Netizen: Is there anything more comfortable than Two-dimensional? (funny.jpg)

"Two-dimensional?" Kyoko looked blankly at this new vocabulary.

With the idea of ​​knowing everything in detail, Kyoko plunged into the ocean of the Internet and started her two-dimensional journey.

Under the guidance of netizens, he watched his first fan drama.

After looking at it, Kyoko seemed to have discovered the gate of a new world, and then buried herself in this huge world, immersed in it.

In the process, he was very envious of the interaction between parents and children in those families in these dramas.Every time he saw it, he couldn't help but feel a throbbing in his heart.

Among them, the one that impresses him the most is undoubtedly a story about a girl from the Clow brand. She and her family can't help but make Kyoko feel sincere envy.

In this way, Kyoko started her short Two-dimensional journey.

But after a long time, when Kyoko happily told her parents about her new hobbies, she was strongly refuted by her parents. They angrily rebuked that this kind of rubbish would only bring you down, so they directly ordered him not to touch it again. these things.

Xingzi is naturally unwilling, but at this moment in his heart, looking forward to the approval of his parents is a more important thing, so he can only give up his short-term hobbies.

Seeming to have noticed that Kyoko deviated from their plan, Kyoko’s parents immediately arranged a new entertainment for him—going to be a volunteer in a children’s nursery.

The reason for feedback in public opinion is voluntary dedication and experience the joy of labor.Kyoko naturally complied with her parents' wishes and started her journey to a children's nursery.

At first, Kyoko was naturally unable to adapt to such a life.He himself has always acted in accordance with the will of his parents, and he doesn't even know how to arrange his own life, how can he guide and even help this group of young children.

So he started his new life with bumps and bumps, living with eleven or twelve-year-old children every day, which made his original ordinary life change in a different way.

Xingzi tried to teach these children what she had learned, but the children all said that they couldn't learn it, and it was too difficult.

Kyoko was at a loss in the face of such a situation, he couldn't understand why these children couldn't even do such a simple thing.

Soon, the children taught him the way of life of a normal child. Apart from studying every day, the most they do every day is to play with their companions here.

In order to be able to better complete the tasks entrusted to her by her parents, Kyoko naturally began to learn to live the same life as them.

In this way, Kyoko was slowly infected by these children.

These innocent and kind-hearted children brought him experiences, lifestyles, and friendships between peers that he had never experienced before, and once again opened up a new world for him who was closed under the shadow of his parents. the door.

Besides, one of the important reasons why he likes this place is that the children here are very similar to him.

The parents of the children here are usually too busy to take care of their children, so they entrust their children here, making it difficult for them to see their parents.

And very similar to Kyoko, every time their parents come, they always cheer them up. This is so similar to him at this time, he also looks forward to their parents' attention.In the process of taking care of them, Kyoko couldn't help expecting more attention from her parents.

Although... in the process of taking care of these children, he vaguely noticed something in his heart.

The way his parents look at him is very different from the way he sees those parents looking at their children, but he subconsciously doesn't want to think about the reason for it, and only thinks it is the difference between the parents.

In this way, he has been volunteering here for seven years. Every year during school holidays, he will come to take care of these lovely children.

He has gained a lot here. These innocent children let him find motivation for life other than for his parents.

Soon, he grew up, and after graduating from university, he began to slowly get in touch with his parents' property.

In order to better understand the industry his parents are in, his parents arranged for him to start from the grassroots, starting as a teacher, to learn how to conduct education and how to develop his own education industry.

Soon, he met his first students.

Although these students come from ordinary backgrounds, and in Kyoko's opinion, their talents are quite mediocre, but what makes him happy is that they all have a progressive heart and are willing to work hard for it, and their parents also gritted their teeth and sent them. After coming here, I hope they can return from their studies.

Kyoko was naturally very excited to see these young children after a long time. At that time, he was full of pride and wanted to implement the education principle in his heart on them, so that they could fully develop their talents and achieve their due achievements .

And the result made Xingzi very happy. He managed to send these students to the school they had in mind with the least cost, and achieved gratifying results.

After the success, the students also expressed their gratitude to him one after another, and were very grateful to have met such a teacher as him.

Although Xingzi has been very tired during this period of time, he only feels that it is worth it. He only feels that he has been extremely satisfied to make these children smile from the bottom of his heart.

Then he remembered the task his parents had entrusted to him, and he couldn't help showing a smile. He was very confident that they would be very satisfied.

But when he was about to present his practice success to his parents for review, things went against his expectations.

Chapter 73 Apricot's Past (2)

After reading his official report, his parents left his meticulously prepared report on the ground and reprimanded him loudly: "What are you doing?! Why did you just let them go like this? What are you doing like this? Can we make them hand over their money?!"

