"It's time, it's time to evacuate. Leave the rest to the top."

After listening, the sergeants quickly put away the simple robot control center and packed it into a huge box, and everyone entered the elevator in an orderly manner.


The elevator rose, and the research facility, which smelled of blood, was empty again.

Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click...

Time ticked away, and just 10 to [-] minutes after the elevator lifted, something seemed to break out of the cocoon on the ceiling.

A human-like arm cut through the carapace that is extremely hard for humans, and an elegant figure fell from the viscous liquid. The newborn it was exposed in the uninhabited research institute, holding the wall slowly like a newborn. Stand up slowly.


A panting sound like that of a human being exhaled from the mouth of that figure. Its mouth no longer has mouthparts, but like a human being, it has a mouth that can breathe.

See, see, see, see, see, see...

Miaoman's body was exposed to the air, and from the cracked cocoon on the ceiling, countless tiny worms rushed out, floating in the air, and surrounded the king.

Click, click.

After moving the stiff neck, this existence completely broke away from the mucus covering.It revealed a figure that was almost indistinguishable from that of a human being.

"Huha... Huha... Huha..."


The carapace covering its face gradually fell off, and it breathed in the air of this strange world. From the initial discomfort, to the orderly breathing later, this new life is like a newborn human baby, adapting to this world.


After breathing, there is vocalization.It tried hard to recall the memories of the guys it devoured, kept changing its mouth shape, and finally spit out a very clear word from its throat.



"I... I... I am Destoroyah?"

"I am Destoroyah?"

"I am Destoroyah."

In the space where no one exists, the newborn beast imitates the tone of human beings, announcing its existence to the world with the joy of birth.

Tears streamed down its face, and the surrounding bugs cheered.They succeeded, successfully adapted to the world, and successfully conquered the world.

As long as they are given enough time, this planet will inevitably become the home of newborn beasts.


Tears of joy filled its eyelids, and just as it rejoiced, some inaudible echo in the underground space caught its attention.



what is this?

———— Sasa———


boom! ! ! ! ! !

Five suns rise from the ground at the same time.

Endless light and heat illuminate the dark underground space, and the newborn beasts are burned, sublimated, and wiped out of this world under the new sun.

The ground rumbled and trembled. At this time, on the ground more than ten kilometers away from here, the members of the Mobile Task Force sat on the helicopter with samples in their hands and looked at the trembling ground. They couldn't help but feel relieved.

Farewell, monster.

No, it's gone, monster.

The earthquake lasted for a few minutes. After everything was calm, a collapse buried the unknown deep underground, and humans no longer had to worry.

Time passed, ten days after the detonation of the nuclear bomb, on the green grass at the same location.

A white arm stretched out from the ground.

Chapter 110 Eight Apocalypse

"You say it's true? They say they really found Godzilla?"

South America, Office of the President of the United Nations, New Eden.

Ludwig tapped his fingers on the table, listening to the news from the phone, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Yes, Your Excellency. The people of Exif said that with the help of the God of Exif, they have found the location of Godzilla. They can be sure that Godzilla is evolving, and the place of evolution is beneath the formations of Australia's new ecosystem."

"The emissary from Exif said that if we want, they can provide the detailed location of Godzilla sleeping at any time. Your Excellency... this matter, what are we going to do?"

Defense Minister Karman's tone on the phone was a bit tangled, Godzilla's detailed location... Although I don't know why Exifer knew this news, and I don't know why they would bring this up to talk about it, but there is no doubt that This news is undoubtedly very important for human beings.

Although the Bilu Saru people said that they will help humans solve Godzilla, but that will have to wait until their mothership arrives.According to the observations of the European Astronomical Agency, Birusaludo's mothership is still in the orbit of Saturn and has not moved.

After it really moves towards the earth, it will take at least ten days or even longer to reach the earth's orbit from Saturn's orbit and then decelerate.During this period of time, if Godzilla wakes up...and then attacks other human regions.

That would be a terrible catastrophe for human beings.

After all, human beings do not have the weapons to deal with Godzilla. Even if they have just obtained the technology of the people in the universe, within a few days, they cannot completely analyze these technologies and put them into practical use.

And now... Godzilla just defeated Caesar Ghidorah and fell into a long sleep more than ten days ago... now that the body has not been fully repaired.

Isn't it the best chance to beat it?

But what exactly is Mrs. Axie trying to exchange for giving us this information at this point in time?

Ludwig was a little confused about the purpose of the Ambassador Exif who called himself Methfite. If he was him, even if he knew where Godzilla was, he would definitely not reveal it.

Because to a certain extent, letting humans solve Godzilla by themselves is an offense to Bi Rusaldo who signed the agreement.Haven't they really thought about this?

Ludwig doesn't think so.

But in any case, the purpose of the other party is one thing, and the news itself is another.No matter what he wants to do, it cannot be known or stopped by today's human beings anyway. From the moment the monster phenomenon was born on this planet, human beings have lost their autonomy.

