Amidst the crisp sound of swords clashing, openings appeared one after another on Xue Xinghai's black brocade robe, but they failed to leave marks on his skin.

Xue Xinghai gritted his teeth tightly, and finally, after receiving the tenth sword light, he caught Pei Lianxue's gap in withdrawing the sword, and fought tooth for tooth.

But before he swung his sword to fight back, Phoenix Feather Butterfly behind him twisted around and stabbed straight at the back of his neck.

Xue Xinghai hurriedly turned his head to hide, but unexpectedly, Feng Yudie's sword path suddenly changed midway, from stabbing to sweeping, which caught him off guard, so he had to raise his left hand, ready to block the sword with his late-stage alchemy body .



A golden light flashed on Feng Yu Di Ling Jian's body, like cutting tofu, he cut his left hand in two along the arm.


Xue Xinghai's eyes were filled with astonishment, and Dang even released his aura, repelling the two of them with spiritual power and spells.

Boom - boom -

The earth-shattering air wave spread out with Xue Xinghai as the center, hitting Pei Lianxue and Feng Yudie directly, even though they both quickly blocked their swords, they still couldn't hold down their bodies and were caught by one from the left and the other from the right. It was blown away, smashed into the walls of the pavilions on both sides of the street, and fell into it.

"Ha ha--"

Xue Xinghai snorted, and the two swords just flashed through his mind.

The girl with long black brown hair used exactly the same sword art as Ye Ying's sword art, and the level she reached even surpassed Yun Xi's.

As for the other silver-haired sissy, she was able to easily break through his spirit shell in the late stage of alchemy with his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and easily cut off his left arm.


Xue Xinghai looked at Yun Jiujiu, who was clutching his stomach and desperately trying to get up, and Yun Xi, who was standing still and holding up his sword, and dared not come up, and suddenly clicked his tongue slightly.

Originally, he planned to take their heads away within two moves, but he didn't expect that there were those two stubbles beside them.

no!Kill one and go straight away, and if you drag on, other Jianzong disciples will come, but it will be difficult to leave.

After thinking about it, Xue Xinghai immediately clenched the spirit sword in his right hand, his eyes widened, and he rushed towards Yun Jiujiu.

... ...

The young man who was hiding on the third floor of a building next to the street, after seeing the situation below, raised his right index finger in front of his lips, and commanded: "One!"

... ...

In an instant, countless ice-blue crystal cones shot at Xue Xinghai from all the alleys around the street.

ambush? … Xue Xinghai widened his eyes, stopped immediately, and used his spiritual power to spread a spherical cover around his body.


The ice pick hit the spirit mask and was vaporized into white mist, directly enveloping him in it.

At the same time, the young man on the third floor of the pavilion raised another finger, and said with the talisman on his left hand: "Two!"

The next moment, more than 20 disciples of Yishui Peak rushed out from the alleys around the street, stood around the white mist, and threw the golden iron chains in their hands towards the white mist.

Seeing that the chains were entangled with Xue Xinghai, Ye Anping breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Yun Yiyi who was by his side, and said:

"Miss Yun, let's go down."


Yun Yiyi nodded in response, and then jumped out of the attic window with Ye Anping, and landed lightly on the street.

He walked towards the direction of the white mist, and stopped when he was twenty feet away.

After the white mist dissipated, Xue Xinghai was already bound by chains, but he didn't intend to resist. He just stood there with a dignified expression.

Yun Yiyi was a little worried that these fairy locks would not be able to bind him, but she glanced at Ye Anping, seeing that Ye Anping was calm, she also raised her head and said:

"Governor Xue, can you explain?"

"Miss Yun, how can I explain it? Killing two inner disciples of the Sword Sect and 27 inner disciples is also a capital offense. Whether I say it or not, it is death. It would be better to die for what you want."

... ...

Chapter 190 Eighth

Blood dripped down the section of Xue Xinghai's left arm, but the expression on his face was complacent, as if he looked down on his own life and death, and his eyes flicked back and forth between Yun Yiyi and Ye Anping.

Yun Yiyi was very familiar to him, but Ye Anping beside her was different.

After Xue Xinghai stared at Ye Anping for a while, he vaguely saw a calmness on his face that did not match his appearance age, and then looked down, when he saw a tassel jade pendant hanging on Ye Anping's belt , could not help showing a little panic.

? !

