He glanced at everyone present, then spoke slowly.

"I believe you all already know. Ten hours ago, the monster we named Ghidorah had awakened on Venus and was heading towards the mothership of the Birusarudo civilization."

On the screen, Ghidorah's three songs are extraordinarily hideous.One of its three heads is aimed at humans, one is aimed at Birusarudo, and the other is aimed at Exif.

"According to the latest computer simulations, the motherships of Ghidorah and Birusarudo will meet in 98 hours, which is 4 days on earth time, and then fight."

"According to the original agreement. Birusarudo civilization will be responsible for destroying this monster, but after Godzilla's battle, it will be brought into Ghidorah through its body data obtained from Godzilla. The volume. Our computer found that Birusaru's winning rate may not reach [-]%..."

Speaking of this, Ludwig looked straight at the representative of Bilu Saludo with his eyes, and continued after a pause:

"We believe that your computer has already calculated your own winning percentage, so this meeting. We want you to have an open and honest talk about the winning percentage of Ghidorah in your own civilization calculations."

Said everyone, but judging from Ludwig's tone, he was obviously targeting Bilu Saludo.


And the representative of Bilu Saludo was also very conscious of this, he slammed one hand on the table heavily, and questioned Ludwig:

"Are you threatening us?! Humans!!!"

"Don't forget who rescued you humans from Godzilla! You are not qualified to question us yet! If it weren't for us, you would have been wiped out by Godzilla long ago!"

Miao Ge was full of anger, and so were the other Birusarudo people who came with him behind him.The originally quiet hall suddenly became noisy. At this moment, Birusaru and many people were undoubtedly indignant at the disrespect of human beings.

But unexpectedly, Ludwig, who is far inferior to Bilu Saludo in strength, and even his own safety is completely under Bilu Saludo's, did not respond to this, he just used his usual tone continued.

"Your Excellency, we are no longer pretending to each other. Let go of your disguise, which is good for both parties. We humans are not ignorant fools, and we already know the purpose of Bilu Saludo civilization. So stop pretending to be so angry OK, okay?"

"Actually, you are not angry at all, Your Excellency Miao Ge."

After finishing speaking, Ludwig met Miao Ge's eyes boldly. For a while, this alien representative who thought he was many times smarter than low-level humans was a little uncertain at this moment.

He snorted a few times, then settled down again, and the other Birusaludo people who had been extremely indignant before also quieted down at an incredible speed.

Did humans already know the mechanism of the monster phenomenon... Who told them... Could it be you... Exif...

Miao Ge closed his eyes, but his thoughts did not stop.Today's human government is extra tough like a new group of people, and knows more things.

They must have gotten help from somewhere, and the person who can help them... there is only one possibility...

Have you finally bared your fangs, Exif?

In the previous time, they showed no threat at all, and only took a bite at the most critical time. Exif's actions undoubtedly greatly reduced their bargaining power when facing humans, but... …This is why?

Does it do them any good?

Miao Ge couldn't figure it out, so he could only wait for Ludwig to continue speaking, hoping to pry some information about Exif from his mouth.

Until then, they have not considered human beings as true equal opponents.

Seeing that everyone in Bilusaru had calmed down, Ludwig, the head of the negotiating table, continued to speak. He continued:

"We would be very grateful if you would be open and honest about the winning rate of Birusarudo civilization against Ghidorah."

"Everyone should know that more than ten days ago, we humans have launched a large-scale expansion operation on the underground fissures in East Africa. Now, after ten days of expansion, we have built a road with a daily traffic flow of 100 people. Wan's through tunnel."

"Through it, we can send our compatriots on Earth to another world for immigration. In other words, even if Ghidorah in space really defeats your mothership, we still have a way out."

Here, Ludwig glanced at Miao Ge's face again, as if waiting for his reaction.

And Miao Ge also spoke in a timely manner, he squinted his eyes and asked Ludwig.

"So? You humans have a way out, so what? Did you call us here just to show off? If so, I can only say that you humans are really boring."

Hearing him say this, Ludwig smiled with satisfaction, and he replied.

"So we will continue to expand the East African fissure in the coming time, and it is estimated that the final daily transportation volume will reach 4000 million passengers."

