Is this really all right...

Two days ago, he accidentally made friends and was led by a bastard to the meeting place of the so-called Godzilla Cult.

There he had no choice but to join the religion, swearing allegiance in front of the so-called "Master Master".

After joining the church, the "master leader" assured him that he could help him and get a place to go to Africa.

But after so many days, the leader has never replied.On the contrary, it was Lao Zhang who cheated him, and took him to various research institutes every day to receive all kinds of food.

Now he knew exactly where Lao Zhang got those rare gadgets. It turned out that there was an insider in the research institute.Also, in this difficult time for mankind, there is no other place that can provide such good food in large quantities except for the scientists in the research institute.

But Huang Jian can't figure out one thing, that is why those human elites join Godzilla Cult, which seems unreliable religion. Even ordinary people like him think worshiping Godzilla Cult is unreliable, Don't those elites who are far smarter than him know?


Anyway, he just couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't accept the teachings of worshiping Godzilla in his heart.

What kind of human society is punished by nature because it has gone wrong, and it has to abandon civilization and return to nature.

Why do you want to worship Godzilla wholeheartedly, you can integrate into Godzilla's ecological circle and live in it.

These sounds unreliable, I don't know why so many people believe them.

Huang Jian felt that if the nature they were talking about really represented the nature of the entire universe in a strict sense, it would be absolutely impossible to punish them, little human beings.

Leaving aside the issue of how old are human beings in the universe, just talking about one point, just talking about energy consumption, is enough to smash their logic.

As far as the universe is concerned, is there really a difference between the energy consumed by ordinary creatures and the energy consumed by civilization activities?

Huang Jian thinks the answer to this question is no.

Since there is no difference, how can the universe itself punish humans for the fact that the expansion of human civilization has led to the extinction of other species?

Taking a step back, even if there is a difference.Even if the universe really thinks that the energy consumed by ecology is more noble, and human beings are really guilty, it shouldn't send something like Godzilla to destroy them.

Didn't Godzilla kill other life in his quest to wipe out humanity?Didn't it burn the forest?Didn't it destroy those artificial ecosystems?

Of course it was destroyed, of course it was burned, and the number is close to what humans have destroyed and burned.

So in essence, it is no different from human beings.

The so-called revival of nature, before Godzilla came out, humans were also doing it.Aren't those permanent ecosystems the best evidence?Then why did the universe go so far as to let Godzilla clean up everything?It doesn't make sense at all.

The only situation in which Godzilla's theory is valid is that the universe itself is crazy. Otherwise, Huang Jian really can't think of the rationality of their theory.

Well, what Godzilla teaches can only be true if the universe itself is insane, that's the only way it can be.

Will the universe go crazy?

No way?


Crazy, really crazy!

The world is fucking crazy!This universe is a fucking lunatic! ! !

What the hell is it, why does this kind of nonsense happen! ! !Isn't this just the babbling of some lunatics? !Then why did it really come true! ! !

Nott Wilder felt like he was going crazy.

Ten days ago, in order to find the root of Godzilla's ability beyond scientific cognition, he chose to ask Exif for help.I want to find the truth of all this from Mrs. Axie's knowledge.

As a high civilization, Madam Axie might have the truth about monsters in her database.

He thought so.

But when he actually started searching and translating Exif's complicated materials, his thinking was completely overturned.

This is not a dissertation at all!

This is clearly the sleep talk of a bunch of lunatics!

The more sophisticated the technology and the more advanced theories, the more far-fetched and unclear the process of Aksif's deriving them.

Their "scientific papers" have no logic at all, just a bunch of lunatics interpreting another lunatic's drunken words.

There is no mathematical calculation or anything, and the detailed data is all based on self-feeling!

Can this kind of thing still be called a thesis?Can this kind of thing be called technology?

Damn it works! ! !

The dream talk of these lunatics can really bring you unexpected surprises!The interpretation of their crazy words can really get an effective data!

What the hell is going on in this world? !

Nott didn't know, he only knew that as he interpreted more papers, he himself seemed to have a wonderful sense of premonition.

The nonsense that could not be deciphered before was gradually understood by him, and the crazy words that were not understood before began to become orderly to him...

As if an inexplicable existence in his mind was pouring the truth about all this into his mind, he began to agree more and more with Exif's ideas... More and more he felt that there was a real truth behind all this. There is a supreme god...

What a fuck! ! !

And just when he was about to completely fall into this crazy logic, the last trace of rationality as a scientist pulled him back.He was sweating profusely, and then, as if in a dream, he found that he could no longer decipher the essay on Exif.

He can no longer understand those things, even with the comparison table given by Aksif, he can't understand them at all.

Crazy, this is just plain crazy.

Although he didn't completely fall into that kind of madness, the memory of half-stepping into it still exists in Nott's mind.He could clearly remember how during that period of time he was madly offering his own reverence to the so-called God of Exif.

And how he gradually reversed his view of Godzilla from a monster to a messenger of God.

Yes, during that time, he actually regarded Godzilla as the messenger of God! !Really think there is a revered god behind Godzilla! !

How could he be like this?How could a monster be regarded as an angel?

Nott himself couldn't understand his thoughts at the time, he could only randomly conclude that he was crazy at the time.

