A ball of light suddenly flew past her, annihilating 'Xia' in nothingness.

"It's the last one. I don't know where these guys came from." Ari came late, and took the shiny ball of light back into his hand, and the ball of light gradually turned into a It looked like a little fox, lying on the fox girl's shoulder: "Sarah, what the hell are you—"

Before Ahri fully uttered the doubts in his heart, he saw Sarah's face full of remorse and pain.The fox girl froze on the spot, her hands hanging in mid-air motionless—this wasn't the first time she saw Sarah showing such an emotion, but... the last time she showed such an expression, it was still in the dark and dead silence. on the planet.

"You...what's the matter with you?"

Ari's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

"I... I heard Xia's voice. It must be her voice!" Sarah slumped on the ground powerlessly, looking up at the starry sky: "She...she is still alive. It must be alive!"



This long-lost name made Ari stunned,

"Sarah, what are you talking about?" Ahri was confused, with unprecedented complex emotions flashing in his eyes.Even so, she still pretended to be relaxed: "You must be too tired recently and have hallucinations. Go back and have a good rest." Although Ari's tone was calm, her expression seemed to be trying to restrain some kind of grief and anger. emotional like that.

"——That's not a hallucination!" Sarah covered her face with trembling hands, and there was an imperceptible trace of panic in her voice: "Ari, Xia... must be alive. And Luo, Nicole! We have to Go save them! I heard her voice, there is nothing wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong!"

Ari opened his mouth, lost his voice unexpectedly, and shook his head slightly: "It seems that you are really tired. You have already started talking nonsense."

"I'm not tired at all!" Sarah's voice was still trembling, but the emotion she wanted to convey to Ari was indeed revealed: "At that time, did we really have no choice? We threw Off them, that's a fact, it can't be denied."

"I said, I'm not going to let you risk burning out. The situation was...really complicated."

Ahri raised her head, wanting to show a capable smile as usual - but the flushed eyes and dejected emotions completely exposed her fragility.

"It's been so long, Sarah, why can't you let go? That incident is not your fault at all. Even if you stay, what can you change? One more meaningless death?"

Ahri spoke, but Sarah shook her head.

"That's just not the case. I should be able to do something. I should have died there together. You're right, Ahri. I was desperate to rush to Zoe because I knew I couldn't live like this Besides..." Sarah stared at the night sky, didn't speak at first, and then murmured lonely: "I really... heard Xia's voice. She must still be alive, waiting for us to rescue her somewhere. she."

"Sarah, what's going on with you all this time!" Ari couldn't bear it anymore, and interrupted her: "Why did you suddenly bring up this kind of thing at this moment? The past is already in the past!"

"Because——I just can't let it go!" Sarah broke down and cried.

Not everything can be polished by time, not after years, we can reconcile with ourselves, some things are like thorns pierced deep into the flesh, forever and ever, stinging and helpless.

Even if you dig out the flesh and blood and want to give yourself a chance to get rid of it, you will still find that it has long been fused into the body and has become a chronic disease for which there is no medicine.

"I'm not you, Ahri! Even after that happened, I still have the attitude to face everything calmly! And I have the sincerity to seek happiness!"

Sarah smiled softly, the corners of her mouth raised in a particularly mocking manner.

"Are you... mocking me? I——what happened to you today? You were fine just now, why did you suddenly... seem like a different person?"

Ari trembled her lips, as if she had been hit by Sarah's words, she pursed her lips and smiled bitterly.

"Ari, don't you feel any guilt about their deaths?"

Then, Sarah's abrupt words made Ari stunned for a moment, and his voice gradually became a little sullen.

"How could there be no such thing!"

"Then you can still face all this calmly? You even found a boyfriend happily?"

"Kevin? He has nothing to do with this! Sarah, you have no idea what Kevin paid for me—no, us! I don't know what's going on with you now, but I really I don't want to argue with you! Sorry."

——Ari noticed that his emotions were a little out of control, and then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down his inner emotions.

"Senior Ahri, Senior Gwen and I have searched for it, and there is no sign of intrusion nearby—oh, what's wrong with you?"

