It's boring, it's really boring.

While Miss Ben was talking and laughing, Penguin Logistics was wiped out.

Life is really lonely like snow~~~

Then, she heard Su Yun say:

"I remember that they don't seem to understand the origin stone ring. You sit there for a while, and I'll see if I can help."

Shi Huaiya:? ? ?

Before Shi Huaiya could ask why, Su Yun ruthlessly abandoned her and hurried to Texas.

This makes Shi Huaiya feel that she is like a toy, a substitute when Texas is not around.

The Lord has come, and the toys should give way.

", why are you here?" Su Yun asked a little nervously.

"We came here for shopping, but we didn't expect that you, Su Yun, came shopping today. What a coincidence. Don't you usually not like to go out? And you didn't wear a mask or sunglasses."

If the support doesn't help, the shooter can also do damage!

Neng Angel saw the opportunity, and it was rare to hit a little output.

It's just that her words were all missed by Su Yun.

"Where's Texas?" Su Yun asked again.

It's a very strange question, even the capable angels have noticed something strange.

She had already answered it just now, why did she ask Texas specifically?

It was as if they were keeping some secret from themselves.

The angel shook his head.

No, this kind of thing won't happen.

My best friend is pure and pure, and the person I like is like a jade, how could they have secrets, and even cooperate to hide it from me?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Texas lightly spit out two words:

"Passing by."

Su Yun's heart trembled, and his pelvis felt phantom pain.

Angry, Texas is definitely angry.

That's right, I saw the man I liked 'paired' with another lovely film woman without knowing it.

Texas did not "sword rain torrentially" on the spot, which is already considered restraint.

If this matter is not settled, I won't be able to sleep well tonight!

——in various senses.

Su Yun explained: "Ahem, don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with Superintendent Shi Huaiya..."

"I just saw you helping Superintendent Shi Huaiya carry the bag." Angel Neng said quietly, with a sour tone, as if he had drunk a large pot of old vinegar.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Texas said meaningfully: "It seems that you and her are very close."

"No, no, it's just as a punishment for leaving without saying goodbye and leaving the post for a month. I'm treated as a coolie. It's definitely not what you think."

"is it?"

"Yes, yes, the leader of the Guard Bureau, how could he attack his subordinates?"


I am not afraid that the German dog will speak coldly, but I am afraid that the German dog will not speak.

Seeing that Texas didn't say a word, just looking at the origin stone rings on his hand, Su Yun gritted his teeth and said:

"Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you for your protection along the way. If you don't mind, I'll give you an origin stone ring as a thank you gift."

The debts are getting more and more, and if this continues, I really want to be a cowboy in a custom shop.

Woohoo, Kurusi...

This land is not beautiful at all!

The ignorant Angel cast an envious look at Texas.

It's great, not only can I eat and live with Su Yun for a month, but I can also get a gift from him when I come back.

What Angel doesn't know is that Texas isn't happy about what she envies.

Because Su Yun was not rich, his property was basically left to the integration movement, including the loot that was later collected from the Ursas mine stronghold.

Fortunately, Su Yun was given to the Integration Movement, not to Tallulah - otherwise, Texas would really jump him on the way back.

Su Yun wanted to give a gift to relieve her anger, and Texas understood, but her happiness could not be based on Su Yun's pain.

Besides, Su Yun didn't realize that he chose the origin stone ring to give him.

That didn't make Texas very happy.

As for the envy in the eyes of a good girlfriend...

What a child.

Su Yun's gift?

Su Yun is a gift!

Angel Neng, the gap between you and me has gradually widened. Giving up on Su Yun earlier is a good thing for both of you.

Texas reminded: "No, I'm here to help a friend buy it. His origin stone ring is damaged, he has no money, and he is being targeted by some dangerous people. He doesn't feel safe now."

"It really doesn't feel safe..."

Su Yun lost his voice while talking.


Keke~!Cough cough cough~~! ! !

I don't feel well. I don't know if it's the sun or a common cold. I'll take a rest in the past two days. QQ Group Doctor Dumpling Bar 2 Yi 7 Seven ① Six

Volume 232: Chapter 227 [-]. Angel: Is my participation a bit low?

De Gou didn't say a single Arabic numeral, but read out his [-]-digit ID number.

Coach, I want to learn this!

Only now did Su Yun understand why Texas appeared in this specialty store and met him.

There are traces of emotion in my heart, like a cup of hot tea in the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, which makes people warm.

For a moment, Su Yun felt that becoming a couple with Texas didn't seem like a bad option.

But, just for a moment.

Because the pelvis does not allow him to have such bold ideas.

Su Yun knowingly asked: "If you don't mind, let me help you choose? I'm pretty good at this."


Naturally, Texas would not refuse, after all, she was originally bought for Su Yun.

Great! !

The able angel, who knew nothing about his situation, cheered in his heart:

It is worthy of being the number one assistant in the national server, Texas, as good as ever!

It's just that my participation this time... seems a bit low?

Shi Huaiya also felt that something was not right.

I ran into two friends by chance, and it was fine to chat with them in the past. Why did Su Yun stop there and have no plans to come back? !

Sit for a while.

Shi Huaiya, who couldn't sit still, walked towards them and asked, "What are you doing?"

Su Yundao: "Helping a friend in Texas choose a ring... Are you in a hurry?"

You know it too... Shi Huai smiled and said politely: "No."

"Then please wait for me a little longer, sorry."

Shi Huaiya:? ? ?

She is polite, why is Su Yun so rude?

In a hurry, she was really in a hurry now.

"Ahem! Su Yun, do you still remember why you came out with me today?"

"Remember remember..."

Su Yun was in a dilemma.

On the one hand, it is my future high-paying job, and on the other hand, it is the kindness of Texas.

Rejecting neither is appropriate.

In desperation, Su Yun had no choice but to hastily choose an origin stone ring that he didn't fancy just now, but was more cost-effective.

Su Yun said to Texas: "That's it, Shi Huaiya and I will go first."

"it is good."

Texas can force Su Yun to stay, but it's not necessary.

She has won too much.

Without saying a word to Su Yun, Su Yun took the initiative to abandon Shi Huaiya, and came to his side in a hurry. Seeing that he was angry, he even said that he wanted to give him a gift.

Proper girlfriend-level treatment.

On the other hand, poetry Huaiya.

You have to come here in person to take Su Yun away from her.

High judgment.

Noticing Texas' understatement, as if saying 'I won' in his eyes, can Shi Huaiya bear it?

Grabbing Su Yun's hand, the little tiger stood on the spot, as if facing a formidable enemy, with eyes like a sword, staring straight at Texas.

She felt that the gray wolf in front of her was a little different from before.

Although it's hard to tell what's different, the woman's intuition told Shi Huaiya that this gray wolf has gotten rid of some kind of shackles and has become an extremely dangerous existence!

I can't just leave like this!

"Manager." The little tiger suddenly called out.

The manager didn't dare to neglect, and said, "I'm here."

Shi Huaiya threw him a business card: "I want to buy an origin stone ring."


Seeing the three big characters of "Shi Huaiya" on the business card, the manager dared not neglect and went to pick up the goods in person.

After a while, the manager walked quickly with an exquisitely crafted solid wood jewelry box.

Followed by two security personnel holding crossbows.

Inside the box were three origin stone rings of different styles.

One is simple and low-key, one is luxurious and grand, and the other is small and exquisite.

The manager of the specialty store introduced: "To tell you the truth, this is the treasure of our store. It was handcrafted by a master in Letania. It is difficult for ordinary customers to see it, let alone spend money to buy it. "


Shi Huaiya glanced at Texas and made a satisfied nasal sound.

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