Shameful, but very effective.

Wei Yanwu didn't dare to let Chen try, after all, if you try, you will die.

How can it be repaired!I didn't expect that one day, I would be threatened by Chen Huijie. It's really... comforting.

However, if he was threatened so easily, the owner of Longmen would not be called Wei Yanwu.

Wei Yanwu said: "Are you threatening Governor Longmen?"

"No, I just want to chat with Mrs. Wenyue, right, Uncle~Uncle~"

After many years, Wei Yanwu felt complicated when he heard Chen calling his uncle. Chen was much more mature than before, but not enough. In his eyes, she was still a child, unable to provoke the leader.

But what he said, in the eyes of him and Wen Yue, Chen would probably always be a child.

"Haven't you ever thought that I might try to obstruct Su Yun?" Wei Yanwu threatened Chen instead.

Chen Dao: "It doesn't matter, he has come to you, explaining this matter, maybe only you can help him. If you don't help him, you are hindering him."

"That's how you know Su Yun?"

"We are close colleagues."

"Just colleagues?"

"Just colleagues."

Huh... It's okay, it seems that the relationship has not developed beyond friendship, and there is still time, Wei Yanwu is slightly relieved.

But it won't work if it goes on like this.

Didn't you see that Chen Huijie's words had a touch of Su Yun's charm?What is it called?

Those who are close to vermilion are red, those who are close to ink are black!

Chen Huijie gradually took on the color of Su Yun. If this continues, the development of the matter will be beyond his control. Fortunately, there is still time for everything!

Hmph, in Longmen, there is nothing he, Wei Yanwu, can't settle.

Want to be my nephew and son-in-law of Wei Yanwu?Su Yun, you are 2 years too early!

It's just that Wen Yue recently bought a new washboard, and Chen Huijie is here to threaten... Tsk!

Wei Yanwu played conspiracy theory: "Aren't you worried that Su Yun will bury Longmen?"

Fortunately, Chen has enough trust in Su Yun.

"I'm not worried! Su Yun is not the kind of selfish person."

"That's not necessarily true." Wei Yanwu said.

He could tell that Su Yun was a very selfish person, he only had eyes for himself and what he thought was right.

The remaining?not give a damn about.

Fortunately, Wei Yanwu will not affect his judgment on Su Yun just because he hates him.

At least selfish, in his case, was never a derogatory term.

"Persuading people to be selfless" is a derogatory term.

But should I hate it or hate it, should I dislike it or should I dislike it, there is no other, no solution, who told you, Su Yun, to abduct my niece's heart?

Wei Yanwu carefully recalled that the way Chen threatened him just now was very similar to the way Su Yun spoke in front of him!

If this continues, it will not be dyed, but will change shape!

Aside from Chen Huijie's threat, if I don't agree today, she will definitely vomit bitterness with Su Yun after returning home, so wouldn't I become their common enemy and help them reach a consensus and enhance their relationship? !

Wei Yanwu thought about it for a second, and immediately made up his mind.

Why not, take advantage of it?

"It's okay to ask me to help Su Yun, but you need to promise me a few conditions." Wei Yanwu said.

"What conditions?"

"First, don't tell him what happened today."


If you don't say it, don't say it, Chen is not in the character of asking for credit, she helped Su Yun only out of friendship between friends.

Besides, Wei Yanwu's education to her today has changed her thinking a little bit.

Not their own, after all, not their own.

If you don't hold it in your hands, how can you call it yours?

If it is not in my hands, one day, he will leave me, or follow a woman, or follow a man, but no matter who I follow, I will lose him.

Tell Su Yun the credit for today, the relationship between the two is better, and then?

What is the difference between the water in the glass being one third full and one quarter full?

Does the water in the glass matter?

No, what matters is the cup!

As long as you hold the cup, whether there is water in it or not, he is his own and can never run away...

"Officer Chen, Officer Chen... Huijie Chen!!!"

Amid Wei Yanwu's shouts, Chen came back to his senses and stared at him blankly.

Wei Yanwu said displeased: "What's the matter with you? Don't you want to help Su Yun?"

"Hold, I'm sorry, I didn't have a good rest last night, and I was distracted for a while."

"That's it." Wei Yanwu's expression softened a little, and he continued: "Did you hear the first point I just said?"

"Listen clearly, please continue."

"Second, I lost something, you go and help me find it, and if I find it, I will help Su Yun."

"it is good."

"Third, don't threaten me like that in the future, and don't tell Wenyue what happened today."

"What if Mrs. Wenyue asks?"

"If you don't tell me, why would she ask?"