Lacus and the others fell to the ground from mid-air, and looked at Ahri and Sarah, who had a somewhat subtle atmosphere, in astonishment.The latter seemed to be aware of his gaffe, and then turned around with a complicated expression, unwilling to make any eye contact with Ari.

"I'll get them back anyway. Just wait, Ahri. I'll make you admit your mistake!"

Afterwards, Sarah left here without looking back.

Ari was left alone to watch her leaving back, a little lost in thought.

"Senior Ahri, you two...why did you quarrel?"

It was probably the first time Lux had seen Sarah get so angry.

"...It's okay. Sarah's personality is like this. Some accidents happened just now, so she became like this." Ari forced a smile, and then changed the topic: "Is there no invasion point? It's weird...the first time something like this happened."

Gwen frowned slightly, seeing the gloom that flashed across Ahri's face, but she didn't pursue the question any further, instead she said.

"It's really troublesome. Where did these guys come from? They really pick their time to make trouble. By the way, where did Akali and Kevin go?"

Kai'Sa in a swimsuit stood out among the group of magical girls in sailor suits.She took out her mobile phone and shook her head slightly: "I don't know, I called. But no one answered."

Behind them, Jinx felt a little uneasy.

She thought of the bottle of Coke in the ice bucket, and a few drops of cold sweat oozed from her forehead.

"Could it be..."

"What's wrong?" Lux asked her.

"No...it's nothing, I probably thought too much."


in the shadows.

Two figures witnessed the whole process of all this.

"It seems that our plan is going well." Luo smiled lightly.

"Hmph, sooner or later I will make Ahri and Sarah pay the price!" Xia snorted coldly.

PS: No one deducted 1?

It seems that everyone is a good young man!

commendable!Group ① Liu 82 Yi 7 ⑦ ⑥

Star Guardian: Chapter 145 Chapter 140 The Complete Defeat of Jinx【4K】

Near midnight, a terrible storm blew up.

The wind was blowing fiercely, and there was the sound of snapping branches, the creaking of wooden roofs, and the banging of window sashes. It seemed that the howling and roaring of ghosts and ghosts, as well as the wailing of people could be faintly heard.

The boundary line between heaven and earth became blurred in the strong wind, and even the most majestic mountains were covered in the dark light that almost destroyed the world.

"I'm going to tell you a horror story."

The wind whispered.The fire is booming.The sound of water was boiling.

Gwen was whispering softly, even though the girl's smile looks very cute and cute now, but as long as she concentrates a little, she can see that she seems to be a bit out of place compared to usual.

The sugar cube gradually melted and collapsed, and the last residue of granulated sugar had nowhere to escape, and finally fell into the dark coffee—Ari spun the small spoon in his hand, and looked at some people sitting on the table with subtle eyes. On the opposite side was Kevin, who looked visibly disturbed.

Lux sat beside Gwen, looking very preoccupied, even so, with a gentle smile on her face—it's just that the smile now is far-fetched, probably because she was taking a chance on something.

"On a stormy night—oh, just like tonight. The dark water was like a gloomy mirror, dimly reflecting countless candles and braziers strewn about the docks. Thousands of hulks on the far cliffs The dim light of a lantern shines through the wreckage of the

"A man passing by happened to have just encountered this storm. Just as he was about to run home, he happened to catch a glimpse of a blue wild flower in the corner of the wall. Unbearable, he glanced at the storm in the sky. So he decided to take this wild flower home with him."

"Then the man crouched down and held out his hand—"

A few faint thunderclaps came from the sky, and with a gust of wind, the rain, which was dense like a waterfall, was blown by the wind like smoke, fog, and dust.

The story ends abruptly at the climax.

The girl's indifferent tone was mixed with a trace of anger, but she still tried her best to maintain a trace of rationality.Gwen smiled shallowly, the ending was drawn lazily, and his eyes were sickly and deadly cool.


Kevin didn't speak, but took a sip of warm milk, and wisely chose to remain silent in this awkward situation-at this moment, he was already walking on thin ice, any pretense, lies, expiration and bluff would lead to nothing. remedial consequences.

