The sound of little feet treading water echoed in the rain.




Wow... Wow... Wow... Wow... Wow...

Tread, step, step...

The rain is getting heavier, but the sound it contains is getting clearer.And the small steps of the feet have also become running.

Crash la la la————— clatter la la la—————

"Down with the traitor government, down with the evil military!!!"

"Hang those officials, hang those murderers!!!"

"Ludwig step down! Punish the sinners, scientists!!"

It was raining heavily, and at this moment, the voice became extremely clear, and a small figure appeared at the entrance of the alley, and she looked in the direction of the voice.

The sound forms a torrent, and the crowd forms a torrent. Men, women, old people, children...all people and all voices gather in the center of the street.

On both sides are vehicles that have been burned into ruins, with blurred flesh and blood under their feet, and boiling crowds in front and behind.

People held up noticeboards and walked on the ruined streets with hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or even millions. She looked at the group of people, saw the dilapidated surroundings, and saw the flesh and blood under her feet...

Also, in that pool of flesh and blood, there was something she was extremely familiar with.

He raised his hand tremblingly, and after focusing on his own palm with his already blurred vision, he looked at their feet.That familiar golden light, that familiar cross, it seems that they have not abandoned her and her brother, they have not abandoned them.

The rain became smaller.

The crowd was huge, so I don't know how long it has passed.The crowd finally left, leaving only the ruins of the street.

At this moment, she walked slowly towards the "beach" thing, and with all her strength, she picked it up from the top of the "beach".

Pick up that blood-red billboard.

The golden cross fell to the ground, she stretched her body to the limit, lifted it up with her best strength, and raised the blood-red bulletin board.

Then she cried out at the top of her lungs:

"Punish the sinner!!! The murderer pays for his life!!!"

"Punish the sinner!!! The murderer pays for his life!!!"

"Punish the sinner!!! The murderer pays for his life!!!"

"Punish the sinner!!! The murderer pays for his life!!!"



The rain that was still small just now has become heavier again.

The girl's figure gradually melted into the ignorant rain and mist.

Chapter 160 The Collapsing World

South American Eden.

The night is coming, Ludwig, the chairman of the United Earth Government, is standing in his office, looking out through the window from top to bottom.

And his assistant stood behind him, gently reminding:

"Your Excellency, we should go. The guards can't last long. We are on the plane. You are already on the last shift, so you can't stay any longer."


Looking at the firelight outside the window, Ludwig hummed, turned his head and took the personal belongings packed by his assistant, and finally looked at the city outside the window.

The rioting crowd, the turbulent crowd, held high the torches and swords, and charged forward in millions.

Machines can't resist, armies can't reach, order and civilization have all collapsed, leaving only the most primitive barbarism.

Burn, kill, loot, loot.

Over five days, the number of these crimes increased tenfold with each passing day.Today, people have completely abandoned morality and the bottom line, and turned into a part of the crazy torrent, trying to destroy all order.

The crowd outside was crazy and even not afraid of death. They charged against the fence formed by the mechanical guards, and continuously attacked them with homemade Molotov cocktails and bombs.The machines didn't attack the crowd, they just acted as walls, blocking the crowd again and again.

Steel is more than a hundred times stronger than flesh, but even so, under blind defense, this mechanical wall is about to collapse.

The crazy crowd is about to come in, they are about to storm the headquarters of Eden and burn it down!

The city, the Wings of Ghidorah, did not let it fall.Godzilla didn't let it destroy either.

But today, human beings, who were supposed to be on the same side, completely fell into it.

The crowd was fanatical and fearless, and they poured into the blocked streets stepping on the bodies of their companions.

The billboard and the Molotov cocktail were thrown on the fence, and the crowd rushed through the wall of the machine and came to the gate of Eden's headquarters.

"Hey ah!!!"

"Hey ah!!!"


Constant impact, continuous impact, they finally smashed through the door, and then rushed in frantically, even though there were still people alive under their feet, even though their wailing was endless.

It is unimaginable that the city that was still in order ten days ago has become what it is now after only ten days.

How did tyranny bring them down to this point?Is it corvée?Is it heavy tax?Or the imprisonment and affront to freedom and human rights?

No, neither.

Not corvee, not exorbitant taxes, nor imprisonment and humiliation.

The "tyranny" that people suffer is not obtained from the government, their "tyranny" is imposed by themselves.

The name of that "tyranny" is despair.

It was the despair brought about by the defeat of Birusarudo.

Since the defeat of Pirusarudo, the entire human world has fallen into the deepest despair.

This is not an undisclosed plan like the one in South America. Bilu Saludo's crusade was broadcast live to everyone in the world, and it was also promoted by the United Earth Government using all its propaganda power.

Both Birusarudo and human beings have exhausted their efforts in the internal publicity of this battle. The speaker’s speech before the war, and the simultaneous live broadcast of the whole world during the war, all these can show the human beings’ intentions on this matter. .

This is also impossible.

Now that Godzilla can no longer be defeated by its own strength alone, human beings can only rely on the power of external existence.Among all the alien existences, only Birusarudo has shown enough "goodwill" to human beings.

