The battleship fell from the sky to the ground, smashed and fell to the ground, kicking up bursts of dust and knocking the ground out of cracks.

The behemoth standing on the ground "saw" the departure of the other warships of Birusarudo. It seemed that they were not going to continue fighting, but took the initiative to retreat to South America to prevent it from attacking again.

Wise choice.

Now that they are not going to fight anymore, it's time for Godzilla to "rest" for a while. Its body still has room to strengthen, and it has to go back and continue to tinker with its own body.

For the future, its strengthening cannot be stopped for a moment.

It has seen the mighty power of the giant beast named Ghidorah through the eyes of the people of Birusaludo. If it really descends on the earth one day in the future, with its current strength, it is There is absolutely no chance of winning.

So it has to become stronger, and continue to become stronger, so strong that it can fight to the death with the "mother" of Ghidorah and Birusarudo.

Stepping home, the storm in the sky also dissipated at this time.

Human satellites can see this monster world again, and Godzilla walks back to the place where he has been sleeping.

But it hasn't "sleeped" yet—that is, it has devoted itself to the surveillance of the whole-area radar.

It still has one thing to solve now, if it doesn't solve it now, it will definitely lose something for it in the future.

"Second King... the battle is over, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

In his mind, Godzilla is having a conversation with II.

The second's mental state is on the verge of collapse, and Godzilla must make it fulfill its promise, the promise to cut off the connection with its ecological circle immediately after victory.

To this, the second answer is yes.


It sidesteps the question and instead asks Godzilla if it's actually helping it.

And Godzilla answered sincerely.

"Well, you helped me."

"Ah... ah... then... can... no... want to..."








"it is good……"

Chapter 150 IX The Collapsed World

Five days after Godzilla defeated Birusarudo, in the South American city of Eden, deep in a deserted alley.

"Sister... I'm hungry..."

"Yeah, just bear with it, bear with it, Mom and Dad will be back soon, bear with it, and we'll have something to eat, Al, bear with it, please... ...don't leave me behind."

"Okay... okay... sister..."

At the dark end of confinement, in a small tent, a girl with a haggard face hugged another skinny boy, sitting quietly on the ground, comforting him with her already hoarse voice.

Withered hands caressed the boy's forehead over and over again, like a loving mother, tirelessly.

It has been 5 days.

Haven't eaten anything for 5 days.

Even the last sip of water was 3 days ago.

Essa Cony has gone to the limit.

His fair skin had an abnormal color due to hunger, and his ruddy lips looked moist, but they were nourished by blood.

His cheeks were sunken inward, his body had almost lost his strength, his ribs had been stretched out, and no matter how hard his eyes were, he could only rely on his muscle memory to comfort his younger brother and his only family member. long can this last?

Only eight-year-old Aisha Koni has reached her limit. Her eight-year-old body cannot accept not eating for up to five days, and her body is about to collapse.

And what was even worse than her current situation was her younger brother lying in her arms. He was only five years old and had already reached the edge of life and death. As long as he took another step forward, death would take his life away.

No, please, Lord in heaven, don't take him from me.

With the last of her strength, the young child clenched the cross in her palm, which was given to her by her mother before she left.Mom used to say that as long as she holds it, the Lord of Heaven will hold her and her brother and bless her life.

But... the reality is quite the opposite.

Lord...why is this so?Lord, why torture them like this?Isn't that monster enough?Wasn't their suffering enough?

Essacconi didn't know, she didn't know the answers to these questions, she could only pray silently, praying for the protection of the god she didn't know existed or not.

Their fate may have been sealed since the monster rose from the Pacific Ocean.

At first, Aisha just saw it on TV and saw the giant beast named Godzilla.

Mom and Dad were still working at that time, and my younger brother was still in kindergarten. Everyone didn't care much about the monster mentioned on TV and the Internet, thinking that it would, like other big news in the past, be released in a few days or a few days. Months, at most a few years later, submerged in this world.

But things didn't turn out that way.

The monster is not dead, the monster is getting stronger and stronger.Its influence gradually came from TV and online to Elsa's real life, and he was no longer the cool guy everyone talked about in school.It becomes a hangman, a monster that destroys her family.

First of all, mom, the place where mom works was destroyed by that monster.Mom lost her job and could only stay at home with a sad face.

Then came Dad. Because of the appearance of the monster, the company where Dad worked went bankrupt, Dad also lost his job, and the whole family lost their source of income.

But even at that time, Elsa, her stupid Elsa, couldn't see the troubles of her parents. She thought nothing had changed, until that day, when the broadcast told everyone to take refuge underground, she first For the first time, I felt the presence of a monster.

At that time, she, her mother, father, and younger brother all went to the shelter long in advance.Then I stayed in it for many days, the food inside was terrible, and the place to sleep and the convenience were not good. At that time, she thought it was bad enough, but she didn't expect that in the days to come, even these things would become a luxury .

After returning to the ground from the ground, the surroundings of the house became much deserted.Some of Aisha's former friends left here with their parents, and the store under the house was closed, and she could no longer buy her favorite candy.The faces of the parents also became extremely haggard, and they left early and returned late every day.

