I'm going to watch the second episode of "Tomorrow's Ark: Prelude" now!

Heh heh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!Skirt one six 8 two Yi 7 wife one 6

Volume 102: Chapter 98 [-]. Chen Huijie likes boys younger than herself?

Wei Yanwu didn't want to help Su Yun, there must be his reasons, and Su Yun didn't expect to succeed right away.

Who made Wei Yanwu not smell like a woman's perfume?

How about finding a young girl, framing a wave, and then singing: You smell like her perfume...

Forget it, just think about it, it is good for Wei Yanwu to be afraid of his wife, but he is only afraid of his wife.


Chen leaned against the wall and hugged his chest, not surprised by this result.

"Yeah, it's really difficult to ask Chief Wei to help." Su Yun smiled wryly.

Of course, not everyone is like me, you will come to help you as soon as you open your mouth——Chen Fu let Su Yun go back to work

After he left, Chen straightened his clothes and walked into Wei Yanwu's office again.

"What else?"

Wei Yanwu was looking at the report produced by Chen and Su Yun. Today he will submit it to the Chamber of Commerce, and it is currently being reviewed.

From the current point of view, there is no major problem, rather it is very far-sighted. Some seemingly superfluous explanations may actually change the situation of the infected in the future, and eventually make the infected truly a member of the ordinary citizens of Longmen, no longer Discriminated against.

Although at present, it seems that it is just some delusions that are far-fetched and impossible to realize.

Chen Dao: "The matter about Su Yun, I hope Chief Wei can think about it again."

Wei Yanwu raised his head, his heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "You want to help him?"


"Do you know what he's going to do?"


"So, you didn't even know what he was going to do, so you came to me?"

Wei Yanwu laughed angrily.

I didn't expect, oh, I didn't expect that you, Chen Huijie, are so fond of boys who are younger than you.

Who is it bad to like?I just like that Su Yun.

You will not be happy with him!

Chen Dao: "This has nothing to do with you."

Wei Yanwu said: "Why has nothing to do with me? As long as you answer the question truthfully, I will help Su Yun."


"Seriously." Wei Yanwu said, "It's hard to follow a gentleman's words!"

"I really don't know what Su Yun wants to do. I also asked him, but he didn't tell me."

The more Chen thought about it, the more wronged he became, and the more he talked, the more angry he became.

When she thought that Su Yun had a lot of secrets that she didn't tell herself, she wished she could tie him to the interrogation chair and torture him severely.

But, she can't.

She is the superintendent of the Guards Bureau, Su Yun's boss, a role model for her colleagues, and the killer of evil.

It is not acceptable to take the lead in violating the law and discipline.

Chen took a deep breath, gradually suppressing the anxiety in his heart.

It's just that there is one thing that cannot be suppressed, and that is the desire to explore Su Yun.

Chen didn't take it seriously either, everyone has a gossip.

It's normal for people to be curious about their secrets.

No matter the mind, no matter the heart, no one is perfect.

Curious what happened?

She would not force Su Yun to question, nor would she sneak into his room secretly, nor would she consult his diary.

Wei Yanwu never expected that Chen Huijie didn't even know what Su Yun was going to do, so he ran over and asked him to help.

Those who didn't know thought that you had already gone to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register your marriage!

...Maybe there is a possibility, go back and check.

Silly niece!

When you go out in the future, don't say that you are my niece, Wei Yanwu—although Chen never said so.

Wei Yanwu asked: "Did Su Yun ask you to persuade me? He is clever."

"No, I wanted to come by myself. He never said anything about asking me to help."

Regarding this point, Chen was actually quite happy, because Su Yun didn't think about using her identity to achieve his own goals.

Unlike Char Siew Cat, Su Yun worked for her only for money.

Weak, now you know who is the boss?

But in Wei Yanwu's eyes, Su Yun didn't speak, and Chen took the initiative to help him...

In the past, this was called upside-down posting, and to use the more popular vocabulary nowadays to describe it is-give it for nothing!

Wei Yanwu's pitiful gaze made Chen feel a little uncomfortable, and he urged, "Have you finished asking? Can you help him?"

"I'm done asking."

Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Wei Yanwu said quietly: "But I won't help him."

List? ! ! !


"No reason."

Faced with Chen's questioning, Wei Yanwu remained calm and unflappable, without any sense of guilt for cheating his niece.

guilt?Why feel guilty?

Is what others promise you is yours?

When did I teach her that the world is so simple?

The reality is that he repented, and Chen had nothing to do with him.

In terms of status, he is one person below Longmen and above ten thousand; in terms of strength, Chen's swordsmanship is taught by himself;

The knife is not sharp, the horse is too thin, what are you fighting with me?

