I spent 15 years of my previous life on this apartment. I thought it would be the most valuable thing in this era of population explosion, but I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it. Valuable trash.

No, there is still hope.As long as that monster is defeated by Bilu Saludo, as long as we wait until Bilu Saludo's mothership comes over, then this place will definitely be valuable again, and my work must still be valuable.

He is an optimist. Even the defeat of Bilu Saludo's fleet five days ago did not dampen his confidence. He believes that Bilu Saludo will definitely win in the future. There is still value, as long as this disaster passes, then he can become a rich man and a real master.

As for why, why he is so sure... that can only be said, if he doesn't believe it, Godzilla will not let him go.

So just believe it.

Go upstairs and go home.Huang Jian turned on the TV, wanting to see what news there is today. At this special time, he only has the news as an entertainment method.

After the defeat of Bilu Saludo, the Internet was completely banned and banned. Now there is nothing to watch on it, and you can only watch various news prepared by the government.

The content...is all encouraging and positive, no matter if it's from the European channel or the American channel, it's all the same.

It's not very good-looking, but at least it looks better than nothing.

Rip open a packet of seaweed biscuits, these sweet seaweed biscuits are one of the rare foods that money can buy these days, one of the foods that the government provides unlimited in Europe.

After all, the mainland of Europe has not been attacked by monsters, and its industries have not been destroyed. Whether it is food or other things, those big iron cans are still working hard to provide them with the most complete life services.

This may be the reason why no major riots have erupted in Europe until now. Sufficient food, industries that have not shut down, and a sufficient number of robots can be said to be the best place on earth today.

But this is only the situation in Europe. There is no such good thing in South America and India. Their industrial systems have been almost destroyed by Godzilla and the tsunami. Even the most basic seaweed food can only rely on Shipping in Africa.

The restart of Godzilla has further compressed the human living area to the Middle East, South America, Europe, and Africa. The human living area has once again been greatly reduced, and the population is the same.

Before the Internet was blocked, Huang Jianxiang learned a piece of news from the Internet, that is, the total human population has dropped from eleven digits to ten digits.He has no way to check whether the news is true or not, but he feels that the news is probably true.

There are really only a few billion people in the world.

Speaking of which, Africa, which was considered to be the most miserable place on the five continents before, has not been infested by monsters until today.

All of Europe is invaded by those mysterious white mist. The government said that the white mist came from the entrance of an underground world. I really don’t know what is there.

Eating biscuits, watching TV, drinking soda.Huang Jian's life seemed to be unaffected except for the computer and mobile phone. He watched the news on TV with relish, most of which were old-fashioned chicken soup, and taught everyone never to give up. No way, something is better than nothing.

He ate the biscuits in a few bites, and then tore open a new bag of biscuits, just when he thought today's news would continue to be so boring.

A screen is switched out.

And the news displayed above made him feel unbelievable.

Is this... true or false?

—————py time————

"The Witch's Reincarnation Journey to Death"

Chapter 160 Undercurrent

"According to the latest news, on the coast of France, our guards successfully searched for a submarine that departed from the island of Ireland ten days ago but lost contact after departure. According to official reports, there are 520 people on board. A group of civilians evacuated from the island of Ireland."

"They lost contact 10 days ago, and the communication channel has remained silent. Until yesterday, satellites found the wreckage of a suspected submarine on the coast of France, and salvaged through the pile of wreckage. We found 60 survivors in the rescue cabin of the submarine They are the last survivors at present. These survivors have been sent to the hospital for medical treatment, and their existence may help us answer some questions."

"This is a victory for mankind. We have successfully saved our compatriots. Don't give up hope, we humans still have..."

The news being broadcast on TV can be described as big news. Huang Jian's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that under such circumstances, a submarine that had been out of contact for ten days could be found, and there were still 60 people on board. people live.


After eating another pack of biscuits, Huang Jian couldn't help but think of the scene he encountered in the British Isles.

He was also in the British Isles that day, the day of the fog.And it is the same island of Ireland as the departure place of the submarine on TV.

At that time, after learning that the fog had lost contact with the entire British Isle, the entire island went crazy.Everyone was rushing to leave the train, and there were even several incidents of being hit and killed by vacuum tube trains.

At that time, everyone was trying their best to leave.He was no exception, and finally squeezed into a position with great difficulty, and fled Ireland before the cross-sea train was completely cut off.

I heard that shortly after he left, all the vacuum tube trains over there stopped running.And it's not a simple outage, it's the kind that blows up the track completely.