He has been forging swords and refining weapons for hundreds of years, and he has seen almost all the magic weapons in the world, but this is the first time he has seen the "Phantom Pendant" with such aura.

This phantom pendant might turn a cultivator in the late stage of transformation into a cultivator of Qi refining, and it is almost impossible to be seen through.

If it wasn't for the boy to hang the pendant directly on his belt, I'm afraid he would never be able to see that he was hiding his cultivation, and even his appearance might not be true.

But at the same time, Xue Xinghai was also puzzled. If the young man wanted to hide his cultivation, then logically speaking, he should put this jade pendant in his inner pocket or hide it with magic, instead of hanging it in such an obvious place.

——He doesn't know the purpose of this jade pendant...

Just when Xue Xinghai raised this question in his mind, Ye Anping raised his hand expressionlessly, waved his left hand in front of his belt, and he put the jade pendant into his sleeve.

? !

Did he let me see it on purpose? … Xue Xinghai couldn't help opening his eyes slightly, frowning deeply, feeling aggrieved, as if the young man had seen through himself.

Now the Immortal Binding Lock locks his limbs, but as far as he is concerned, these things can't bind him at all. Originally, he wanted to spend some time with Yun Yiyi, gather the condensed energy and break through the dozens of foundation-building stages. The bondage of Jianzong disciples, but...

This boy deliberately let him know that he was hiding his cultivation, and he was undoubtedly warning him, as if to say: You better not do anything stupid, otherwise this seat can easily end you.

Xue Xinghai couldn't help hesitating a little, he couldn't see clearly the true cultivation of this young man.

If Ye Anping is really a wolf with a big tail, then once he breaks free from the shackles, this young man probably won't give him any way out.

At this time, several flying swords suddenly flew from the direction of Zhongfeng. The leader was a round-faced fat monk in a golden gown, and behind him were two disciples of the Sword Sect's alchemy stage.

After the three of them landed their swords, Yun Yiyi immediately stepped forward and saluted with cupped hands:

"Elder Zhuang."

——The fat monk's name is Zhuang Yan, and he is a middle-stage Nascent Soul Elder of Jianzong.

Zhuang Yan glanced at Xue Xinghai who was locked by the Xianxian lock, then looked around left and right, his eyes swept across Yun Jiujiu, Yun Xi and Ye Anping, and finally asked:

"So Miss, is there a conclusion on the lives of the 27 internal disciples of Jiange?"

"En." Yun Yiyi nodded and said, "Just now Pavilion Master Xue has admitted that he killed the 27 internal disciples, and everyone present heard it, from now on, we only need to detain him and put him in the Jianzong Heaven Prison for interrogation. "

"That's good..." Zhuang Yan hesitated for a while, and asked, "The one who caught the thief was your disciple of Yishui Peak, so I will record the merits of this case with you, Miss. Second Miss and Third Miss Any objections?"

"Of course there is!!"

Hearing these words, Yun Jiujiu stood up while propping up his huge sword. Although he was a little unsteady, he still walked over forcefully and said:

"This person was found by my mother and Yun Xi first, and she picked up a mistake in the end. Why should I write her name?! I don't accept it!!"

Yun Yiyi glanced at her and said, "Second Sister, if my husband and I hadn't made the final move, you would have died under Pavilion Master Xue."

"In hindsight, how did you know that I would die in his hands?"

"Don't quarrel, both of you!!" Yun Xi also came over at this time, interrupted, and then turned to Zhuang Yan, saying, "Elder Zhuang, this matter is not closed yet. Pavilion Master Xue has established the Wutian Sword Pavilion in Fangshi for hundreds of years. He The motive for killing the disciples of the inner family is not clear, if you want to close the case, you have to..."

Zhuang Yan immediately interrupted and asked:

"But didn't he admit it? Afterwards, the old man will find out with the soul search method, why is it unclear?"


Yun Xi always felt that something was wrong, but couldn't tell the reason for a while.

She and Pei Lianxue had just chased after the Qi-refining disciple named Yun Shulong and said that he was called to Wutian Jiange by his father Yun Kun, and then he escaped, only to be captured by his elder brothers hunt down

In other words, the father sent his son to die, and the son escaped, only to be hunted down by his elder brother...

No matter how you think about it, there is a problem.

