Seven gaps, seven different time and space, countless kinds of completely different lives.

The gap connecting different time and space, that is, the wormhole, actually exists on this parent star that gave birth to them.

This is impossible in human physics.

First of all, what is needed to build a wormhole is negative space-time gravity, which requires matter with negative mass and negative energy.

And this means that no matter can form a wormhole.

Because all the matter we know now, including antimatter, its energy density is positive.

However, this can barely be resolved.

Because the negative energy required by wormholes is not absolute, and there is no need for negative energy in an absolute sense, the pseudo "negative energy" field produced by the Casimir effect can still meet the needs of wormholes.

However, this is just the beginning.The trouble with wormholes is yet to come.

According to the calculation of physics, the tension of the wormhole is surprisingly strong.

The tension and tidal force of a wormhole are inversely proportional to its diameter. To make the force around the throat of the wormhole reach the level that does not tear the molecular structure, the diameter of the wormhole needs to reach two light-years.

However, the amount of negative energy and negative matter required for this purpose needs 10 trillion sun-mass positive matter to completely turn into negative matter.

This is just not tearing up atoms, even if it is a wormhole with a diameter of 2 light years.

Its tension is definitely not something that humans and any equipment made by humans can pass through. The tension of the throat of a wormhole with a diameter of 2 light years is 500 million tons per square meter.

Unless it's some particularly strong chemical bond, everything else gets pulled together.

And now, in the depths of the earth.There are seven wormholes known to humans alone, and the tension of these seven wormholes is below one hundred thousandth of a cow per square meter.

What does this mean?

The negative gravitational force caused by the negative mass matter of a wormhole with a radius of two light years is 500 million tons per square meter.

And to make the negative gravitational force at the throat of a wormhole reach less than one thousandth of a gram per square meter, this would require a wormhole with a diameter of more than 1 million light-years.

As for how much negative mass is needed to create such a large wormhole?A total of 10 trillion billion suns are required to accumulate negative mass.

Obviously, there can't be so much negative mass on the earth.

And the wormhole on the earth is far from that huge. Even if people have not found the boundary of any "gap" in detail, they must know that it will not be bigger than the current earth.

So where does the rest of the gravitational pull go?Where are the negative gravitational forces that could tear everything in the world to pieces?

The answer may be other universes.

Among the four forces of electromagnetic force, gravity, weak force, and strong force, the force of gravity is the weakest of the four forces.

And why is it so small?There have been theories that explain this in the past.

In superstring theory, the reason why gravity is small is because gravity can spread to other dimensions.

The reason why the other three kinds of forces are so strong is because there is no relationship of extra diffusion to other dimensions.

At this level, it would explain why wormholes on Earth are so small.But their negative gravitational pull is not so great.

The reason is very simple, because the negative gravity of the wormhole ran to other dimensions of other universes.

They ran to other universes and other dimensions, so the negative gravity contained in the wormholes on the earth is not so strong.

As for the number of universes needed to reduce the current negative gravity to the present level, a rough calculation was made.

Finally, it is concluded that there are at least a plurality of gaps existing on the earth, and human beings have not discovered all the gaps yet.

Is it a passage to another universe...

It's incredible.

If this is the case, the earth under our feet may be more valuable than the dead starry sky.

If human beings can figure out the ecological environment in the gap, then even one day, human beings will be defeated.

You can also go to other places through them.

But unfortunately, the universe behind it is too dangerous...

Among the seven gaps, the two in North America and South America are connected to dead planets that don't even have an atmosphere.

There is also a place in East Asia where a planet full of hot magma was born when the planet was born.

There are only the remaining worlds in the four gaps of Europe, East Africa, Siberia, and Antarctica.

To have a complete ecosystem.But the beasts and the environment in the ecological circle are unknown to human beings.

In the European ecological circle, there are weird insects that can spray out metal detectors, plants that can move freely, and white fog that blocks the transmission of electronic signals...

Siberia's ecosphere is an eternal blizzard, and the low temperature of minus [-] degrees Celsius wraps everything.Only some extremophiles and small life exist.

Antarctica, on the contrary, looks like a tropical rainforest. The protozoa inside are dangerous and cunning, and there are suspected human-like intelligences.

In the middle of East Africa is the vast plain, which is comparable to the life of ancient Titans moving on the great plain.The drones are of no use to what's in there.

It's terrible.

As a biological child, Serizawa Kosuke is actually very interested in the world behind the gap.But for so many years people have found nothing in the gap, and the description of the creature is only limited to the appearance.

Whether it is H, S, or R or even D, they have never brought out the life inside.Not to mention analytical research.

It will take a long time to study the inside, maybe he won't be able to see it before he dies.

what a pity.

So sighing, after refreshing the page.

A newly published paper firmly attracted Serizawa's eyes.

It says:

"Destoroyia, Analysis Report of Type D Life after the Rift. "

Chapter 38 The Great Retreat

Cheap incandescent lamps, hanging from the ceiling, cast cheap light.The rocky ceiling is only a few meters high, making the surrounding space extremely oppressive.

There is no TV, no computer, no newspapers and news, no beds and quilts, only sleeping bags and trash cans.

Everyone is crowded in the hall, and there are halls above the hall, and there are halls below the hall.

There is no toilet in the toilet, only a squat toilet with a temporary groove.The foul smell is spreading, making people want to vomit.