But...if he is just crazy, what are the truths that emerge in his mind?Is that just a hallucination by mistake?

Or... in this universe, is the so-called madness real?

Nott was thinking wildly, and at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw something that he hadn't noticed in the past few days, something that was placed on his colleague's desk - a small statue.

Although the craftsmanship is not perfect, he can still see what the statue is carving.

It carves Godzilla.

It is the appearance of Godzilla as an envoy seen when he fell into madness.

This universe is crazy.


Underground in Australia, four days after Ghidorah awakened.

Godzilla once again completed its evolution. In four days, it has successfully replaced the original focusing crystal with the ultra-intense pulse laser it created.

It can be said that its current laser ability far surpasses its past self. If it encounters a group of micron robots like Bilu Saludo again, it will be able to shoot down the battleship behind it without fear of them.

The same is true for the Damocles system. The atmosphere of thousands of kilometers can no longer serve as its protective shield.As long as it appears in its range, Godzilla can destroy it with just one hit.

When it comes to lasers, Godzilla is nowhere to be found.

Even against Ghidorah or Bilu Saludo's mothership, Godzilla's lasers at this time will never be inferior to them, and even far surpass them.

The spear is ready, the next thing is the shield.

Godzilla "sees" his whole body with an all-encompassing radar, and its materials still have a lot of room for improvement. In the world where inner electrons form bonds, carbon is not the best material.It can replace the composition of the whole body with iron, which is bonded by inner electrons, which will greatly improve its future growth potential.

It's's always potential, not reality.

Time is running out, no matter whether the winner is Ghidorah or Birusarudo, it only takes more than ten days for them to fly to the earth after defeating each other, which is not enough time for them to complete a large body material Metamorphosis.

So if it wants to strengthen itself in a short period of time, it needs to look for it from other directions.Like...quantum lock.

By changing the distribution of superconductors in the outer armor, Godzilla can increase the strength of the quantum lock by half.

With the strengthening of the current, Godzilla can continue to increase by one-half.

Added up, the rate of improvement is doubled.

But this is not enough, double the improvement is still too little for the opponent it is about to face, it needs a new way to increase its strength by ten times or more during this period of time.

It's almost impossible, but it can't help it.

The stars in the sky are about to collide, and Godzilla must make himself strong enough to fight them after they decide the winner.

If it fails, all that awaits it is the end of everything it values.

Godzilla won't allow that to happen, so it's bound to get stronger and stronger than anyone before that day comes.

The factories on the surface forge the weapons needed by Godzilla, and the underground body plans a new body structure.

This time, even without the help of systems and panels, Godzilla will be stronger enough to fight them.

Looking up to the sky from the ground, Godzilla can see the far end of space.

Golden wings and dense stars are about to collide.

The n*j two stars bloomed a dazzling record $N=-J{号@/1~>0 light.


An unprecedented battle is fought in a vacuum.

Ghidorah and Birusarudo.

War is on.

Chapter 180 III

finally coming.

In the only room with an atmosphere in the mothership Birusaludo, Muir's consciousness is connected to the overall network, sharing his own consciousness with the entire mothership.

In the distance, the golden wings were approaching, and after 108 hours of waiting, it was finally going to meet him.

Twenty light seconds... 600 million kilometers...

This is the only distance left between them, and at this distance, an attack is already possible.But Muir did not order the whole army to attack.

It's not the best distance yet.

Thousands of warships guarded in a cone shape at a position of 1 light second to 5 light seconds in front of the mothership, and the dense star, which was once motionless on the surface, now began to rotate itself because it wanted to defend itself against the light beams from Ghidorah.

Our side is ready...

What about the enemy?


It is a little anxious.

A vacuum is silent, but the vibration inside the mothership can be converted into sound.

Muir "heard" the sound of the explosion, and a beam of light from the other side of deep space hit it, carving a hole more than ten meters wide, more than a thousand meters long, and more than thirty meters deep on its surface. "Rift Valley".

At this moment, it is spraying high-temperature clouds, leaving its own trajectory in the vacuum.

This is Ghidorah's masterpiece, and such masterpieces have been continuous since just now.

What a... meaningless move.

Muir's evaluation of this is very low. Although the power of each of these rays is above 100 Pawatts, the rotatable surface of the mothership and the too long distance make it only reach a depth of more than [-] meters. surface layer.

Compared with the diameter of the mothership of 80 kilometers, the depth of more than [-] meters is not even scratches.This simply failed to penetrate its armor.

Gidola's doing this is just wasting its energy. At a distance of [-] light seconds, Gidola's laser does not pose a threat to Bilu Saludo.

It's just wasting its energy.

But...with Ghidorah's power, it can fully bear this waste. For it with such a huge body, the Pava-level laser will not melt the focusing crystal like Godzilla does. It can Unlimited use of this power.

Successive laser bombardments came from the vacuum, blasting the surface of the entire dense star into pits and craters.In this way, Ghidorah constantly tested the strength of this star, and the distance between them became closer and closer as time went by.

Eighteen light seconds, fifteen light seconds, ten light seconds


One light second represents 30 kilometers, which is a natural moat that takes more than a thousand seconds for Birusarudo and Ghidorah to cross.

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