Come to buy roast chicken at this time?

The shopkeeper of the restaurant originally thought he was here to ask questions, but he was rather apprehensive, but when he heard Feng Yudie's words, he immediately froze in place.

And Yun Jiujiu at the side saw that he was still, so he quickly raised his hand and patted the counter:

"Let you go and pack only roast chicken! Did you hear that?!"

The shopkeeper was startled, and with cold sweat on his face, he ordered the waiter in the store: "Okay...Xiao Liu! Go to the back kitchen to pack only roast chicken."

After waiting for Xiaoer to buy the roast chicken, Feng Yudie threw out two spirit stones, then turned around and took Yun Jiujiu and the others out of the restaurant, and continued to wander the street.

The two Jianjiu Peak disciples who were following Feng Yudie and Yun Jiujiu couldn't help themselves at this moment, and whispered to each other:

"Aren't we here to arrest people? Why does this look like shopping?"

"Hey, let's just follow along anyway, we can do whatever Sister Jiujiu tells us to do, why do you care so much?"

"No, do you feel that our sister Jiujiu is very polite to Mr. Feng. She has never been so polite to anyone before. Do you think sister Jiujiu is that one?"

"That? No way, Mr. Feng is not our sister Jiujiu's type."

When the two of them said this, Yun Jiujiu's little ears trembled, she immediately turned her head around, frowned, and cursed:

"What are you chattering about?"

"Ah...we are just wondering, isn't Mr. Feng going to search for people? Why does this make it look like wandering around?"

Yun Jiujiu froze for a moment: It seems so.

So she looked at Feng Yudie and asked, "Brother Yu, what are we doing?"

Feng Yudie took a bite of the chicken leg and asked:

"Then tell me, where can we find it?"

Yun Jiujiu repeated it with his hips on his hips: "Yes!! Then what do you say?"


The two were speechless, bowed their hands in embarrassment, and then stopped talking.

And at this time, a blond disciple of the inner family of Jianzong rushed out of an alley in front of the street.

The man's face was pale and he held his left hand with his right hand, and drops of blood condensed on his cuff and fell to the ground, as if he had just escaped from a near-death situation, he was very embarrassed.

He rushed out of the alley and looked left and right, just in time to catch sight of Feng Yudie and others who were walking over.

After sweeping his gaze over Yun Jiujiu, he ran towards Yun Jiujiu and said:

"Second...Second Miss, help!! Someone is chasing me!!"

Yun Jiujiu squinted his eyes and looked at him, seeing that he was indeed a disciple of the inner family, he immediately frowned, and Dang even looked towards the alley he had rushed out of just now.

Just at this time, a girl with long dark brown hair came out of the alley with a spirit sword in hand.

The steps are light, and the blade is stained with blood.

Feng Yudie recognized that it was her Junior Sister Pei with just one glance, she looked good again after not seeing her for a few days, but she immediately realized that if that person was being chased by her Junior Sister just now, there must be something wrong with this person.


Feng Yudie immediately called out the spirit sword from the storage bag, and clamped the sword to the side of the neck of the man who ran up to ask for help.


However, as soon as she finished speaking, she was interrupted by a loud bang from her side.


As soon as Yun Jiujiu took a step, he directly smashed the five-foot stone bricks at his feet, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Pei Lianxue.

The aura formed circles and waves around her small right fist, but Pei Lianxue's expression did not change much.


Pei Lianxue raised her sword to block it, and when the sword collided with the fist, a large amount of sparks exploded, and she seemed not to have expected this punch to be so powerful, her footsteps must have slipped several feet back before Change the pace to hold on.

"You are a thief, right?! Hmph!"

"..." Pei Lianxue frowned puzzled, and replied, "I don't steal anything."

"Hmph! Give me a beating before I talk!!"

Yun Jiujiu twitched the corners of his mouth, swung his right hand, and a golden light shot out from the jade gourd at her waist, condensing into a huge sword about the same size as her, and slapped Pei Lianxue sideways in the posture of swat a fly .

Feng Yudie, who stayed twenty feet away, saw the situation over there, and then looked at the internal disciple in front of her, gritted her teeth slightly, and shouted to the two Jianjiu Peak disciples beside her:

"You two watch him!"

Then, in a blink of an eye, he rushed directly behind Yun Jiujiu, lifted her up with both hands off the ground, and shouted:

"Jijiu, wait, wait, wait!!"



Because she was hugged by Feng Yudie, the path of the giant sword in her hand was also much higher, so when Pei Lianxue saw it, she knelt down and hid.

Yun Jiujiu looked at the two hands touching his chest, and was wary of Pei Lianxue on the opposite side, and asked:

"Brother Yu!! What are you doing? She is chasing and killing our Sword Sect disciples."

"Ah... no..." Feng Yudie articulated for a while, thinking that Ye Anping said that she and Pei Lianxue had to pretend not to know each other, and said, "I don't think she looks like her."


" see, this girl is as bright as a spring flower and as beautiful as an autumn moon. No matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like a thief."

Yun Jiujiu paused, then took another look at Pei Lianxue, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It just means good-looking."


Hearing this, Yun Jiujiu couldn't help frowning even deeper, wondering in his heart: Does it look good?So soft and weak, he likes this?What's so good about it?

At this time, Yun Xi also ran out of the alley, and after seeing Yun Jiujiu holding her not elegant sword in his hand, he immediately realized what happened.

"Yunjiujiu!! You fool, besides knowing how to fight and drink, what else is on your mind?!"

