Kevin, whose face was already dripping with cold sweat, stared stiffly at Kaisha in front of him, and nodded bravely: " go back first. Akali...has been waiting next door for a long time. ...just leave it to me."

click -

I don't know if it was an illusion, but I vaguely heard the sound of a teacup being crushed behind me.

I'm going to be heavy next time.

Kevin thought to himself.

Kaisha clicked her tongue, and she didn't know what to say. She almost couldn't bear the strong chill in the eyes of Gwen and the other girls, and finally pulled out a rather forced smile: "Then...then I'll go first. can do it yourself."

After Kai'Sa closed the door and left, there was still deathly silence in the room—except for Aatrox's almost wanton laughter.

But apart from Kevin, no one else could hear it.

"... I remember Kevin, you seem to have promised me that you are not feeling well during this time? So when we were alone, I didn't force you, right?"

When Miss Gwen's vaguely hidden emotional voice sounded, Kevin's body shuddered involuntarily.

The boy turned around tremblingly: "Actually... about this matter, I don't know what's going on. When Akali and I came back, we were fine, but in the end, for some reason, we couldn't control it. Live by yourself."

Ari pouted, her face full of resentment and unwillingness: "Dry firewood caught fire?"

"Well... It's true to say that. The situation at the time was very complicated, and I don't know how to explain it." Kevin blushed and continued to explain: "It seems that we have all taken the wrong medicine. Change It's getting a little out of control."

"——bad!" Lux pouted her mouth, her eyes became a little red, and her voice became a little choked up: "Obviously this kind of thing—I can do it too! Why don't you want to come to find Kevin And me?"

"...Is this the point?" Kevin rubbed his temples, and said with a look of lovelessness: "I mean, really. I didn't lie to you, the situation at that time was really complicated, Aka and I The Lido got out of control and it just got out of hand."

"Out of control?" Lux said angrily—this was the first time Kevin saw Lax so angry: "Could it be that you took the wrong medicine?"

"I don't know. We were all fine at the beach. Speaking of which, we seem to have drank the same expired bottle of Coke." Kevin, who felt that he couldn't explain it, didn't know what to do to prove his innocence. ——Although there is no such thing as 'clean' now.

"Are you trying to tell us that it's because of Coke?" Ari smiled, then lifted the coffee and took a sip, then showed an intriguing smile, and tilted his head at the young man: "Then... ...I think there is something wrong with this cup of coffee, Xiaokai, shouldn't you help me too?"

—Obviously, they don't believe it.


Out of control?

Taking the wrong medicine?

The girl with red double ponytails sat on the sofa with a dazed expression on her face, her burgundy eyes had completely lost their brilliance for some reason at this moment.

She looked lifeless now, her eyes were red, and she could faintly see some flickering tears.

Oops, it looks like this girl... is about to cry.

Jinx covered her head and kept talking to herself in a voice that only she could hear.

"Failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed-"

Maybe because she noticed Jinx's abnormality, Gwen turned her face slightly, but she couldn't hear what she was muttering.

Although the pink and fair little face was a little cloudy and uncertain, but in the end, he could only accept this 'cruel' fact helplessly.

Ge Wen held his cheeks with his hand and murmured very reluctantly: "I'm really angry. But now ... even if it is angry, it is useless. I can only blame me for myself! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Obviously, that time is a good opportunity! It's all because of Lux that you suddenly barged in!"

"Hmm? Senior Gwen, why...why did you suddenly blame me again?"

Lacus tilted her head in a daze, and blinked her eyes for some unknown reason.

Ari glanced at Lacus and Gwen, who did not know why the civil war suddenly started, sighed helplessly, and then turned his attention to Kevin: "Then little Kai... what are you going to do in the future? "

"That..." Kevin said thoughtfully, "Then you guys come together?"

"Oh? I don't want it." The fox girl stretched her waist slowly, and refused very reluctantly: "It should be a little romantic for the first time to leave a deep impression on people, right? If you come together—— Xiao Kai, although it is normal for adolescents to have such sexual fantasies, should I put it?"

Ari raised her white chin slightly, thought for a while, then leaned forward and whispered in Kevin's ear.

"—As expected of a perverted junior."

[Today's victory: Jinx's complete defeat. 】

"Failed *n."


The presence of a comet often heralds turmoil and upheaval.As the tail of the restless comet sweeps across the sky, new kings are established frequently in the world, and the old masters are all dead. Even the twinkling stars above the nine heavens will dim and disappear...

And the truth may be darker than what people see.

Three stars.

broken stars.

The shining stars have long been dimmed and burned.

Leaning against the window, looking out at the storm-shaded night sky.A gleam of pain flashed in Ari's eyes. She never thought that such a thing would happen—it was her negligence, carelessness, and incompetence that killed her three best friends.

The three broken stars in her hand were extremely thorny, Ahri didn't want to let go, the more it hurt, the tighter she held them.

"I won't let you burn out, Sarah."

"--I won't."

PS: I hope there will be no overtime after the 30th.

First of all, I updated yesterday, but it was rejected by review.

Secondly, my manual review will last until November 11th.



Star Guardian: Chapter 146 Chapter 140 What is the broken-down clown【4K】

"Shovel off the shaded moss on the bench"

"Listen to the sadness of this ballad"

"A Maiden Sleeps in the Earth"

"Beautiful beauty, a king's jewel"

"However, if you eat maggots, your flesh and blood will be consumed."

