But, that's because they didn't know that Longmen was on the verge of a whirlpool.

A month ago, Dali Temple sent someone to Longmen, which was the first formal cooperation between Dali Temple and Longmen, and even he didn't know the details;

Recently, Wei Yanwu seems to be making trouble again. The group of insects in the Business Federation seems to be related to the infected people in the slums.

Coupled with the increasing pressure within Ursus, and a guy who somehow went to the northwest snowfield to find someone...

After thinking for three seconds, the emperor immediately chose to give up thinking.

When the sky fell, Wei Yanwu was holding it up, but if Wei Yanwu couldn't stand it, there was Dayan.

If Dayan can't stand it, then everyone has no future, so there's no need to worry.

Thinking about it this way, the emperor immediately relaxed a lot, and he put a rare vinyl record in the record player.

Accompanied by melodious music, he told Angel Neng: "You ask him to come here tomorrow. If this order can be completed, our year-end bonus will be tripled!"

"Okay! Thank you boss, boss domineering!"

As soon as Angel Neng came out of the office, he couldn't wait to call Su Yun, wanting to tell him the good news as soon as possible.


Can an angel?

Su Yun took out his mobile phone, and after seeing the caller ID, he smiled apologetically at Shi Huaiya and Chen, "Sorry, I'm going to answer the call...Hello? Really?!"

Chen Heshi Huaiya's animal ears moved slightly, and his eyes were dim.

"It's a girl."

"Well, it's a girl."

They were sure almost instantly that there was a very energetic girl on the other end of the phone. According to the conversation between Su Yun and her, there seemed to be something between them that they didn't know.

Moreover, Su Yun also told her his mobile phone number.

"Oh, really? That's great! Okay, I'll see you tomorrow..."

Su Yun, who heard the good news from Neng Angel, came back with a smile on his face.

But before he took a few bites, he noticed that the atmosphere on the table was not right: "Are there rice grains on my face?"

"No." Chen asked, "Who was it that called you just now?"

"A friend, I asked her to do something for me. What's the matter?"

Chen began to stack up: "It's your freedom to make friends in Longmen, but you also know that it's okay for male friends, but female friends are easy to be seduced by you—except for me, of course."

"But I don't want to leave it alone. First, you were sent by Dali Temple to practice in Longmen, and you are also my subordinate. I have to be responsible for you. Second, you are now a full member of the Guards Bureau. If you follow Most of them have affairs with women, which will definitely affect the reputation of the Guard Bureau..."

"Finally, as your friend, I don't want you to be tricked by a bad woman to get your waist punctured, so I have to ask a few more questions."

The corner of Shi Huaiya's mouth twitched, it's Dali Temple, the Guards Bureau, and a friend's, this armored one might not even be able to penetrate the city's defense artillery, right?

Su Yun understood what Chen meant, and couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

He explained: "It can make her not a bad person. She called because I asked her for help. She is not interested in my waist."

I'm afraid she's interested in you! ! !

Shi Huaiya joined the battle and chose to surround Wei and save Zhao: "What can she do for you? Tell me, maybe we can help you directly."

You know, sitting here is the eldest daughter of the Shi Huaiya family, Beatrix Shi Huaiya, and Chen Huijie, the niece of the Governor of Longmen, what can I do for you?

"Thank you for your kindness, but you can't help me with this favor."

Su Yun went to the northwest snowfield to win Alina and break the black snake's influence on Talula.

Tallulah took the stage she didn't choose, played the script she didn't choose.

Although there were some accidents in the show, wasn't it Black Snake's fault?

As a player of Tomorrow's Ark, Su Yun knew that Tallulah had been working hard for the infected.

Elderly elders died for her, loyal comrades sacrificed because of her wrong orders, and everything she wanted to protect was shattered before her eyes... But, after getting rid of the control of the black snake, she struggled out of the bloody mud, She faltered but still firmly walked on the path she thought was right.

Su Yun actually respects Tallulah a lot. The path she chose is full of thorns, doubts, criticism and sacrifice.

It was precisely because of respect that he respected Tallulah's choice, instead of directly dragging Wei Yanwu and Chen to the snowy field to abduct her.

What he can do is to escort her and remove a few poisonous thorns on this thorny path for her.

As for the meeting of the sisters, let's see what Tallulah herself thinks.

If she is willing, Su Yun doesn't mind running a few more times, who let him travel early and have a lot of time?

After all, they had already assassinated the duke of a country a few years ago, opened the difficulty of hell early, and prepared to pull up a team of infected people to fight against injustice.

Chen has only just started working here for two years, and the draft bill is still under discussion at the top of Longmen.

But the more Su Yun refused, the more Shi Huaiya and Chen cared.

In order to know what this is, even I can't know it.

Fortunately, they have their own means to solve this problem.

The next day.

Su Yun arrived at the agreed place 10 minutes earlier, wearing a mask and sunglasses, thinking to wait for a while, but he didn't expect the angel to come earlier than him.

Volume 31: Chapter 29 [-]. Hmm~ It smells like lying~ [[-]]

"Sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?" Su Yun trotted two steps and came to Angel Neng.

"No, I just arrived." Angel Neng straightened her short hair and showed a vibrant smile.

"Where's your boss? Didn't he say he wanted to have an interview with me today?" Su Yun looked left and right, but he didn't see the penguin wearing sunglasses and a hip-hop T-shirt.

"Our boss is waiting for you at the headquarters."

"Then why don't you just make an appointment at the headquarters?" Su Yun felt a little strange. Wouldn't it be too inefficient to do so?

