"I can't escape..."

He said with some hesitation that, as an official of the people, he really couldn't think of a situation where the officials would run away first, rather than the people they wanted to protect.

And as soon as these words were spoken, the old man opposite him, who had been keeping calm all this time, wrinkled his face.

"Ellen, are you crazy?! Do you know the number of the first batch of evacuees?! How many people have this chance? Are you going to give up now?! For those guys you don't even know?"

He scolded his children loudly.He really didn't understand why his son had changed so much in just a few months!

When he made him a member of the upper district, he didn't really want his children to sacrifice for those poor ghosts!

"Guys you don't know? That's our foundation! Father! If it weren't for their work, our human society would fall apart! They are the cornerstone of this world!"

"Your thinking is completely wrong. As bureaucrats, we should lead by example and be a good example for the people!"

"You have insulted the revolutionary history of the French people! Father, even if I am your son, I will point out your mistakes!"

Hearing his own father belittle his people, the young district councilor couldn't sit still.Although he did not become a district councilor on the basis of real talent, he still has a real feeling for his people and wants to serve them.

So he immediately refuted his father, which made the old man in front of him a little annoyed. It was the first time he was reprimanded by his son like this.

But he suppressed this anger, because he knew that now was not a good time to get angry.He has more important things to do.

That is to let my children, together with myself, transfer to the East African Rift Valley.

He suppressed his anger and said in a calm tone as much as possible.

"Ellen, have you been brainwashed by those propaganda? Do you really think you are important? Realize the reality, you can't help them with or without you! After Ghidorah comes, everyone who can't retreat will Die! You have nothing to do!"

"But...but, if you listen to me, you can really help at least one person, the most important person to you, that is, me, your father. Seriously, Ellen, I beg you Do you? Take the damn ticket and transfer with me!"

"Otherwise, you can only see a lonely old man dying in pain in front of you. You don't want this, do you?"

Know it with emotion and move it with reason.He wants to touch his child with himself and let him follow him well.

But this piece of sincerity got nothing but ruthless rejection.

His child, Ellen just looked at him calmly and said slowly.

"Father, stop pretending."

"You wouldn't kill yourself for me, you wouldn't kill yourself for anyone. Because in your heart, you are the most important one, aren't you?"

"The mother's departure back then is the best proof of this matter. You will not give up your life because of a mere heir. Although I respect you very much, I also know that you are not that kind of person."

"You are a real politician, an unscrupulous man, a political legend, a representative of the European dream from a commoner to a member of parliament. This kind of person will not stop because of a child, I really mean to you , but only important."

"And do you really think I don't know anything? My younger brothers and sisters, there are quite a few of them."

"Leave them the ticket, I don't need it anymore, I want to stay here and stay with them until the last moment."

"Then, that's my attitude. Father, it's up to you whether you want to continue talking. I'll go out to inspect first."

After finishing speaking, Ellen stepped out of the room.Only his father was left here alone, thinking quietly.



At this point, he has nothing to talk about, and unspeakable feelings flooded the old man's heart.Mixed with anger, sadness, and... a touch of relief and loss.

He has grown up.

He was obviously a politician like him a few months ago, and his biggest purpose was to maintain their family's status and to be dismissive of the people at the bottom.

But just a few months, just a few months of practice.

He grew up, and grew into what he once wanted to be, but finally gave up.

His child has really grown up.

Unspeakable sadness... After the old man sighed, he left the home that made him sad.

But where no one noticed, a strange light appeared in the eyes of the district councilor who had just shown the spirit of fearlessness and sacrifice.

The Birusaru people failed, and it seemed that this earth could not survive.

That guy named Ghidorah is not something we can fight against now, we must tell this matter to the main body!

But the main body hasn't established contact with us yet... Damn it!Now we can't leave this universe, we have to wait here until the ontology diffuses!

It will take a while, after Bilu Saludo's ray burst, the robots guarding the main body are all paralyzed, and the main body should have begun to expand by now.

But if the main body has not expanded to Paris after 6 days...then they must take the initiative.

Thanks to Birusarudo's ray burst, the ubiquitous surveillance system of human beings has been paralyzed, and their attention has not been placed on the body.

They can now act on their own initiative without being detected by humans.

That said, now is the time to reach out to your other selves.

Wait for a while, just wait for a while, it will absorb all useful knowledge in this world, and human knowledge will allow it to touch a higher realm. Not afraid of any other existence.

Destoroyah will be the final winner of this planet!


"Huh, it's so cold."

Turning on the headlights to shine on the snow, wearing protective clothing, Huang Jian walked on the street with deep snow.

The sky is still so dark, if no one tells you, ordinary people will definitely not think that this is the weather condition at noon.

There is no light, and even the thunder that was often seen a few days ago is much less

The superconducting highway has been covered with heavy snow. Because of the gamma ray storm a few days ago, all civilian electronic components were paralyzed, and no one cleared the heavy snow. Both the sidewalk and the driveway were knee-deep in snow.

Snow filled with high-energy radiation.

Exposure can cause the more serious form of radiation sickness within an hour.In this era of lack of medical treatment and medicine, suffering from radiation sickness basically means death.

You have to wear protective clothing.

It's lucky to say that Huang Jian's family has a stock of anti-radiation suits. This is the emergency suit he prepared before the social order collapsed, just in case Godzilla would kill him one day.At that time, many people bought it, and he also grabbed a set.

This gave him a natural advantage in this radiation day. These days, he can freely enter and exit the community, and go to the robot stand to receive emergency food.

This is more than 90.00% of the people.

Because of the destruction of electronic components caused by gamma rays, all the logistics robots in the original city were rotten.Only some post-Bilusaludo-era robots made with new technology can still operate, but their number is too small to afford the operation of the entire city.

