Plates of exquisite dishes were placed on the table.

Crispy red and soft braised pork, sprinkled with a handful of chopped green onions as an embellishment, it is oily;

The fish-flavored shredded pork has a strong fish flavor, making people mistakenly think that it is made of the winter bamboo shoots and fish soup that is like white jade next to it.

The crayfish is fried red, and the crimson peppers are dotted on it. Before eating, it makes people salivate.

There is also a plate of small green vegetables, which is used to relieve greasiness.

"I've been waiting for a long time. I'm sorry. The time is too short. The winter bamboo shoot fish soup uses ordinary bamboo shoots, and the crayfish has not been shelled, but the braised pork and fish-flavored shredded pork should be tasty."

After preparing the four dishes and one soup, Su Yun took off his apron, and before he had time to serve the meal, he heard Shi Huaiya say: "Okay, we are going to eat, someone please go out."

Su Yun was not surprised, rather, it was strange that they could sit at the same table and eat in a friendly manner.

"No, no, it's about adding a pair of chopsticks. Besides, the two of us can't finish eating so much." Su Yun brought three pairs of bowls and chopsticks, and sat in the middle to separate them.


Shi Huaiya found it very strange that Su Yun would never let himself be flanked by two women, let alone take the initiative to keep Chen Huijie.

How about today...a little bit of an open heart?

Chen also felt strange.

The two girls looked at each other and nodded.

Shi Huaiya controlled Su Yun, and Chen reached out to touch his forehead: "I don't have a fever, should I go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination?"

"Go ahead, I'll drive."

"Hey! What are you doing!" Su Yun was at a loss.

He just thought he was going to be pinned on the bed by them and slapped.

I didn't expect that, is that it?

"See if there is something wrong with your head." Shi Huaiya said angrily, "What's wrong with you today? You wouldn't be like this before."

Both she and Chen Huijie could tell that the former Su Yun looked enthusiastic on the surface, but in fact he was still vigilant in his heart.

That vigilance separated them with a pathetically thick barrier.

But tonight, although he still has vigilance, he has relaxed a lot.

"Oh, you said this, how should I put it... I just want to thank you for sending me to the hospital yesterday."

Su Yun scratched his face and said shyly.

His pelvis was broken by someone, which created a certain psychological shadow, and he had persecution paranoia, suspecting that everyone—mainly women—would lock themselves in the basement, and then sit and crush his pelvis again.

Although he is a "dog" occasionally, Su Yun is undoubtedly a human being, a person who repays kindness for kindness and repays grievance for grievance.

Repay kindness with grudges?

Su Yun couldn't do this kind of thing.

Yesterday Chen and Shi Huaiya panicked and sent themselves to the hospital, paid the medical expenses in advance, sent a message to care about themselves this morning, and came to see themselves with nutritional supplements in the evening.

Could it be that he still wants to lock them out of the dormitory?

Is it difficult to invite them in?

Tired of pouring water for them?

Cooking a meal is what he should do!

Of course, the vigilance should be maintained, but Su Yun felt——

People must have a conscience!

They have been together for almost a month, why did Chen and Shi Huaiya show any signs of liking her?

"Eat, you're welcome, this is what I should do." Su Yun took the initiative to serve them rice and vegetables.

Shi Huaiya and Chen were embarrassed: "No need, no need, we will do it ourselves."

Seeing Su Yun's clear gaze, Shi Huaiya and Chen couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

They thought of thanking and repaying their kindness in their minds, and personally cooked a meal for them to express their gratitude.

They planned to take advantage of his distrust of women just now, so as to eliminate dissidents and complete monopoly.

However, under the influence of their natural obsequiousness, while they were ashamed, a very, very, very strange thought arose in their hearts.

if, just say if...

What if they betrayed Su Yun's trust?

What kind of expression would Su Yun show at that time?


Will you cry?Will his tears be sweet?

I really want to know...

It seems to see Su Yun wrapping his "scarred" body with a quilt on the bed, with tears in his eyes, looking at himself in disbelief, and then his eyes gradually lose their luster, like a body that has lost his soul, and he no longer believes in this what the world looks like...


Chen He Shi Huaiya came back to his senses suddenly, his back was wet with cold sweat.

