In case, because he was too intimate and was blackmailed by Su Yun, it would make the char siew cat (changfenlong) laugh out loud.

Just when the two women were about to start bickering again, Su Yun came to the door of the dormitory with a bag of vegetables.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Shi Huaiya, what are you doing at the door of my dormitory?"

Chen & Shi Huaiya held the nutritional supplements and said in unison:

"Come to see you."*2

The subordinate is sick, the leader visits, listen, how pleasing to the ear~

This reason is impeccable, and Su Yun didn't think there was anything strange, so he invited them in for a sit down:

"I'm really sorry to make you worry... Come in, I'll pour you a glass of water."

He was not alerted and was invited into the house.

Shi Huaiya breathed a sigh of relief, and spoke a little louder: "Su Daji, what's the matter with you? You haven't responded to my message for a day!"

Only then did Su Yun realize that he hadn't looked at his phone.

"Ah? Sorry, sorry, I haven't looked at my phone."


"Really, if you don't believe me, take a look." Su Yun unlocked the phone directly and handed it to Shi Huaiya.

Shi Huaiya took Su Yun's phone to check the battery, there is still 70% left, and then check the usage time.

Hmm... I really don't look at my phone much.

She also looked at Su Yun's chat history, and found that the information between herself and Chen was in the third and fourth positions.

None replied.

PS. Happy National Day! ! !

Volume 26: Chapter 26 [-]. There is a dignified and intellectual beauty

However, the first place is the reminder of the payment voucher message, which is probably the money paid when I bought something just now;

The second is the mobile phone number arrears reminder.

After confirming that there was nothing suspicious, Shi Huaiya returned the phone to Su Yun: "Forgive you for now, let's cook, I'm just hungry."

"But I just got out of the hospital." Su Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Aren't you here to visit me?Why do you want the patient to go to the kitchen?

Shi Huaiya looked at the dishes in his hands and said, "Don't you happen to be cooking? It's about adding a pair of chopsticks."

"... in the mouth."

"By the way, give me your phone again." Shi Huaiya opened the chat between herself and Su Yun, and helped him get the big red envelope of 8888 Longmen coins, "Don't say I eat and drink for free, this is food expenses."

"Also, call me Shi Huaiya, 'Sir' is only suitable for those old women who are old, rigid, have thinning hair, have a critical face all day long, and only know how to work."


You might as well pronounce my name!

After finishing speaking, Shi Huaiya returned the phone to Su Yun, pulled out the black silk jade feet from the boots, put on Su Yun's slippers, and walked into his dormitory on his own.

It's more like an apartment than a dorm.

Kitchen, living room, bathroom, refrigerator, washing machine, balcony are all available.

This proper leadership dormitory is exactly the same as the one she lives in.

As an "ordinary" police officer, Su Yun couldn't apply for such a good dormitory, that is to say...

"It's so clean." Shi Huaiya praised sincerely.

The small dormitory is well-organized by its owner, the floor is as clean as a mirror, the bathroom is clean and has no peculiar smell, and the frequently used kitchen has a slight smell of oily smoke, but the kitchen utensils are neatly placed, which is easy to see at a glance It is very comfortable to look over.

The trash can in the living room was empty, it seemed that Su Yun hadn't had time to put the trash bag on when he went out to take the trash away last time.

On the coffee table in front of the sofa is a handle, several game cassettes and a storage box for game cassettes.

Coupled with the slightly messy game console cable under the TV in front of him, it can be regarded as two messy places.

In addition, there is a pair of underwear blowing in the wind on the balcony.

"Su Yun, your clothes are confiscated." Chen reminded.

Su Yun took a few steps to put it away, and coughed dryly: "Ahem! Sit down, I'll boil a pot of water."

"Is there no drink in the refrigerator?"


"Where's the juice?"

"No, Apple does."

"Then squeeze the juice for me." Shi Huaiya breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got one.

Su Yundao: "Squeezing the juice will destroy the nutrition of the apple, and the dietary fiber will also affect your intake after it turns into fruit residue. If the dietary fiber is insufficient, the body's absorption of sugar will exceed the standard, which will lead to obesity."

As soon as she heard about getting fat, Shi Huaiya immediately dismissed the idea, pushed back the plain glasses, and said: "It's better to boil water."

"Well, okay... by the way, where are you?" Su Yun pointed to his eyes.

"Adornment, plain, how about it?"