Have they found a new job?Aisha doesn't know.She only knew that her younger brother and she didn't go to school anymore, and her parents didn't go home to cook. They stayed out all day, and then brought back a lot of candy. At that time, she was still very happy.But the fatigue on their faces cannot be covered up by the sweetness of candy.

At night, my mother often cries.The same goes for her father. At that time, she didn't know what her parents were crying about. Once, her mother discovered her eavesdropping.My mom at the time became very strange, holding my hand and apologizing all the time.

She said she would definitely let my brother and I go to Eden, definitely.

I don't know where Eden is, but I still agreed ignorantly.Later, the time when Mom and Dad went home became shorter and shorter, and each time they brought back less and less candy, until one day, when she was still sleeping, Dad woke her up.

At that time, my father's face was extremely anxious, he hugged me immediately, and my mother also hugged my younger brother.Our family of four hurried downstairs, then listened to the instructions on the radio, went to the station, and waited for the train there.

I don't know what happened, I just waited and waited with my parents until everyone got on the train.Dad suddenly cried.

Next came the mother, and the mother cried too.And I, looking at them, cried out for some reason, and so did my brother, who also cried after me.

We all cried until we got off the train.We were assigned an open space with rows of tents, each with lots of food, and I liked them at first.But then I don't like it anymore.

Our family was divided into two tents, one for my mother and me, one for my brother and my father.When I was about to go to bed, I asked my mother when I could go home, she said soon, soon...

How soon is it?

Elsa doesn't know.

Anyway, when the huge monster appeared in front of Aisha later, it wasn't too soon.

It is not so fast when there is something as big as a mountain in the sky.

In the back, when Mr. Chairman and the big black men on TV signed something, it was not too soon.

I don't know how many days have passed, but every day is not fast anyway.The only difference between every day and every day is that every day, the newly distributed food will be a little less than the previous day.

Elsa didn't know what it meant at the time, she just felt so bitter, so bitter.

Another day of falling asleep, another day of Elsa growing up, and then one night Daddy woke her up again.

"Quick! Take your brother and come with us!"

That’s when Elsa realizes that Mum and Dad are older than before, with more anxiety on their faces,

Holding hands by her parents, in the chaos, Aisha and her family hid in an alley with only one tent inside. After comforting her and her younger brother, her parents prepared to leave and return to the previous tent to get some food of.

They left in a hurry without much food.So it was necessary to go back, and before going back, Aisha held Dad, not wanting him to leave.

At that time, Dad laughed.

He took off the golden cross necklace around his neck and put it on Elsa's palm.said:

"Aisha, don't be afraid. As long as this necklace is still in your palm, nothing can hurt you. The Lord in heaven will bless you. Don't worry, we will be back soon."

At that time, Aisha took the necklace, but she thought of something again, and said nervously to her father:

"What about Dad, you don't have a necklace anymore!"

And just after she finished saying this, her mother came over.She takes Elsa's hand and puts Elsa's hand around her neck.

On her mother's neck, Elsa feels the shape of the same necklace again.

"Aisha, don't worry, I have the necklace too. Dad will go with me, it will protect us."

After finishing speaking, my father and mother left.Before leaving, they made a promise with Aisha that they would definitely come back and never lose Aisha.

Dad... Mom... Big Liar...

You... are all... liars...

Elsa holds her younger brother, whose breathing is getting weaker and weaker.Elsa has read about it in a book and she understands what it is.

it is dead.

Brother, dying.

"Sister... Dad... How long will it take for Mom... Mom and Dad, have you given up on us..."

He is going to die.

"Hey... bear with it, bear with it, they are coming back... they are coming back... they are just lost, they are just lost, they will come back, and when they come back, we will have a big meal together, After the big meal, we will go home together."

Elsa doesn't know what to do.

"Well...they will definitely come"

The younger brother had already closed his eyes, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, as if he had really seen the big meal, and he seemed to really be going home.

Elsa doesn't know what to do now, will Mom and Dad really come back?she does not know!She herself didn't know if she could believe what she said, did her parents really abandon them?Or, even they...

Thinking of this, Aisha remembered the scene she saw when she went out quietly three nights ago.

At that time, Mom and Dad had only been out for a day.After putting her younger brother to sleep, Aisha quietly walked out of the alley in the dead of night.

Then, outside in the alley.She saw several uncles she didn't know, surrounding a sister who was not much older than her.

what are they doing?She didn't know, she only knew that the elder sister screamed very, very badly, and she screamed very, very loudly.Aisha was very scared, she didn't know what she saw, she just knew that she couldn't go there, and she couldn't be seen by those uncles.

Her younger brother was about to die, so she didn't dare to go out to look for food, look for her parents.

I don't know how long it took, but my brother's breathing became heavier and heavier.Aisha's shriveled eyes began to quiver uncontrollably. She didn't know what happened, but she just squeezed out the last tears from her eyes.

Tears fell to the ground, and my brother's hand fell to the ground.

tick tock tick tock tick tock...

Light rain began to fall in the sky, and the sound of raindrops hitting the ground, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, but was immediately covered by the sound of increasing rain.

"Beat...defeat...the traitor...the traitor..."

"Punish... abstain from... sin... people..."

"Kill... die... hang... die..."

In the distance, through the sound of rain, there seemed to be some sound coming.

Drizzling drizzling drizzling...

It rained heavily.

step... step... step... step...

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