Of course, no one really said that to her.

But she seemed to be able to hear these voices.

Xiao Yunluo gritted her teeth and thrust out the long sword in her hand with all her strength. The blade of the sword was the head of a dragon, breaking through the miasma in her mind, and rushed towards the ginkgo tree trunk beside her.



The sword shadow flashed across the tree trunk, broke in two, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Xiao Yunluo drew back her sword and held her breath. After slowing down her breath, she wiped the sweat from her forehead. Then, with a flick of her finger, she took out a medicine pill bottle from the storage bag, unscrewed the mouth of the bottle, and poured it into her mouth with her head raised. .

However, no pill slipped from the bottle.

She shook the bottle.

"The Gathering Pill is finished..."

Sighing, he put the empty bottle back into the storage bag, drew out the flying sword and stepped on it, heading towards Zhongfeng's alchemy room.

Gathering pills are basically the second hard currency among monks, and the first is spirit stones.

Before forming a Nascent Soul, any monk can take it to assist in cultivation and Qi condensation.

Every month, every inner disciple of the Xuanxing Sect can go to the alchemy room to receive a certain amount of Gathering Pills, the higher the level of cultivation, the more they will receive.

Xiao Yunluo walked to the counter, glanced at the face of the student on duty, and asked awkwardly: "Well, Senior Sister Shi... Do I still have a share of this month's Gathering Pill?"

The disciple who was taking notes looked up and saw that it was Xiao Yunluo, and his eyes suddenly revealed a look of disbelief.


"Huh? My share of Juling Pill?" Xiao Yunluo thought she didn't hear clearly, so she repeated it, but seeing her staring at him blankly, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Miss, what's the matter with you?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Why did you suddenly mention the share?" The disciple tilted his head in confusion, "How could Danfang remember your share?"

"It was different before... I used to be a young lady, and in a few days, I will be an inner disciple." Xiao Yunluo pursed her lips, and replied awkwardly, "If I get too many, others will gossip about me. "

"Everyone knows that you are the young miss of Xuan Xingzong, who would gossip about you?"

"In short! Just write it down! I remember that the monthly share of disciples in the Qi refining period is ten spirit-gathering pills, right?"

That disciple sighed faintly, then pretended to write down a note on the book in front of him, and read it out on purpose: "Hmm...Xiao Yunluo, take away ten spirit-gathering pills this month, remember them. I'll go Here you go."

"...Well, it's troublesome."

Then, that disciple went to the pill storage room at the back to help Xiao Yunluo get the pills.

Xiao Yunluo leaned on the counter, looked around, and suddenly heard a group of disciples talking about Liuyue Lake not far away, so she listened carefully.

——"Just this afternoon, it seems that the girl who failed Senior Sister Bai's move in the sword test was kidnapped."

—— "That silver-haired girl from Tianlinggen, right?"

——"Yes, it's her. Brother Chen said that Liuyue Lake was bombed into fish soup, and the young master of the Bailian Sect was there at that time, and now he is seriously injured... I feel that Elder Lei will probably be blown up again, and then be killed The suzerain has distributed the frontier..."

Hearing this, Xiao Yunluo was slightly startled, walked over quickly, opened her eyes wide, and asked:

"What?! What are you talking about? Who was kidnapped? Who was seriously injured?"

... ...

On the shelves.

0 o'clock tonight, 10 more.

All readers are welcome.

The author didn't sleep much for three days in order to write the manuscript for storage, and had to squat for a while after uploading the manuscript.

To be honest, when I started writing this book, I thought it would be easy to write, but when I wrote it, I realized that the details are actually very brain-intensive.

The male protagonist currently has only one cheating finger, which is his script, and he is currently in charge of the team command.

In fact, there is another cheat, which has already appeared in the previous free chapters. The hero himself has not realized it yet, so I have not emphasized it. (It's not time and hardness and length...that's not cheating, it's from his fitness.)

By the way, a reminder, everyone should exercise more, the author's prostatitis is almost half a year old.I have been working out for a while, but now I am writing a book and I am guilty again. When I pee, it will turn into a shower head, which is very scary.


