At the same time, he ran quickly towards the venue of the Chunin exam.

He wanted everyone to see the scene where he made his debut.

The excitement in my heart could no longer be contained.

Hearing the bursts of cheers from the Chunin Exam, a more brilliant radiance bloomed on his face.

It's just what he didn't expect.

When Uzumaki Naruto stepped into the venue of the Zhongnin exam again.

The crowd who were cheering and cheering suddenly fell silent.

They looked at Naruto Uzumaki in shock.

I don't know why he is here now.

And at this time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said to everyone: "Everyone, let us welcome the arrival of Uzumaki Naruto, he is also one of the contestants in this Chunin exam."

After talking about it, the whole venue became lively again.

Only this time everyone was not there laughing and laughing.

Instead, he wondered why Naruto Uzumaki had already been eliminated, but returned to the venue again at this time.

Is this unfair to other players?

Uzumaki Naruto obviously did not expect everyone to react like this.

A look of panic appeared on his face, but he was quickly pressed down by Uzumaki Naruto forcibly.

Because when he stood here, he knew that he must defeat everyone and become the strongest Chunin.

Only this appearance can change everyone's thinking about him.

He took a deep breath, didn't care about other people's opinions, and just stood beside the other players.

"Fuck, why is this guy so shameless?"

"That's right! Why can he be special?"

"Not fair! It's not fair to other people at all!"

"Since this is the case, I want to participate too! If you can plug other people, why can't you let me plug it!"


Hiruzen Sarutobi obviously heard the words of the audience.

It's just that he didn't take it to heart.

He still knows how to choose between ordinary people and Renzhuli.


Can make a person Zhuli respect himself more, then it will be more powerful for him to control the village.

Think about this.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi slowly closed his eyes.

And at this time.

A joking voice came from a distance, "Sarutobi Hiruzen, I didn't expect that the upright Zhongnin exam would be completely disrupted by you. Is Naruto Uzumaki so important to him?"

A gleam flashed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes.

He suddenly looked at the people beside him.

I only saw Fengying wearing a bamboo hat on his head, wearing a white robe with a blue lining, and came to the seat.

Yuan Fei's daily account seemed to have not heard Fengying's ridicule, and warmly welcomed Fengying in front of him: "Oh, what a rare visitor! Fengying!"

Kazekage was silent, and those eyes just fell on Sarutobi Hiruzen.

There is a plaque on the heads of the two.

It says "No. [-] in the world"!

Kazekage takes his seat.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Kazekage at the side, and asked with concern, "Are you tired from the exhaustion?"

"Fortunately, fortunately, the venue is Konoha. Although you are still young, if you come to the meeting, it should be very tiring for Hokage-sama!"

"I think you should decide on an heir as soon as possible!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi laughed out loud, he looked at Kazekage beside him with a smile, and said, "Don't treat me as an old man!"

"I'm going to continue working for another five years!"

Hiru Sarutobi stood up, came to the top railing, turned to look at Kazekage beside him, and said, "So... it's about time to start, right?"

Take a deep breath.

Sarutobi Hiruzen condensed the chakra, and instantly overwhelmed the voices of others.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who came to Konoha to watch the Chunin selection exam. Next, let our candidates come to the official selection competition!"

"Everyone, please watch!"

The voice fell.

The crowd in the audience suddenly made noise.

"Defeat Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Defeat that guy Uzumaki Naruto!"

"I don't want to see Uzumaki Naruto!"


Listen to the words around you.

Uzumaki Naruto gradually lowered his head, he began to hesitate...whether he really did something wrong.

At this time.

The ninja who had been standing in front of them said, "Before the game officially starts, I have a few words to say!"


The ninja took out a piece of paper from his clothes, which recorded the changes in the competition.

"Because of some special reasons, the battle group has slightly changed."

"Please confirm your opponent again!"

Everyone looked ahead.


Uzumaki Naruto's pupils shrank suddenly.

His opponent is... Roger! ! !

Is it that guy? !

Although Uzumaki Naruto was eliminated in the first level.

But he had heard of Rogge's existence!

That's a guy who can complete A-level missions.

A very unique solo traveler from the very beginning!

And he seems to have gone through the "special training" of Tsunade, one of the three ninjas.

It is an existence that may be stronger than itself.

Is he really his opponent?

at this time.

Naruto Uzumaki hesitated even more.

It's just that he glanced at the audience around him, and a strong desire emerged in his heart!

He wants everyone's approval!

That's right!

As long as you are running towards this goal, you will be fine!

As long as you work hard, you will succeed!

thought here.

Uzumaki Naruto's heart became more and more firm.

It's just that he has a question now: "Excuse me, where is Rogge now? Why haven't I seen him since just now?"

It's not just Naruto who is curious.


Tsunade was also very anxious in his heart.

"Rogge, where did you go to play?! If you don't show up again, you will most likely be disqualified from the exam!"

Chapter 654 An uproar!

"Oh? This person can't be so lucky, his opponent didn't come."

"That's how I got promoted, I'm afraid there will be more people, I think there is a shady scene in it!"

Kazekage's voice echoed in Hiruzaru Sarutobi's ears.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression suddenly darkened.

His fists were also clenched tightly at this time.

He looked at Tsunade sitting in the auditorium, as if he was asking Tsunade with his eyes.

Why hasn't that Roger guy come yet?

Tsunade also noticed Hiruzaru Sarutobi's gaze at this time.

She shook her head and said she didn't know either.

At the same time, it releases its arrogance and arrogance, trying to perceive the surrounding state.


Tsunade looked at the sky.

I saw a black spot appeared in the sky, and it fell quickly towards the venue of the Chunin exam.

The black spot is getting bigger and bigger, gradually occupying everyone's field of vision.

A shadow flickered suddenly and landed in the field.

all of a sudden.

Smoke rises.

Rogge's figure suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

He raised his hand, and the breeze blew away the smoke.

Then Rogge looked at Naruto Uzumaki in front of him.

With a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, he said with a smile, "I kept you waiting."

have to say.

Rogue's approach to the show is really cool.

It immediately attracted the hearts of many girls to tremble.

Especially Hyuga Hinata at the moment.

His eyes fell on Rogge in the distance.

Looking forward to it more and more in his heart, Rogge can defeat Naruto Uzumaki in front of him.

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