Chen couldn't help showing a teasing smile: "Oh~ So you usually fool Madam Wenyue like this, I understand, so that's the case, you are still teaching me how to deceive Madam Wenyue."

Wei Yanwu: ...

Didn't it mean that girls in love will have lower IQ?

Why did he almost lose his gold coins by his niece when he came here?

Volume 104: Chapter 100 [-]. Doesn't Texas have something to do with Su Yun?

"Hello? Mr. Emperor, I have 100 million in my hand and want to repay the loan in advance..."

Su Yun was playing with a bank card in his hand, which was stolen from Shi Huaiya's father on Friday night... in exchange for help and promises.

I originally planned to repay the loan on Saturday, but then I thought about it, on Saturday, who is a decent person going to work?So wait until Monday.

Pay off the loan early, Su Yun doesn't like to owe people things.

In addition, although the interest rate is only 2%, there is still an interest of 660 yuan a month.

"Well, wait for me a moment."

The emperor hung up the phone, jumped off the chair, walked out of the office, and shouted: "Texas↗↑↑——!"


The indifferent Lupus girl held a pocky in her mouth, facing the boss's shout, she just looked at him with her head sideways.

"Come here." The emperor said.

Sensing that there might be something going on, Texas reluctantly stood up from the sofa, and handed the game controller to Croissant.

"Hey ↘↗~! Boss, can't you just wait a little longer? Texas and I will decide the winner immediately! We agreed who will lose and who will cook for lunch today." Neng Angel pressed pause and waited Croissant is ready.

Croissant urged: "Hurry up and start, no one will ask you to cook."


"What do you think? All dishes are sweet, and only Sakota can eat them."

"Who said that? You are slandering! You are slandering me!"

"Then who do you think can eat it?"

"Su Yun might be able to do it." Angel Neng urged, "If you don't believe me, we can go to him and try. But today is Monday, he should be at work, and we can go off work..."

Looking at Neng Angel who was always talking about Su Yun, Ke Song couldn't help but said, "I want to see him so much, why don't you go by yourself?"

Ke Song can see through Neng Angel's little thought.

Are you trying to prove your cooking skills?You just want to take this opportunity to meet Su Yun, I don't care to expose you.

Neng Angel bluntly changed the subject: "Oh, the game has started, Croissant, hurry up, I'm going to beat you to death!"

Croissant: ...

Walking into the office, Texas asked, "Boss, what do you want from me?"

The emperor climbed up on the chair and said, "It's like this. Just now Su Yun called and said he wanted to repay the loan in advance. What do you think?"

"How much more?"


"Did he go to rob?" Texas couldn't help complaining.

I have only lent him the money for a few days, and I will be able to repay the loan in full.

The Emperor speculated: "It's also possible that Dayan sent money to him, but it has nothing to do with me."

As the boss, it is outrageous for him to handle a project of 100 million yuan, but he can't make a profit from it, and he still has to worry about it.

Texas' eyes flickered, and the pocky was soaked in her saliva in his mouth, from hard to soft, and finally broke and fell to the ground.

"Texas? Texas, what are you thinking?" The emperor noticed something strange and called softly.

"Reject him and ask him to repay the loan in cash on time every month, and the angel will be responsible for receiving it." Texas said.

"Can't you be a little more polite? I'm the boss!"

The emperor cursed on the surface, but actually he didn't care about it.

This is the character of Texas. One day she will become awkward, polite and polite, and she will not adapt to it.


"Why?" asked the Emperor.

There must be a reason for refusing other people's repayment. The emperor didn't bother to use his brain, so he directly asked Texas the reason.

Texas said: "Since Su Yun is going to the Northwest Snowfield, Penguin Logistics is not the only place to spend money. It's better for him to keep some money in his hand."

The Great Emperor nodded vigorously, deeply agreeing.

As a boss, he naturally understands that capital flow is the lifeline of the company, family and individuals, and having money in his pocket is more important than anything else.

But when did this indifferent gray wolf care so much about others?

The emperor's heart was strange.

You know, the last time I stumbled and fell into the trash can, I didn't see her come to pull me.

Hiss... The Emperor suddenly thought of a possibility:

Could it be that Dexas has other plans for Su Yun?

After all, giving him a loan with his own savings, with ultra-low interest rates, and persuading him to ensure cash flow... ordinary people can't do this.

However, combined with the previous "monthly cash repayment, Neng Angel is responsible for receiving", the emperor can still roughly guess that Texas did all this for Neng Angel.

That's right, in order to be an angel, how could Texas be interested in men~

I keep creating opportunities secretly to let my best friend get in touch with her sweetheart... What a touching best friend and sister.

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