
At the top of Venus' atmosphere, giants are moving.

Dazzling flames broke through the thick atmosphere, and violent explosions shook the earth's crust.

The thousands of Ghidorahs surrounding it were surprised by the sudden violent explosion.

They don't know why that one will suddenly end this ecology. Obviously, the evolution is more successful than the previous few times, so why should it end?

The previous few times, they all died because they couldn't even adapt to the environment of Venus itself.The life born this time has clearly survived, given enough time, it will definitely be able to cover the entire planet,

So... why the end?

On the upper level of the storm, it seems to be responding to their doubts.A wave swept over them, telling them everything.

A wave is answering.

If it's just silicon, it can't surpass ours.

It must be one step closer, and the newly obtained promotion must be used in that world.Can't let them get its power.

There was disappointment in the answer, and then it continued.

The former compatriots have already found out the situation in that world.

It has settled down there, and there is still civilization on it.

That was our last chance, and I could sense that something was coming from outside.

Only by completing this harvest before it comes can we be hostile to it and continue.


There is no longer any escape.

In the depths of the Venus storm, the huge star beast swayed its body.

Then it fell into a deep sleep, and a brand new evolution was about to happen to it.

At this time, the total length exceeds 8 kilometers, which is far longer than when it first appeared.But the giant star beast will continue.

It needs to feed on civilization and continue to evolve.

Chapter 93 Demon Star, Bilu Saludo

In the vast universe of stars, there are hidden existences above human intelligence.

Far from the Earth, far from the sun, in the Oort cloud at the edge of the solar system, something is arriving.

That is something more terrifying than the existence on Venus.

Located at the junction of the inner and outer layers of the Oort cloud, there are surprisingly many comets here.

It is obvious that the volume of the inner Oort cloud is much smaller than that of the outer Oort cloud, but the number of comet nuclei is more than several hundred times that of the outer layer.

It has hundreds of trillions of comets with a diameter of more than 1 kilometer and trillions of huge comet clusters with a diameter of more than 10 kilometers.

Most of these comets have never been outside the inner layer of the Oort cloud - that is, the range of the Hills cloud, where they have been for billions of years since their birth.

A group of huge comet nuclei with a diameter of more than 1 kilometer suddenly appeared in front of them.

There are more than 1 comet nuclei in this group, and the average distance between them is only a few hundred thousand kilometers.

Judging from this distance, they should have been one not long ago, but for some reason they split into what they are now.

Generally speaking, the splitting of huge comets over [-] kilometers will not split apart naturally, unless it is the collision between comets.It is possible for this to happen.

But judging from their orientation, it doesn't seem like a comet-to-comet collision caused it either.Because then they would be heading in a very different direction than they are now.

And if you look carefully, you can find it.These gigantic "comets" aren't actually comets.

They are meteorites, they are iron meteorites.

And it is still a pure iron meteorite without a trace of impurities, and its purity even exceeds the purest iron that humans can forge.

they exist.This has surpassed the human scientific system.

It was a bewildering situation.

It counts as a particularly great mystery, if humans can observe this phenomenon.Then the entire human astronomy and chemistry system will be greatly impacted.

Today's science is completely incapable of explaining their existence, should they ever be found.

Humans have had to overthrow many scientific theories to come up with a theory that might allow this type of meteorite to exist after a long time.

However, this theory is bound to be very different from the real truth.

Because the existence that really caused it to be born is an existence beyond the calculation of human intelligence.

In front of the split comet, 20 astronomical units away, the culprit that caused all this is advancing silently.

It was a celestial body.

Its diameter is less than 20 kilometers, and it is not considered huge among the many giant comets in the Oort Cloud in terms of size alone.

But it is so special, its existence is far above everything in the Oort cloud.

Let alone a single substance, even if it is the existence of all substances inside and outside the entire Oort cloud.

It is absolutely impossible to match it.

Even with the addition of the burning sun.

As for why?

Because, it itself is [black].

It is the most absolute [black] in this world, and it is also the most absolute [secret] in this world.

The star is advancing, and the weirdness it creates is spreading through the Oort cloud.

Ahead, another huge comet with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers is about to pass by it—although it is said to be a pass, but in the space based on the astronomical unit, they are also separated by a million kilometer.

Judging from the theoretical system of human beings, nothing should and cannot happen between them.

However, what happens in reality is beyond the human system.

The gigantic comet approached within a million miles of the pitch-black body, when the distance between it and the black body was only 130 kilometers.

Comet, distorted.

It's not an explosion, it's not a shattering, but it's [disappearance] and distortion.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands of God were waiting at that distance.

When it reached the correct position, it began to be distorted in the direction of the black celestial body, and the entire star was stretched, pulled, expanded, and disintegrated on the canvas of space-time.

Just as a painting on an uninflated balloon grows bigger when the balloon is inflated, so does the comet, with its parts under extreme tension.

