
The door panel exploded, and the two researchers were hit head-on by the knocked-off door panel before they could make any noise, and within a second, their backs hit the wall behind them.

The whole body exploded in an instant, turning into a pool of rotten flesh.

Warm, wet blood mixed with shards of shattered internal organs spilled over every communication in the room.

The other people in the room were frightened at this moment. They let out meaningless roars filled with fear, their eyes widened to the limit, and looked at the direction from which the door was flying, where the demon was.

Everyone present pulled the triggers in their hands at the same time, and fired at that place in unison, trying to blast that thing into pieces.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!"

"Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng -"

Influence.It endured the gunshots and did not move forward, but slowly waited for the smoke to disperse.

"Da da da da... da... da... da..."

The sound of bullet casings falling to the ground stopped, and no matter how hard the people in this room squeezed the trigger, there was not a trace of flame on the muzzle of the gun.

The bullet was emptied.

The bullets all hit the monster's body,

However, this didn't work.

The smoke cleared, and behind the door, people saw it.

It's still alive, and it's unscathed.

People couldn't believe it.

Originally according to their plan, relying on the terrain, they felt that the firepower in their hands would at least cause Destoroyah a little trouble.

But actually it is...

Not even a single white mark was left.

The monster licking its sickle-shaped arm looked at the prey in front of it. Just now, it tested its body's resistance to the weapons of these prey.

As for the test results, it is very satisfactory.

"Ka, ba, ba, ba—"

The arthropod made a strange sound, its compound eyes looked at the frightened prey, and at this moment its body exploded with unimaginable strength and speed.


Like the gunshots at the start of a game.

The sound of human bodies being torn apart became the starting gun for the crowd.

Can no longer keep calm, can no longer face that thing here.

People frantically fled outwards, but the speed of escaping was far from being able to get rid of the god of death behind them.

The sickle cut through the flesh, and the flesh and blood were sprinkled in the monitoring room.

Nothing can stop it, cut up human bodies are scattered everywhere in the room, people want to escape, even the fastest ones.

It's just that the fingers touched the outside.

Then he was cut open by a black light.

Bathed in blood, the visitor from another world looked at the food all over the floor, and emitted an inaudible ultrasonic sound from his mouth, which then destroyed all the monitors in the room.

This sound wave echoed underground and reached the ear canals of every Destoroyah who was eating. When they heard this sound, they all put down the prey they were gnawing on and converged in the same direction.

In the aisle where the surveillance was destroyed, the densely packed Destoroyas merged into a swarm of insects. Thousands, tens of thousands, or even more individuals moved towards the direction of the surveillance room, pouring in from the opened aisle.

After eating nearly a hundred people, they poured into that room in pieces, lifted up dozens of human corpses on the ground, and sent them to the biggest individual.

Afterwards, the swarm of insects brought these corpses and the largest one, Destoroyah, through the ceiling of the monitoring room, digging a passage that was more than ten meters long leading upward.

Their bodies condensed in the depths of the tunnel and began to unite.And part of the outside began to repair the ceiling of the monitoring room to avoid human detection.

Dozens of corpses were brought to the ceiling, and their flesh and blood were eaten and decomposed by countless tiny Destoroyas to become new Destoroyas.

After the ceiling was repaired, the outermost shells of the Destoroian swarm began to unite, and the swarm was about to turn into a cocoon.And in this cocoon, the most terrifying thing for this world will be bred.

dong dong dong.

The sound of the heartbeat coincides with the vibration of the earth, and a new life is being born that feeds on human corpses.

When it breaks its shell, another massacre will unfold.

Chapter 110 Destoroyah - Detonation, End

It is simply the creation of the devil... no, the devil himself...

Through the robot dog's camera, the search team finally got a glimpse of that thing, that [existence] in the depths of darkness.

Black and red are intertwined, and the blood vessels that have broken the carapace are constantly agitating. Countless corpses are embedded on it, like an upside-down hell, where countless creatures melt and blend into one.

