how is everything?Ordinary guests~

No talent in Originium techniques?

It doesn't matter!I have money ability!

Money is good, and money always solves her problems.

The little tiger asked: "Su Yun, what do you think?"

Su Yun didn't understand the current situation: "What do you ask me for this kind of thing..."

"Because it was bought for you."


"Ah what, you don't have an origin stone ring by your side, and you don't have the strength to restrain a chicken, how can you be my subordinate?"


Su Yun subconsciously wanted to decline Shi Huaiya's kindness.

He couldn't estimate the price of these three rings, he could only guess, at least in seven figures.

——Because the six-figures have to lie on the counter.

In any case, this kindness was too heavy, and Su Yun couldn't bear it, so he just wanted to refuse.

"But what? You don't need to pay for it." Shi Huaiya urged: "Hurry up."

"Stop, stop... Shi Huaiya, I won't accept it, it's too expensive for me. I don't want to be friends with you for your money."

Su Yun is not very confident.

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

Although Su Yun is not a gentleman, he is not a person who can do anything for money.

If Shi Huaiya gave him a ring worth tens of thousands of 10,000+, he would accept it if he was not sure. At worst, he would work overtime and give him a gift in return when he had enough money.

But a six-figure gift...or even a seven-figure gift, he couldn't accept it.

——If Texas or Tallulah gave him one, Su Yun would accept it if he was uncertain.

However, she is Shi Huaiya, her own leader, and the first heir of the Shi Huaiya family.

Her family has money and can spend 100 million as 100 yuan.

However, Su Yun couldn't do it in private Marseille.

Taking a step back, wouldn't it be more dangerous to carry something with six or seven figures on your finger? ! !

Naturally charming + expensive ring, Su Yun wanted to rob himself after seeing it.

Bind yourself into the basement, get rich, get rich, buy one get one free, is there anything more exciting than this in the world?

Only Su Yun's injured world is complete?Don't do that kind of thing! ! !

No, absolutely not acceptable!

Shi Huaiya said: "Don't you like it? Let's change to another store."

Su Yun said seriously: "I know you have good intentions, but I can only refuse. Because I regard you as a friend who can be treated sincerely, not a cold ATM machine, the relationship between us should not be so vulgar."

I just heard Su Yun continue: "We may break up our friendship, but our friendship will never deteriorate."

Texas pouted inwardly.

It is because you are always like this that the girls around you are attracted to you and gradually salivate over your pelvis.

Appropriately gentle to attract the opposite sex, excessively gentle pelvic olive.

Although I am one of them.

But, sooner or later, 'one' will become 'the only'.


Today is gone, Shuaibi should go to bed earlier. q group doctors [""] 6⑧2 Yi7qi① slip

Volume 233: Chapter 228 [-]. So cute~

Hearing that Su Yun said that he wanted to stay with her for a long time, Shi Huaiya was quite happy.

But she can't show it, otherwise it will appear that she cares about Su Yun very much.

Heh, it's nothing more than the cricket Su Yun, how dare you touch my heart? !

Shi Huaiya said leisurely: "Oh? Then let's talk about reducing costs and increasing efficiency. I think your monthly salary of [-] yuan a month is a bit too high..."

Su Yun hesitated: "Actually, sometimes it's okay to be a little vulgar. If you really want to give it to me, you won't refuse it. Just choose a cheaper one."

"Then change the batch."

Shi Huaiya waved her hand and asked the store manager to exchange some origin stone rings at a price acceptable to Su Yun.

Anyway, she just wants to prove in front of Texas that the relationship between herself and Su Yun is closer!

Ah this...

Su Yun looked back at Texas without any trace, asking for her opinion.

The corner of Texas's mouth curled into an imperceptible mysterious smile, and he nodded.

Although it has not yet been crowned a great treasure, Texas has been able to achieve the edict without name, praise without name, enter the court without trend, and walk on the sword.

Taking advantage of my advantage, I should think more about Su Yun, not to make things difficult for him, first stabilize my position, and then slowly figure it out.

