On the Australian continent surrounded by oxygen destroyers, Godzilla is rummaging for something from the soil.

found it.

Its hand touched the bone.

[There are still 2 days left before the arrival of the Wings of Ghidorah. 】

Chapter 39 Predicting the Future

Time goes back to a day ago.

[Evolution begins: Earth-wide radar, Earth-Moon system-wide enemy marking and prediction. 】

Godzilla pressed OK and started his own evolution.

It is the same as the last time it evolved into Godzilla-Earth, it also has a clear consciousness in this evolution.

You can feel exactly where your body has changed.

If there is a paper and pen suitable for Godzilla, maybe it will write them down, and then tinker with its own body when it does not evolve.

In the future, I can continue to evolve without using a panel.

That's what Godzilla is aiming for, and it thinks about someday.

When the panel reaches its limit, it can also continue to strengthen the world, allowing the world to exist for a longer time.

Well, but right now it doesn't see the ceiling of the panels.

But just in case, keep it in mind.

But then again, what the hell is a panel?

In the memory of the former natural consciousness, it has never contained any information about such panels.

From this point of view, it seems that it has nothing to do with natural consciousness, is it something that comes with Godzilla?

But when it was about to destroy Australia, the new nature, like a prophet, came to Godzilla in advance, trying to prevent it from becoming Godzilla-Earth in advance.

At this point, it knows exactly what I'm doing.Knowing that I will be promoted to another nature consciousness after destroying Australia.

And Ghidorah... that guy was no natural born titan.

Godzilla is very sure that Ghidorah is the same as it, and has been promoted by the panel.The Wings of Ghidorah who grew up with them are also very similar to the new biosphere creatures that have been promoted in the panel description.

And at the moment of becoming Godzilla-Earth, Godzilla once felt an inexplicable source of energy.

It doesn't come from somewhere in mysterious space, nor does it appear out of nowhere in the body.Instead, it gradually, gradually attached to its body from extremely deep underground.

The substances and energies that grow during evolution are not obtained out of thin air.Instead, it gathered from the ground and was transported to its whole body through the soles of its feet.

Looking at it this way, the panel seems to be related to the planet under its feet.

What is its essence?

Godzilla decided to have a good experience in this evolution.

Maximize your perception, and seek the source of panel power and changes in your body.

Godzilla thinks so.

Evolve, start.

For the first few hours, Godzilla felt no difference.

Except that it didn't move, it didn't feel any abnormality or mutation in its body.

Now, the evolution hasn't started yet, has it?

During the time when Godzilla was standing still, the new lives who realized that the oxygen destroyer had been blocked had changed from the panic before, to now poking their heads out of the forest, approaching their gods.

The new Godzilla ecosystem is still continuously giving birth to new life, most of which fall from the trees.

Yes, that's right, after the original animals were divided, animals began to be born from plants.

But soon, the Oxygen Destroyer came, killing a lot of lives, and intending to sweep the forest.

Fortunately, their gods came back at this time and set up mountains to block the poisonous mist.

Seeing that they were safe, the creatures walked out of the forest, and they ran around the god who had rested again, feeling the pulse of the earth.

Grow with God.


At the sixth hour, Godzilla felt something.

It felt a whole new organ forming in its body, from the tip of its nose to the back of its head.

Godzilla's feet suddenly became warm, something poured into its feet.Its whole body organs are resonating, resonating with the energy transmitted between matter.

Concentrating his attention on the tip of his nose, Godzilla began to simulate the formation process of this brand new organ in his brain according to his own feelings.

It records every growth and every change in its heart.In order to be able to transform one's own body in this way in the future.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

In this way, the organ in Godzilla's head grew for seven or eight hours before ending.And with the end of the nasal tip organ, another feeling flooded its heart.

It was a feeling that cannot be described in words.

Godzilla has a hard time describing it, it knows it's a force that's surrounding the panel, but that force is unlike anything it's ever seen before.

Instead of entering Godzilla's body, it swells right in front of Godzilla's eyes.

Although it cannot be seen, Godzilla can be sure that the temperature of a part of the atmosphere in front of it has suddenly increased by tens of degrees.

That's what that energy does.

The high heat expands in it, an hour, two hours, three hours...

It's still expanding, not stopping at all.In this way, I faced Godzilla face to face until a certain moment after more than ten hours.