Although they came to their senses this time, this thought was like a seed, which took root and germinated with peace of mind, and when the time was right, it would break out of the ground one day.

At that time, no matter how strong the will is, it will not be able to resist.

It is doomed to fall.

The two women couldn't help but look at each other, then looked away guiltily.

No, how could I do such a thing?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!



Can Angel return to Penguin Logistics headquarters.

"Being an angel, I still feel a little strange, is that person really my fan?"

Kong, who came back first, wanted to confirm Su Yun's identity, because he always felt that something was wrong.

However, Angel Neng has no colleagues in his eyes, only Su Yun.

"I'm going to ask Texas about something! Let's talk later!"


The Sakota girl finds the cold Rupert girl making coffee at the coffee machine.



Compared to his full of vigor and vitality, the gray wolf in front of him was really cold to a certain extent.

The energy angel smiled and said, "Can't I call you if I have nothing to do?"


Looking at the indifferent eyes of Dexas who said "go away if you don't say anything", Angel Neng shrank his head and asked, "It's nothing, I just want to ask, does Penguin Logistics have a business line outside Longmen?"

Texas said: "This is not something you, a newcomer, should care about... Someone placed an order?"

Neng Angel agreed: "Almost, it's still in the consultation stage."

"Where did you go?"

"Usas, Northwest Snowfield."



Texas frowned deeply, and her intuition told her that this list was extremely troublesome, especially since the Ursus Empire was now like a powder keg, and war would break out if she was not careful.

So, she said to the angel, "Reject him."

"Eh? No?"

"Just do as I say." Texas took the coffee, turned and left with Pocky in his mouth.

In her eyes, this is just a suspicious list, and if you reject it, you will reject it.

But in the eyes of Neng Angel, this is the first time he has come into contact with Penguin Logistics' business of transnational transportation.

She was ready to take it seriously, but you just said no?

At least give a reason! ! !

Be so irresponsible to customers, be careful of bad reviews and complaints!

Can Angel doesn't want to be confused, and be prevaricated without even knowing whether there is such a line.

Volume 29: Chapter [-] [Announcement of Early Morning Explosion]


It's the weekend, and some old readers who should explode gold coins can also guess that this dog is even more explosive than the author.

But considering that this October is not the same as the usual October, there may be a little bit of chapter confusion in the regular update-it's just possible, not sure yet, a vaccination.

So if there is a problem with the chapter order being out of order by then, don't worry.

The author of the dog will definitely have to read chapter by chapter tonight, and adjust the order before going to sleep.

By the way, let me remind you that the explosion in the early morning is not included in the bounty, and it is parallel to the bounty.

The bounty is still in progress, but the performance of the readers is a bit... short and weak.

It is expected that there will be seven more chapters, and I will try my best to come out tonight.

that's all.

Volume 30: Chapter 28 [-]. Chen: Except me [[-]]

Texas didn't say anything, so she went to ask the boss.

The BOSS of Penguin Logistics is a penguin who wears sunglasses, likes hip-hop music, and is no more than one meter tall.

But the Angels respected him a lot.

Because he pays himself...

And make sure you can see Mostima.

"Boss, let me ask something. Can we deliver the goods to the Ursus Empire?"

The emperor dragged and said: "Of course, what nonsense are you asking?"

"I have a friend who wants to ship goods to the Northwest Snowfield. Do you think it's possible?"

"Northwest Snowfield?! Why would anyone want to deliver there? The penguins there; they don't even want to stay, except..."

The pupils under the emperor's sunglasses were a little unbelievable. He thought it shouldn't be, after all, it was just a legend that few people in the Ursus Empire believed.

Although he knew that the legend was true.

If it's related to them, it's not a trivial matter...

The emperor became serious. Although a penguin looked funny when he was serious, the way he was serious made Angel feel short of breath.

"What's your friend's name? What is he going to deliver?"

Neng Angel said: "His name is Su Yun, and he said that he is going to the Northwest Snowfield to find someone."

It's broken, and the one who *longmen swears* is really looking for someone!

The emperor let out an indescribable penguin scream.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Longmen is calm, except for the slums and Penguin Logistics, which are as hard to evaluate as ever.

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