Dexas obviously saw the picture Su Yun sent her at the first time, and then located Su Yun's location based on the information on the picture, and rushed to find him on his own initiative.

Otherwise, it would not be so fast.

Texas looked at Su Yun, and Su Yun looked at Texas.

A figure suddenly appeared in the middle, blocking their line of sight communication.

Superintendent Chen?

At first, Texas was still a little puzzled, but soon, she noticed the hostility and fighting spirit gushing out of Chen.

The tacit understanding between the women brought a bold guess to Texas' mind.

No way……

After returning to Longmen, Texas was indeed ready for a [-]-round battle with Su Yun's secret lover and bright lover.

But Superintendent Chen became his competitor... It was somewhat unexpected.

Dexa's eyes were a little strange.

You know, when she was in the snow field, she witnessed Talula doing some indescribable things to Su Yun.

Even, the night before leaving the Integration Movement, Tallulah was debugging Su Yun's cannon and left bite marks.

After finally getting rid of my sister, why did my sister also play?

It doesn't matter, I'll do it.

Dexan still has some concerns about Neng Angel, but not Superintendent Chen, who has given himself several tickets.

It just so happens that sisters pay their debts, new and old grudges are counted together.

Rooted under his feet, motionless, Texas took out a box of pocky from his pocket, shook, and a pocky was thrown out by a third like a cigarette.

Then he handed it to Su Yun from the air.

After realizing that it was for himself, Su Yun took a step sideways, bypassing Chen, and reached out to take it.

Texas suddenly raised his hand thirty centimeters up, just in front of Su Yun's mouth.

Is this the beginning of the couple games?

Su Yun glanced at her helplessly, opened his mouth slightly, and snatched the pocky from Texas.

Before Texas unilaterally declared her victory, she saw a light in the reflection of Su Yun's pupils.


The energy angel, who never needs to buy a night light, squeezed through the crowd and came to Texas panting.

But his eyes kept staring at his best friend and the pocky in Su Yun's mouth.

Just now she and Texas were resting in the lounge. They were fine, but suddenly, Texas took out his mobile phone and looked at it, got up and left without explaining why.

Neng Angel was worried, so he followed.

As a result, I happened to see the scene where Texas fed Su Yun a pocky.

Volume 238: Chapter 233 [-]. If Texas loses, Su Yun will be unlucky

Su Yun chewed the pocky, swallowed it, and said hello:

"Yo, can be an angel."

"Yo, yo, Su Yun..."

Can Angel is a little absent-minded.

Su Yun asked: "Do you have anything to do with Texas?"

Neng Angel said: "No, I just saw her run away suddenly, and I was a little worried, so I followed."

It's just that I didn't expect that when I came here, I ran into the scene just now.

Thinking of Dexa's expressionless face, standing or sitting coolly, and suddenly running after seeing the message I sent her...

The corner of Su Yun's mouth couldn't help but crazily rise.

"Cough cough!"

Texas coughed twice, his half-closed eyes flashed with a warning light.


Wait you're ready to cry!

Seeing that both Su Yun and Texas looked normal, Neng Angel patted his face.

It should be... just thinking too much.

It can also be fed among friends.

I'd better think of some happy things, for example: I met Su Yun today, so lucky!

Angel Neng was very energetic and said: "Su Yun, are you here to listen to our boss' concert? I'll take you to the front seat, so you can hear it more clearly."

"No, I think it's fine here."

The purpose of Su Yun's coming here was not to listen to the penguin sing, but to ask Texas what she meant by what she said that day.

So sorry Angel, thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it.

"Well, do you want some apple pie? I can bake some for you."

"I've had breakfast, next time, remember to put less sugar."

Because when Angel saw Su Yun in the shopping street last time, he waited and waited, but he didn't wait for Texas to give Su Yun to him like before.

So this time, she wanted to find a topic by herself.

You can't always depend on Texas, can you?

It's just that, the capable angel who used to be able to continue the conversation by talking to herself, when facing Su Yun, her performance can't be said to be easy, and it can also be said to be non-threatening.

Texas and Chen even looked at Bo patronizingly and let her chat with Su Yun.

The difference in combat power was so great that they didn't even take Angel in their eyes.

Gray Wolf looked at the dragon girl in front of him.

Fair skin, beautiful long legs, good figure with lordosis and back curl.

