The same is true for the Birusarudo fleet. All weapons are fully fired, and they are aimed at Godzilla. The two sides seem to care about nothing and just want to destroy each other.

All kinds of means were exhausted, and only then did the two parties use all their means.Godzilla and Birusarudo are in a stalemate, and at this moment...

A factor that determines the victory of both sides has emerged.

At the other end of the sky, countless nuclear missiles were launched.

The satellites made by humans added fuel to this battle, and they took the initiative to use continuous nuclear weapons to prevent Godzilla from breathing.

Although in the atmosphere, the nuclear warheads performing this mission are often knocked out by the shock wave of the previous nuclear explosion before the mission is successful.As a keen AI, the central computer spotted the situation.

And, it started to take advantage of the situation.

Since the human missile propulsion system cannot break through the shock wave, let's replace it with an electromagnetic gun built by a group of micron robots!

Putting the nuclear missiles of the human side into the electromagnetic guns made up by itself and launching them, the Bilu Saludo battleship has many spare nuclear weapons at this moment, and it can engage in a war of attrition with Godzilla more recklessly. Millions of nuclear weapons It's all in its hands now.

Many people in Birusalud who were far away in the North Pole were slightly surprised when they saw this scene. Human beings took action without informing them. Although it was indeed helpful, is this some kind of arrogance?

While thinking about this problem, Mutt, the leader of the descending Birusaludo people, received an urgent communication, which was from Miao Ge. He opened the communication, and there was only one text with an anxious tone on it.

It reads as follows:

"Mute! Quickly let the main control computer throw out those nuclear weapons made by humans! The humans did not activate that system!!!"

"That system! Godzilla started it!!!"

Fear swept the whole body.

Chapter 150 VIII Birusaludo vs Godzilla (End) - Civilization

Fear swept the whole body.

It was also at the same moment, in the southern part of Australia on the other side of the earth, in the huge micro-mechanical cloud, countless fire lights appeared.

The endless blackness that has existed since the landing was finally pierced by the light at this moment. Tens, hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of lights broke through all the blackness!

Thousands of small fireballs opened up the dark clouds, the clouds formed by the machines were opened, and a passage leading to the sky was opened by those countless fireballs at this moment!

For Godzilla, this is its best chance.

So, can it seize this opportunity?


The moment countless nuclear missiles detonated, Godzilla was ready.

From every corner of its body, every focal point that can burst out with light, Godzilla has accumulated enormous energy.At this moment, at this moment when the clouds are scattered and cannot stop it.

8 Pava lasers burst from Godzilla's mouth!Immediately afterwards, the same stream of light erupted from the tail!Then there is the dorsal fin, then the left hand and right hand, the left leg and the right leg, the left breast and the right breast!

Not one, not ten, but nearly a hundred beams of light &~#|9{+1 beams N|&J erupted from Godzilla together, mark>#}%0|[-] the giant named Godzilla Here, the beast instantly transformed into a sky-shattering stream of light, all the light aimed at [email protected]$J at one point, and the strongest energy hit the target at the speed of cause and effect itself!

Unable to dodge, and impossible to dodge.

In an instant, the head ship of the Birusarudo fleet was pierced by a roaring stream of light.

No matter can withstand such a strong flow of light, the entire spaceship is penetrated by the light within a second, and then split into two by the dragged light.

The ten-kilometer-long giant ship was cut in half. At the bottom, the melted fracture was only a few dozen meters wide, but at the top, the melted fracture had become tens of meters wide.


The entire giant spacecraft was divided into two, followed by the second, third, fourth, and fifth.

Godzilla's beam of light divided into five strands, each of which destroyed their propellers, and the giant ship fell, but at this moment, a mutation occurred on the largest colony ship that had just been divided into two .

All the propellers of the spaceship were fully loaded at this moment, and the huge flame flow counting hundreds of kilometers penetrated the atmosphere. The acceleration of the entire battleship reached the maximum, and it wanted to move forward at full speed!

And the target is that monster named Godzilla!

The huge mass was pushed out, and the Birusaludo spaceship crashed into Godzilla with the momentum of death. Once it succeeds, all the weapons loaded in it will explode at that moment, bringing Godzilla together , to perish.

This was one of Birusarudo's planned tactics. If Godzilla was too close to the micro-machine group before, they would start this plan, but at that time there would be machines that had condensed into a solid wall. Group to cover them to complete the collision.

Now, there is no such thing.

So you, let's destroy together.

The flow of light in his mouth was switched to exhale, facing the huge star-like warship, Godzilla used his own exhalation to set the curtain for the war between monsters and alien civilizations.

It was Godzilla who won!

Ten billion equivalent explosions shattered the falling stars, and the four warships that were originally in the sky were also pulled down to the ground by the gravity of the earth and stars.

All the warships of Birusarudo turned into scrap iron on the land of Australia, and only Godzilla stands tall on the land.

The monster stands on the ground.


Ten minutes later, near the Arctic Circle, a temporary city.

This temporary city built purely by machinery should have been extremely quiet, but now, a voice spread to every corner of the city.And its owner is Mut, the leader of the Birusaludo people who descended here.

At this time, he was turning on a communication device to communicate with the high-level human government in South America on the other side of the earth. Now he was full of anger, and he continued to bombard the communication device indiscriminately with a roaring voice.

"Why?! Why will Godzilla know the top secrets of your humans?! Why?! Why?! Will Godzilla hack your secret creations?!"

"What the hell are you humans doing?! Without your mistakes, Godzilla would have been wiped out by us! Do you know?! This is caused by your own negligence, is it your own bitter fruit?!"