"The soft catkins are fat, and they also fatten the barren fields"

"Beautiful prince, Tianxu's marriage matchmaker"

"Bringing into the royal family, wanting to inherit the imperial prestige"

"On the day of the ceremony, an unprecedented feast of magnificence"

"Who knew someone would drink wine with poison"

"The King's Daughter Drinks Without Heart"

""The antidote must be obtained!"——The prince swore an oath before the imperial court. 』

Under the eyes of everyone, the shadows flickered like arcs, flying in the air of the theater, and a frightening cold light flashed across.

The fiery light melted the body of the "queen", and from the inside to the outside, traces of white steam emerged from the back of the stage, sublimating the stage in an instant.

The delicate skin melted away, and the radiant eyes dimmed, twisted, and evaporated...

The actress tried her best to shout her dying lines, stepping on the shambling footsteps of a dying man.

The actor pulled out the sword from the ground, swung the heavy blade, and wailed, hitting the ground and the wall.

Even though blood can't be splashed on the spot, its penetrating pain and shocking scenes all make the onlookers full of interest.

The melodious melody of the lute came from behind the scenes, and the audience seemed to be completely intoxicated by the wonderful performance of the Oferium Troupe, and they responded with thunderous applause.

The flower blooms is one sentence, and the night is over is one sentence.

The flickering light and the dark horizon complement each other, and although the place is full of people, it is not noisy.People are engraving the unforgettable love on the stage into eternity, and their hearts fluctuate accordingly. They are engrossed in not letting go of any detail on the stage.

Undoubtedly, this will be a perfect performance, but the plot is also——

As the younger brother of Fyego, the dilapidated king of the main universe, who is the same time and space entity—Kevin couldn't help but slightly frowned at the performance in the theater this time, and an embarrassing look appeared on his face: love at first sight, love began, Tragedy happened, death was coming, the girl died, the prince went mad, and the world was destroyed.

Does it look familiar?

how to say?

Fortunately, Fyego and Isolde are not here. What if they have some connection with them in the main universe because of this kind of plot... What should we do?

Although their personalities in this world are completely different from those in the main universe, well... destiny will always play some weird little jokes with you.

——What's more, this is a world where magic really exists.

No one knows what will happen in the future.

Kevin put away his phone with a sigh, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at his partner beside him. In the halo, it was a delicate and flawless face. His violet eyes seemed to encompass the entire starry sky, and his blue hair was dotted with Boundless Star - of course, this is not the sickly curly-haired girl - but the only junior sister of the Balance Sect, Akali.

"Prince's elegy. I really didn't expect, Akali, your so-called surprise is to take me to a theater performance? This is completely out of character with you... To be honest, shouldn't you take me to the e-sports hotel to play?" All day?"

This is the first weekend after Bilgewater's vacation trip, and it is also the first date after his so-called friendship with Akali sublimated,

Originally, Kevin's plan was to spend the rest of the summer leisurely and leisurely—for example, go to the Moe Cafe to help Gwen on Monday, and have an in-depth exchange with her by the way.On Tuesday, I accompany Ali to go shopping in the commercial street for a whole day, and occasionally go to KTV to sing with her, and have an in-depth exchange with her by the way.On Wednesday, I will accompany Lacus to do housework. Of course, I have to explain the "pure" relationship between them with Galen, and then have an in-depth communication with her by the way.

On Thursday, Kevin originally planned to spend the whole day playing games with Akali in the room, and finally had an in-depth exchange with her by the way.But I don't know where this girl is wrong, she wants to come to the theater to watch the performance by accident.

As for Friday...

I think that Jinx girl should like the real CS in the wild, right?

Although Jinx is unpredictable, when it comes to sweets, she's sure to fall for it.Arms are also fine-in fact, this girl has been fond of guns and other things since she was a child, so she is probably a small army fan.

On Saturday, it would be nice for everyone to get together and have a barbecue party.

And the last day, Sunday.

Kevin originally planned to lie down and catch up with Aatrox for a day, but...

[If possible, I hope you can take care of Kai'Sa more. 】

——This was some time ago, after the vacation trip in Bilgewater, when Kevin sent Kaisha home, Kassadin said to him alone.

how to say?

The father-in-law's entrustment—ah, bah, my friend's father's entrustment, naturally I am embarrassed to refuse.

Besides, Kassadin was right.

Kai'Sa really needs someone to help her.

This is Kevin's ideal Gensokyo.


Reality will always catch you by surprise in some places.

I don't know if it's because of the loss in the 'Global Finals' this time. Ever since Bilgewater came back, Kevin found that these girls...seem to be less clingy to himself than before.

Gwen's visits to him have gradually decreased recently, and I don't know if it's because the work at the Moe Cafe is too busy-probably because she is really angry.

Lacus - this girl who has always been gentle, has also started to have a little temper.Not replying to messages, not answering calls - of course, it's not that serious, but her speed of replying messages has slowed down.

Jinx's words...

A few days ago, Wei also called Kevin to ask Kevin, saying that since the girl came back from vacation, she often locked herself in the room alone, chanting things like "failed, failed, failed—" That's why I asked him if he had any clues there.

——But Kevin didn't know why.

Ah Li's words...

Well, it's a little different from the others.

It's just that she said that she was busy and had to deal with some things during this time, so she couldn't be with him for the time being.

But what Ari is busy with, Kevin doesn't know.

Even if I asked her, she would not say anything, which made her go crazy.

So, the only one who can accompany Kevin now is Akali.

Oh, and Kai'Sa.

It's just that she rarely gave herself a day off today, so it's better not to bother her.

"I... I just think, this is our first date, right? Wouldn't it be a bit of a waste to stay in the room like usual? It should leave a deep impression, right? The theater is a very Not a bad place to be. And...the acting is good too, isn't it?"

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