They can only rely on him, can only promote him, can only promote him to the altar.

If successful, this battle will be the key to saving human confidence.

But once it fails...

The situation will become the present state.

Absolute chaos, absolute chaos.

When hope is lifted to the top and then smashed down, no matter how strong the mind is, it will be greatly impacted.

Desperation for the future filled the entire human society, especially the fact that the failure of the battle was caused by humans themselves, which severely damaged the prestige of the human government.

If it weren't for Birusarudo and five battleships that were not completely resolved by Godzilla, then the human government would have collapsed when they were defeated.

But even so, in major cities, doubts about human governments, distrust, and the madness of completely losing confidence in the future have filled the hearts of countless people.

Especially in Eden, the human capital once abandoned by the human government, the people here distrust the government even more, so the moment the reason for the defeat is found, the fall of the city has already entered the countdown.

No matter how suppressed it is, the people who are suppressed to the extreme cannot be stopped.In the final analysis, the suppression itself also needs human beings to implement it. Machines don’t understand what human emotions are. If machines are used for violent suppression, the stressed crowd may not just succumb.

Humans are afraid of machines.

The fear brought about by the machine and the despair brought about by the defeat of Bilu Saludo are mixed together, and I am afraid that there will be a series of human tragedies soon.

By that time, Eden might not be the only one rioting.

Although a few days have passed, many such tragedies have occurred in Eden in a practical sense.But at least they were not created by the government, they were just poorly regulated, not made by hand.

Eden suppression can only be carried out by humans.

But... At this time, how many people in this city will be willing to help the government that once abandoned them and made their savior defeated?

I'm afraid not.

Despite all efforts, despite the mobilization of all available resources.But when the most basic manpower could not be guaranteed, Eden's government eventually collapsed.

Madness became the main theme of the city.

Now, when this madness can no longer be suppressed, the only choice for the United Earth Government is to leave.

Leave here and go to other places that are not too hostile to the government.Re-establish prestige there, and finally come back to recover this former capital.

It's just... do they really have that time?

Ludwig didn't know.

Follow the assistant into the top floor of Eden headquarters, where the latest hypersonic fighter has been waiting for a long time.

With the help of his assistant, Ludwig boarded the fighter plane, and the fighter plane completely driven by AI was also timely equipped Ludwig with all kinds of safety equipment needed for hypersonic flight at this time.

After checking the safety, the fighter plane took off and it came to a high altitude.And Ludwig sighed heavily to the city below him, the former capital of mankind.


Where should the future of mankind go?

He didn't know, and probably no one in this world knew.


"Well, I see, yes, I know what to do every day, thank you."

At the end of the day, Huang Jian, who was full of fatigue, took a taxi home from the company and answered a phone call on the way home.

After hanging up the phone, he lay on the suspended tram and let out a long sigh.

When will this ghostly day end?

The company and the company have something to do every day. The working time that used to be eight hours a day has now become sixteen hours.

Several other old boys also ran away, saying that they wanted to enjoy life one last time before they died, and left the city without even leaving a letter of resignation.Left him with a whole lot of mess.

I really don't know when this kind of life will end, that Godzilla, when will he go back to die! ! ! !

Being in Europe should have been the place where Godzilla had the least influence.It was supposed to be living a normal life, and it was, until it hit North America.

When the Far East and Australia were attacked before, everyone was not affected so much.It's just that there are a lot more refugees on the street, but they can still bear it. After all, they are all my compatriots, and the government also has its own resettlement point, so it doesn't affect their lives too much.

But later, those things called Ghidorah's Wings attacked.Everything went wrong.

Many shops and companies are closed, and the number of refugees has increased by more than ten times compared to before. Every day when you go to the street, you can see a bunch of people receiving relief food.

Law and order has also deteriorated a lot. Those game companies he likes either have their headquarters wiped out, or more than half of their people have died and cannot continue to operate.

All luxury goods, land, games and movies were all wiped out, leaving no way of survival.

At this time, companies like theirs that develop small construction robots have been greatly affected. As a result, that guy killed North America later, and it is not just the company that is affected.

"Money, money..."

The salary was paid only this month, but Huang Jian was not happy at all.Yes, this month's salary is more than ten times higher than last month's, but what's the use of it?

You are rich, but the money itself has become waste paper.

After that Godzilla guy destroyed North America, the value of money plummeted.All the food stores on the street were closed, and those merchants also packed their bags and ran away one by one. No one is willing to exchange those delicious foods for money anymore.

Everyone is hoarding supplies, and the money is just a waste of paper—no, it’s a bit wrong to say that, it’s actually somewhat useful, and the government has figured out some ways to keep the economy from collapsing completely.

It can still be used on public facilities built by the government, such as now.

"Drip, the destination has arrived, please pay 15 yuan."

After paying the payment with the back of his hand, Huang Jian got out of the car and went downstairs to his apartment.Looking at this newly bought apartment, I feel mixed feelings in my heart.

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