So it decided to do it.

Chapter 46 God's Punishment Strike

"Godzilla moves! It, it, it stopped breathing."

Yet? "

Godzilla's body bears the blows of humans.It stands in the midst of human artillery fire, accumulating its own strength.

Titans should have the way of Titans.

Regardless of whether humans really want to use other fronts to attract their attention, let those transport planes hit themselves.

Or do they already know it's human radar.

These have nothing to do with it, all it needs to do is just.

Drive them out of this universe.

With the maximum power of the breath reactor, unprecedented energy is erupting in Godzilla's body!

As long as everything in front is flattened.

Then you don't need to think about paying attention, just destroy all the things that may be enemies!

Godzilla looked at the mountains ahead, and he could see all the humans in them.But now, it wants to paralyze all the human beings in the mountains with one blow.

In this case, you don't have to worry about those tricks and tricks.

Start accumulating energy.

Godzilla opens his mouth wide open.

The dense plasma circulates in its body with a power far exceeding that of ordinary breathing.

Godzilla is now pushing the limits, just like the last time he faced off against the Indian Ocean Fleet.

But this time, Godzilla didn't burn himself like he did the first time.

The nictitating membrane on the eyelids covered his eyes, and from Godzilla's mouth, the unprecedented fire of punishment appeared in the world.

It successfully poured out all the energy in its body at the most appropriate moment!

29 Pava's rays penetrated the mountains before everyone had time to react, and exploded in the depths of the earth!

The earth was propped up.

With the detonation point as the center, the surrounding ground for several kilometers expands rapidly like a balloon being inflated.

With a magnitude [-] earthquake, the mountains ahead of Godzilla are cracking open.And it hasn't stopped breathing at this moment.


The earth exploded.

In just [-]/[-]th of a second, a super nuclear fireball dozens or hundreds of times larger than the breath of Godzilla in the past broke through the ground and expanded outward at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound.

The ground was blown away, the mountains were engulfed, and the nuclear fireball rising from the ground was more shining and hot than the sun in the sky!

In the urban area of ​​Hokkaido, [-] kilometers away from the explosion point, all the exposed combustibles began to burn to varying degrees at this moment.

If it were an ordinary person on the streets of Hokkaido at this time, then at this moment, his exposed skin would suffer severe third-degree burns.

The nuclear fireball, which is bigger than the sun, rises and expands outwards, reaching a diameter of more than ten kilometers, burning and sublimating everything in it.

The mountains began to burn, and all the trees and plants were ignited at this moment, igniting a raging fire.

Then a huge impact came, blowing away the burning forest, the ground, the tanks, and the transport planes on the foot of the mountain.

There is no fortification that can withstand this explosion, even if it is blocked by mountains.

The fireball slowly rose into the sky.It takes the place of the Sun and is clearly visible throughout the Eastern Hemisphere.

Lasting a total of 18 seconds, Godzilla's most powerful breath since its birth came to an end.

The fireball hangs directly in front of it, and now there are no tanks and transport planes that can attract its attention.

Because at this moment, it's ahead.

Only the dead heat.

This miracle caused by Godzilla can be clearly seen on the permafrost in East Asia, Australia and even Siberia.

And in these places, busy people also stopped their work.

Looking at the new round of fireball that replaced the sun, I was at a loss.

People all over the world witnessed the mighty power of the Titans without a screen or other transfers, just with their own eyes.

Those in power who were in the conference room and wanted to isolate Godzilla from the world also fell silent after opening the window and seeing the fireball replacing the sun on the horizon.

"Repeal the Internet ban."

There is no point in stopping people from talking about Godzilla.

Now the world will really enter the era of Godzilla.

It is no longer a matter of the world merely supporting military supplies.

It will bring everyone into the war and into everyone's life.

A new era has begun.

"It's scary, Godzilla,"

In the Hokkaido City Hall, Sato Kozo looked at the super fireball on the screen and muttered to himself.

The other people on the battle scene were so shocked by the super breath that they couldn't speak. It wasn't until Kozo Sato opened his mouth to break the silence that they were awakened and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Don't be dazed anymore, report the damage on the front line."

After sighing, Sato turned his attention back to the battle itself.

"Yes! Um, um, the first sniper point is completely destroyed, the damage rate of the second sniper point exceeds 70.00%[-], only the third sniper point can still fight normally..."

"More than half of the troops have been lost..."

Sato could only smile wryly at this unexpected situation.

Godzilla will use the charged breath to attack their frontline positions, which Sato Kozo actually thought of.

And by arranging the locations of different transport planes, it is possible to prevent it from destroying all the transport planes within its range in a short period of time.

But under this blow, they were still completely destroyed.

Godzilla's charged breath is far more powerful than the breath shown in the last battle in the Philippine Sea, and it once again exceeded human expectations.

Can it only be said that it is Godzilla?