Why did Yun Kun let Yun Shulong go to Wutian Jiange?Why was Yun Shulong arrested by his brother, and why did Xue Xinghai kill him when Xue Xinghai was about to say something...?

Yun Xi had a hunch in his heart that the water was muddy and deep.

"Elder Zhuang, I don't think this matter is..."

Zhuang Yan shook his head and waved his hands, interrupting:

"It's understandable for the three of you to compete for achievements, but it's definitely not the right way to forcefully find reasons to slander others. This matter is over, and I can take Xue Xinghai to the prison to find out why."

As he said that, he cast a glance at the two disciples of the Sword Sect who were in the alchemy stage behind him, and those two also took out their spirit swords and walked to Xue Xinghai's side, imprisoned him with a weapon, and led him to stand up with the sword , Flying in the direction of Zhongfeng.

After the two left, Zhuang Yan took another look at Ye Anping and asked:

"This is the young master of the Bailian Sect? He is personable, with good aptitude and good fortune. He is already in the early stage of foundation establishment."

Ye Anping bowed his hands and replied, "This junior has met Elder Zhuang."

"Well... After joining the Yun family, you will be a child of the Yun family from now on. In a few days, the old man will send you an identity card, allowing you to freely enter and leave the sword sect."

"Thank you, Elder Zhuang."


Upon hearing this, Yun Xi hurriedly stepped forward and interrupted again:

"Elder Zhuang, it is inappropriate for Young Master Ye to get married!!"

"Huh?" Yun Yiyi frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yun Xi glanced at Ye Anping, and was a little confused about whether to tell the story of the "illegitimate child" in front of the elders, but before he could say anything, Zhuang Yan interrupted him again:

"Miss San, you don't need to make decisions about the marriage between Young Master Ye and Missy. The elders have agreed to this matter. You should think about how to make up for the eleven disciples of Jianzong who died in Chilong Mansion. .”

After speaking, Zhuang Yan took another look at Ye Anping, stepped on the flying sword, and Yujian left.

After Zhuang Yan flew away, Yun Xi turned his eyebrows to look at Ye Anping, walked up quickly, and said:

"Young Master Ye!! Do you still remember me?!"

Ye Anping pretended to remember for a while, and replied: "I seem to have a little impression, but it should be the first time I see you, Miss Yun San."

"Chilong Mansion!! Don't you remember? You saved me."

"I was indeed present when the Demon Cultivator in the Chilong Mansion was involved, but I saved too many people. Please forgive me, Miss San. I really don't remember."

"Then..." Yun Xi bit her lip, but finally couldn't hold it anymore, pointed at Yun Yiyi and said, "Anyway, you can't marry her!!"

Yun Yiyi frowned deeply upon hearing this, and immediately walked up, frowning and glaring at her:

"Third Sister, what do you mean? It's your turn to dictate the matter between me and Young Master Ye?"

"No...he! He is our real brother!! How could he marry you?!"


Yun Yiyi froze for a moment, but then frowned even deeper:

"Third sister, this is not a child's play, you have evidence."

"He practiced the sword questioning technique!! Isn't this evidence?"

Hearing this, Yun Yiyi's eyes couldn't help but widen, but she soon recovered. She didn't believe Yun Xi's words. The sword questioning formula was a secret sword formula, and it was only passed on to men and not to women.

However, all the male heirs of the Yun family died, and their father did not pass it on to anyone.

In other words, there is no reason for Yun Xi to have seen someone perform Wenjianjue, and since he has never seen Wenjianjue with his own eyes, it is impossible to recognize a person's Jianjue as Wenjianjue.

"Have you ever seen the sword questioning formula?"

"Ah..." Yun Xi was stopped by the question, paused, and said, "But my father passed me the Ye Ying Sword Art, and it is interrelated with the Sword Asking Art, I can see it!!"

"Since you haven't seen it, how can you see it?"

Hearing this, Ye Anping couldn't help interrupting: "Miss Yun San, the sword formula I practiced is the Bailian sect's sword formula, and I have never heard of the sword formula of asking."

"Ke Ke Ke What do you say, sister Pei?"

Yun Yiyi frowned slightly: "Sister Pei? Who?"

"It's his junior sister! Pei Lianxue, she knows the leaf shadow sword art, I saw it with my own eyes, and she has already practiced to the fifth level."

Ye Anping feigned surprise and asked, "What's wrong with my junior sister? How do you know my junior sister?"

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