Is this... the thing outside the door, what is it...

After the drone was destroyed, everyone's hearts hung high.

The raw zipper of the door was broken, and the door cannot be opened actively now.Satellites in the sky have not photographed any of their effects.

Everything outside is still unknown, and although they haven't seen it yet, everyone in the command room has such a consensus.

That's what's out there, for humans.

Probably a more dangerous existence than Godzilla.

The surveillance was replaced by front-line drones. In the clear images captured by them, the protruding "human figures" looked even more horrifying.

Limbs, a song... This is indeed the appearance of a human being, but its volume and the ratio of its limbs are not comparable to that of a human being.

Even sergeants with exoskeleton armor.

The sergeant with the exoskeleton mecha is [-] meters tall, but only a little over one-third of the height of the human figure on the gate.

They are at least seven meters, no, eight meters high.

The proportions of the limbs are also obviously wrong. The proportions of the limbs of the figures on the door are much larger than those of humans... The head-to-body ratio of this group of inexplicable things should be 12 to 1.

Compared with the 7:1 of human beings, this is completely deformed.

Terrifying strength, human-like appearance, but a height that is completely different from human beings, and... the attack of the aircraft that shot down the sky.

Aliens... Although I don't want to admit it, there is only one explanation at this moment.

Wings of Ghidorah, what have you brought from Venus?

But people from Venus obviously don’t look like this!

Everything is still a mystery about what lies beyond the door.

The sergeants of the emergency force used shield pillars in front of the gate to install a 2-meter-high shield wall.

Although judging from the bulge on the gate, such a shield wall may be useless, but the most basic protection still needs to be arranged.

What if they use the kind of long-range weapons that shoot down drones?

Gauss rifles were set up in openings in the shield wall, and heavy droids loaded with heavy armor-piercing shells would fire whenever the door was knocked open.




"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...!"


Continuous impact sounded, and the door became more and more deformed.All the sergeants at the empty third gate were extremely nervous and ready to shoot at any time.

Soldiers surrounded the gate so that nothing could get through.The two staircases leading underground were also sealed.

Now, just wait for something outside to rush in.




The extremely deformed door was gradually knocked open, the cracks of the door gradually opened, and the appearance of the black shadow outside was gradually revealed.

The clearer the appearance, the more people can see the layers of carapace on its body.

And that face that resembles a human


Under the last bump.

The huge door was smashed open.

gunfire, explosion

Suddenly, dozens of golden figures rushed in from the outside at a speed above the sound.

Along with them, there are countless things only slightly larger than humans.

It looked like a person with elongated bones, and they rushed forward together holding primitive weapons.

The sound of killing, explosion, and the sound of bullets piercing flesh.

Ripping, thumping, crashing metal.

All kinds of voices interweave, at last.

Only a single chewing sound remained.

There is something, something is eating.

Kachi Kachi...


That sounds delicious.

Something is eating.

North America, East Asia, Middle East, Europe and Africa.

Something, a group of things, is eating.

It's not something that happens in one place, it's not something that happens in one population.

Upheavals on this planet have begun and will not stop.


Monsters are beasts beyond common sense.

Its transcendence is not a single huge, nor a single powerful.

It can be self-healing beyond common sense, such as an infinite number of cell divisions beyond human comprehension.

It can be said that the combat power is beyond common sense, and the power and breath are powerful, surpassing all human weapons.

There are also survivability, fecundity, and infectiousness beyond common sense-and Ghidorah's Wings and Caesar Ghidorah are such a category.

The reason why they came to the earth first is to reform and test, not to conquer.

Even if they are dead, they will be wiped out by Godzilla and humans together.But their purpose has actually been served.

They have successfully transformed this planet into a monster planet.

Plants with black scales grew from the Bering Strait and set traps on the ground, allowing the first North American people who left the refuge to be swallowed directly.

In East Asia, new primates born from the corpses of Ghidorah's wings are slaughtering the old primates in various refuges, turning their flesh and blood into their own food.

As well as the weird worms that are wriggling underground in the Middle East, breaking out of the formation, and rushing directly into the shelter, and the brood worms that formed tides on the surface of Northern Europe and ate up the steel.

And finally, flying in the sky of the whole world.

A golden flying dragon that is exactly the same as Ghidorah's wings, but nearly [-] times smaller in size.

A new ecology, a new world has arrived.

