"I met you on the road before. She heard that you were going to marry Miss Jianzong, so she came after you."

Yun Xi was silent for a while, thinking that no matter what, the engagement between Yun Yiyi and Ye Anping must be broken first, and other issues will be resolved later, so she said:

"Young master Ye, your junior sister has liked you for a long time, but she never said it out. Didn't you and her grow up together? There's no need for you to marry Yun Yiyi."

Ye Anping turned his eyebrows in surprise, and asked, "What did you say?"

At this moment, Yun Yiyi couldn't hold back any longer, and immediately stepped forward, grabbed Yun Xi's collar, and asked:

"Yun Xi, are you jealous or what?"

"I just want Young Master Ye to think about it clearly. There is such a good girl beside me, but she wants to marry you as a bastard. Young Master Ye will definitely regret it in the future!"

Yun Xi raised his head to meet Yun Yiyi's gaze, then reached out and poked the two small watermelons on Yun Yiyi's chest, overwhelming Yun Yiyi, and said:

"Furthermore, Young Master Ye and Sister Pei grew up together, what the hell are you better than Sister Pei except Naizi who is older than Sister Pei?"


"If you can survive a move under sister Pei's sword, I will count it as your victory. How about it? Do you want to try?"


Just as he was speaking, there was a loud noise from the house on the side of the street, and several stone bricks flew out of the hole in the wall.

Pei Lianxue walked out from the wall with her eyebrows frowned. Although she was not injured, the long water-blue dress she was wearing was covered with dust and her hair was a bit messy.

She held her spirit sword and looked around, and after seeing Ye Anping, she ran over quickly and opened her arms to hug him:


Seeing her running over, Ye Anping made a handprint of a rabbit with his right hand, frowned and reprimanded:

"Junior Sister Pei, why don't you stay in Bailianzong and chase after me?"

Seeing Ye Anping's hand gesture, Pei Lianxue froze, staring at the rhythm of Ye Anping's right middle finger and thumb, and said slowly:

"I... don't want... senior brother... to marry... I... want... to marry... senior brother?"

Ye Anping shook his head slightly, continued pinching his fingers, and said:

"Junior Sister, this matter is related to the two sects. Although you and I grew up together, we are not in the relationship of a Taoist couple. You should go back quickly, this is not the place you should come. Miss Yun and I marriage will not be annulled."

Pei Lianxue looked at Ye Anping's hand gestures, read Ye Anping's hand but said: "I'm lying to you, I won't marry Yun Yiyi, don't worry."

This is also a little relieved, but still very uncomfortable.

She immediately frowned and looked at Yun Yiyi at the side, and clenched the spirit sword in her hand.

After that, Ye Anping also turned his head away, and said to Yun Yiyi beside him:

"Miss Yun, since we have understood the matter, we will follow Yishuifeng."

Yun Yiyi came back to her senses after hearing Ye Anping calling her, looked at Pei Lianxue at the side, inexplicably having mixed feelings in her heart, but after Ye Anping held her hand, that restless mood was relieved up.

She tilted her head and smiled at Ye Anping, and couldn't help showing a little bit of complacency towards Pei Lianxue, saying:

"Husband, let's go back then."


Ye Anping finally signaled Pei Lianxue with hand gestures: See you tomorrow night.


Pei Lianxue looked at senior brother and Yun Yiyi's little hands together, even though she knew that senior brother was acting, she was still blocked in her heart, and she must kiss senior brother's mouth to swell tomorrow night! !snort! !

After watching Ye Anping and Yun Yiyi fly away with the surrounding Yishui Peak disciple Yu Jian, Yun Xi came up to him with an embarrassed face, and comforted him:

"Sister Pei, are you okay?"

"Well...it's fine."

"Are you all right? Are you really going to listen to your senior brother and go back to Bailianzong?"

"No return."

"That's good! Don't worry... I'm on your side."

Yun Xi pursed her lips. Although Ye Anping and Sister Pei are also brothers and sisters, to solve each problem one by one, the marriage between Ye Anping and Yun Yiyi must be ruined first.

But then again, why did Ye Anping lie just now?

She clearly saw Ye Anping use the sword questioning formula when he was in Chilong Mansion. Could it be that Ye Anping knew that he was Yun Tianchong's son a long time ago, but did he want to marry Yun Yiyi on purpose?

What is he thinking? !

Yun Xi feels that there are more and more questions in his mind now, and there are many doubts about Jiange's murder...

She pinched the bridge of her nose, let out a heavy breath, and said to herself, "Forget it, let's do one thing at a time. In short, I have to go to Yun Kun to ask Yun Shulong what's going on."

And at this time, Yun Jiujiu's shout suddenly came from the house on the other side of the street.

"Hey!! Yun Xi!! Come and help!! My Brother Yu is stuck in the wall!!"

"Brother Yu..."

Hearing this, Yun Xi was slightly taken aback, and suddenly remembered that Yun Jiujiu hadn't spoken just now, turned her head and saw her waving to herself in front of the stone wall that Feng Yudie smashed open.

It seemed that when they were talking just now, Yun Jiujiu went to poach someone.

I have to say that the agility and sword art that "Brother Yu" showed against Xue Xinghai just now are extremely exquisite, and the most important thing is that silver hair.

The situation was so sudden just now that she hadn't realized it yet, but now she suddenly remembered that half a year ago, when she and Zhang Yihe were wandering on the streets of Chilong Mansion, they saw a girl who was thrown out of a gambling hall.

That girl was also silver-haired, and she was very skilled.

But just now that person was dressed as a scholar...

