Help!I'm surrounded by sluts! ! !Author: Zhuqiu Sanjiu


[Since that day, the way they look at me has changed. 】

(with missing chapter)

Chapter 1 Awakening the Physique of a Slut

【ding dong——】

[Congratulations on awakening your slut physique, sluts will be attracted to you unconditionally. 】

Is it a dream?

Hiroki Kamishima rubbed his sleepy eyes and his numb arms, and got up from the table exhaustedly.

"It seems that you need to pay attention to rest, and you can't always stay up late reading."

Hiroki Kamishima slowly closed Plato's classic works at hand, still feeling a little unfinished in his heart.

Platonic love or something.

High season!

Worthy of being one of the greatest philosophers in human history, Plato has a unique understanding of the word love.

Not to be dominated by physical desires, but to pursue spiritual and rational spiritual pure love.

This view of love is also the beauty that Hiroki Kamishima has been pursuing and longing for.

After glancing at the time on the phone, Hiroki Kamishima got back into bed. After all, tomorrow is the first day of the new semester, so you can't be late.




A slight cry slowly echoed in the room.

I heard from my mother that because she seemed to have suffered a severe mental trauma when she was a child, she lost a certain memory, and her health has not been very good, and her physical fitness will be worse than normal people.

It is also for this reason that Hiroki Kamishima falls asleep much faster than ordinary people, and he is still asleep and is not easy to be woken up.

That's why there are 6 alarm clocks by the bed.


Not long after Hiroki Kamishima fell asleep, the door was opened, and a figure crept in.

After glancing at Hiroki Shima's sleeping face, he called a few times softly, seeing that Hiroki Kamishima didn't respond, he acted with confidence.


In his sleep, Kamishima Hiroki had a long-lost dream. After all, how much he likes platonic love, but his body is at the age of a high school student who is full of blood, and he still has the physiological reactions he should have.

It's just that I don't know if it's an illusion, my body feels so real tonight, it's so real that I almost can't tell whether it's a dream or reality.


"Jingle bell—"

The power of the six alarm clocks instantly woke up Hiroki Kamishima.

Although his waist was a little sore, Hiroki Kamishima didn't care about it, he just pretended that he didn't have a good rest last night.

When I got up to wash and passed the living room, I found that a rich breakfast had already been prepared on the table, and there was a note left on it.

【Mom is going to send your sister to school first, remember to have breakfast before going out after getting up. 】

In a simple sentence, Hiroki Kamishima felt his mother's love from it, and his mother's dignified, gentle, and plump figure couldn't help but appear in his mind.

Since my father passed away very early, my mother has been alone all these years, supporting the family with her weak shoulders and raising the five children.

Although he is usually a little strict with himself, Hiroki Kamishima has always respected his mother in his heart.

"When I work and earn money in the future, I must repay my mother well." Hiroki Kamishima secretly said in his heart.

The place where Hiroki Kamishima lives is a single-family building area not far from the subway. After cleaning up, he went out and ran into his neighbor, Ryoko Taishi.

At this time, Ryoko Taishi was wearing a loose home kimono, cleaning the front of the door.

It's just that the loose kimono didn't cover the plump figure of the owner of the body, the places that should be prominent are still prominent, and the places that should be upright are still upright, showing the outline very well.

I was stunned to feel that the wide kimono was worn out of the tights, which showed how exaggerated the size under the clothes was.

The lower part of the beautiful black hair is braided into a braid and hung on the left shoulder. It is a very dangerous hairstyle for a wife.

"Ah, it's Xiaoshu, it's really early to go out today, and this school uniform is also very handsome."

Ryoko Taishi stopped what she was doing and greeted Hiroki Kamishima cordially.

It has been more than ten years since Hiroki Kamishima's family moved here, and the two families have been neighbors for more than ten years, so they are very familiar with each other.

"Good morning, Aunt Ryoko, is Saiko at home?"

Hearing Hiroki Kamishima mention her daughter, Ryoko Taishi felt a headache. It would be great if her rebellious daughter had half of Xiaoshu's peace of mind.