He is a bad guy?He is not a bad person, the real bad person is the person who teaches children to be kind, pure, honest and trustworthy, and let them face this cruel world without any defense.

He, Wei Yanwu, was able to pull the dragon gate out of Kosichet's hand, did he rely on his honesty and trustworthiness, and obeying the law?

Being honest and trustworthy, obeying laws and regulations, that is for ordinary citizens, for maintaining stability.

Of course, if Chen Huijie wants to take Longmen to a higher place in the future, he must be honest and trustworthy, even if it is pretending, he must pretend.

But learn to be honest with whom, tell half-truths to whom, and only tell lies to whom, even if the words can't be more false.

You can see that Su Yun is very clever. He obviously went to the Northwest Snowfield to contact an armed force, but he opened his eyes and said nonsense, saying it was skiing.

In the future, if something happens and someone is found out, it can be explained.

How dare you assume that there is no ski team called "Guerrilla" in the Northwest Snowfield?

Even if the guerrillas are an armed force, can't they pursue their dreams and become a ski instructor?

Hey, once the public opinion is guided, Su Yun will become a fool who goes to the Northwest Snowfield to practice skiing, instead of a war criminal who secretly colludes with the opposition armed forces of other countries.

The problem is dismantled, the spearhead can't concentrate, and then report an idol's marriage/divorce/cheating to attract attention, and the matter will be over.

As long as the output is not close to the face, it is still very easy to fool the past.

Chen lived up to Wei Yanwu's expectations. She was angry at first, but calmed down quickly.

Wei Yanwu chuckled lightly and said, "Calm down?"


"Are you angry?"

"Angry, but being angry can't change anything. When I first came to Longmen, I was dissatisfied with everything around me, and I often got angry because of some trivial things." Chen Dao, "Angry is meaningless. We should focus on the present and do our best to change the status quo .”

Wei Yanwu said: "Although you are still a bit idealistic, it is not bad at your age to think of this step. Go back and remember today's lesson, even if you will hate me."

He is going to give Chen Bu some cultural lessons that are not taught in school recently, so that she can understand the dangers of society and the reality that anyone may betray you.


This is a notification that only Shuaibi can see:

1. Tomorrow Sunday, three shifts tomorrow, to celebrate the lifting of the ban, ohhhh!

2. Take a day off, and there will be another wave on November [-]st to welcome Silent Texas. At that time, there will be a reward. Since the reward was too much last time, this time it will be less important.

3. After the ban is lifted, there may be some inappropriate comments in the interim posts and book review areas. If you want to scold, it is recommended to send a private message to the author instead of disturbing others.

(I didn’t mean to point out the mistakes of the work and the author’s inadequacies, nor did I limit my ideas and behaviors. The author’s personal behavior should not be raised to hedgehog cats, eagle horns, Tomorrow’s Ark players and other readers. The author reserves the above and the following remarks the final right of interpretation.)

that's all.

(?▽?*)qun...one slip 8②17⑦1 durian

Volume 103: Chapter 99 [-]. Chen Takes Su Yun's Color

Maybe under his teaching, Chen Huijie suddenly realized the truth of "men are big pigs".

Keep a distance from Su Yun, be wary, and everything will be back on track.

Chen Dao: "I will go back, finish my work, and visit Mrs. Wenyue after get off work."

Wei Yanwu said with relief: "Wen Yue will be very happy, she has been thinking about you recently."

"Then tell Mrs. Wenyue that young girls often come to your office to look for you recently."

Wei Yanwu:? ? ?

Li Yao is a god and demon! ! !

Seeing Wei Yanwu's frightened but pretended calm expression, Chen understood that he had made the right bet.

"Officer Chen, you can't talk nonsense without evidence, right?" Wei Yanwu said seriously.

"I'm not like you, I won't lie to Mrs. Wenyue."

"That young girl...?"

Chen turned around in a circle, his azure hair was lifted up by the centrifugal force, like a blooming flower.

"Aren't I?"

Wei Yanwu: ...

You are young girls one by one, but what you say will make Wenyue misunderstand!

"Mr. Wei, what's the matter, you look constipated?" Seeing Wei Yanwu's funny expression, Chen was in a good mood.

Wei Yanwu taught: "Girls should be more polite."

"Who taught me my Longmen swearing? A gentleman." Chen Dao, "Okay, Mr. Wei, let me tell you, what will happen to Mrs. Wenyue after she knows that young girls come and go in and out of your office every day?" Bar."

When Chen Huijie told Wen Yue, she definitely wouldn't explain that the young girl was herself... Wei Yanwu was absolutely sure.

Because this is a threat, a naked threat!

It is so upright that even if Wei Yanwu finds out, there is no threat of influence!

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