The icy snowflakes landed on his hands with excessive radiation. If he hadn't been wearing protective clothing, just this second of exposure would have exceeded the original ten-day radiation dose.

"Well, the latest calculation is five days, and the heavy snow will stop on the day Ghidorah arrives. We have no chance to see that day."

The expert in protective clothing sitting next to Serizawa followed up his words, and these words attracted Serizawa's attention. He looked at him and asked hesitantly.

"You are……?"

He didn't know this professional, but the other person answered the conversation with a smile on his face.

"David Lane, theoretical physicist. I admire you very much."

"Ah, that's my honor..."

Serizawa snorted. He actually doesn't know this physicist. After all, theoretical physicist is a very broad field with too many branches.

Except for the top few big cows, he really doesn't know too many theoretical physicists, even if he himself is engaged in quantum chemistry.

If you don't know the other party, it's a bit embarrassing to talk about the other party's identity, so he changed the topic and continued to bring the topic to the heavy snow.

"By the way, David, you said that the snow will stop after five days. What about the radiation? The active source made by gamma rays can't last for a few days, can it?"

For the human beings in this world, heavy snow is not a problem. The real problem is the gamma-ray-activated radiation sources in the snowflakes. They are the things that kill the most people.

"Hmm... radiation... It should take another 10 days. You know, the energy of this gamma-ray burst is too great, and there are too many activated substances. Even if the radiation source produced by gamma rays will soon It will decay, but considering the quantity, it will take 10 days to return to the level of human activity."

"Fortunately, they are gamma rays and not neutron flux. If it is a high-energy neutron flux of the same energy, even if we wear radiation protection suits, I am afraid we cannot appear in this heavy snow."

Speaking of this, David also caught a snowflake like Serizawa, rubbed it, and crushed it into ice slag.

"It's a pity. If your new research can be done earlier, maybe we can defeat Ghidorah, and we don't have to give up the earth. Don't you think so?"

Is my new research...

After hearing these words, Serizawa thought about the possibility carefully, and finally shook his head and said:

"Even if it is developed, with our current productivity, the possibility of defeating it is very low. To be on the safe side, we still have to escape here, the planet that gave birth to us, and go to another world."

Without denying the possibility of defeating Ghidorah, Serizawa just said that the possibility is really low.After David heard Serizawa's words, he just smiled and said nothing.

He obviously didn't believe Serizawa's low probability argument.

Seeing the other party like this, Serizawa also suppressed the desire to continue the conversation. He continued to look at the heavy snow outside the car window, as if he was thinking about something, and wanted to write something important to him.

He was a little worried about his brother in Paris.

Because of the particularity of the metropolitan area, if only one battleship is used to go to the edge of the city and wait for the transfer of people who need to be transferred, then it will be difficult to transfer everyone on the list of a city in one day, at most the entire city will be transported away a quarter.

Even if most people are transported from various parts of the city to the suburbs close to the landing point in advance, it will not work, because the living space is insufficient, and there are very few active robots now, so there is not so much spare time to build a place in the suburbs of each metropolitan area that can accommodate them. A fallout zone where millions of people eat.

So everyone can only go to the official regulations to wait for the gathering point, and wait for the snowmobile to pick up and drop off from city to city.

And this is fine for the people in the suburbs, but for the people in the outer suburbs, the speed of the snowmobiles is still too slow-their number is not enough to transport all the people at once, so they have to be transported back and forth.

This would waste a lot of time, so the government department thought of a way, which is to let the less important people in the city leave in the next few batches.

The construction of a radiation protection zone for millions of people is not possible, but hundreds of thousands are still possible. Hundreds of thousands of people are hoarded in the suburbs at one time, and they will be picked up every time the Bilu Saludo battleship comes—anyway For a battleship that sails in a vacuum, the most time-consuming thing is not going back and forth, but waiting.

Arrange five tour routes in various cities around the world, and let people in each city gather in different batches. This is the fastest transportation method.And it is in this way that people in each city are divided into different batches.

Although on the official caliber, this division is based on residential areas, an absolutely fair division.

But in fact... even Serizawa knew many high-ranking officials who lived in completely different areas and obtained the first batch of qualifications.

And he himself is the second batch.

Originally, his younger brother, Xingsuke, was also in the second batch...but he took the initiative to apply, and applied together with his mentor Yang Qi to be the last batch of immigrants to board the ship.

Serizawa was really worried about this.

Ghidorah's speed may increase at any time, and whether there is really a so-called last batch is a question.

It's hard for him not to worry about his younger brother, after all... Fortunately, he is also his only family member.

Let's hope things don't change.

