At this time, Godzilla has already reached the mountains, its altitude continues to increase, and the temperature continues to decrease.

Then it saw snow.

This was the first time it saw it after waking up.

The current snow is very messy and piled up in a mess.It is not as smooth as ordinary snow, which is probably a good thing Godzilla did just now.

The shock wave of its breath caused the entire snow-capped mountain to avalanche, and it was the kind that was thorough.

It's down to the point where Godzilla's big feet come down.The impact comparable to the explosion of dozens of aerial bombs did not cause a second avalanche.

From this, we can see how far-reaching the impact of Godzilla's breath is.

Godzilla walks in the snow and doesn't take a few steps when it does.Sure enough, human weapons once again began to bombard Godzilla indiscriminately.

The remaining combat troops in the Far East were all behind these snow-capped mountains, and they started bombing and attacking frantically after Godzilla came into range.

However, compared to the previous saturation offensive, their firepower this time is obviously much weaker.

And there is no straight-forward weapon such as a railgun, and more is to use long-range rocket tanks for bombardment.

Godzilla didn't pay attention to these blows, but it still tried to use its breath to penetrate a kilometer peak to destroy the chariots behind it.

And as a result, Godzilla's breath isn't as effective.

It took a few seconds to completely burn through the entire peak, and while burning through, the mountain began to collapse again, making it take even more time.

When the tank position behind was completely destroyed, Godzilla had already used up all the fusion fire in his breathing reactor.Its breath is over this time, and it can only wait a few seconds for refilling.

When dealing with short mountains, it can blow them up even if it only touches them for a second, but when dealing with this group of guys over a thousand meters, Godzilla can't do it.

So in this case, it is very time-consuming and labor-intensive to directly use the breath to break through the mountain.Godzilla didn't choose to do this, it chose another path, going around behind the mountains to attack.

This is undoubtedly much easier, and Godzilla is scurrying in the mountains.

It shuttles through the mountains with a highly mobile guerrilla, destroying the human army.

"Start the induction operation."

In response to this, humans began the final battle in the Far East.

—————————— Perception dividing line ———————————

ps: The book "The Kamen Rider Who Grows in Saving Humanity" by py book friends

"Since I am a Kamen Rider, I will perfectly protect everyone."

The boy wishfully wanted to take on the responsibility of being a Kamen Rider, but soon, he tasted failure and regret, although no one would blame him for it.

pain?Are you sad?But don't give up yet.

"I will keep in mind everyone I didn't save, and I will also remember the killings I chose to commit because I saved more people. This is my choice. No sacrifice is necessary, but the manpower will always be exhausted."

"So, please watch! Every time I transform!"


Lingshi, always blooming with the light of hope.

Chapter 48 failed

Induce combat, execute!

An order was given, and the last rocket tanks on the front line switched bomb types and bombed Godzilla.

Hundreds of rockets pierced the sky, they hit Godzilla's face at several times the speed of sound, and then exploded together.


Thick smoke appeared.

The latest model of D81 smoke screen charges can stir up three 40-meter-long smoke screens with just one shot.

It is already world-class in terms of range, not to mention the duration is as long as 3 minutes, which is the most durable of all smoke bombs.

D81 fuel can be said to be the most widely used smoke charge with the strongest smoke screen effect.

And hundreds of smoke bombs loaded with it exploded in front of Godzilla's eyes.

In an instant, the vision in front of the walking Godzilla was completely covered by the smoke screen.

The smoke screen filled the surroundings of Godzilla, making it impossible to see the world in front of it.

Then, some of the rocket tanks switched their bomb types again, and began to use high-explosive rockets to carry out saturation strikes on the area where Godzilla was located.

"Bang bang bang bang...!!!"

Its five senses were greatly disturbed at this moment, and Godzilla could no longer use conventional vision to determine the positions of the enemies at this moment.

This is a really annoying situation.

Godzilla walked out, wanting to leave the smoke screen.The remaining chariots that did not switch ammunition types began to force Godzilla with a smoke screen according to the satellite image.

Make some smoke denser by setting smoke screens for multiple locations.They managed to make Godzilla change direction.

But it also comes with no small sacrifices.

Godzilla is not some mindless beast, and the smoke screen might make it feel uncomfortable, deliberately avoiding certain unimportant places.

But the smoke screen is absolutely impossible to change the direction and general route of Godzilla, it can only fine-tune Godzilla's direction.

To make Godzilla change its general direction, it still needs [people] to attract it.

Move towards a certain place with a large-scale transport plane to attract Godzilla's attention.Through the sacrifice of countless people, in exchange for the adjustment of Godzilla's forward route.