"These 4000 million people, we humans will not choose to be exclusive. On this point, the representative of Exif will have a say, because before coming, we have already decided that once Ghidorah wins, we will give all Lady Axie transported to the other side of the rift to perpetuate our alliance."

"This time, the reason for holding this meeting is. We want to ask His Excellency Miao Ge, your Excellency Bilu Saludo, if you want to participate in our plan and join this immigration?"

"We have sent the detailed information about the world after the rift to the tablet in front of you and everyone. Just open it, and you can see the detailed information about the world after the rift."

After saying this, Ludwig fell silent for a while.I gave the Birusaludo people present time to check the information on the world after the rift.

Miao Ge also turned on the tablet and looked at the information.

And I have to say that the world described in these materials is really attractive, and he wants to drive the spaceship to East Africa to occupy it.

But... If it is true that the Titan who has established a cooperative relationship with humans is true as stated in the data, making such an act will undoubtedly ruin the way forward.

What's more, the conditions offered by human beings in this material are really extremely favorable...even so favorable that there is no need to reject this plan.

Can all the 1 million Birusarud people on the earth now be relocated...

Even they themselves have no better plans.

And for such generous conditions, the price they have to pay is almost insignificant.

It can be said that this is a win-win situation, and there is no reason to refuse.

Miao Ge opened his eyes wide and aimed at Ludwig who was sitting on the chief seat.He wanted to see what this earthling was thinking, but there was no fluctuation on Ludwig's face, he really couldn't see anything.

Want to negotiate?Like fighting for more rights or something?

No, just judging from the conditions given above, there is no need to negotiate. 1 million Bilu Salud people can be transferred, and he can't conjure more Bilu Salud people from the void. Naturally, there is no need to talk about it.

Then let the fleet seize it?Make that chasm their own?

This is not necessary, the fleet's occupation will cause humans to completely break up with them here.Humans still have a large number of nuclear weapons on this planet. Even if they can't defeat the fleet, it is still easy to kill half of the Bilu Salud people with nuclear weapons before they are completely defeated.

What's more, after the rift, if humans didn't deceive them.Humans still have Titan allies over there... The diameter of the underground crack is only 30 meters, and warships cannot pass through it. With only small and medium weapons, they are facing a Titan who is not much weaker than Godzilla... Biluza Rudo is also unlikely to win.

After going through all the possibilities in his mind, Miao Ge found that no matter from which aspect, their cooperation with humans is the best option.

and so……

They had no choice but to agree.

"Hmph, all right. We'll work with you. But humans, if you let us know you're deceiving us, we'll make you pay dearly."

"As for the winning rate you want... [-]%, we Birusarudo has a [-]% chance of winning, and Ghidorah has a [-]% chance of winning, so you are satisfied now."

After agreeing to cooperate, Miao Ge told the cruel truth of this battle in an unwilling tone.Everyone present gasped after hearing the winning percentage.

Yes, Birusarudo's chances of victory are less than half, and Ghidorah is more likely to be the winner of this battle.

This is really beyond the expectations of the human side. Their initial estimate of the winning rate was [-]% for Bilu Saludo and [-]% for Gidola.

But now, Bilu Sarudofang personally slapped them in the face.Humans' predictions were completely wrong. Birusarudo faced Ghidorah, and Ghidorah was the stronger side.

The surrounding air was a little frozen, and Ludwig stopped breathing, thinking about the winning rate.

Call ~

After a while, Ludwig breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

The results of this meeting have greatly exceeded expectations for him.

Not only did he succeed in defrauding Birusaru and others through speculation, but he also learned some information about the phenomenon of monsters.

He also succeeded in shutting up other people in the government who had objections to the East Africa plan through the winning rate, which gave him the power to mobilize all the robots to prepare for the subsequent world immigration.

And the full mobilization 4 days in advance will also greatly increase the speed of expansion.

Considering that after the cooperation is reached, Bilu Saludo's battleship will also come to help expand this factor.Even if the human side has to pay an extra 1 million immigration quota, the final result is profitable.Because of this meeting, there will be at least 2 to 3 million more immigration quotas.