There were still many people left on the island at that time, and even if an official rescue team went there later, it is still unknown how many people were rescued in the end.

Anyway, during that time, many people on the Internet said that their families were abandoned on the island of Ireland.But later, this kind of tone gradually decreased. I don't know whether it was because they managed to find their family members, or they were silenced by the government.

This submarine is estimated to have been driven out after the train was out of service.Many wealthy people have private large submarines. It is easy to temporarily accommodate more than 500 people in a large submarine tens of meters long.

It's just that they probably didn't expect that the submarine had an accident and they would have to stay in it for a full ten days.

And how can a private submarine support 500 people for ten days?

So only 60 people died.

What a pity.

While feeling emotional, while eating biscuits, Huang Jian continued to watch TV.But when the TV switched to the faces of the survivors, his hand holding the biscuit suddenly stopped.

This... this is impossible...


The biscuit fell on the ground, and the sweeping robot quickly came to clean it up. At this time, the TV was still playing, but Huang Jianxiang, who was sitting on the sofa, had no intention of listening any more.

With a wave of the back of his hand, he turned off the TV.Then he scrambled to find the AR glasses from his room, put them on, and logged into his computer.Then he frantically searched for the information he kept before the Internet was blocked a few days ago.

He didn't admit his mistake, he absolutely didn't admit his mistake... That face, that face, he couldn't possibly admit it...

How could this be...how could this be...


Why are you still alive! ! ! !

At this moment, his heart seemed to be pinched tightly by an invisible big hand, and he felt that it was difficult for him to breathe.

Searching frantically among the information saved on the computer, he finally found the information he wanted.It was the file of one of his colleagues, more precisely, his former colleagues.

Borrowing the enhanced function of AR glasses, he copied the whole body of the colleague into the living room, and then he adjusted the time of the TV back to the time when he saw the face just now, and then the perspective kept changing between the TV and AR. to switch.

Yes, that's right.Even the hemorrhoids are the same, it really is her, it really is her, it really is Tina!But didn't she, she, she died in Britain? !

The sound of breathing became heavier, his body slammed on the sofa, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't understand why a dead person would appear on TV as a survivor.

He clearly remembered, clearly remembered that ten days ago he and she went separately to Ireland and Britain to carry out the company's mission.

At that time, the two of them set out together and separated on the island of Ireland. One continued to do his own business in Ireland, and the other went to the British branch to get some real-life materials.

He completed his task, but Tina...she was left on the British Isle forever by the white mist.In those two days, he still blamed himself very much. Although he didn't know each other for a long time, if he had stopped her proposal to split up at that time, one less person would have died, and one less companion who was still willing to stay in the company would have died.

Obviously she was dead, but he also visited her parents and comforted them.

But why?Why is she on TV again?

There was a brainstorm in Huang Jian's mind, and he remembered a statement he had read on the Internet a few days ago, that statement said.The kind of monster that caused the fog, it can transform into a human form, and use the human form to infect other people, causing an entire area to completely fall before it recognizes its existence.

This is how Britain fell. Long before the fog appeared, Britain had already been infected by that monster.Those kind of monsters are more terrifying than Godzilla, and they can really replace a person's identity.


At that time, I still thought that this statement was very unreliable... But now... now that the dead person appeared in front of him...

Maybe this is really the truth...

Want to tell someone else about this?Tell other people there's a guy on TV who's supposed to be dead?

The storm in Huang Jian's brain became more intense. If he said it out, it would really spoil the good things of those guys. Afterwards, would he be hunted down by that kind of thing?After all, they are all fully anthropomorphic, with human intelligence and intelligence. After learning that he leaked the secret, they will definitely take revenge, right?

But if we don't report... Will the whole continent of Europe become like Britain?Invaded by that monster and turned into a barren land.

The storm became more and more intense. In the end, he gritted his teeth and turned on his cell phone to call the official channel.


"Well, this is the Paris Civic Center, what questions do you have?"

"Oh, oh, oh, I am... I am an ordinary person living in the East End of Paris. Just now, I saw my dead friend, Tina Tell, on TV. I am very disturbed now , May I ask what is going on with this matter?"

"Oh, you said this...it's nothing."


"Hi, you are already No. 30 seven people who asked this question. Is the survivor you know exactly the same as the deceased, the woman with long blond hair and hemorrhoids at the corner of her eye?"

"Uh... yes..."