Xingzi naturally couldn't believe it: "Isn't the goal of our educators to guide them to grow up correctly?"

"Grow up a P!" The parents scolded angrily, "Why do you care about that group of rubbish? We want to make money. Where do you think you spent all these years? We didn't earn it for you. Why don't you I understand."

So, his parents directly ordered him to start over, and specially arranged for him an experienced middle-aged man to guide him.

As expected, the man was very experienced, and quickly showed all the skills he had mastered in front of the boy.

The assembly line talk tricks the parents and coaxes them to sign up for various "high-end" trainings.

It is shoddy, and a large number of temporary college students are randomly recruited to act as well-known teachers to teach students.

Using a lot of so-called scientific methods to train beyond the limits of students, squeezing the potential of students, students can't bear it, they say they can't complete the training on time and don't honor their promises...

Seeing such a series of so-called skills, Kyoko felt angry for the first time in his life. He couldn't accept that they treated these lovely children like this. Even the instructors sent by their parents started arguing. It went to his parents.

When his parents found out about the situation, they naturally scolded him again, immediately stopped all his work, and asked him to go home and reflect on himself.

Xingzi naturally refused, he felt that he did nothing wrong.So for the first time in his life, he disobeyed his parents and quarreled with them.

But even though he was unwilling, at this moment, he still had a sincere longing for his parents...Then the end was naturally that he was defeated again and began to reflect on himself.

Before he went home, he still remembered the first time his parents showed disgust and disappointment to him.

He couldn't understand, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense, but he still didn't want to believe the absurd conclusion that flashed in his mind.

In this way, he returned home and began to reflect on himself.In the process of introspection, he constantly reflected on what he did wrong, why did the parents do that, and why did they treat those children like this?

And during this period, he received a call from one of the students he had taught before, saying that he had brought his new classmate, and hoped that he could teach him personally, or Is to recommend him a good teacher.

The man naturally refused, because he had been ordered by his parents to reflect on himself at home and could not help them.

However, just after hanging up the phone, he suddenly received another call from his parents, asking him to come to the company to enroll a new student who was about to enroll.

Xingzi Dang even became happy. He thought it was a proof that his parents approved of him, so he came to the company soon and prepared to train new students. He had to spend [-]% of his energy to prove it to his parents.

However, when he enrolled the new kid and drew up a training plan, he received a notice from his parents asking him to leave and return to the head office.

Not knowing what to say, he had to follow the instructions of his parents.But when he came to the head office, what he received was a request from his parents asking him to go home and reflect.

Faced with this request, Kyoko naturally couldn't understand, and the anxiety in his heart was constantly expanding, but he didn't want his parents to be disappointed in him again, so he finally chose to obey their parents' arrangement.

But before he went back, he called his assistant and asked him to teach those children well according to his own arrangement, and not let them have any problems.

The assistant naturally agreed, and at this point, Xingzi still went home.

The days of self-reflection at home passed day by day, Kyoko was always looking forward to receiving instructions from his parents, looking forward to them letting him go back again, looking forward to them telling him, we agree with your thoughts, you are really our good boy.

However, during the long wait, Kyoko waited for a bad news.

Kyoko received a notice from the company asking him to deal with the problems of the class under his jurisdiction.Although he was confused, he still went to the company honestly and began to understand the situation.

As soon as he came to the company, the emotionally out-of-control family immediately complained to him angrily about his bad behavior.

Angry parents claimed that Kyoko lured her child to come to a training institution to participate in various high-end training, while using unreasonable training methods for training, and constantly PUA her child, controlling his spirit, which eventually caused the child to be unable to Under pressure, he committed suicide by jumping off the building.

In this regard, the family also took out the diary written by his own child, which clearly stated his psychological evolution during this period of time.

But Kyoko couldn't believe it after knowing the situation, so he immediately went to his parents to find out the situation.

"Why did you do this?! Did you do all of this!?" It was the first time he lost his composure to his parents, and he could no longer ignore the irrationality. The explanation I hoped for.

"So? You came to us for those people?" The mother seemed to have heard nothing, sitting quietly on the sofa beside her, while the father looked at him indifferently.

"What are those people? They are children who are working hard for the future..." Kyoko tried to make her parents understand, but her father interrupted him directly.

"Enough!" Father snorted coldly, then turned around, "I wanted to see if you would show a little possibility this time, but you disappointed me too much."

Kyoko looked at his father in a daze, he never expected his father to reply him like this.

"From now on, you are no longer my child." When the father suddenly said such words, Kyoko couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard this, "Father..."