The skeleton and flesh made up the shell, the deformed hands and feet were connected, the upper body and the lower body were completely separated, with a desperate expression on the face, and a big mouth that seemed to be shouting.

Thick blood vessels protrude from the mouth, intersecting on the upside-down meat shells piled up by people, constantly agitating and extending, as if they themselves are living beings.

It's really something you can only see in hell.

This is the purpose of their trip...

The inspectors at the elevator entrance swallowed their saliva looking at the monster on the screen, and then reported the discovery to the command center on the surface to apply for the next step.

"Report from the detection column... At present, the research institute has completed the exploration, and no survivors have been found, but we found a suspected escaped sample in the monitoring room, and the other party is suspected to be eclosion... Please proceed to the next step, the surface command center, over."

"Well, the surface command has received it. Considering that no survivors have been found, please adopt plan No. 3, over."

"Plan No. 3... Yes, I received an order."

rumbling rumbling...

The rumble of the elevator's operation sounded silently underground at this time.

At the same time, the monitoring force who received the order began to broadcast the assembly order to the soldiers who were looking for samples of Destoroyah in this underground research facility.

Stop searching further, quickly gather at the elevator door, and wait for the next move.

The content of the broadcast is very simple, that is, to ask all the soldiers to stop the continuous search and gather back to the entrance of the elevator instead.In order to prevent unnecessary sacrifices in what they are going to do next.

Now is not a good time to be alone.

Plan No. 3, after collecting samples of the escaped creature, use the existing equipment to destroy it, trying to kill it before it completes its emergence.

Simple and rude, but also full of danger, because no one knows whether this ghost will wake up immediately after the plan is executed.

Quickly gathered at the elevator entrance, after counting the number of people correctly, opened the emergency standby personnel elevator according to the instruction manual, stood in, and was ready to leave at any time.

This is also to provide security protection for their next behavior, so that the things inside are really awakened, and they can evacuate immediately if they can't solve it.

Staff preparations have been fully made. At the same time, with the control of technicians, several unmanned vehicles carried specially-made nanotube boxes to the monitoring room.

They were equipped with high-temperature cutters, and after more than two minutes, they arrived at the center of the monitoring room that was being blocked by countless mechanical dogs.

Extend the mechanical arm, and under the operation of the technicians, the flames whose temperature exceeds the surface of the sun condense into bundles.Like the sharpest blade, it began to cut the cocoon's skin on the ceiling.


The 8000-degree flame knife is not big, and its outer flame is only a few millimeters long. After all, its temperature is too high, and it is unrealistic to extend a few centimeters long flame.

But for the people underground at this time, it's okay, the outer flame of a few millimeters is enough for them to collect samples, and they don't want to use this thing to smash the cocoon, they just want to collect a little bit, a little bit sample only.


As the flame front swept across, a piece of flesh the size of a fingernail was cut off by the flame knife.Seeing the smooth progress of the cutting work, the technicians controlling the machinery also breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want any accidents when collecting samples.

If you want to wake up, wake up in another half an hour.

After completing the task, the sampling robot began to retreat, after it reached a safe place.

The machines that placed bombs around the cocoon on the ceiling of the monitoring room switched to combat mode, raised their weapons from their backs, and pointed their muzzles at the blasphemous thing crawling with flesh and blood.

Destroy the experiment, proceed.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!!!"

The mechanical dogs equipped with 12mm small-caliber electromagnetic guns aimed at the cocoon on the ceiling and output, and the bullets that exceeded the speed of sound several times hit the cocoon on the ceiling and sparked.Under the concentrated fire output of more than a dozen mechanical dogs, the entire underground facility seemed to tremble. On the ground, this firepower was enough to smash the latest tank into a sieve!

If the opponent is a normal creature, then under such a metal storm, there is absolutely no possibility of it being preserved intact.

But obviously, it was not a normal creature brought back from another universe.

When all the ammunition carried was emptied, the ground was full of melted and fragmented metal warheads.Some of the mechanical dogs had a leg knocked out by a rebounding railgun, and their front-end cameras were staring at the ceiling in unison, scanning all information about the cocoon that existed above.