This is the refuge that countless people hope for, and this is the only way for them to live.

"A cup of tea, please."

After taking the bottled tea from the robot, Lao Huang unscrewed the lid and gulped down the whole cup.

Then he looked at his surroundings and the bed he had just made.Can't help but say:

"Is this ghost place really a place where people can live?"

He just came back after unloading his hands and saw someone vomited all over the floor next to his shop, and there is no robot to clean it yet.

It's that simple.

"It's good to have a place to live, at least we can live. We are still a privileged class. Not only do we not need to sleep on the floor, but we also have special beds. We belong to the top one percent of people. Others have no place to live if they want to live."

The bedmate next to him, a civil engineering man he just met, lay on the bed after throwing the package of biscuits he had just eaten into the trash can, and said boredly.

"We are treated well. Go to the upper floors and see that people there can only sleep on the floor. If it is cold, frozen, or cold, no one will help. You can only stay alone. There, stay with your own tears and snot."

"Compared to them, we are very good. Brother. Don't think that everyone can house a car. How can the current shelter have that power?"

As he spoke, he tore open another pack of biscuits, and while eating, he pointed to the place where someone just vomited and continued, "Look, here comes the robot. We still have people cleaning here, so don't be dissatisfied."

Looking at where he pointed, Lao Huang did see that a new robot had already run over to clean.Not to mention how clean and hygienic the sweeping is, at least others.

Scanned, no?


He actually had nothing to refute that old man's words.

Indeed, compared with the people at the upper level, the places where these experts and scholars live are already considered good, at least there are robots to take care of them, and at least there are beds to sleep in.

Thinking of this, he thought of the scenery above when he just came yesterday.

A person was lying on the floor listlessly, and the incandescent lamp on the ceiling was the only thing people could rely on day and night.

The flow of people was seated one by one according to the numbers assigned by themselves before coming, some were on the first floor, some were on the second floor, it could be described as crowded.

But at this time, the higher-ups had no strength left to maintain order, so they could only rely on some robots to maintain the most basic order and assign bed numbers and position numbers.

Thousands or tens of thousands of people are sent here by high-speed trains, buses, and helicopters every moment.When they got off the delivery vehicle, they were so crowded that they couldn't even line up neatly.

This is also natural, after all, a refuge can accommodate tens of millions of people.There are tens of millions of people every day. If you queue up, there is absolutely not enough time.

The gate of the shelter is tens of meters wide, and the roads separated by dozens of fences barely give a sequence.Their university team walked a special path in such a crowded environment, from the first floor directly to the 50-storey underground.

Hundreds of thousands of people live on each floor, and the hall is several square kilometers in size, but the ceiling is not high.

Robots came and went in the shelter, some were dealing with the waste left by the traffic, and some were building new areas.

There are hundreds of toilets on the first floor, but these hundreds are still not enough.People often go to the corner to defecate and urinate, making the entire edge of the shelter extremely stench. The smell is absolutely incredible.

"Oh, if only there were no such things."

Thinking of the hardships of the people above, Lao Huang also remembered that when he came, an old lady was trampled to death by the people behind because she tripped halfway.

This is really hard to understand, he will never forget the crying of the old lady's children.and the indifferent crowd around.

Godzilla, Ghidorah, Ghidorah's Wings.

How wonderful it would be if there were no such things.

With that in mind, Godzilla will not talk about it.When it came out, the whole world was shocked, and people all over the world raised their hearts to their throats.

Although officials have been saying that they can win, win, and win, but what about the result?Godzilla still wiped out the Far East and Australia.

Human weapons are useless except for the oxygen destroyer, and they can only tremble under the aftermath of Godzilla.

There are also the wings of Ghidorah, thanks to the coalition government announcing their existence before Australia was wiped out by Godzilla.

What if it happens later... Hmph, I'm afraid the morale of all human beings will collapse now.

But it's almost there now.

After all, on the first day when the Wings of Ghidorah issued a statement, even in East Asia, where there are usually no troubles, many monsters and monsters jumped out, and made some things on the street that were not common more than 200 years ago.

Not to mention other regions, it is even worse and crazier.

If it weren't for the violent repression and the latest conspiracy theory that the government found aliens to brainwash the general public.

 记<号|1$0n{%J A few days ago, when Australia destroyed the record* number-{9=8, it was the time when the whole N-%J category completely collapsed.

After all, at that time, all mankind saw the result of their all-out effort against Godzilla.That is……

五+~儀>期*巴~%扒&灵>氣$流|一没有群[email protected]*<0<=1<#7%4>~5+#9>4<[email protected]任一>$零&#①@七~④}五@酒-%④-⑨{@扒何的结果。

"Well, I can't afford anything else now."

Godzilla, Ghidorah, Ghidorah's Wings...

These things are troublesome enough, and their existence has stretched human nerves to the limit.

If there is another moth monster, I am afraid that the nerves of human beings will be completely broken after this refuge.

Everyone has had enough during this time.

"Hey, someone committed suicide here, come quickly. Someone committed suicide here!"

In the distance, the sound of life and death came.

He fumbled for a cigarette from his pocket, but didn't hold it, he could only smile wryly, and looked at the elevator that was still running.

I thought to myself.

How long can we humans last like this?


Meanwhile, far, far away outside the shelter.

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