So now, I go to the official supply point to get supplies by myself.

But the radiation days keep most people from going out.We can only rely on those who have protective clothing, and ask them to take their share when receiving supplies, and entrust hope to one person.

But as the snow fell harder and harder, let alone taking other people's shares, it was much more difficult to go home with one's own share.

The various corpses buried in the snow on the street can prove it.

Every time we walk down the street, we can see people buried in the snow, who may have died from freezing or radiation.

In the first two days, many people did not believe in evil, could not bear the hunger and ran out, trying to complete a round trip before the radiation.

And what happened to them...

Those corpses without protective clothing are enough to make people understand.

"Huh, how far is it? They don't even ask robots to clean it. How do we go in this kind of road condition?"

There are also some dead bodies in protective clothing on the street.

Most of them were people who carried too much food, couldn't walk steadily, fell down in the snow, couldn't get up and were submerged in the heavy snow and lost their temperature.

They are all good people. After all, if they are just food for a few mouthfuls, it will not cause them to lose their balance and fall.

How many people died in these four days?Huang Jian didn't know.

He just knew that he was likely to die here in a few days, because many people were saying that Ghidorah, the culprit who caused all this, was not dead and was still on his way

They also said that the government is preparing to evacuate the earth, and a passage to another universe has been discovered in East Africa.The government wants to abandon everyone in this world and flee with only a handful of elites, and they arrange a boat ticket for each of those elites.

Huang Jian didn't know if it was true or not, but the suspected high-ranking leader of the Godzilla religion ran away a few days ago before the disaster happened, so it must be true.

So he was going to die.

Hey, I knew East Africa was the land of salvation before.But in the end, I still couldn't go there, which was really unlucky.

But there is no way, even if he passed, he felt that he would not have a ticket.It is good not to be killed by those guard robots.

Speaking of which, Lao Zhang hasn't seen him for a long time, remember he was going out to find their leader?I don't know where he died?

And those great benevolent people who distribute food in the research institute, I don't know if they are still distributing food now.It's a pity that it's too far away from here to go, otherwise he really wants to take another look.

Speaking of it, I'm too optimistic. I'm going to die in a few days, but now I still have the heart to complain.


Thinking in pieces in his mind, he walked across the snow step by step, turned the corner and walked to another street. Huang Jian suddenly saw him on the road ahead.The snow piled up in the past few days has been swept away.

On the side of the road, dozens of robots of unknown models that have never been seen before are sweeping the snow in the middle of the road to the edge.

As far as the eye could see, the distance from his location to the food distribution point was several hundred meters, the snow and corpses on the road had been cleaned up.

Hey—didn't they give up on us?

There are a lot of robots, and more than one road has been cleared. There are even temporary rest stops on the street!There are also robots inside handing out new protective suits to other people in protective clothing.

The latest news is being broadcast on the loudspeaker - "Ghidorah is indeed dead, Birusarudo actually has a fleet heading to the earth, the government will not give up on everyone, and the time to defeat the monster is coming soon ..." Such inspiring words, as for whether they are true or not, only God knows.

But in any case, their improvement in people's hearts is real. There are even many people "shopping" on the street. They sit in the rest station without radiation inside to send their protective clothing to be cleaned, and sit inside and drink tea—yes , They actually have tea to drink.

Not only tea, but also coffee, vegetable protein milk... and a variety of other freshly made foods, all of which are open without limit.

Wow!Is it that good?

Huang Jian couldn't understand it all at once. The supplies were not so good when there was no disaster a few days ago.How come so many supplies can be provided when the disaster comes?

Wouldn't it be like that?Could it be that they were really going to run away, and they simply took out all the supplies they couldn't take away to stabilize people's hearts?

no?Can't really be like that?

He really thinks this possibility is not small...

But guessing that he has no choice but to collect the food honestly, and then jog home.

Be nice to yourself, at least in these last few days of your life.

For him as an ordinary person, this is the best.

"Hiss...it's so cold."

Looking up to the sky, the snow is falling even more.

There are still 7 days left before Ghidorah arrives.

Chapter 180 Eight Evacuation - Dr. Serizawa

Europe - Berlin Metropolitan Area - New Max Planck Institute.

A middle-aged man in a white coat was looking at the empty building, wondering what he was thinking.

"Dr. Serizawa, you should be boarding the ship. The spaceship of the Birusaludo people is already waiting on the outskirts of the city. They won't wait too long, we should set off."

Behind him, two heavily armed guards in power armor looked at the quartz clock on the power armor and sounded a reminder.

It's time for them to leave, and there is not much time left for them now. Bilu Saludo's warships will not wait too long, and each of them has a fixed mission.

"Well, I see."

Finally, touch my laboratory again and say goodbye to myself on this planet.Serizawa Daisuke put on his anti-radiation suit and walked out of the building together with the two soldiers protecting him.

Outside the building, it was snowing heavily.

The rain clouds that once covered the sky have dissipated a lot, and the stars in the night sky can already be seen from the ground. They are shining in the eternal night sky. They were like this before the birth of human beings, and they will also shine after the destruction of human beings. .

Compared with the entire vast and boundless universe, human beings are still too small.

Boarded the snow buggy specially prepared for him. Before he came, there was already another professional who escorted him waiting for a long time.

The soldiers also got into the main driver of the car. Under their start, this "ancient" vehicle slowly started its own engine and began to run on the snow.

Buildings and mansions were left behind after the vehicle started, and the urban areas of Berlin gradually disappeared from their field of vision.While sitting in the car, Serizawa stretched out his hand and took a handful of snowflakes from the sky.

"How long will it take for this snow to stop..."

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