Can this be expected?

The faces of the advance team members in the elevator were a little unhappy. Although they had already known how terrifying the strength of this ghost thing was through the video from below before they got down, it was not done by themselves after all.After they really faced this kind of ghost thing, they had a real understanding.

To deal with this kind of thing, I am afraid that ordinary anti-tank mines are already ineffective.The weapons they are currently equipped with have no effect on them.

If they want to confront it head-on, I'm afraid their weapons will not pose any threat to this thing. All the people here are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of it.

If such a monster is allowed to escape from the underground research institute, the consequences will be unimaginable...

The tragic situation on the ground after this monster broke through the underground seal flashed through their minds. Thinking of this, people's hearts couldn't help but feel a little dignified.

But soon, this solemnity was released from the body in one breath, because everyone present knew that it would not survive the moment of leaving.

"Type 12 electromagnetic rifles are ineffective against it, and its external impact strength is at least 1TPa...Command, our armed forces may not be able to pose a threat to it, and now we request the implementation of the final plan for the escape of dangerous creatures."

1TPa... This is far beyond the strength of all materials that humans can manufacture now.

The task force members reported the current situation and applied for the implementation of the final plan.This is the plan reserved for the underground research institute at the beginning of its establishment - five nuclear bombs with a yield of 1000 million tons.

Humans are not idiots. When the research facility was established, they anticipated all kinds of possibilities, including the escape of creatures from other universes, and the situation that conventional firepower could not deal with.

Ever since, they planted five super large-yield nuclear weapons in five directions throughout the underground research institute.This is a nuclear weapon secretly manufactured without telling the public, just like the nuclear bomb that was finally used to attack Godzilla in Japan, it is a hidden weapon.

"Received request...processing..."

"On the 1st, according to the latest data provided by you, we approved the final plan. The explosion time will be half an hour later, and during these three 10 minutes, please collect some samples of its outer shell and blood vessel tissue. Evacuate immediately after collecting the samples!"

The wiring staff received the authorization very quickly, which is as it should be. After all, after the underground research institute was completely wiped out, the higher-ups were already mentally prepared to detonate the research institute.

Sending the mobile task force down is just to collect samples and see if there are any survivors, and by the way, try to see if it can kill it without detonating the nuclear bomb.

Now, with the latter being determined to be impossible.Then withdrawing the troops and detonating the underground is naturally the best solution.

But before the detonation, the super defense displayed by the escaped Destoroyah sample made the command have another idea, they wanted more samples about this creature.


Ordered, the task force began its final mission.


Wriggle, grow, burst.

When all available matter gathered in the core, countless Destoroyans began to link and weave new bodies.

Like the emergence of insects, they decompose themselves and reconstitute their bodies in nutrition.

New Destoroias are being born, their bodies are gradually solidified from the liquid, and the outer human carapace is being continuously absorbed, becoming a part of its new body.

Through the decoding of human dna, it, they have learned a lot. In the liquid, the new body begins to solidify, and the new carapace and muscles have been formed. It only needs to wait a little, a little while, and it will bring Breaking out of the shell with a new attitude.

However, it seems that there is no time for this little moment?


With the flame like electric welding, the sampling robots returning to the scene stretched out high-temperature cutters, gradually melting its shell, trying to take some samples from its body.

The flames that were hotter than the surface of the sun cut off several small limbs in various places of its body.

The sampling robot then places the limbs into a tightly closed, sturdy box.After being ordered to retreat, he left the room, leaving only Destoroyah's morphing chrysalis and bombs everywhere.

The little robot walked quickly to the very center where the elevator was located. It handed the box made of carbon nanotubes to the sergeants who were carrying the items, and then stopped working.

After getting the samples, after carefully taking photos of the monitoring room through the robot.The captain of the task force looked at the countdown time by the elevator, nodded, and said to the other soldiers who were still waiting for the next batch of robots:

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