!"

Tsunade and Roger started bickering with each other there again.

Hearing the silence, he wanted to cover his ears.

at last.

After advancing for about three days.

They came to a very remote place.

The surrounding environment is very good.

There are birds and flowers, and there are waterfalls.

Rogge directly performed free evolution, and used the wooden escape to build a house on the ground, which will be used as a place to live in the future.

Tsunade also put on the practice clothes without hesitation, and said to Rogge, "Can you teach me now?"

"Well! It's done!"

After a pause, Rogge said again, "Just before that, you need a special permission to learn these powers."

When Roger said here.

I saw a dark aura suddenly surged from his body.

The moment these auras appeared, Tsunade's pupils shrank suddenly, and she looked at Rogge in disbelief.


She only felt that Rogge's aura was extremely powerful!

But how is this possible? !

He is just a small child!

Rogge didn't care about Tsunade's shock at all.

He manipulated the darkness, poured directly into Tsunade's body, and by the way, Shizune was also contaminated.

Only those who have their own breath in their bodies.

To be able to learn the abilities of other worlds.

Otherwise, with the suppression of the original world rules, they would not be able to learn even if they worked hard all their lives.

After getting it done.

Rogge gathered the darkness again, then looked at Tsunade in front of him, and said, "How do you feel now?"

"It's a strange feeling!"

Tsunade suddenly approached Rogge, and said, "It's just that I am more and more curious about you. What else do you have that I don't know?"

Tsunade asked him that a few days ago.

But Rogge quietly changed the subject.

Tsunade asked again today.

And the eyes are extremely serious.

In this regard.

Roger said with a smile: "There are many more, but you need to explore by yourself~"

It's like a gauntlet.

Immediately aroused Tsunade's interest.

"Should I explore by myself? I know! Just wait, I will definitely dig out all your secrets!"

Tsunade stretched out his hands, and looked at Rogge in front of him with great interest.

Then I heard Rogge say: "During the period before the start of the Chunin exam, I will teach you the six styles of the navy and the three-color domineering. This is the most basic combat ability, but it can also greatly improve your strength! "

"Navy six styles? Three-color domineering? Why haven't I heard of it at all?"

"It's fine if you haven't heard of it. If you've heard of it, it's scary!"

After Rogge finished speaking, he began to teach Tsunade and Shizune.

"Yes! That's it! Push harder!"

"Great! Coming out soon!"

"It's now! Let's use it together! Armed with domineering color!"

Driven by Rogge.

All I saw was a thin layer of black mist covering Tsunade's arms.

This is the initial stage of armed color domineering!

Chapter 652 Psychic Daji!

Tsunade is strong.

It is nothing to Rogge to realize the domineering armed color at the beginning of his study.

After all, Tsunade Hime's strange power is not a joke.

Anyone with great strength can comprehend the armed domineering very quickly.

However, the two kinds of arrogance, knowledge color and domineering color, are not as easy as armed color.

So after Tsunade comprehends the domineering color of the armed.

Rogge directly changed it to Navy Type [-].

He intends to let Tsunade learn everything she can understand as quickly as possible within this month.

Time just kept passing.

Another week passed.

Tsunade took a deep breath, and his figure flickered.


Suddenly appeared behind Roger.

Lan feet!

Long legs dance.

A force of energy flew out immediately.

Roger saw this.

Hands knotted.

Ice escape!

Magic Mirror Ice Crystal!

This is the blood inheritance limit that Rogge looted from Bai's body.

The moment a large number of ice crystals appeared.

Rogge's figure disappeared.

Compared to the white ice mirror.

Roger is an ice crystal.

Because each ice crystal is also equivalent to a reflective surface, which can also carry Rogge's actions.

all of a sudden.

Rogge came behind Tsunade at a faster speed.

Paper painting!

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