Su Yun lowered his voice while talking, "Occasionally, because of the small coffee position, resources will be robbed by big idols, but I will always support you!"

Kong didn't expect that this person was really his fan.

She bowed slightly: "I'm very sorry, I misunderstood, as compensation, let me take a photo with you."

"I want me too!"

An angel also came over, and was on the side with Sora.

Outside the small theater.

Neng Angel asked curiously: "Are you really a fan of Kong?"

Su Yun told her: "I just searched the Internet before I came here. Help is always helpful. How about it? My rescue just now was not bad."

"Thank you so much, otherwise I will be nagged by her for a long time after I go back." Angel Neng asked again: "What can I do for you? Tell me, as long as I can help."

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want to ask if Penguin Logistics can send people to the Northwest Snowfield."

Human society can stand on this land not because of the bravery of a certain person, but because of the efforts of all.

Translation: Su Yun is too lazy to find it by himself, so ask a professional.

As a crazy and neurotic logistics company, Penguin Logistics might be able to help.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Yun ventured into contact with the energy angel.

But it's not adventurous, she is wearing a mask and sunglasses, she completely treats herself as an ordinary passerby.

"Where is the Northwest Snowfield?"

"In the northwest of the Ursus Empire, there is a deserted frozen land. I want to find someone there."

Angel Neng thought for a while, shook his head, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I just joined Penguin Logistics not long ago, and I don't know the business lines outside Longmen, but the seniors I know may know, and I can help you ask. "

"It's okay, as long as you are willing to help, this is my mobile phone number, please let me know when you have any news."

Neng Angel said: "I still need to know two things before I can help you ask."


"Name, and face."

Angel Neng stared straight at Su Yun, as if wanting to see his gaze through the sunglasses.

As a friend, she doesn't really care what the other person's name is, but as an employee of Penguin Logistics, she must abide by the rules.

Seeing that he was silent, Neng Angel said again: "...If you can't reveal your appearance, you can go to the headquarters of Penguin Logistics in person, and my boss will interview you."

"No, no, I just remembered. I didn't tell you my name."

Su Yun couldn't laugh or cry, how could he forget this matter?

"My name is Su Yun, the sober Su, the cloud of Yunduo."

As he spoke, he took off his sunglasses and mask, exposing his face to the sunlight and reflected in the vision of the angel.

"Sorry about that."

Su Yun's lips moved slightly, and without the mask covering him, his voice was transmitted into the ears of Neng Angel in its entirety.

The angel looked at his moist lips because he was stuffed in the mask all the time, and an absurd thought arose in his heart-this must be better than apple pie.

The handsome face is completely on her xp, and the dark eyes seem to have infinite charm, attracting others to explore his secrets.

He smiled shyly, and Neng Angel almost carried him on his shoulders and abducted him.

Have you been under some sorcery?

The angel touched the fluorescent lamp on her head, and the halo still protected her.

In fact, the regulations of Penguin Logistics are not so strict, except to ensure that the goods will not explode in their hands, and will be delivered to the recipient on time, and that they will not explode in the recipient's hands.

There is nothing left.

But just now, the curiosity she had been accumulating since meeting Su Yun for the first time exploded.

"If I don't see his true face within today, I will die of insanity!"

——As soon as this impulse broke out, the Sakota girl lied against her will.

Sister, baaa, Xiao Le lied, Xiao Le is a bad boy...

"Su Yun, I'm sorry, I actually lied to you just now, I don't need to reveal my appearance, and I don't need my name... I don't know what happened just now..."

Although Angel Neng said apologetic words, but if she was given another chance, she might still repeat the old tricks.

"It doesn't matter, if it is exposed, it will be exposed." Su Yun said.

It was the first time that an angel saw his true face, so what are you afraid of?He wasn't afraid at all.

Look at Chen, get along day and night, is there anything wrong?

Look at Shi Huaiya, I give her a massage every day, is there anything wrong?

You know, it took half a year for Su Yun and his good master to know the basement, and it was just an example, how could it rise to the entire female group?

Of course, one should be careful, but Su Yun felt that there was no need to react that much.

After all, it's the first time an Angel can really see himself in person, right?

In Su Yun's eyes, this is the first meeting.

But in Angel Neng's eyes, this is a hairy netizen who discovered playing games and chatting together online. Offline, he is actually a handsome boy with a well-dressed appearance and a special charm.

In addition, a subtle sense of "only I know this secret" lingered in her heart, which could not go away for a long time.

"Is this okay?" Su Yun asked.

"Not yet! I still want to take pictures!" Angel Neng said anxiously.

Su Yun, who doesn't understand logistics, let alone Penguin logistics, thought that this was also a rule, so he asked Neng Angel to take pictures.

Lord, forgive me...

Sister, sorry, Xiao Le is already a bad boy.

In the inner confession, the angel pressed the shutter.


Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket... There is no time to post, at least use the ticket to let me feel your existence! ! ! qun...clothes 6 bar two ①7 wife clothes 6

Volume 25: Chapter 25 [-]. I don't understand you at all

"Hello? Su Yun? Today is a rest day, do you have time..."

