This is Longmen, not the tribes of Ursas Snowfield and Sargon who are isolated from civilization.

Wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand means married—every three or four-year-old child knows it!

If it was the ring finger of the right hand, Su Yun could still do it a little bit, but if it was really worn on the left hand...

Those women who are hiding in the dragon gate and have a crush on him will have to cut him into five Kuranta tonight.

And isn't Texas a bit too much?

She didn't even allow herself to agree or refuse the confession, so she took over the position of girlfriend, and now she just went to the sky in one step, without even proposing marriage, just wanting him to get married.

Really capable, on Monday the day after tomorrow, the Civil Affairs Bureau will go to work, dragging me to get a certificate!

Of course, Su Yun just thought about the above words.

After getting married, they got big dodo, hurt their pelvis, and it doesn't even count as domestic violence. There will only be a picture of two policemen from the Guards Bureau trying to hold back their laughter while advising them to exercise restraint.

We're trained not to laugh no matter how funny it is...unless we can't help it.jpg

"Can't wear it, absolutely can't wear it!"

Under Su Yun's argument, Texas took a step back.

Only let Su Yun wear the ring with a rope, and wear it around his neck as a necklace.

If Su Yun remembers correctly, a ring on a necklace has many meanings, such as giving up love and not wanting to fall in love.

It is also said that it means to lock up love.

The purpose of Texas is obviously the latter - to lock up love.


The condition is better than yesterday, but the brain is still empty, I hope it will be better tomorrow.skirt~

Volume 234: Chapter 229 [-]. Intestine Fenlong, don't even think about abducting my Su Yun!

After stuffing the necklace into his clothes, Su Yun suddenly came back to it after a burst of ice.

Have you been PDDed?

First put forward a proposal that is absolutely impossible to accept, then wait for yourself to veto it, and then propose a relatively acceptable proposal after vetoing it yourself...

Test her bottom line step by step, and finally turn herself into her exclusive plaything.


Su Yun took a deep breath and exclaimed how terrifying!

De Gou, I didn't expect you to be such a scheming Luper!

"I'll go first if there's nothing to do."

Su Yun tidied up the clothes messed up by Texas, wiped his lips, and prepared mud to oil the road.

If I stayed any longer, I was really afraid that Texas would take out a collar and let me be her dog.

"Watch out for that film."

Texas tidied up his clothes, and left coolly, before leaving this sentence of unknown meaning.

"Hey, speak clearly, don't be a riddle!"

Snap it, very quickly.

Su Yun raised his leg and chased after him, but Texas disappeared into the crowd in a blink of an eye.

And he almost bumped into another woman.

"Sorry sorry, I still have something to do."

Su Yun quickly apologized.

Then, he saw clearly who the person he almost hit was.

Her head was born with dragon horns, and beneath the dragon horns was blue hair like the deep sea, her skin was as white as snow, her complexion was not good, but her charm could not be concealed.

Sister Chen was wearing the uniform of the Guards Bureau as always, but today she put on a little makeup, which added a bit of charm to the already attractive facial features.

To be honest, this kind of dress of a strong woman can easily arouse the desire to conquer in the bottom of my heart, not to mention that Su Yun was kissed by a scumbag just now, it is really a sesame score of 750-credibility!

With a straight face, Chen said in a low voice: "What's the matter? Are you in a hurry to have a tryst with the char siew cat?"

She looked for Su Yun very hard.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Chen went to find the otaku who knew that he was playing games in the dormitory on this rest day, and wanted to ask clearly about yesterday's affairs.

After knocking on the door for a long time, no one opened the door.

It was only after checking the monitoring that Su Yun left the dormitory at eight o'clock.

It was still taken away by a specially dressed char siew cat who came in a convertible car! ! !

At that time, Chen Huijie had only one thought in mind - Su Yun's prospective girlfriend was Beatrix Swire!

But she thought about it again, no, no, no.

I have known Char Siew Cat for so long, and when the other party pouted her tail, I knew whether she was going to shit or fart.

With the virtue of a barbecued pork cat, if she confessed to Su Yun, Su Yun would give an answer on the spot.

Whether you refuse or agree, you must give an answer.

Delayed gratification?