"How are you going to face your people?! How are you going to face those who died?!"

"Human beings, you sent yourself to the edge of the cliff, it's your own fault, your own fault!"

Mute kept yelling. He seemed to be extremely angry. After saying this sentence, he directly turned off the communicator, leaving only his face distorted by anger on the other side.


After the video call with the humans ended, Mute's expression, which was originally full of anger, suddenly became peaceful, as if he hadn't lost his temper at all just now, and just opened another call in his mind with a calm face.

Another call with his own kind.

"Miao Ge, what is the reaction of the human people?"

The communication in the brain will not be eavesdropped, and the human being will not be able to detect the communication.

"Well, as you expected, the emotions of the human people have already boiled over. It seems that their government is about to completely lose their control. Human civilians will definitely lead us. This is a bit of a loss."

But it doesn't matter if you hear it.

"Forget it, Godzilla... This monster is more dangerous than we thought, and the damaged ships that have not gone to the front line before also need to be repaired urgently. We must at least ensure that we have the ability to die with it. Only in this way can we The plan can continue to be implemented.”

The loss of this battle is not good news for Bilu Saludo, but the matter has come to this point, and now that the incident has happened, they cannot change the result of this incident.

Since it cannot be changed, it can only use this loss to recover some losses.

Fortunately, the factor that led to Bilu Saludo's defeat this time was not on their side, but on the human side.

There are quite a lot of things that can be gained through this defeat.

Although it is not as beneficial as killing Godzilla, it is already the best result for now.

Is Birusarudo angry at humans for causing them to lose?

Of course anger, the anger on Mutt's face just now was not fake, he was really so angry.

But will they be overwhelmed by this anger?

Of course not, Birusarudo is a rational race.They can prioritize it all.

Godzilla... This time we were defeated by you.

But next time, we will definitely win.


The fire of civilization will surely burn out barbarism.


Bilu Saludo, is a troublesome opponent.

Although the five spaceships that came this time were not powerful, their troubles were unprecedented.

In a sense, they are more troublesome than Caesar Ghidorah.

Caesar Ghidorah represents extreme strength, and its true strength is stronger than it was at the time. It didn't make any small moves, and it was purely head-to-head with Godzilla.

Is Caesar Ghidorah tricky?Tough of course, it's arguably the toughest opponent Godzilla has ever faced.

But is it troublesome?

No trouble.

No hassle at all.

What it brings to Godzilla is pure warfare. Godzilla knows how to break through Caesar Ghidorah, and Caesar Ghidorah also knows how to defeat Godzilla.

It was an extremely pure battle.

And Bilu Saludo has completely different ideas from this.

It's not strong, it's not tricky.

But it is troublesome.

From the moment Birusarudo's fleet fought it, Godzilla understood that he had a [-]% winning rate.Facing Bilu Saludo's fleet, it is impossible to defeat, because it is very strong, much stronger than Bilu Saludo's fleet in terms of hard power.

With the blessing of quantum locking armor, Godzilla is fully capable of facing nuclear explosions of ten trillion or even trillion equivalent levels at a relatively short distance.

For an explosion of this magnitude, aiming has lost its meaning.

Even at a distance of hundreds of kilometers, the super-powerful explosion is enough to blow away all the micro-mechanical crowd and severely damage Bilu Saludo's fleet.

Bilu Saludo couldn't predict how much blessing Exif's technology would give Godzilla. Their original experience couldn't predict the current Godzilla, so from the beginning, Godzilla won.

But for this method of victory, Godzilla is not satisfied.

The price required to destroy Birusarudo's fleet with pure power is too high, and Godzilla cannot accept this price, but it has no way to destroy the micron machine group.

Does this mean that Godzilla is helpless?

No, of course not.

Godzilla is unable to break through the micromechanical group, but the existence of others is not necessarily the case.


The human beings recognized as friendly forces can break through the shield that Birusarudo put down if they are used well.

The matter of hacking into various human war machines was first proposed by II.

After factoryization itself, II was able to manufacture electronic components in the human world, which gave II an inspiration, an inspiration for human beings to deal with themselves.

At the beginning, in II's vision, the matter of hacking into human weapons was used to deal with human beings themselves.

As a collection of grievances of beings killed by human nuclear wars, II can be said to be the life that hates humans the most in the world, and it is also the non-human life that understands humans best in the world.

So it thought of this plan, this plan to make human beings exterminate themselves.

Through its electronic component productivity and Godzilla's whole-area radar, it is possible to hack into various human weapons and equipment.

The first is to let the mother directly read the codes of human beings for various military secrets.

Then let the mother continue to read the various parameters and configurations of the machinery they use to transmit signals.

Next, these parameters are sent to its factory and reproduced through the factory.

Electronic components are a system that Mom has never touched, and it will take a while for Mom to lay the equipment in the body for mass production.

That would be a long time, more than ten days.This took too long for mom to be worthwhile.

But for it, with the help of a large-scale factory, only one or two days is enough.It's not a good deal for Mom, but it's a good deal for him.

So it confided this plan to Godzilla, and wanted to replicate a human electronic component factory in Australia.

After careful consideration, Godzilla agreed to his plan.They successfully built a one-to-one human command center under the ground. With it, and with all the codes of human beings, all the weapons of human beings have entered their grasp.

With human weapons, Godzilla successfully destroyed Bilu Saludo's fleet at a very small cost.

II really helped it this time, and it successfully proved itself.


At this moment, Godzilla has mixed feelings.

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