Angel Neng explained: "I'm afraid you won't find a place, so I came to pick you up in person, hey, how's it going, how do I treat you?"

Su Yun showed a clear look, it turned out to be the case, and it was reasonable.

The two were talking, when a tall figure approached them.

"It's Su Yun, it really is you, I've seen you from a long distance, and I haven't dared to say hello." Xingxiong walked up to Su Yun and said, "Why are you wearing it... oh yes, you really should be wearing it." , to ensure your own safety."

To women, Su Yun is like catnip for cats. They panted heavily, and their excited appearance made Hoshiguma wonder if he was the same gender as them.

The energy angel has to look up to see the person's face clearly.

It was a very kind ghost woman, but she had a "huge" body, and when she walked towards them, she was like a hill.

Especially the heavy shield she was holding in her hand, there was no doubt that when she punched down, she took two catties with her and her box.

"Sister Gui, I really didn't expect to meet you here, why, are you on duty?" Su Yun asked unexpectedly.

Hoshiguma sighed and waved his hand: "Don't mention it, I was on vacation today. For some reason, Lao Chen and Missy asked for half a day off, and Jiulian called twelve times to wake me up. Do you hear Smell, I still smell of the alcohol from last night in my mouth."

"Hey, really, it's hard work."

"I don't work hard. Lao Chen and Missy haven't rested for several months in order to compete for the senior police superintendent. Thanks to them, I can take one day off every week. Now it's time for me to work hard."

When Hoshiguma said this, he looked at the towering modern buildings around him, wondering what he was thinking.

"Ghost sister, ghost sister..."

Xingxiong came back to his senses, lowered his head slightly, looked at Su Yun in front of him, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"You were distracted just now." Su Yun said, "How about I come to help you in the afternoon?"

"Don't! You have been in the hospital before, and if you are asked to work overtime, Lao Chen will tear me apart!" Xingxiong shook his head like a rattle, and his green hair full of vitality fluttered from side to side.

"Speaking of which, it's no wonder you're not interested in those female police officers from the Guards Bureau. It turns out you have a girlfriend!"

Xingxiong put his arms around his shoulders, teasingly said: "It's very well hidden, I think the siblings are also pretty good, when are you going to get married? I'll go drink."

Su Yun can't laugh or cry, this misunderstanding is really big.

He has a girlfriend?How dare he have a girlfriend, the pelvis is not yet sharp.

"Ghost sister, you misunderstood, she is just my friend."

But Xingxiong carried the misunderstanding to the end: "I understand, my friend, it's not right to be everywhere."

She turned around, looked at Angel Neng, and said, "Sisters and sisters, I'm not boasting. Su Yun is the cleanest man in our Guard Bureau. He usually keeps a distance of one meter from his female colleagues..."

Angel Neng scratched the back of his head and said embarrassedly: "That... we really don't have that kind of relationship. In fact, we just met yesterday."



Realizing that he had made an own mistake, Xingxiong Sansan let go of Su Yun, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I misunderstood..."

Neng Angel said: "It's okay, it's okay, I don't care about this, hahaha!"

Hoshiguma was still on duty, so he took a step first: "Bye, I'll treat you to a drink some other day."



After Xingxiong left, Nengtian poked Su Yun with his elbow, and teased, "Do we look like a couple?"

Su Yun couldn't help but laugh: "Don't laugh at me... Hurry up and lead the way, don't make your boss wait in a hurry."


Suddenly, a black car on the side of the road honked its horn at them who were laughing and playing.

The car window lowered slowly, revealing a stunning but cold face.

With his left hand on the car window, holding the pocky in his mouth, Texas honked the horn again at them.

"Texas? Why are you here?!" Neng Angel said unexpectedly.

"Come to pick you up."

Texas is still so concise and concise, and words are like gold.

"Texas, you're so kind!" Neng Tian wanted to cuddle up with Gray Wolf, but she pushed him away in disgust.

Angel Neng had no choice but to turn around and waved at Su Yun, "Su Yun, come here quickly, we have a car!"


"Why is Texas here?"

Not far away, Chen, disguised as an ordinary citizen, looked at the black car and thought something was wrong.

She has dealt with Texas before, and the gray wolf from Syracuse has extraordinary skills and has a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness, as if someone may attack her at any time.

The sudden appearance of Texas heralds the suspension of today's investigation (following).

Just when Chen was about to leave, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught sight of a graceful figure who was reaching out to stop the taxi.

Even if that guy tried to dress himself up as an ordinary person, it was not so easy to cover up the young lady's temperament that he had cultivated since he was a child.

Just as Shi Huaiya stopped the taxi and was about to get in the car, and continued to follow Su Yun, a cold jade hand suddenly grabbed her furry tiger tail.

"Meow woo woo woo~!"

"Roar? What a cute voice."

Casually blocking the little tiger's jab, Chen said, "It's me."

"Of course I know it's you, otherwise you already have a hole!" Shi Huaiya pulled back her tail and said impatiently, "Why are you here?"

"I just want to tell you, don't follow, you have been found."

"...Oh~~~ So that's how it is."

Shi Huaiya was still wondering why she met Changfenlong here today, it turned out that her purpose was the same as her own.

The little tiger laughed and said, "Is it so possessive? Just because he is your assistant?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just here to buy clothes." Chen also learned to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

"Hmm~ It smells like a lie."

Shi Huaiya closed the taxi door, turned around and walked towards the Guard Bureau.

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