Texas must admit that although the dragon girl in front of her is not as threatening as her sister.

But still, be careful.

After all, if she loses, Su Yun will be unlucky.


Su Yun rubbed his nose, a little puzzled, it was so warm in the gymnasium, why did he still sneeze?

Angel Neng's eyes lit up, and he took two seconds to make mental preparations, and said, "Are you cold? I'll give you the scarf."


Before Su Yun thanked him, his scarf returned to his neck.

Chen Gan neatly tied the scarf around his neck, tied a knot that was difficult to untie, and said: "Your scarf, you should use it yourself, take care of your body, don't be brave."

Neng Angel, who had just finished her mental preparation, stopped embarrassingly after seeing this scene, feeling infinitely annoyed.

It would be nice if I could be a little more decisive.

At this time, Texas quietly came behind Angel Energy, writing and drawing on her lower back with his jade fingers.

——Not to mention, even though Neng Angel's chest is flat, her waist is really good.

After realizing that Texas was trying to tell herself something, Angel could concentrate and read the words that Texas wrote on her waist silently:

Chen Su

Superintendent Chen likes Su Yun? ! ! !

"Cough! Cough-cough-cough!"

Choking on the saliva, Nengtian coughed wildly, and Texas gently patted her on the back to help her breathe.

She told Angel Energy about this, of course not to make her more vigilant, but to have other plans.

——Anyway, raising our vigilance is useless.

Angel, I'm sorry, Texas, I'm already a bad woman.

Su Yun asked with concern: "Can you be an angel, are you okay?"

Angel Neng hurriedly said: "It's okay, I'm fine, how could something happen to me? Hahahaha..."

Texas touched Angel Energy's forehead and said, "She seems to have a low fever."

Can Angel:?

When did I have a low fever?How can I not know?

As Texas expected, the kind-hearted Su Yun came up and touched it.

Feeling the body temperature from Su Yun's palm, the angel who had never had such an intimate relationship with a boy, her pretty face blushed suddenly, and white mist came out of her head, which was frighteningly hot.

The whole person is like a freshly steamed hairy crab in a pot.

Winter itself is the flu-prone season, so Su Yun didn't think too much about it, and said, "It seems to be a little hot, do you want to send it to the hospital?"

Texas said: "The situation is not serious, just send it to the lounge for a rest."

Su Yun then asked Angel Neng for his opinion: "What do you think?"

The 'assistants' are all team-ups, and if Angel can be used as an ADC, it is naturally impossible not to cooperate:

"I also think it's good to take a break."

Chen folded his arms and quietly watched the show in front of him.

He was full of energy just now, but now he has a low fever?

Oh, this 'burning' is not the other 'burning', right?

Chen Huijie is not Su Yun, an experienced superintendent, she is not so easy to deceive, but she is not easy to say anything.

Su Yun's friend is sick, regardless of whether it is true or not, if she jumps out to question without evidence, it will appear that her EQ is low, which will affect her image in Su Yun's mind.

Yangmou, this is an aboveboard conspiracy.

What Chen can do is to stay by Su Yun's side to prevent that gray wolf from stealing the house right under his nose.

She brought Su Yun here to declare war on Texas, not to send sheep to wolves.

However, Chen didn't take Texas' tricks to heart.

Prospective girlfriend?

on this level?

I thought it was a diamond, but I didn't expect it to be bronze.

After finding out that Texas was just like that, Chen sir felt a little relieved.

Just now, Texas abducted Su Yun from her side with a pocky, which made her a little flustered, but now it seems that it is just a benefit brought by the status of 'prospective girlfriend'.

Give it to me, I can do it too!

The four of them were on their way to the lounge.

Texas and Neng Angel walked in front, Su Yun and Chen walked behind.

Angel Neng tilted his head slightly and glanced at the cheongsam propped up by Chen Huijie's good figure from the corner of his eye.

And under the cheongsam, there are high slits that almost expose the entire beautiful legs.

Combining Chen sir's attire and Texas' words, Neng Angel is basically convinced that Superintendent Chen should be sending a courtship signal to Su Yun.

Boys like Su Yun must be very popular with girls, but Neng Tian didn't expect that the first opponent he faced would be Su Yun's boss—— Superintendent Chen Huijie and Chen.

Fortunately, I am not fighting alone!


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