It has accumulated to the limit.

Then at this moment, this mass of fiery energy is at a speed that Godzilla has no time to react, at this moment, at this moment.

Hit up.

And Godzilla's consciousness shut down the moment he came into contact with this energy.

All functions of its body stopped at this second.

It, [dead].

The little beings around it sensed Godzilla's 【Death】.

They panicked all of a sudden, completely unaware of why the god died so suddenly.

The panic-stricken little guys gradually became firmer in their hearts. They didn't know why God died, but now this kind of thing doesn't matter anymore.Because at this moment.

They want to save God!

The bodies of several animals began to change, and they were ready to become a root, wanting to connect them with [God], to use the fuel in their bodies to help Godzilla and make it re-ignite.

But before they transformed successfully, Godzilla's body fully recovered after a few seconds.

Godzilla, resurrected.

Its body began to function again, and at this time, Godzilla's consciousness also returned from the distant future.

The little guys stopped changing after seeing this scene, and they circled around Godzilla.

At this moment, Godzilla is digesting everything it has seen.

Are those pictures real?

if true...

Then I really saw something amazing.

Godzilla's eyes opened, and it launched a radar capable of sweeping the entire territory of the earth, searching for traces of the oxygen destroyers.

But at the same time, it was also thinking about what it had just seen.

All the information about the demon star, the panel, and the star eater.

Just now, it looked through the entire history of the universe.

pspy: "Inheritance is Thirty Ark Girls", a novel about the sickness of Tomorrow's Ark, if you like it, you can read it.

Chapter 40 Demon Star

Me, where is this?

I clearly still remember that I am evolving, I am... I am...

where are you?

Where was I before?besides……

What was I going to do before?

At last……

who am I?


Ignorant, or something else.

A pure consciousness wanders in the boundless starry sky.

The ancient galaxies have existed forever, they hang quietly in the universe, like a series of jewels, adorning the dark and empty universe.

If you get close to a galaxy and zoom in, the hundreds of billions of shining stars will be so magnificent.Their operation is so beautiful that the ignorant [it] also forgets its own identity.

Where am I?

Darkness and light coexist, on the edge of a star, on a second planet around it.Something is being conceived.

The plants on it that are close to the star are brighter in tone, because the light released by the star is too strong. If it falls into a darker color, the plants will not be able to stand it and will spontaneously ignite.

Mushroom forests like a rainforest are all over the surface of the planet. On it, some huge life forms and small life forms are reaching the moment when they part ways.

A kind of dwarf life is driving a chariot with interchangeable hexapods and tracks, and is fighting a giant beast.

They hit those giant beasts from the sky, from the ground, from all directions, and finally killed them successfully amidst howling.

yeah!we won!

After killing the giant beasts, the little beings stood on their corpses and shouted.Afterwards, after losing the obstruction of the giant beasts, the small life forms expanded wantonly, gradually turning the entire planet into dead silence.

And at this moment, something appeared around one of their cities.

The huge figure is bigger than the mountain, its breath is stronger than the cannonball, and a brand new huge life stands on the ground.It is a new behemoth, a new enemy of this civilization.

But after a while, it flattened a city.But at this time, the army of villains arrived belatedly.

They were extremely angry at what the giant beast had done, and mobilized all their forces to meet the giant beast.But in the encounters again and again, the giant beast not only survived, but became stronger.

Every time it eliminates little people, it will become stronger, and its body is becoming stronger at a speed that is completely unreasonable.

The little people it beat retreated steadily, until the last, the little people took out the ultimate weapon and launched a decisive battle with it.

After the decisive battle, Xing fell into a dead silence.In this battle, the little people won the final victory.

But the battle also makes their star uninhabitable, and they can only leave this star to go to other places.

The consciousness floating above the atmosphere looked at all this, and it was a little annoyed.It doesn't want to see little people ravaging nature so much and then the next second.

Time changes.

As soon as the screen changes, the villain's empire has been fully established in their entire home galaxy.

Even if they encountered resistance from monsters like before on other planets, they quickly solved it after having experienced it once, and obtained higher technology from them.

Those monsters who are hostile to them are simply treasures. For some reason, they can always evolve many things beyond common sense.This made the little people very satisfied, and with this, they even had the idea of ​​leaving their home galaxy.

And just then, something arrived.

A star has arrived from the endless depths of space.

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