On the snow, as the vehicle continued to move forward, some wheel tracks that had not been buried by the heavy snow also appeared in Serizawa's eyes.Then, the towering back of the Birusaludo battleship also appeared in his sight.

Other snowmobiles also arrived, and after ten minutes, Serizawa's vehicle successfully arrived at the foot of the Birusaludo battleship.

The snowmobiles were parked far away, and they did not return to transport them.It seems that Serizawa and the others are already the last few in this group. After all, judging from the time, there are only 20 minutes left before it starts.

Not everyone procrastinated until the end like Serizawa did. After receiving the batch notification of their batch, everyone set off immediately.

The giant ship stands here, like a Hengduan mountain range in the heavy snow, touching the sky above and touching the ground below.

Serizawa and David got off the car right under the battleship, and the soldiers in the car drove the car to a very far distance after they got off, so as not to be affected by the battleship's propeller.The soldiers in the car are not from this batch yet, they need to assist the last batch, and they will not be able to board the ship and leave this place until the last.

At the bottom of the battleship Serizawa, they saw the upward escalator at a glance. There are a total of 200 rows, which can transport 600 people up every second.

Judging from its width and platform height, it should have been remodeled in the past few days, otherwise, with the per capita body size of Birusaru people of more than two meters, each of its roads is really a bit small.

Stepping on the elevator, the ground is still a few hundred meters away from the real bottom of the ship, and looking up from the bottom, the elevator will go deep into the cabin instead of just reaching the bottom of the ship.

It is estimated that there will be a distance of a thousand meters, and it will take about ten minutes. Taking advantage of this time, Serizawa also admired the battleship from the bottom of the ship.

The fleet was specially illuminated to prevent people from seeing clearly. With this light, Serizawa could see the bottom of the ship in detail.

Well, I have to say that Birusaru's welding is very good, and Serizawa didn't see much from the outside.It wasn't until he got on the ship that he witnessed some technology about Bilu Saludo in the ship.

At the end of the elevator, there is a vast space full of people and seats.

Numerous miniature robots form larger spheres and float in the low altitude of this space, just a few meters below them.It is a dense crowd of people wearing protective clothing and coming from different metropolitan areas.

They sat on the seats in the square, chatting and laughing, as if there had never been any crisis.

The spheres in mid-air are like a personal guide in this space, if someone feels uncomfortable or needs to solve physiological problems.These spheres will actively form a car, carrying the person in question to where he needs to go at this time.

Such as toilets, such as hospitals, such as sleeping areas.

Intelligently, they carry people and ignore the dense movement of the crowd. The principle of should be magnetic levitation, right?You can't hear the sound of the air being slapped anyway.

I got off the elevator and came to the square crowded with people.Serizawa found that there is also an area for providing food and drinks. It seems that the one-time transportation capacity of this ship is far more than the one million people it can carry now, and it may be easy for it.

I found a place to sit down, and there was no need to swipe my card and verify my identity after boarding the boat.Serizawa took a cup of drink through the sphere in mid-air and drank it. Then, a female voice spread throughout the area, and she said:

"Passengers, please hold on to the armrests and find your seats. We are about to set sail and head to our next destination."

The next destination is East Africa, and Berlin should be the last pick-up station for this route.

Serizawa thought silently, and at the same time as the announcement was made, the elevator was closed.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a pressure and a huge shock wave, which is a symbol of the spaceship taking off.The spacecraft has been activated, and it is going to the terminal of this flight.

I don't know the situation outside, but Serizawa can estimate the geometry of the battleship through the acceleration felt by the body, um... It feels similar to when he was on a commercial airliner, and the acceleration is estimated to be only one G.

But compared to a civil aviation airliner that is finished in a few tens of seconds, will such a 1 G meeting last only a few tens of seconds?After a few minutes, Serizawa could still feel the acceleration of 1 G.

Its speed is many times faster than sound.

The distance between East Africa and Berlin is not too far. Not long after the acceleration stopped, Serizawa felt the push back force brought by the deceleration.

Looks like it's coming.

This pushing force didn't last long. When there was another huge vibration under the feet, all the force disappeared, and the voice that announced the start of the spaceship was broadcast again.

"The destination has been arrived, the destination has been arrived, please disembark the passengers on the ship, please disembark the passengers on the ship..."

The passengers gathered, it can be said that it was a dense mass, they lined up in a pile, stood in front of the reopened elevator, and went down in order.

The night in East Africa was still shrouded in black clouds. Under the searchlights of the vehicles below, people filed out. It took nearly an hour for everyone to come out.

After they came out, they were greeted by a transportation device composed of a large number of micron robots. Birusaru and others brought a lot of micron robots with them when they came to Earth. Although they are useless in terms of force now, they still have Very useful.