"There is a kind of dignified and intellectual beauty, but I still think your original appearance is better."

After Su Yun said casually, he walked into the kitchen and began to think about what to eat tonight.

Chen Qiaoqiao came to Shi Huaiya's side, and said mockingly: "Yo, you are blushing, let me see."

"Look at that! I wanted to complain at the beginning, where did you find a male mother?!"

Shi Huaiya changed the subject, and casually threw the flat glasses into the trash can.

Looks like it's not going to be worn anymore.

"Don't give others nicknames, and, you won't fall in love with him, will you?" Chen asked suddenly.

Both she and Shi Huaiya knew that the best way for Su Yun to belong to her was to tell him——Chen Huijie (Shi Huaiya) liked him.

In this way, Su Yun would naturally stay away from the other party because of suspicion and vigilance.

It's just that this kind of operation has a mouth, you can say it, and she can also say it.

The behavior of splashing dirty water on each other, not to mention their pride does not allow it.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if they splash each other, Su Yun would definitely rather kill by mistake than let him go without knowing who is real and who is fake!

In the end, it was cheaper for others.

So, the key core of this approach is evidence.

With Su Yun's vigilance towards women, once a certain behavior cannot be explained with a suitable reason, I am afraid that he will fall directly to the other side that day.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the two are too unfamiliar, otherwise they will be like Chen, and everyone under their noses will almost be pried away.

Shame on me, get out of the Guards Bureau!

How can it be repaired!

Now, Shi Huaiya just stepped on a very dangerous place.

"I want Miss Shi Huaiya to marinate chicken feet ~ Superintendents' love brain battle~"

Shi Huaiya didn't answer directly: "Why, do you want to monopolize it? Changfenlong, let me tell you, no way!"

"It's not exclusive, it's about caring about his body. Do you want to watch him go to the hospital again?"

After finishing speaking, Chen You murmured in his heart: Su Yun is obviously my assistant!

"It's not easy, you just ask him to be my assistant." Shi Huaiya directly pulled out the bottom line.

Aren't you doing it for Su Yun?Just let go for his own good, don't let him be the rope in the tug-of-war.

Chen naturally would not agree.

The two girls were in a stalemate, and neither of them was willing to retreat, but Su Yun's physical condition was there.

Objective conditions are not transferred by subjective consciousness.

In the end, they reached a consensus.

"One and a half."

"Well, half for one person."

Su Yun's face was pale, and he was holding a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs. As soon as he walked out of the kitchen, he heard them say "one half for one."

This, this... This is not right, who is trying to cheat yourself?

Didn't I take the basement script by myself? ! ! !

If he had known earlier that he would be cut in half when he came to Longmen, he might as well sit in a wheelchair in Yan Kingdom.

"What, what is half of one person?"

Su Yun asked with a trembling voice.

Chen Dao: "Oh, we're talking about your future working hours. From next Monday, you will work here for four hours from nine in the morning to one in the afternoon."

Shi Huaiya continued: "From one to five in the afternoon, come to my side."

"So that's how it is." Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, feeling his legs go limp, put down the sweet and sour pork ribs, and wiped off his cold sweat.

It's okay, it's a false alarm, it's just a misunderstanding.

Chen asked concerned: "Are you okay? I think you look very bad."

"It's okay, I'm fine. If you are hungry, eat first. I still have a few dishes."

Su Yun returned to the kitchen.

"He must be busy!" Shi Huaiya said quietly.

But she didn't know what it was. She probably knew more about Su Yun than Chen, but there were still many secrets about Su Yun waiting for her to explore.

Why is he so resistant, or rather, afraid of women other than her and Chen Huijie?

Why can he increase his upper limit of Originium skills?

Why did Dali Temple send him to the Guard Bureau?

Simple experience?

Only a fool would believe it!


Volume 27: Chapter [-] [Shallow Opening Reward]

Taking advantage of the National Day and the beginning of the month, Xiaoxiao offered a reward.

From nine o'clock tonight to nine o'clock in the evening on the seventh.

Don't play too much either.

50 monthly tickets plus one change;

1000 recommendation votes plus one update;

5000 tip plus one update;

50 blades plus one more.


——It is said that there is no upper limit. In fact, I also know that there will not be too many voters at all. If everyone is well-meaning, let’s take it as a National Day photo.

Volume 28: Chapter 27 [-]. Repay kindness for kindness, repay grievances for grievances

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