Even if Godzilla stopped attacking, humans would no longer be permanent primates.

This planet is about to turn into a monster star.

New primates are crashing into the world where old primates exist.

And who can save all this?

Chapter 92 Monster Planet (End)

On Earth, a new life is being born.

And the same is true above Venus.

In the scorching world, thousands of Ghidorah wings soar over the surface of this planet.

Big thunderstorms fell endlessly, and the hot atmosphere of hundreds of degrees was stirred under the control of something, forming a super storm that could cover the entire Venus.

The storm created by Caesar Ghidorah on earth can only be regarded as a breeze in front of this storm.

The diameter of this storm exceeded 33 kilometers, the wind force level reached level 100, and its impact force was more than [-] tons per square meter.

Under such a strong wind, even Ghidorah's Wings, which are much denser than conventional materials and weigh more, can fly by the wind just by opening their wings.

Even the original giant mountains were flattened by the strong wind and turned into flat ground.

And right at the very center of this storm, in that windless place, some different beings are growing.

Most of them are flat things, like leeches, but lying on the ground.

The other difference is that there is an extremely huge lower wall, and many huge transparent spheres filled with air like balloons extend from the mound-shaped body.

The balls are not airtight, they can be opened and closed.Floating in the air several hundred meters above the ground, it seems to be preying on something.

Dozens of hundreds of "balloons" fly out from various hills, forming a magnificent scene on different levels of the sky.

The sunlight enters the "balloon" through the eye of the storm and scatters beautiful light, illuminating their transparent surfaces with colorful light.

The balloons released by the mound-like creatures stand all over the sky, forming a three-dimensional three-dimensional ecology.

In this not-so-turbid atmosphere, you can still see some disc-like mound insects lying on some nutrient-transporting balloons, inserting the needles in their bodies into the transparent branches of the balloons and mounds, absorbing the nutrients absorbed.

At the same time, this ecology is also expanding.

This group of new life on Venus is composed of silicon airgel and a type of silicide.Even for the high temperature of more than 400 degrees on Venus, there will not be much difference.

Centered on the slow-moving mound on the surface, this new biosphere is expanding infinitely.

The mounds have absorbed enough nutrients on the surface, after the absorbed nutrients reach a certain level.

One of them, which was crawling slowly, suddenly stopped crawling, and all the roots supporting it relaxed.It fell to the ground, and then began a series of behaviors.

And this series of behaviors, we generally call it:


The main body on the surface penetrates deeply into the earth's crust, and the roots continue to penetrate deep into the ground.Then the dozens of "balloons" floating in the sky suddenly shrank a lot.They are sending nutrients down.

At the same time, the surrounding Qius who were slowly crawling also noticed something strange about their companions.

After realizing it, they stretched out a long tube from below themselves, and groped along the fallen Qiu's body.

After finding a special place, it was plugged in with the silicon plug of the pipe break.Some kind of liquid is being pumped into it.

A few or more than a dozen mounds inserted their tubes into it together, and there were a lot of things in the inserted mound.After waiting for several hours, the pipes were all evacuated, leaving only the mound that had taken root in the ground and was gestating something.

After a long time, from where it was inserted.A pentagram-like thing with flexible limbs broke through the flesh, and it crawled out from the mound, followed by the second and third...

This breeding behavior did not stop until seven or eight of them crawled out.

This group of newborn cubs is different from their adult parents. Their limbs seem to be very flexible, and they do not need the help of the tentacles under the body to move.

The little mounds licked the amniotic fluid from their mother's body with their tentacles, and then bounced and crawled out.In the near future, these mounds will also grow into giants, opening up the ecology of Venus.

Just after the mound took root, a part of the new life that used airbags to jet fly flew to the rooted mound.

This is another group of life that has never been born on earth.

Because on the earth, the density of the atmosphere can only allow life to use the airbag as a prop to assist flight, and it cannot fly only by it.

And on this planet, because of the particularity of the atmosphere of Venus, countless lives blossomed and bore fruit again on Venus.

Together, they form an ecosphere that is very different from Earth, where there are no trees that feed on sunlight.But there are atmospheric organisms that rely on the flow of the atmosphere to survive.

A brand-new ecological circle is being formed, and even with compatriots far away on the earth, it appears under the influence of a certain existence.But they are also developing in very different directions.

Is this a harbinger of a colorful ecosystem?


One wing lowered, covering the sky.

Then, it was all over.

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