With the help of micro-robots, more than 100 million people easily left the landing area of ​​the spacecraft. Immediately afterwards, Serizawa and the others boarded a train and drove to the unknown front on the train.

The speed of the trains is not very fast, but their tracks are not very long.After a few minutes of acceleration, the train carrying tens of thousands of people rushed straight into a passage leading to a depth of [-] meters underground.

At the end of the passage, the train traveling at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour crashed into the huge sphere with a diameter of about [-] meters.

This is the easiest cross-plane travel.

There are 5 days left until Ghidorah arrives.

Chapter 180 Nine Evacuation - Ludwig

In Ludwig's private office in the Temporary Headquarters of the United Human Beings in the Paris metropolitan area of ​​Europe.

Ludwig, the chairperson of the United Earth Government, stood in front of the window of this office, looking at the rioting crowd below.

There were no guards around, and the lights in the room were not turned on, so Ludwig stood here alone, staring at the crowd below.

Holding torches and throwing Molotov cocktails, just like in front of the Eden Building many days ago, the crazy crowd hit the wall surrounded by robots, and they used various weapons, wave after wave of shock.

Even if some compatriots died in front of them, it didn't matter. They lost all emotions related to fear.Now they just want to vent the extreme pressure in their hearts.

Many people died under the impact of these waves, and the crowd blocked the building. On every street in sight, there were angry crowds protesting and attacking.

I can no longer hide it.

Looking up, the black clouds that covered the whole world a few days ago have disappeared, and the star in the night sky is so bright.Behind it, there are countless little stars.

Ghidorah is not dead.

After the black cloud dissipated, the people confirmed that the star in the sky could not cover up the news, and the government's "rumor refutation" would not be of any use before the bloody facts seen by the astronomical telescope.

Not to mention the snowmobiles and the rising and falling black spots in the distance that were often seen in the previous days, they undoubtedly proved a thing.That is, the withdrawal of the human government is real, and they are really going to abandon everyone.

Everyone has been lied to by the government.

In order to survive, the government wants these civilians to die on this planet!In exchange for the survival of those high-ranking officials and dignitaries!

Anger, there is no emotion other than anger.

All the abandoned people were so angry that they walked through the streets covered with heavy snow and launched an attack on all government facilities!

Crowds of people took to the streets and besieged every government facility, regardless of whether the people inside had the power to decide the plan, or whether they were dignitaries who had obtained the boat tickets.Anyway, they rushed in and killed anyone they saw, beheaded anyone they saw, and executed all the officials they saw, so as to vent their anger in their hearts.

Everything is in utter chaos.

The irony is that it was during these seven days that the robots continued to clean up the foundations of this chaos. If the government hadn't sent those robots to clean the streets, the heavy snow that covered the waist would have prevented this gathering of hundreds of people. A parade of thousands of people.

Throughout Paris, all the abandoned civilians were extremely angry, and everyone who learned that they were abandoned was arbitrarily expanding the fear in their hearts.

Under the fate of dying in 3 days, there is no morality or law that can suppress this group of mobs. The corpses are piled up one by one on the street, and appalling crimes have appeared around everyone.

Not just Paris... Such chaos is happening in every corner of the world, what happened in South America many days ago is happening now with greater and greater intensity in every region where the human footprint extends.

It was impossible to quell the commotion.

Nothing can judge these civilians who are not afraid of death.

Ludwig looked at all this, and recalled in his heart the past few years when he became the chairman of the council, from everything going well to the rise of Godzilla, to Ghidorah's bombing and the arrival of Birusarudo.

In the end, all he got in return was a sigh.


Civilization collapsed and turned into barbarism again. The civilization that human beings spent 7000 years on has completely disintegrated today.

Is this... my fault...

He felt that he had done his best, but now, everything in front of his eyes was that...


But this is by no means in vain.

The torch of human civilization has continued in another world, and human beings will not become extinct, where they can still grow and rise.

So in the future history, how will he be the last commander of the earth government?

Ludwig didn't know, but whether it was good or bad, he hoped that this history would only occupy a small page in future history books.

Because if there is too much pen and ink written here, more legends of human beings in the future will not be able to be written.

They still have a long, long way to go.

Standing here, in this room that belonged to him alone, Ludwig recalled himself.At this time, an abrupt voice came from behind him, and a human voice asked:

"Your Excellency, why are you here, haven't you already left?"

Hearing this voice, Ludwig turned his head to look over and found that it was actually his secretary - Lori.

"It's you, Lori. I left before, but I'm still back. Because I think, as the chairman of the Earth government, it's better to leave on Earth in the end."

Said calmly that he gave up the chance to live, Ludwig raised his eyebrows, and turned to ask Lori behind him, he asked.

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