This does not exist for char siew cats.

Compared with Shi Huaiya, Texas is more likely to be Su Yun's girlfriend.

After all, just now she saw with her own eyes that Texas came out from behind the milk tea shop, followed by Su Yun.

But not necessarily, there is no evidence, can not be easily judged.

Fortunately, I came to Su Yun today to find out who stole the little cabbage that she had raised for half a year!

Chen looked around.

The crowded shopping streets are not suitable for such intimate discussions.

Su Yun must be taken away first.

"Su Yun, come with me, I have something to tell you." Chen Huijie said.

"What? Let me listen too."

Among the crowd, a film stands like a rock by the sea.

Shi Huaiya took great strides, stepped forward, and squeezed away the rice noodle dragon.

She knew her instinct was right.

I wanted to catch a small thief, but unexpectedly caught a big fish.

Ah!Any evil will be brought to justice eventually!

Intestine Fenlong, don't even think about abducting my Su Yun!

——And the real 'criminal' has already wiped out Su Yun and slipped away.

"You don't need to know." Chen refused firmly.

Shi Huaiya didn't sway his sharpness, and said with a smile: "Shangfenlong, speaking of it, why did you appear here? You won't follow us, will you?"

Chen: Σ (?Д?;)

His grandma's, char siu cat, you are playing dirty with me, right?

"How could it be? How could Sister Chen do this kind of thing that violates public order and good customs, disregards ethics and morality, ignores the modern legal system, and takes the lead in breaking the law? She shoulders the expectations of countless people and wants to build Longmen into a better Chen Huijie Chen Superintendent!"

Contrary to Little Tiger's expectation, after hearing the word 'following', Su Yun not only did not raise his guard, but instead defended Chen Huijie.

"Well, yes, how can I follow?"

Chen looked normal, but panicked inside.

If Su Yun knew that Superintendent Chen, whom he admired, was a perverted stalker who liked to stalk male subordinates, and even stalked him twice.

Is my career as a police superintendent coming to an end? (sad)

"So in your mind, Superintendent Chen's status is so high~" Shi Huaiya said meaningfully.

Su Yun smiled and said: "I just expressed my true thoughts. By the way, it's a rare opportunity, why don't the three of us go shopping together."

He spoke for Sister Chen, naturally to let her stay,

Texas had just warned him to 'watch out for that Flynn'.

As for the film beside him, who else is there besides Shi Huaiya?

Although Su Yun is unwilling to doubt Shi Huaiya, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

So he wanted to keep Sister Chen to increase his sense of security.

It's just that what I have to be most careful about is actually Texas himself...

"Didn't the three of us go shopping together?" Shi Huaiya asked.

"Have it?"

Su Yun scratched his head, but really had no memory.

He didn't know that Shi Huaiya was talking about the last time she and Chen Huijie followed him together.

Chen Wei shook her head imperceptibly, a warning flashed in her eyes.

We were accomplices!

Shi Huaiya snorted softly, and did not continue this topic for the next time.

Now that she has pierced the window paper, it is really not worthwhile to hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred.



"Texas, where have you been? Don't tell me when you leave." Energy Angel complained.

Texas Shi Shiran said: "Go drink water."

"What did you drink?"

Of course it belongs to your delicious sweetheart, Su Yun... Texas stared at Neng Angel's ignorant eyes, hesitated, and said:

"mineral water."

"What's so good about mineral water? Let's drink this! I bought a cup just now!"

Angel Neng took out two cups of milk tea from behind: "Qiang Qiang! New milk tea!"

"Thank you."

Dexas felt a little ashamed in his heart. Can Angel regards himself as a good girlfriend, but he put on a cuckold for her.

And Neng Angel, who knows nothing, treats himself so well as always.

Shame, pain, guilt... and many other complex emotions, a ray of tenacious pleasure of immorality made Texas a little addicted.







There seemed to be a razor blade growing in his throat, and when he started coughing, tsk tsk tsk... Fortunately, there is no other discomfort in his body, if possible, I will do it at three o'clock tomorrow.

Volume 235: Chapter 230 [-]. Texas Awakens Strange XP

No, if this continues, my mind will become strange, let's talk about something else and divert my attention.

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