Tsunade immediately released the paper drawing, and his body seemed to have the texture of paper.

Float away in the distance with the wind.

This is Tsunade's knowledgeable color at work.

Another ten days passed.

It's about as quiet as it gets.

And Tsunade will begin to refine everything he has learned.

No way.

With Roger's personal help.

Tsunade is undoubtedly much faster.

Another ten days passed.

There is only one day left until the Chunin Exam.

In the case of Rogge's super teaching ability.

Tsunade finally pushed the powers other than Overlord Color to a high level.

The combat power has increased by an unknown number of times.

have to say.

The navy six-style and three-color domineering in the world of one piece are simply artifacts for laying the foundation.

While tamping the flesh.

It can also give you more control over your body.

It can be said that it is very powerful!

At least this is the ability that Rogge uses and teaches the most times!

Roger wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

Then he looked at Tsunade in front of him and said, "Tsunade, can you teach me spiritism now?"

"Oh, yes, there is also spiritism~"

Tsunade didn't come back to his senses until this time.

After all, during this period of time, Tsunade has devoted himself to training.

I have no sense of the passage of time.

So Tsunade didn't care much about it.

If Roger hadn't reminded himself.

She was afraid that she would forget about this matter.

Tsunade took out an empty scroll, and said to Rogge in front of him: "Spiritualism is actually a very common ninjutsu, and the level of ninjutsu is C-level."

"But although it is ordinary, it is a space-time ninjutsu!"

"After the caster has reached a contract with the psychic beast, they can be summoned anytime, anywhere."

"The Chakra required for summoning is calculated according to the strength of the psychic beast."

"The stronger the psychic beast, the more chakra it will cost."

Tsunade took out a pen and wrote tiny characters on it.

This is the contract scroll.

At the same time, Tsunade said again: "The seal of necromancy is Hai-xu-you-shen-wei!"

"When you release it, you need to bite your fingertips and use the blood of your fingertips to summon a psychic beast!"

"I'm making a contract with the Slug Immortal of the Wetbone Forest, do you want to make a contract too?"

Rogge took over the brand new scroll from Tsunade.

He shook his head, I already have guys who want a contract.

Rogge put the scroll away, and said again: "Tsunade, you and Shizune go back to the village first, I will find that guy to make a contract first!"

"Are you sure you can make it in time? Tomorrow is the Chunin exam!"

"Don't worry, it's definitely in time, just wait and see!"


Rogge ran directly into the distance.

Tsunade watched Rogge disappear from his vision.

I just felt empty in my heart.

"Jing Yin, how do you think you can make Rogge haunt me more?"

Mute: "Don't ask me, I don't know."

Watching Jing Yin walking quickly towards the village.

Tsunade also followed up immediately, and at the same time a very special idea emerged in her heart.

the other side.

Rogge came to a place where there was no one.

The darkness in his body suddenly emerged.

"Ultimate level to dark Beria!"

Rogge reverted to Belial's form, and then flew forward suddenly.

I saw a dark door slowly opening.

Beria's figure came to the world of spell return.

After incorporating the spell return into his own universe.

He suddenly found another place in the world of Magic Return!

That is the location of the Dragon Kingdom.

A very powerful mantra was born.

This curse spirit looks like light jade, shaped like a white fox!

It is a powerful curse spirit born out of human's fear of mythology.

If Wutiaowu came to Longguo, it would be difficult to resist such a powerful curse spirit, and it would even become her tonic, making it even stronger.

Rogge re-transformed into human form.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the white fox curse spirit.

all of a sudden.

The nine-tailed white fox opened its eyes and set its sights on Rogge.

"Submit to me!"

Roger released his aura.

The white fox curse spirit, who was still very vigilant at first, showed a series of changes in expression such as fear and surrender in an instant.

I saw the white fox's nine tails swaying, and turned into a seductive girl in a blink of an eye.

Half kneeling in front of Rogge.

Rogge put the psychic scroll in front of her.

Get it signed.

The white fox uses magic power, while Rogge is dark.

Originally an ordinary psychic scroll.

Under these two forces, it has become completely different.

Perceived the contract concluded between himself and the white fox.

Roger stroked the white fox in front of him very satisfied.

"From today...you will be called Daji."

Roger did not take Daji away.

After all, under the rules of the world such as spell return.

The more humans fear the myth, the stronger Daji will be.

So there is no comparison to let Daji go to other worlds, which will stagnate her strength.

Spiritualism is the most important medium.

With this necromancy plus the power of the darkest.

It saves a lot of effort.

You don't even need to deliberately capture the breath and release it.

Greatly saved Rogge's experience.

After getting all this done.

Rogge returned to the world of Naruto, and quickly rushed towards Konoha Village.


It is already the second day of Naruto World.

The much-anticipated Chunin Exam!

Countless people walked towards the examination venue.



Tsunade sat in the VIP seat, looked at the members on the stage preparing for the competition, and kept praying in his heart: "Rogge, you should come back soon!"

Chapter 653 Naruto is unfair!

The Chunin Exam is arguably the biggest event in the ninja world right now.

All kinds of people with names and surnames.

They all came to Muye Village at this time.

It can be said that it is hard to get a ticket to watch this exam.

The whole village presents a lively scene.

Even that old fellow Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It is also rare to show a real smile, not the disgusting fakeness before!

As more and more people are seated in the auditorium.

The cheers of many audience burst out.

Naruto also returned to the village at this time.

He looked at the scene in front of him, and the excitement in his heart became more and more surging.

if you can.

He wants to make everyone remember his name Uzumaki Naruto thoroughly through this battle.

"Naruto, are you ready?"

Jiraiya looked at Naruto who was on the side and patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Of course I'm ready!"

Uzumaki Naruto shouted loudly.

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