"Shut up, I'm not anymore! I don't have useless trash like you!" After saying this, he pointed to the man who was sitting beside him with a mocking expression, who looked about his age.

"From now on, he will be my child." The man said, "Since you were young, you have always been the one who has kept him under control."

The "you" here naturally refers to the apricot.

"But at this most critical moment, you disappointed me too much." After saying this, two security guards walked in outside the door, and directly dragged Xingzi out forcibly.

So, Kyoko was kicked out like this, and he had nothing left except the small apartment he rented after he started working.

And when Kyoko came out of the company, everything that happened before changed.

Xingzi learned from the news that the training institution had thrown all the responsibility on him, claiming that his training qualification certificate was obtained by bribing the examiners, and all related personnel were expelled from the company.

Also, the man who used to be his father was interviewed in front of reporters not long after.

He expressed his heartfelt sorrow to the general public. He was distressed that the children he had personally educated had lost their original intention of being an educator in the process of working after entering the society. The man expressed great regret for this. Therefore, he He could only bear the pain and severed the relationship with Kyoko.

In addition, he also introduced to the general public another child he has secretly cultivated over the years, claiming that he has received his education more perfectly than Kyoko, and he will definitely be able to make greater contributions to society. This is to prove that his educational philosophy is correct.

Regarding this man's explanation, although there were still doubts on the Internet at the beginning, under the overwhelming publicity, everyone finally forgot about this "little" problem, and went after the education he promoted.

And Kyoko watched all this happen helplessly, her heart was dead silent.

Until now, he finally understood that the two so-called parents looked at him from the very beginning, they were never looking at their own children, but at a commodity.

When the value of the product is high, he cares about you and hopes that you can continue to create value for him, but once you let him down, he will turn back to abandon you mercilessly.

Commodities without value are not worth nostalgia for, everything is just his wishful thinking.

And when he knew all this, it was too late.At this moment, he no longer knew what to do.

There is no one who cares about him, and he is not qualified to care for those children. What is the point of living in this world for him like this?

So, at this time, Kyoko began to wander aimlessly.On the streets, in shopping malls, and beside squares, he roamed aimlessly, trying to find his own destination.

Unknowingly, when he came back to his senses, he came to the amusement park.That was the place he most wanted those two people to take him when he was a child.

He stood silently outside the crowd, observing everything around him, feeling the joyful atmosphere permeating it, and he was out of tune with it.

During the process, he also noticed a trio who seemed to be a family who came to the amusement park to play together.

What caught his attention especially was the child among them, the smile on that child's face made him extremely intoxicated.

It seemed that his gaze was too conspicuous, the child seemed to have noticed his existence, turned around and smiled at him, and after talking to his parents twice, he ran to Kyoko and took the A marshmallow was passed to Kyoko.

"Big brother, do you want to eat it too? It's delicious. You can eat one too." The child's innocent face made Xingzi think of the student who was killed by him.

Tears flowed quietly down his cheeks.

"Thank you...thank you." Kyoko broke down in tears.

He accepted the cotton candy the child gave him, but ran away directly. He came to a further place, watching their family from afar.

"Just look at it like this, I'm very satisfied." Kyoko thought at this moment.

Just like that, Kyoko just watched this family play through the entire amusement park. Seeing the joy of their family, he couldn't help feeling longing.

Can I have this kind of life too?Xingzi couldn't help thinking in her heart.

Unable to hold back her inner desire, Kyoko followed the family quietly after they left the amusement park.

He knew that his behavior was suspicious, and would even be mistaken for malicious intentions, but he couldn't control himself, and he urgently needed a new sustenance in his heart.

In this way, he continued to follow, and followed them for a long distance.

But not long after, the family in front suddenly stopped, and then the children in the family suddenly ran towards Xingzi, ran up to him and said to him: "Big brother, come and play with us."

Seeing the invitation from the child, Kyoko couldn't help being dazed, and then looked at the parents standing in front, smiling at his child's parents, as if they were also waiting for his arrival.

The shock in his heart was beyond words, he couldn't believe that there were still people willing to accept his existence.

"" Kyoko hesitated for a while, the longing in his heart made him unable to refuse, and he finally agreed.

Xingzi brought the child to the front of the child's parents, and felt the warmth of home up close.

At this time, Kyoko was so happy, he suddenly felt that the world that had already started to be dark began to brighten up again.Although he is just a stranger to this family, the child's parents are extra... concerned about him?

Just when Kyoko was immersed in this warmth, a fast-moving car suddenly appeared from the corner of an intersection.

The speed of this car was too fast. When he realized it, the child's parents had already been knocked out by the car, and he could only subconsciously push the child aside.

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