With doubts, Yun Xi also walked over, looked into the wall of the residential house that Feng Yudie knocked open, and saw a person whose upper body was vertically stuck in the brick.

After a moment of hesitation, she took out the talisman from the storage bag, threw it on the wall, and waved her sword finger.



A hexagonal hole was dug out of the brick wall and fell from the wall.

Feng Yudie's feet landed on the ground, and Yun Jiujiu at the side hurried up to help her remove the stones from her body, and asked:

"Brother Yu?! Are you not injured?!"

"No... just, my head is a little buzzing..." Feng Yudie flattened her mouth and saw that Pei Lianxue was also covered with a lot of dust, so she quickly wiped her hair and said, "Miss Pei, are you okay?" Son? We were together just now..."


"Oh... that's good." Feng Yudie looked at Yun Xi at the side, and replied, "I'm Feng Yu, if you dare to ask Miss Pei's name."

Pei Lianxue tilted her head and responded after a while, "Pei Lianxue."

At this moment, Yun Jiujiu, who was watching from the side, stepped forward and rushed to Pei Lianxue, separating her from Feng Yudie, and then said to Yun Xi who was beside him:


Yun Xi was sprayed with saliva all over her face, she looked confused and flattened her mouth:

"You're welcome?"

Afterwards, she grabbed Feng Yudie's wrist, and dragged her to run out:

"Let's go!! Brother Yu, I'll ask the doctor to look at it for you."


Watching the two run away, Yun Xi was stunned for a long time before she came to her senses, what's going on?

Was her second sister jealous just now?Because that Brother Yu and Sister Pei got too close?

What's the mess?

Also, why does that Brother Yu look a bit like a woman disguised as a man?


Yun Xi rubbed his temples, feeling a little confused about the current situation. Although the Yun family has always been chaotic, this matter has become a mess.

"Sister Pei, go back to Xiri Peak first, I'll let the doctor in the gate show you, it won't be good if you have internal injuries."


Just as the two walked out of the residence, Zhang Yihe suddenly ran over with five or six disciples from Xiri Peak.

"Miss San!! I brought someone here!"


Seeing Yun Xi's eyes as if looking at a fool, Zhang Yihe shrank his head, and quickly knocked the wooden fish in his hand again.

Da da--

... ...

Chapter 190 IX Yiyi, the body of a thousand gold

After coming out of Fangshi, Ye Anping returned to Yishui Peak with Yun Yiyi and Yu Jian.

Ye Anping looked at the thousand-foot-high stone sword sculpture standing on the middle peak of Jianzong, thoughtfully.

The appearance of Xue Xinghai just now, as well as the Qi refining period disciple named Yun Shulong who was beheaded by him were all in his plan, and he also expected that Yun Xi would run into Xue Xinghai in advance.

However, Zhuang Yan's appearance was not in his plan.

In the plot line of the game, the battle in Fangshi is a plot kill.

Xue Xinghai will run away after severely injuring the player, and then stop in front of the player as a small boss in the Qianjiantan at the end of the Jianzong incident.

Ye Anping originally planned to get rid of him in Fangshi, but he didn't expect that just as he was waiting for Pei Lianxue and Feng Yudie to come out, Zhuang Yan suddenly rushed over to save him.

Moreover, Zhuang Yan not only rescued Xue Xinghai, but even insisted that the murder case was closed.

As for Yun Xi, she kept interrupting just now and didn't want to close the case. Presumably, she sensed something was wrong, and she should continue to investigate.

However, Yun Jiujiu and Yun Yiyi had some problems.

Yun Jiujiu probably didn't understand what happened until now, so he could only ask Feng Yudie to help push it. As for Yun Yiyi...

Ye Anping glanced sideways at Yun Yiyi, who was on the right side of Yu Jian, and saw that she was secretly looking at him, and then naturally looked away after being discovered.

It's also a problem that the favorability is too high.

Yun Yiyi should be a person who maintains reason all the time and can analyze the situation calmly.

There are indeed too many doubts about the current situation. Logically speaking, even if Zhuang Yan forces the case to be closed, she will secretly continue to let people investigate.

However, now from Yun Yiyi's eyes, she can no longer see wisdom, only two hearts can be seen.

Obviously, Yun Yiyi's attention is on him now, and she doesn't care about the cause and effect of Jiange's murder at all.

He had to find a way to get Yun Yiyi's mind back on this case, and Xue Xinghai also needed to deal with it.

At this time, from the corner of the eye, Ye Anping had been staring at her. Yun Yiyi was a little flustered, but she didn't express her emotions on her face, and asked:

"Young Master Ye, you must not be persecuted, are you?"

"What persecution?"

"Your junior sister..." Yun Yiyi pursed her lips, tilted her head and asked, "Yun Xi said that you grew up together and were childhood sweethearts, and now you are engaged to me, she will definitely not be happy..."

Ye Anping interrupted: "I got married with you because of the consideration of the two sects. As the young master of the Bailian Sect, the matter of love between children and daughters must be passed down from the sect."

"But if you fall in love with your junior sister, won't I become a bad guy who beats mandarin ducks? Don't you get tired of me?"

"Naturally not, Miss Yun, please rest assured."

Hearing the sound, Yun Yiyi pursed her lips and smiled, closed her right eye and looked at him, saying:

"Although I have only met you, Young Master Ye, I claim to have fallen in love with you at first sight. If you have any requirements for your fiancée, just say it, such as... some special hobbies?"


Is Yun Yiyi such a person?Isn't she quite calm and introverted in the game?

Ye Anping froze for a moment, then politely replied:

"Miss Yun was joking, I don't have any special hobbies."

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