"Then it's nothing, you must have never seen Miss Pretty. This face is the face of Ms. Lenna, the chief spokesperson of Miss Pretty. Many women like to make themselves look like Ms. Lenna. Don't worry, TV The one above is not your dead friend, she is just an ordinary-looking lady."

"Ah...is that so..."

"Yes, so you can rest easy. It's just a general resemblance."

"That, that, that's okay."

After hanging up the phone, Huang Chang breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that it's not some alien monster who turned into a human, but a simple facelift.

This is just an oolong, an oolong caused by unfamiliarity. Speaking of which, Tina has had this face since the first time he saw it. It seems that she had plastic surgery quite early.

Luna... Luna... After it was said that Tina's face was made by imitating hers, he also wanted to see the original match of this face.It's a pity that the Internet has been blocked now, and even the most basic encyclopedia cannot be consulted, so we can only talk about it later.

He had been tense for several hours in vain, and when he relaxed like this, Huang Jian felt very tired all of a sudden.It's time to sleep, there's work tomorrow.

Climbing into bed, he closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep.But whenever he was about to fall asleep, Tina's face always appeared in his mind, and there was always a faint uneasiness in his heart.

Toss and turn, toss and turn.He couldn't fall asleep, until finally, at dawn, he got out of bed, turned on his phone and sent a text message to his boss.

The content of the text message was just four simple words - I resigned.

After sending the text message, he lay down on the bed again, this time he successfully fell asleep.The last thing on his mind before falling asleep.

Tomorrow, I will move to Africa.

The uneasiness gradually dissipated.


At the same time, on the Rose Coast of the Brittany Peninsula in France, a large group of people wearing extremely tight protective clothing, accompanied by an army of machines, came to the survivor's isolation area.

The size of the entire isolation area is comparable to a giant stadium. It is completely airtight, and its inside and outside are completely isolated, ensuring that no tiny existence will leak out.

The air is completely circulated inside, and the airtightness is comparable to the most advanced chip factory. Each person is equipped with a separate room and a separate review room.There are also epidemic testing centers and medical testing rooms that can completely independently detect all physical conditions.

After everyone enters, they are not allowed to come out again. There is no doubt that its security level has reached the highest level.

What is such a high level of security used to isolate?The answer is people, the people who were just rescued from the icy sea water last night.

The sixty survivors on the Rose submarine, as well as those who had contact with these survivors, were all isolated here without exception, awaiting medical testing.

The latter two have been able to move freely in this facility after passing various tests and in vitro killing for a day.But the former, that is, the sixty survivors, are still isolated in isolation.

Each person has a room, and each person is isolated and interrogated individually.

First of all, from the medical point of view, X-rays, nuclear magnetic resonance, micro-robot detection, blood composition analysis, excretion and eating, etc. are used together to detect whether there is any abnormality in its body structure.

Then sociology, allowing them to speak for themselves about who they are.Next, check them one by one, and at the same time retrieve the information database of each person, and use the method of interrogation to ask and answer questions to see if they are replaced by other existences.

Then there is behavioral psychology, even if the above two are determined, there is no problem.It is also necessary to analyze the various micro-movements they showed during isolation to determine whether their psychology is normal or not.

At present, this battery of tests has been used on them for a whole day.Until now, their condition is still normal, even if there is something abnormal, it is also in line with the performance of being trapped for ten days.

All the tests that humans can do have not detected any problems on their bodies, so can they be released?

of course not!

And one last test.

The team walked into the isolation area, and most of them stopped after entering the isolation area and went to the periphery.

But others chose to go deeper, going straight to the isolation room of the group of survivors.

Most of these people who chose to go deeper were very tall, and the protective clothing they wore was completely different from others.Like a group of pure aliens.

They walked into the isolation room without saying anything, just relying on their tall stature to forcibly grab everyone's hand, took out a tube of strangely colored medicine, and injected it into their veins.

One, two, ten, twenty...

Soon, all the survivors were given that medicine by them.After everyone finished using the potion, a tall alien took out a small machine from nowhere, looked at it a few times, and said in a poor human language:

"No problem, you can let them go."

As soon as this was said, all the other "shorts" present breathed a sigh of relief, thank God, they were really fine.If there are problems, why don't the higher-ups cut them off?

The identities of the sixty survivors this time are not ordinary. If they were ordinary, they would not appear in the tens of meters long private submarine.Among them were even the children of a member of Parliament. Thankfully, they were fine. If something happened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Thank you."

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