Then answer a few of your most frequently asked questions in the brief comment area.

This book is a harem, but I haven’t fully thought about how many to accept. Anyway, I won’t collect all of them. There are still many female characters in the back.


——Phoenix Feather Butterfly's character design problem.

"This is what I think about the problem from the perspective of the author, and the perspective of readers is definitely different."

As the protagonist of the original novel, she needs to transform and grow, so if she is given a perfect character at the beginning, I am afraid that I will write the article until I hit the wooden fish and get stuck, and that will easily turn the article into a "dual protagonist", It is a taboo to commit online novels.

The too ordinary character design conflicts with the junior sister again.

So, after much deliberation, I simply wrote with a little bit of ruthlessness, and gave her a monkey character design, to be precise, it was the "Turtle Immortal" character design in the early stage.

As the protagonist, she will still behave like Wukong when it comes to big issues of right and wrong.

For the sake of her white hair, everyone considers her a civilized monkey watcher.


——Another point, why set up a lesbian protagonist?

"This is what I consider from the two perspectives of the author and the reader."

First of all, this theme definitely needs a "protagonist".

Moreover, the protagonist must have interacted with his junior sister.

If I set up a hero...

The only two possible ways to write:

1. The senior brother kills the male lead and replaces the male lead.

2. The senior brother regards the male protagonist as a persecution target or a younger brother.

Otherwise, there will be a lot of bullhead scenes.

Then, if a normal heroine is set.

Or it will become a reverse harem of female fans, many men revolve around the female lead, while chasing junior sisters...

Otherwise, the word "protagonist" will lose its meaning and become an old theme from a few years ago.

Any of the above is problematic.

So, I ended up choosing to have a lesbian protagonist.


——Who is Xiyue?

See "Chapter 5" for this question.


She is the hero's dream lover.

She is Duan Yu's fairy sister.

It's our paper man.

It's Dad's Liu Yifei.

It's my mother's Li Yuchun.

It's Grandpa's Anita Mui.


——A question for old readers.

As usual in this article, there are still foxes.


Finally, ask for the first order, ask for monthly tickets, and ask for likes.

Thank you readers.

Readers who are interested in pure love may wish to read the author's last book "Did the Immortal and Demon Couple Get a Certificate Today?" "

Reversing through urban daily writing is a breath of fresh air in the pineapple bag.

The overall impression of the author's own rating should be 7/10.

Then, don't read the book "Gandi and the Nine Stunning Sword Immortals He Raised", unless you are a fan of M.That was the first book the author wrote was Black History.


2022 12 Month 2 Day.

Tonight's update will be postponed, and it may be updated at noon or afternoon tomorrow.

Originally, I said I would not ask for leave, but at [-] or [-] o'clock, I got up from the bed and wrote about [-] words, and my head hurt too much.

Everyone, please pay attention to your safety these days.

Being positive is really not ordinary discomfort, much more uncomfortable than usual fever.

The author will go to the hospital for an IV in a while, and everyone should rest earlier.



Take another day off.

The fever came back and forth, and when I got up today, the fever suddenly reached 39.3. In this state, I couldn't open my eyelids, and I couldn't type.

Will resume updating tomorrow night.

I make it back as much as possible.

Readers, please forgive me, don't raise books.



Chapter 190 The Sixth Protagonist, The Wonderful Shura Field

two streets away—

Feng Yudie said before that she was looking for it in the city, but in fact she had no clue, so she could only wander around the city like a headless chicken, trying to meet by chance.

When she walked to a restaurant, she suddenly smelled the aroma of roast chicken inside, so she turned her head and walked over with Yun Jiujiu and two disciples from Jianjiu Peak.

Although the door of the restaurant is still open at this time, there are many guests eating and chatting inside, but because of the martial law in the city, everyone is quite flustered now, for fear of getting angry.

Now seeing Feng Yudie bringing a large group of people in, everyone in the restaurant held their breath for a moment.

Feng Yudie walked to the counter, raised her eyebrows to the shopkeeper inside and said:

"Boss, pack a roast chicken for me."


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