Hearing the delicate female voice on the other end of the phone, Chen Yan said angrily: "I'm Chen, this lady, what can I do for you?!"

The other party obviously didn't expect that he called the leader's mobile phone, and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I made a mistake." Then, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

How many times has this been... for this month?

Chen couldn't remember clearly, she only remembered that since Su Yun sent her cell phone number as his own, girls called almost every day.

Especially the time period between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] pm on weekends is particularly dense!

"Whose phone number?" Shi Huaiya asked.

"...Su Yun's."

"You won't lie when you were born in a mother's womb, that's obviously a woman's voice." Shi Huaiya smiled contemptuously.

Cricket Chen Huijie, still want to lie?

"It's actually the girl who asked Su Yun out to play." Chen had no choice but to tell the truth.

Shi Huaiya couldn't help asking: "Why did the girl who asked Suyun out to play call you?"

"Because Su Yun told them my mobile phone number."

At first, Chen Xindi was actually a little annoyed by this errand, because there were really too many phone calls.

But, later, she gradually got used to it, and even enjoyed the panic of her female colleagues when they heard her voice.

——There is a feeling of being caught by the palace.

Dali Temple did not send Su Yun to Longmen to let the girls of Longmen harm him!

As the direct leader, it's reasonable to help him reject all of them, right?

"'s not just about hanging out."

Shi Huaiya showed a suddenly realized expression, as if she had seen through everything.

The little tiger looked at the time at this moment, and the silver moonlight sprinkled on her body, dyeing her with a layer of mystery.

Chen asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

"I see you, you don't understand at all."

Shi Huaiya asked her: "It's 07:30 in the evening, a man and a woman go out on a date, what will they do?"

Chen knew this.

"Watching movies, shopping, eating."

"Wrong! Go shopping first, then eat, and finally watch a movie!" Shi Huaiya put on the flat glasses and pushed them to make herself look smarter than Changfenlong.

"Call someone for a date at 07:30, we can meet at around 07 o'clock, and go shopping for an hour first. After walking for so long, the other party must be hungry, and then send out a dinner invitation, 30% will not refuse, and the meal will take at least another half an hour. After eating, I took out the movie tickets as a matter of course, and a movie usually lasts from one and a half to two hours...Smart classmate Chen Huijie, please tell me, from [-]:[-] to after watching the movie, what time is it?"

"Eleven at night?"

"Wrong again! At least it's zero o'clock! Because they will deliberately slow down their pace to look like a gentle lady, and it is not surprising that they deliberately delay until the early morning."

Shi Huaiya described for Chen:

"At one o'clock in the morning, on a cold street, Su Yun and a beautiful woman were in a relatively remote movie theater. It would take at least an hour to go back by taxi. The beautiful woman suggested that we should open a room. If they had a drink during the meal before Wine... Changfenlong, I don't need to talk about the next thing, do I?"

Shi Huaiya, this is still simple.

In fact, when you go shopping, you can hold hands to play ambiguously, you can feed each other when you eat, and you can lie in Su Yun's arms as a matter of course when you choose a horror movie-of course, the clothes also need to wear sexy low-cut dresses and decisive underwear .

"Tian, ​​shameless!"

Chen blushed, anxious.

With no experience in love, she obviously didn't expect that there are so many tricks for asking someone out to play.

What about the most basic trust between people?

There is also Shi Huaiya, who is obviously a childhood sweetheart who grew up with her, how could she understand so well?

What made her even more ashamed was that when the char siu cat described it to her just now, she couldn't help following her voice, imagining the scenes of shopping, eating, and watching movies with Su Yun.

Who knew, suddenly kicked the accelerator and rushed into the hotel, almost crushing her to death.

"Ouch, you are blushing, come on, let me be healthy!" Shi Huaiya smirked and stretched out her hand to pinch her face.

"Don't make trouble."

"Then why are you blushing? Oh~ You don't want to use the method I taught you to ask Su Yun, do you? Let me tell you, it's useless, Su Yun won't go at all."


Chen chuckled and didn't even bother to explain.

As we all know, if you look for Su Yun outside of working hours, especially girls, you must first find a suitable reason to relax his vigilance.

Because when Su Yun first came to the Guard Bureau, he didn't know why, he was like a frightened bird.

Once Chen captured a prisoner in a hotel. In order to speed up the efficiency, he directly called Su Yun to come to the hotel and start the interrogation on the spot.

The result was beyond everyone's expectation—Su Yun blackmailed Chen.

This incident caused quite a stir in the Guards Bureau at that time.

Dare to blackmail the leader directly, do you still want to do it?

Although Su Yun publicly apologized to Chen when he went to work the next day and was removed from the blacklist, but he said that he knew he was wrong and dared to do it next time, and would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

Later, Jiu Ye was also blocked, which further showed Su Yun's determination to kill decisively and treat everyone equally.

From then on, no one dared to look for Su Yun casually outside the Guard Bureau.

Although Su Yun is no longer so sensitive, he is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

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