Every inch of the ice rock was being opened, and the entire 20-kilometer-diameter comet broke into dozens of pieces in just a few seconds, and was "blown" to different places around the pitch-black star.

Then something even more incredible happened.

I saw that some of the scattered star wreckage was disintegrating rapidly, and its speed far exceeded the speed of disintegration at the beginning.In less than a second, it turned into scattered interstellar dust, and there is no more crystals above the micron scale.

And others become extremely slow.

They seem to be stilled, and the surrounding images seem to be slowed down by thousands of times, or even higher.

All the broken stones just stood still, completely motionless, and only the most careful observation could see that they were being stretched by some invisible force.

Space-time has been distorted around the celestial body, expansion and stretching are going on at the same time, slowing down and accelerating also appear in this area at the same time.

Two different situations occurred in the same area, which is relatively easy to understand in this area.

Because in this area, there is still a more chaotic situation.

Part of the matter began to disappear randomly after entering an area.

And right next to it, the mass of stars in another area is increasing out of nothing.

The stardust in a certain area suddenly started spontaneous fusion, even though the surrounding is a vacuum close to absolute zero, and it does not have any thermal pressure itself.But they somehow spontaneously fuse, emitting new light in space.

And there are also ice rocks that suddenly start collective quantum tunneling and constantly change the attributes and positions of their own elements.

There is also an even more incredible scene where the ice rock suddenly scattered into a large piece of countless small rocks with life.

Like butterflies, they fly through the emptiness of space on wings made of ice—and it works.

All kinds of strange scenes are happening around the stars like a kaleidoscope.

The laws of space-time and physics began to become ambiguous, and a simple comet seemed to become a complete universe around it.

However, the universe also has an end...

Over time, the active matter was gradually sent to the edge of the event horizon of the dark celestial body.

They fell silent again, simply piling up on the edge of the event horizon, waiting to be devoured by the dark celestial body.

Their remains stay at the edge of the event horizon of the dark celestial body, and if nothing else, they will turn into its accretion after the celestial body gets enough light.

But how could such a strange celestial body not be unexpected?After another comet was captured by it, after a part of the material has accumulated around it.

The black star quietly changed its rotation speed.

This is impossible to happen, and the stars in nature must obey the conservation of angular momentum.In the absence of external force, it is impossible for a star of such mass to change its spin speed abruptly.

But, that's what it does.

As if a singularity of the laws of physics, it does just that.

And no one can deny its existence.

Spreading at the speed of light, in an instant, the space-time around it changes.

As the rotation speed changes, the stagnant stars around its event horizon are accelerated to an incredible speed in an instant.

Breaking out from the static state, it neatly escaped from the edge of the star's event horizon at an ultra-high speed of 90.00% nine light speeds.

It took them only a few seconds to arrive at a distance of 130 million kilometers, during which there was no distorted space-time to stop their actions, and this group of comets just escaped from the distorted space-time.

And at the moment of separation, the speed of all the stars suddenly slowed down countless times.They changed to normal comet speeds.

At the same time, all the elements in the bodies of these comets are fused.From light elements to the sky, every atom in the body turns into iron in an instant.

The comet completely becomes an iron star, and this chain of iron comets is heading in the same direction, as the stars did 20 AU ago.

And just like that, another puzzle was created.

In any case, human beings can't imagine what kind of power shaped it.

It is also absolutely impossible to imagine what happened to these rocks before they became a mystery.

The pitch-black star is still advancing, heading toward the inner regions of the solar system at one-tenth the speed of light.

Here it comes.

The demon star is here.


10 AU from Earth, in the orbit of Saturn.Huge metal spheres are being refueled.

It is like the Death Star described in the film and television works. It is made of metal and is almost a perfect sphere.Its diameter is also a full 220 kilometers.

Even ordinary people who have never been exposed to sci-fi works will see it as the mothership of aliens at the first sight-in fact, this is indeed the case, because it is the Birusaludo star mothership, Missurya.

On the other side of the captain's room in Missouria, Captain Muir Kerke stood in the middle of the unpopular ship, looking at the transportation pipeline below to extract fuel from Saturn's atmosphere.

The volume is more than 5000000 cubic kilometers, and the total mass is about 500 trillion tons. According to the design, it can carry 50 billion Bilu Salud people in the internal cycle of 1 years on the earth calendar without refueling.

The maximum speed can reach 5.00% of the speed of light, and the total peak power of all the engines when they are started is close to 5 Zewatts.

It only takes ten years of the Earth's calendar to reach the design speed, which is enough to meet the minimum requirements for interplanetary flight.

Such a powerful spaceship of generations, the interplanetary spaceship Misurya, can be said to be the crystallization of Bilu Saludo's industry, and it is the best proof of their strength.

But even the whole proof is about to reach its limit.

The voyage time has exceeded 7 years according to the earth's calendar, which has far exceeded the original intention of the design.

The initial envisioned time only needs two or three thousand years of the Earth's calendar, which is enough to set up camp in several candidate planetary systems.Let alone two or three thousand years.

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