Thinking of this, Ludwig said to the phone:

"Then promise. In this matter, I believe our ally can be trusted. Also, inform the army to form a credible army and prepare for future wars."

In any case, getting rid of Godzilla is definitely the most important thing for human beings at present, not one of them.If humans can kill it with their own hands, it will be of great help to the cohesion of human civilization after the war.

Votes for him too.

Letting Birusarudo to kill Godzilla is still not as good as killing Godzilla by humans. It is better to kill Godzilla with your own hands when Godzilla is seriously injured.

Killing is the best thing for human beings.

Even if you look back after ten thousand steps, even if humans don't want to kill Godzilla.It is very valuable to use this coordinate to observe Godzilla's every move, just in case it wants to leave Australia one day and attack other cities.

That's plenty of time to evacuate, isn't it?

"I understand, Mr. Chairman. I will go to express your opinion to His Majesty Maesfit and several commanders... There is one more thing... Mr. Chairman... Today, the European Gap Laboratory no longer exists .”

Global Defense Minister Kalman on the other end of the phone agreed to the previous thing.Then he dropped another blockbuster.

The European crevice lab no longer exists today.

This is really...

Ludwig, who is the chairman of the United Nations Parliament, naturally understood what this passage meant. It meant that the underground laboratory was completely detonated, and everything inside disappeared under the light of the nuclear nucleus.

This was originally the last resort when the laboratory was established, but now that it is triggered, it means that something terrible has happened there, in Europe.

What a headache.

Rubbing his temples, he asked in a deep voice:

"Karman, tell me in detail what happened there..."

"Well, sir, the thing is like this..."

On the phone, Kallman detailed everything that happened today.


Europe - Cambridge Molecular Biology Laboratory.

In a completely airtight laboratory, a person wearing a full airtight suit is leading another person wearing an airtight suit to visit various advanced experimental equipment. The leader is doing the same to the latter. Introduce what they have studied.

After more than an hour of visits and introductions, they walked out of the airtight laboratory, went to the changing room to change the airtight suits, put on regular clothes, and walked to the office area.

At this time, the leading Caucasian male was still a little excited, and he said to the East Asian man behind him:

"Mr. Serizawa, that's where we analyze those first-class dangerous goods. The most advanced biological laboratory on this planet, we call it Eureka, my next words may be a bit arrogant, but It is a fact."

"If humans can defeat those monsters by themselves in the future, then the only hope is here. In this laboratory."

"I sincerely invite you to join our team to revive the future of mankind. Just like your brother, join us as a hero of mankind?"

He is inviting the man behind him——Serizawa who just left East Asia to join this laboratory, and Serizawa recalled what he saw just now inside Eureka...

Is this really right?

"You really don't need to hesitate, your thesis seems to us..."

While he was still chattering, a man walked up in front of them. As soon as he saw the two people here, he walked over with a smile on his face and said:

"Serizawa, have you finished your tour? How was it? Do you have an idea to join us?"

As he spoke, he walked up to the two of them.The white male who was still talking just now calmed down after seeing this, and said respectfully:

"Hello, Mr. Yang."

And the one called Mr. Yang, that is, the molecular biologist Yang Qi that Serizawa met on the plane in East Asia before nodded, indicating that he would continue to talk to Qin after hearing this sentence. Ze talk.

"Give me an answer! Brother Serizawa! Do you want to join us? Contribute to the future of mankind?"

These words seemed to have touched some kind of doubt in Serizawa's mind, he asked back with some hesitation.

"Mr. Yang, is that really a contribution to mankind?"

Are the things he saw really for the future of mankind?

Speaking of this, Yang Qi was a little surprised when he heard this sentence, and then he leaned close to his ear mysteriously, and said:

"Then come to my office, and I'll show you something that will answer the questions you're thinking of."

After that, he suddenly patted Serizawa's back fiercely, laughed and said:

"Don't worry, everything we do now is for human beings, Brother Serizawa."

"And...everything here is based on your research, Serizawa-kun."

Chapter 110 Restoration of Godzilla

Australia, 200 meters below the coast of the former Perth metropolitan area, a huge mountain-like existence is dormant here.


dong dong! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

In the pitch-black underground space, a giant black dragon stood in the middle of the ground, and its lower abdomen was emitting a rumbling sound that far surpassed thunder.

More than 20 days ago, it lost nearly one-fifth of its body and was seriously injured.

However, after more than [-] days of cultivation now, its injuries have not fully healed, and many parts of its body functions are still being paralyzed.

Is this the price of defeating Caesar Ghidorah?

In the dark underground, Godzilla silently felt the injuries of his own body, and also felt what happened on this planet outside of Australia through the Earth-wide radar.

Descending from Exif, Birusarudo.

The nuclear explosion that went underground in Europe.

All this is captured by Godzilla's senses and reflected in its mind.

As such, it can now also understand what humanity is preparing to do at this very moment.

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