Its super-powerful breath directly made Godzilla feel that everything Sato had arranged in front—the transport plane carrying people is very important, and it must be prevented from approaching my chariots, and more than half of it was destroyed.

This caused the first and second sniper points in Hokkaido to completely lose their combat capabilities.

There were three chances of imploding Godzilla, and now only one is left.

And among the two lost opportunities, there is also the second sniper point with the most perfect setting and the highest expected success rate before the battle.


He didn't expect this.

Now there is only one chance left.

And can this attack really succeed?

"Do you want the troops at the second sniper point to retreat?"

The observer asked Sato like this, but Sato shook his head and said, "No, let them stay on the front line. If we retreat now, Godzilla will be suspicious. We must make the strength of each sniper point the same as other places. "

"Otherwise, this battle plan has no chance of success. So let them die, and the world will remember them."

The battle continues.

Chapter 47 Project Implosion

Hot lava spread throughout the pit, and a huge mushroom cloud of debris and dust covered the entire sky.

Godzilla's terrifying blow directly blasted out a huge crater with a diameter of nearly three kilometers and a depth of hundreds of meters in the mountains stretching ahead.

With this super pothole as the center, the hills within a radius of 10 kilometers have been scraped off a layer of land.But at a closer distance, some smaller hills were directly flattened by the impact.

Forests across western Hokkaido are burning.

The moment Godzilla's breath exploded, all the trees within 100 kilometers from it as the center burned.

There was so much burning smoke and dust that even Godzilla couldn't see the scene ahead, and the thick smoke engulfed everything.

The fire in the thick smoke made the whole world look orange, and Godzilla was advancing in this orange ignited by it, walking towards the front line.

Through its human radar, Godzilla was able to determine that the number of humans in front of him was less than one-third of what it was at the beginning.

Most of the main human force has been destroyed by the previous battle and its most powerful blow, and what Godzilla has to do next is to clean up the remaining humans.

The last humans are hiding in the depths of the Yubari Mountains on the edge of the Hokkaido metropolitan area, which was once a famous ski resort, and its altitude is much higher than the mountains it just destroyed.

If you want to destroy all the human beings entrenched there, you can only use multiple breaths to melt through the mountain peak again and again.

Because of the size of the mountains, even with a super-powered breath, it is difficult to destroy multiple tanks and human positions at the same time, which is a troublesome place.

For the humans who were ambushing in it, it could only be destroyed one by one.

There are still some human light spots on the road leading to the mountain. Godzilla used his own breath to destroy all the transport planes within his range, and then walked towards the final line of defense arranged by humans in the Far East. .

The last place where the army of the extreme east was located was behind the main peaks of the Yubari Mountains. The west side of this mountain is relatively low, but on the east side its average altitude exceeds 1000 meters, with steep peaks and cliffs.

Here, Godzilla's breath can no longer pierce through a mountain in just an instant as before.

Many peaks in the east are more than 1000 meters high, and the width of the base is 3 or 4 kilometers.

The energy required to penetrate them is simply not comparable to those previous small ridges of several hundred meters.

Therefore, Godzilla's range is greatly limited in this mountainous area, because here, there are mountains blocking it in front of it.

And it's not as easy to destroy the mountain as it used to be.

This is the most troublesome terrain for Godzilla, and for humans, this terrain is not very good.

Although only from the perspective of easy access to Godzilla.

The eastern part of the Yubari Mountains is without a doubt one of the best places in Hokkaido to get close to Godzilla.

But this is based on the fact that there are many peaks blocking the way in front of Godzilla, and these peaks block Godzilla's breath.

At the same time, they didn't just block Godzilla's breath, they also blocked human snipers.

The three major sniper points represent the only three places where super electromagnetic gun sniping can be carried out in Hokkaido and in the mountains outside Hokkaido.

Among them, the first and second sniper points are the places most likely to be sniped.Although it is also a mountainous area, through high-to-low strikes, it is still barely able to achieve a larger sniper range.

At present, Godzilla does not know that the first and second sniper points can snipe it.

It is not familiar with the mountains near Hokkaido, and it doesn't know that humans can snipe it in the mountains.

This is a great advantage of human beings, but now... more than half of this advantage has been lost.

The first and second sniper points have lost the ability to execute the plan, although they can still snipe Godzilla with the super electromagnetic gun.

But with just one sniper attack, it is absolutely impossible for Godzilla to be seriously injured.

There has to be an implosion.

The current humans can only complete their plans at the third sniper point.

However, there are very few suitable sniper positions in the third sniper point, and it is far from having a large number of positions to snipe like the first and second sniper points.

The third sniper point is the most difficult sniper point.

But humans have no chance to dislike it. At the moment before Godzilla enters the third sniper point, it is necessary to have a final decisive battle against Godzilla.

Snow? This is the first time I saw it after waking up.

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