Considering that the entire society can have a psychological prediction of the future defeat of Bilu Saludo 4 days in advance, such a meeting saved 5 million lives at least.

The results obtained are really important.

Ludwig stood up and was about to announce the end of the meeting.

And just as he stood up and was about to announce, Miao Ge also stood up.

?Does he want to leave early?

Ludwig didn't know what Miao Ge was going to do, but he used his big palm to stop Ludwig in front of him. When Ludwig himself was still a little confused, he said .

"Don't you want to shake hands? Come on, as a token of our friendship."

The proud alien finally recognized the insects on the earth. Ludwig thought for a while, and then he firmly held the palm of Miao Ge's hand.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Pleasant to work with."

The two races finally reached a real agreement at this moment, and at this extremely important point of time, Mephisto, the representative of Exif who had been silent since the beginning of the meeting, finally spoke.


He said.

"Bilusaludo's winning percentage is zero."

"They will fail, but don't worry, Ghidorah will fail too."

"And Godzilla, will save everyone."

The words fell, and a new silence enveloped.

Chapter 180 The second before the war

In the vacuum hundreds of millions of miles away from the earth, a huge monster is sailing in it.

In its captain's cabin, Muir, who was in charge of everything, received a message from his fellow men on Earth.

But just looking at it, he couldn't help laughing.

"Is the winning rate zero..."

"I was really underestimated by that group of unclear magic sticks."

"But we do need to plan battles in advance...Ghidorah, although I don't want to admit it. But it is indeed stronger than us."

"Now is the time to plan our battle."

"It's time for those Exifers on Earth to see it."

"The power that belongs to us Birusarudo."

After finishing speaking, the huge mothership in the void gradually unfolded under Muir's voice.

The sphere gradually expanded, and its shape changed. It expanded its volume by more than ten times, and countless cracks appeared on the surface of the sphere.

From these cracks, tens, hundreds, and thousands of warships sailed out.They surrounded the mothership, leaving glaring jets in the void.

Thousands of engines belched fire enough to burn the surface of a planet, and the fleet sailed through the void, pointing at their own enemies.

The inflated mothership began to shrink after releasing all the stored battleships, the cracks gradually closed, and it seemed to have returned to its original state.

No, it's not just as simple as changing back to the original.

The shrinking mothership is now expelling a large amount of gas outwards. These precious atmospheres that were once the most important part of the mothership's internal circulation ecosystem are now discharged into the vacuum as waste products.

After the gas was exhausted, other living materials began to be thrown out of the mothership. They were freeing up more space for the mothership and preparing for the next battle.

In the vast and boundless universe, Bilu Saludo's mothership discarded all unnecessary living materials in such a luxurious way, until its interior was emptied until only combat facilities and materials remained.

More than 200 trillion tons of air, food, daily necessities, entertainment institutions, and personal computers have been emptied.The mass of the entire mothership was reduced by half!It throws away countless encumbrances.

But losing these qualities also means that the interior of this mothership will no longer be suitable for Birusalud people to live in.There is no doubt that this is indeed a last-ditch effort.

And this last fight is not over yet.

After the "impurities" in the body were emptied, the huge Birusaludo mothership began to "collapse" inward.

The original huge volume of more than 500 million cubic kilometers is shrinking crazily.After it is determined that there is no need to leave the space for Bilu Saru's multi-person activities, those ecological areas, compartments, dormitories and other places for human activities are no longer needed.

So the entire mothership began to squeeze, filling up all the unnecessary space inside, making this mothership a real interstellar fortress that was only born for battle!

The battleship in the void shrinks inward, and with the passage of time, the huge volume of 500 million cubic kilometers has shrunk to one-twentieth of its original size. The current Birusaludo mothership has turned into a 20-meter diameter ship. Kilometer dense star.

Around, the jets of countless warships light up the curtain of the universe.

They turned into stars and surrounded the "mother", heading towards the other side of the deep space.

At this moment, there are still 96 hours before Ghidorah arrives.


Two days later, on the earth hundreds of millions of miles away.

Huang Jian went home with the food he received from "that place", murmuring in his heart.

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