"Tsk..." Yun Jiujiu clicked his tongue slightly, turned his head to look at Yun Xi, "So, what's going on?"

Yun Xi gave her a big roll of his eyes, and didn't intend to explain, then looked left and right, and saw that the man who escaped just now was beside the two Jianjiu Peak disciples, and hurried over.

"Tell me, what do you know?"

"I..." The man looked at Yun Xi fearfully, bit his lips, and replied, "I... I escaped."

"Escaped from what? Where did you escape from?"

"My father asked me to go to the Wutian Jiange at noon yesterday, and said that he ordered a sword for me, but when I arrived at the Jiange, I found that the owner of the pavilion was not there, so I walked around for a while, and then I saw..."

Yun Xi twisted his eyebrows, feeling a little puzzled, and said, "Your father?"

"My father is Yun Kun, and my name is Yun Shulong."

Yun Xi recalled it for a while, and then remembered that Yun Kun seemed to be a descendant of her elder brother "Yun Kunwu", but his elder brother had been dead for hundreds of years.

After a pause, she asked, "What did you find?"

"27 bodies wrapped in tarpaulins were found in the basement and ... I fled."

"Then why did you just run away without saying a word?"

"I thought you were here to kill me too..."

"Also?" Yun Xi narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Is there anyone else who wants to kill you?"

"Well, my elder brothers have been looking for me, and I hid all night..."

Just as he said this, Pei Lianxue, who was standing beside Yun Xi, suddenly felt a murderous intent, looked sideways, and then grabbed Yun Xi's shoulders, leading her back a few steps.

At the same time, Yun Jiujiu and Feng Yudie also sensed a murderous aura, and quickly jumped out ten feet.


The heads of the two disciples of Jianjiu Peak and Yun Shulong rose into the air after a white shadow flashed by.

A man in a black brocade robe and a half-gold mask, holding a long purple sword, appeared in Yun Shulong's place just now.

... ...

Chapter 190 Seven Brothers, Six vs. One

dong dong——

The heads of the two disciples of Jianjiu Peak fell to the ground suddenly. The man in black raised his hand and received Yun Shulong's head in his hand. road:

"Second Miss, Third Miss, please be polite."

Hearing this, Yun Xi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although the man in black was wearing a half-face golden mask, he could recognize this man as the Pavilion Master of Wutianjian Pavilion just by hearing this voice and seeing his exposed nose and mouth.

The full name is Xue Xinghai, a monk in the late stage of alchemy, who has been running the Wutian Jiange in Fangshi for nearly a hundred years, and he forged the spirit swords used by [-]% of the disciples in the sword sect.

Yun Xi couldn't help gritting her teeth, pressed Pei Lianxue's wrist, motioned her not to act rashly, and asked:

"Governor Xue?! What are you doing?"

"It's a long story." Xue Xinghai smiled, hung Yun Shulong's head on his back, then clenched the spirit sword in his right hand, swept across the four people in front of him, and said, "Just take it as me to repay someone's kindness."


"You don't need to know, life is not long anyway, why bother to make trouble for yourself before death?"


Realizing that Xue Xinghai seemed about to make a move, Yun Xi subconsciously held her breath, what should I do?

Although she asked Zhang Yihe to call for someone before, it still has to wait until someone comes over.

Now with the four of them, can they really last until Zhang Yihe brings people over?

Yun Xi wanted to delay time, so he quickly turned his head and said:

"Governor Xue, before dying..."

——"My grandma's Xue Xinghai!!"

Before he finished speaking, Yun Jiujiu cursed loudly, clenched the giant sword in his hand, took a step, dragged his sword and rushed to Xue Xinghai in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the other two, except Pei Lianxue, immediately took a deep breath.

Both Yun Xi and Feng Yudie knew that Yun Jiujiu was a person who liked to fight, but how dare this person who is a big realm higher than her dare to fight? !


There was a thunder explosion on the street, and the giant sword, which was bigger than Yun Jiujiu, slammed into Xue Xinghai who was standing with his hands behind his back, but was easily cut in midair by the spirit sword in his hand.


Yun Jiujiu felt as if her sword had been slashed on a block of iron, and her ears were buzzing, but she didn't stop, she gritted her teeth and yelled, and threw the giant sword to the ground with all her strength. push down.

This time, the purple spirit sword that was holding her huge sword finally moved down a little bit unbearably.

Xue Xinghai raised his eyebrows slightly, and said:

"Second Miss, your strength is really getting stronger and stronger. My cultivation level is a level higher than yours, yet I still can't catch your sword with one hand."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah—"

And when Yun Jiujiu pressed his sword with all his strength, Xue Xinghai raised his free left hand slightly, and a golden light fell vertically from the sky, shooting towards Yun Jiujiu's forehead.

Yun Jiujiu noticed it, and raised her head to take a look, but the golden light was so fast that she couldn't dodge it at all, but at this time, a spirit sword lay across her forehead.


The golden light collided with the spirit sword, Feng Yudie frowned slightly, and with the ingenuity of her wrist, directly deflected the golden light, and at the same time, Pei Lianxue also took the opportunity to touch Xue Xinghai's back.

The ice-blue sword light flashed, and then divided into ten.

Xue Xinghai reacted very quickly. After seeing the ten sword lights, he showed a little bit of astonishment, but he didn't stop. He immediately pushed Yun Jiujiu back with his knees, and at the same time turned around and swung the purple spirit sword in his hand.

dang dang-

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