Fate can really play a joke on me.

Why this time?

Kevin seemed to hear Aatrox's sardonic sneer again - although this time it really didn't have much to do with it.

"But...then what? What happened in the end?"

Gwen caressed her face lightly, with a slightly raised corner of her mouth revealing a sick and weird smile.

"It's a pity that the man who picked wild flowers indiscriminately died in the end. Do you know, Kevin?"


The corners of Kevin's mouth twitched a few times... This subtle smile - must be angry?

Ari sat up a little bit, then picked up the box of medicine in the middle of the coffee table, and whispered the name of the box of medicine: "Levonorgestrel tablets? To be honest, Xiao Kai. I don't understand, you alone Boy, buy this medicine...what is it for? Could it be, do you want to experience what it's like to be a girl?"

"...Don't make me sound like a pervert."

"Then what do you want to buy this medicine for?"

Ari sat up straight, and then asked Kevin with a wry smile.

"...Uh." Kevin, who faced Ahri's question head-on and obviously lacked confidence, froze for a moment, turning his head away in shame and embarrassment.

What to do, what to do now?

He secretly bought medicine for Akali, but was accidentally caught by them.

Are you going to be honest?

But... But, is it really not a problem to do so?

If Gwen knew the truth, would she have an emotional breakdown on the spot, and then slam the accelerator on the sickly road, gone forever?

——You know, Gwen is determined to win the 'Global Finals Champion' this time!

Not only do you have to fight against Ahri, but you also need to prevent Lux from sneaking away.

I have played BO5 with others for several rounds, and finally passed five stages and defeated six generals, but in the end...

The champion of the global finals was taken away by a wild card division.

Anyone else would collapse, right?

Tmd eat spinach, right?

Absolutely shady!

Kevin didn't know what to do now.

If you turn the time back to a few hours ago, if you let yourself choose again, you will definitely not be so impulsive!


After all, humans cannot disobey the desires engraved in their DNA.

"...If I can choose again, at least I can avoid being caught by them when I buy medicine."

Gwen raised her eyebrows, and her tone gradually became a little cold: "So, how are you going to argue?"

"Why can't it be an explanation?"

Kevin touched his nose resentfully, and whispered.

"Okay, how do you explain, Xiaokai?" Ari put the box of medicine in front of Kevin's eyes, and shook it a few times.The fox girl shook her head helplessly, then turned her beautiful eyes slyly: "If you now admit that Xiao Kai bought this medicine to spend a good night with me today, then I won't bother with you." .”

"Ari, now is not the time to talk about such things! The answer is already obvious, don't you feel it at all?"

"There's no other way." Ari sighed helplessly, but he didn't become agitated because of it.She rested her cheek on her hand, and when her eyes lingered on the boy's body, the corners of Ahri's mouth under the shadows were slightly curved, and she said softly: "Since everything has already happened, it's too late to pursue it now. Just take it as Xiaokai, he is going to...well, to practice skills."

Having said that, loneliness and loss flashed in the eyes of the fox girl.In the end, as if to hide the sadness in her heart, she tried her best to draw a gentle smile.

——Who wouldn't like a gentle black silk senior with a black belly and a poisonous tongue?

"Practice...practice skills?"

Lacus was slightly taken aback, a very obvious panic and embarrassment flashed across her face.It's just that she crossed her palms behind her, and gently pursed her slightly pale lips, looking a little at a loss.


Kevin opened his mouth, but only opened his mouth.He couldn't tell the reason until the end.

But soon, Kevin rubbed his frowning brows, stood up from the sofa, and handed the box of medicine to Kaisha who had been watching all this.

The latter stared blankly at the box of medicine that Kevin handed over for a while, and seemed to understand something in a daze. For the first time, Kaisha, who was pretending to be meaningless but blushing, did not dare to look directly at Kevin. But he turned his face away and whispered.

"Could it be that this is... the medicine you bought for Lili?"

In an instant, the room was extremely quiet.

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