Wait for her to get rid of the only stumbling block on her way to the top - being an angel.

Then he could fight the dragon with his bare hands, and kill the women around Su Yun like a dike, leaving no armor left!

Su Yun finally chose an origin stone ring priced at 20 Longmen coins, and bought an Origin stone staff with [-] Longmen coins out of his own pocket.

"Let's go."

Shi Huaiya glanced at Texas provocatively, and her tail wrapped around Su Yun's arm again, making the relationship between the two look ambiguous and close.

Texas looked normal, unmoved by the little tiger's provocation.

She took out her mobile phone and sent Su Yun a message:

[I'll be waiting for you behind the Snow King Milk Tea Shop. 】

Ding Dong!

Just when he was about to pick up the big and small bags and continue to be the little tiger's attendant, Su Yun's cell phone rang.

"Who sent you the message?" Shi Huaiya asked.

"Spam text messages."

Su Yun turned on the phone and saw the text message from Texas at a glance.

He was so scared that he quickly put away his phone.

Feeling Su Yun's sudden rough movement through his tail, Shi Huaiya couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"Static! I was shocked by static electricity!"

Su Yun's on-the-spot reaction ability has always been good, coupled with the cold and dry winter, static electricity incidents occur from time to time, Shi Huaiya did not become suspicious.

The little tiger even thought that it was because of his fluffy tail that Su Yun was charged with static electricity.

Therefore, she thoughtfully let go of Su Yun's hand.

Su Yun, who had regained his freedom, looked as usual, and said, "I want to go to the toilet."

Shi Huaiya suddenly felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

People have three urgencies, and she couldn't let Su Yun hold back, so she said:

"5 minutes, come back quickly."


"...10 minutes!"



the other side.

After walking out of the specialty store with Angel Energy, Texas lied, "Angel Energy, I'm going to the toilet."

"I'm going, I'm going too!"

The energy angel took Gray Wolf's arm and led her into the women's toilet.

"……it is good."

Texas didn't refuse, but as soon as he entered, he put oil on the soles of his feet and slipped to the back door of the milk tea shop.

Su Yun stood there a little wary, as if he knew he couldn't escape his fate, but he still wanted to struggle.

Oh Kawaii Kudo~ (It’s so cute)

Hum, man.

You say you don't want it, but you must want me to break into your body in your heart. These little tricks of yours have successfully aroused my interest.

Without saying too much, Texas hugged his best friend's sweetheart, stroking his body through the clothes.

While kissing, enjoying the sense of immorality brought about by forcibly taking the sweetheart of a girlfriend.

She can no longer leave Su Yun...

The brain, a mass of paste, gradually turned into the shape of the man in his arms.

Desire, rising, subsides.

After repeated pulling, an indescribable thing was filled.

Su Yun's body froze, and while cooperating with her movements, he gently stroked her jade back.

After about three to four minutes, Texas reluctantly let go of Su Yun.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and said with some unfinished thoughts: "Is this why you asked me to come here?"

"Want to continue?"

Texas glanced at Pocky, who was saluting himself under Su Yun.

"Go, go, my ears are red, and I'm still pretending to be an old driver with me."

Su Yun bent over, wiped his mouth, and quickly calmed down.

And Texas took a while to calm down the excitement in his heart.

"this is for you."

Texas took out a small and exquisite packing box from his arms, which contained an origin stone ring.

——It is the same style that Shi Huaiya bought for Su Yun just now.

"A spare for me?"

Unlike Shi Huaiya, Su Yun is too lazy to be polite to Texas.

She gave it and took it herself.

The right is taken care of.

Texas said: "Master, the one sent to you by Superintendent Shi Huaiya is a spare."

"Oh, okay."

Su Yun didn't think much about it.

As long as he has something to use, it makes no difference to him whether it is sent by Texas or Shihuaiya.

Texas said again: "You still have to wear it on the ring finger of your left hand."

Su Yun:? ? ?

“Oysters oysters oysters!”

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