Through smoke screens and human lives, the combat troops successfully completed the induction operation and successfully attracted Godzilla to the predetermined route.

Stop firing the smoke bombs, now all they have to do is wait.

等待哥斯五/仪%#期~/巴/扒=灵%气/#流$一=<零&①@{七+④~五&酒[email protected]群#[email protected]&0~1$|[email protected]}*9}*4>9/8④|⑨{-扒一拉到达第三狙击点。

Almost all killed.

Godzilla walks in the mountains of Yubari, and it can determine the remaining human forces through human radar.

one-sixth?Or one seventh?Or maybe less?

From the beginning of the battle to the present, it has already destroyed most of the human forces.Then it just needs to work a little harder to be able to

Complete your own tasks.

Only one more step is needed, and Godzilla has completed the destruction of the Far East.

"Godzilla enters the third sniper point!"

"Let's start our final sniping."


The rockets that had been silent for several minutes started firing smoke bombs at Godzilla again, and at the same time, the aircraft carrier fleet a hundred kilometers away also ejected a large number of planes again.

The third sniper point, the last sniper.

Another smoke screen covered Godzilla, this time the smoke screen was thicker than last time.

They are deliberately blocking my view.

When humans have reached this point, Godzilla also noticed something.

It felt that the human beings must have some shady battle plan that was about to be implemented, otherwise, they wouldn't be fighting like this.

Human beings must know that relying on smoking alone is of no use to them, so they must be preparing some shady plans for smoking like this now.

They may want to use the smoke screen to force themselves into the trap they designed.

It may also be that he wants to take advantage of the cover to sneakily use some weapons to attack me.

Don't know what they are going to do.

Godzilla is being bombarded in this smoke screen, and the tanks are doing their best to bombard Godzilla in [one] direction.

And it was at this time that all the transport planes in the mountains started to move, and they drove towards Godzilla at the fastest speed, flying over the mountains and cliffs.

The bombers and fighter jets sent by the sea fleet launched and projected various bombs and aerial bombs on Godzilla in the sky.

They were so powerful that the smoke screen directly in front of Godzilla dispersed, causing the mountain peaks that had already avalanched to avalanche again.

Full power, full power, this is the full power of human beings.Humans bombarded Godzilla with all their strength, and Godzilla also noticed something was wrong.

Why did they suddenly change firepower?Why are all the transport planes coming now?

The movement of the dots of light representing the transport planes can be said to be extremely eye-catching in this smoky place.

Of course Godzilla could see that they were moving towards him, just like last time, all the transport planes in front rushed towards it.

Since it is the same as last time, there is another transport plane that needs to be hidden.

Godzilla searched on the human radar, and sure enough, it found a few transport planes that were not going straight ahead but were about to fly in from another valley among the mountains.

They seem to be the killing move.

No, not necessarily.

Godzilla still didn't know at this time that humans really thought that these transport planes could do something, so they let them come over.

Or are these transport planes just a cover for real combat purposes to attract its attention.

Are the transports just decoys, or do they actually have some sort of weapon?

It doesn't know yet.

The last time it relied on a super breath to flatten everything, what about this time?The power of the super breath in the mountains is not that good, and I am afraid it cannot destroy everything.

Does that mean you still need to shoot?

A transport plane was approaching him.

"There is an ionization reaction in Godzilla's mouth, and it's about to breathe! The electromagnetic gun is untied and starts charging!"

Mouth glows blue.

Godzilla wants to breathe out, and judging from the timing, it undoubtedly wants to attack the first outcropping transport plane!

The nearest transport plane is 5 kilometers away, it is circling, and it will appear within the range of Godzilla.

Godzilla is charging.

"Railgun preparation, five, four..."

Just operate the position when exposed.According to Godzilla's habit, we can determine the position of its throat!

The power in Godzilla's body is about to accumulate to the limit.

"three two……"

At that time, it will be able to hit the throat of the breathing Godzilla head-on through the super electromagnetic gun.

Let it implode!

"One! About to launch!"


The expected breath did not come.

Instead, Godzilla pops as he takes off.

It leaped itself above the smoke screen, as high as the peaks of the mountains!

Then mouth to the ground.

one two Three!

"call out!!"

The charged cluster breath exploded below, although Godzilla didn't bother to think about the plans of the human beings to pass through this smoke screen and the transport plane.

But one thing it is clear is that they are definitely important to humans.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have to take out these things over and over again to bother it.

So since it is very important, it would be good if it wiped them all out.

That's how simple and easy it is.

The breath exploded below Godzilla, it directly tore apart all the clouds of smoke, and created a sun in the darkness of the smoke.

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