Wait for more.

Volume 239: Chapter 234 [-]. Texas has a bold idea and wants to implement it

"Texas, what should I do next?" Energy Angel asked in a low voice.

Texas told her: "Keep it going."

Because she has a bold idea and wants to put it into practice.

On the bright side, Texas is indeed helping the Angels against the 'foreign invasion'.

The only problem is that she herself wants to 'invade' Su Yun.

Considering that Angel's participation is relatively large this time, it's not too bad, right?

It's too bad, there's nothing I can do about it, who made her a bad woman now?

"oh oh……"

The angel nodded because he didn't understand.

Although I don't understand much, she will do what Texas tells her to do.

Angel Neng didn't want to see Su Yun and Chen bring their children over to pay New Year's greetings in a few years' time, heartbroken and wanting to cry, while saying Happy New Year and giving their children lucky money.

Don't, Manna eats Sichuan peppercorns - lose (uncle) numb or something, don't! ! !

Walking into the lounge, lying on the sofa, the energy angel looked at the ceiling, restraining the corners of his mouth so as not to show a happy smile.

The quilt on her body was found by Su Yun.

The hot water on the tea table beside her was poured by Su Yun.

Su Yun straightened the shoes she kicked off just now, so that she can put them on later.

She is enjoying the care from Su Yun.

So, is it so cool to pretend to be sick?

"That, that...Su Yun, I want to eat some dessert." Angel Neng made a request softly.

She could feel that Su Yun would not refuse.


Sure enough, Su Yun did not refuse.

The energy angel stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction: "I put it in the cabinet over there."

Su Yun stuffed her hand back: "Wait for me...here."

Find the apple pie and disposable tableware that Neng Angel prepared today, cut them up and handed them to her.

Just when he was about to take it, Angel Neng had a little thought.

"Cough cough! Cough cough cough!!!"

She pretended to be a little weak, and while coughing, she struggled to stand up. Seeing this, Su Yun quickly pushed her back.

"How about I feed you?"

"sorry to bother you……"

"It's okay, we're friends, but can I eat apple pie if I have a fever?"

Su Yun muttered, seeing Neng Angel Cherry opened his mouth slightly, so he didn't bother to think so much, at worst, he would feed less.

Texas crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Almost got it.

Chen was also a little nervous.

These two people knew very well whether Neng Angel really had a fever, so they never cared about it from the beginning.

But Su Yun is different.

Su Yun really thought that the angel was sick.

The sick are suffering, weak, and in need of care.

In addition, the kindness that Neng Angel pushed him away from the mobile phone that fell from a high altitude last time has not been repaid.

As long as Chen or Texas came over and pushed Su Yun away, they would not let the angel lie on the sofa and enjoy Su Yun's careful care alone.

But they can't, because they are wary of each other.

What is there to say?

Two dogs fight, play off.

It is limited by the conditions of the gymnasium lounge, Su Yun can't do much.

Otherwise, what do you eat when you are sick? Pulu pie?Four dishes and one soup!

"Or... let's go to the hospital."

In the end, Chen still didn't hold back.

Su Yun took good care of another girl in front of his eyes, it would be a ghost if he could hold back!

If Neng Angel was really sick, Chen wouldn't say anything. Patients are always vulnerable groups.

But the just police officer Chen couldn't accept Su Yun's care by pretending to be sick.

Of course, this is a secondary reason.

The main reason is that the person being taken care of is not her!

"There's no need to go to the hospital for minor illnesses." Su Yun put down the apple pie, stood up, and said, "I'll go find some medicine, Sister Chen, help me look after Neng Angel."

Chen secretly glanced at Texas standing next to him, and said, "Okay, come back early."

Anyway, Texas is still here, she can guard two people by herself, and it doesn't matter if Su Yun goes out alone.

When Su Yun came back, he fed the medicine to Angel Neng, and then asked Texas to look at Angel Neng.

In front of Texas, he dragged her "prospective boyfriend" to a concert to cultivate his relationship.

Chen Ke didn't forget his purpose of coming to the gymnasium today.

Walk from the sofa to the door of the lounge.

When Su Yun passed by Texas, he suddenly glanced at her.

Texas read his eyes.

Su Yun has already discovered that Neng Angel is not sick.

When he was in Usas, Su Yun took care of her for a day and a night, and she fell into a coma due to fever.

Can Angel symptoms not match.

And he kept giggling uncontrollably, not like a patient at all.

But this is also a good thing, and I can relax a little bit.

It wasn't until Su Yun left the lounge that Texas looked away, and the corner of his mouth curled into an imperceptible arc.

The gray wolf did not rush to bite its prey, but patiently waited for the right opportunity.

Because wait a minute, that bold idea of ​​hers might take a while.

5 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.

20 minutes passed.

Chen got a little impatient.

Does it take so long to buy a medicine?Just make a call and ask.

As soon as the phone was dialed, Neng Angel's bed rang.

Neng Angel rummaged through it with a dazed expression, and took out Su Yun's cell phone.

"How could it fall in such a place?"

Chen didn't understand.

Forget it, wait a little longer, Texas is still here anyway.

10 minute later.

Texas lifted his legs and walked out.

Chen immediately stopped her and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Maintain order at the concert."

"...Go ahead and work hard."

Chen glanced at the time.

Nearly an hour has passed since Su Yun left.

And Su Yun didn't bring his mobile phone, only God knows where he will refresh.

Texas wants to find him, it's impossible to imagine.

Why not wait here for Su Yun to come back.

Besides, the concert was held by Penguin Logistics. As a fairly skilled employee, it is normal for Texas to undertake part of the security work.

Chen is not a tyrant, it is impossible to suppress her and not allow her to work.

"Okay, Officer Chen." Texas suddenly smiled.


Chen looked at the back of Gray Wolf leaving, and stretched out his hand, trying to persuade him to stay.

Because Texas's smile just now made her very uneasy.

Leave the lounge.

Texas stretched his waist, without thinking about it, he went straight into the safe passage.

Chen made a mistake.

a fatal error.

This mistake is called - saving others by oneself.

As a rookie who just unlocked qualifying, she couldn't understand the operation and awareness of high ranks.

She subconsciously thought that what she couldn't do, Texas couldn't do either.

However, Texas can do it, and it can be done easily.

Besides, Su Yun is on her side.

Blame it on your sister, Superintendent Chen.

It's your sister who single-handedly created who I am today.

Volume 240: Chapter 235 [-]. Rewards from Texas

Same as Texas thinks.

In the safe passage.

Su Yun was carrying a box of medicine, waiting for her bored.

Seeing that De Gou wanted to dismiss Sister Chen, he secretly stuffed his mobile phone under Neng Angel's blanket, and then found an excuse to leave the lounge.

After buying the medicine, I have been waiting here.

Originally, I wanted Sister Chen to be by my side, so as to increase my sense of security.

As a result, Texas was not happy.

Now it seems that, instead, I delayed Sister Chen's concert.

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