"Saiko, are you alright? Xiaoshu is already waiting for you, hurry up and you will be late for school." Ryoko Tashi turned and shouted towards the second floor of her house.

"Ah! Here I come!"

A delicate and crisp voice came from the second floor. Although the owner of the voice was not seen, but from the voice, it must be a strange and beautiful girl.

I only heard a crackling sound coming from Ryoko Taishi's house, and after a while, following the sound of "deng ding ding" going downstairs and the sound of "clicking" the door opened, a petite figure rushed into Kamishima Yu's house like a gust of wind. In the arms of the tree, it rubs and rubs like a cat.

"Great Hiroki, we are the same school from today! Hee hee, so happy (≧≦)"

Saiko Tashi raised her delicate face, her face and jewel-colored eyes were full of joy.

After all, she didn't like studying since she was a child. She worked hard for countless days and nights to go to the same high school as Hiroki Kamishima. Now that her wish has come true, she is of course happy.

Looking at Saiko who was close to her, Kamishima Hiroki fondled her black and white gradient hair.

The two grew up together, and they are true childhood sweethearts. Although Saiko's personality has changed after growing up, the only thing that remains the same is her clingy personality.

But she only clings to Hiroki Kamishima, not even Ryoko Taishi who is her mother.

Ryoko Duoshi once joked many times: "He turned his elbows outside before he was married. He really forgot his mother when he had a lover."

And Hiroki's feelings for Saiko have always remained at the stage of the little sister next door, but Saiko has loved to cling to herself since she was a child, especially in terms of physical contact, so Kamishima Hiroki got used to it over time.

It can be said that Hiroki Kamishima witnessed the physical development and growth of Saiko little by little with the perception of the body, from the first two mosquito bags to the current soft peach, although not as good as her mother Ryoko Taishi As fierce, but also has an alternative style.

Especially when paired with her slim black one-piece skirt, 15D thick black knee socks, and small black matte leather boots, embellished with a black collar on the snow-white neck, the whole body exudes a This is the most beautiful charm of girls of this age.


Ryoko Taishi on the side reminded Hiroki Kamishima and her daughter.

"Got it, damn old woman!" Saeko Tashi made a face at her mother, as if she was very dissatisfied with her mother's sound that broke the atmosphere between her and Hiroki.

Then he put on a cute look and turned to Yu Shu and said, "Let's go, Yu Shu—"

"Then let's go, Aunt Liangzi."

Looking at Ryoko Taishi, whose face was getting darker and darker, Hiroki Kamishima knew that if he didn't leave, the 1079th mother-daughter battle might be staged again.

So he hurriedly pulled Zuo Yizi and waved goodbye, after all, he had seen how terrifying the fierce tongue war between these two women was.

"Well, have a good trip. At school, you must take care of Auntie Saeko more, and don't let her cause any trouble."

"Don't worry, Aunt Ryoko, I will definitely take care of Saiko."

As the figures of the two gradually drifted away, Ryoko Duoshi put down the farewell gesture, and then clamped her legs tightly, subconsciously frustrating back and forth.

After a while, an electric current spread throughout the body, and a few drops of water appeared on the ground directly under the kimono.

"Huh—" Ryoko Duoshi let out a long and comfortable sigh of relief, a faint flush of red smudged on her fair cheeks, and she was no longer the virtuous look she was just now.

"Ah...Xiaoshu is really getting more and more handsome, just looking at him by his side and listening to his voice, the body will feel comfortable, then if..."

Ryoko Duoshi imagined in her heart, her tongue unconsciously pried open her mouth and licked her fat lips, just like a gourmet seeing the most delicious food in the world, her body has already sent a signal that she can't wait.

I'm sorry my daughter, mom may be your rival in love——

Chapter 2 The Pervert in the Subway

The subway line 7 in the morning rush hour is crowded with people, including office workers and students.

Hiroki Kamishima held the upper railing with one hand, and read the novel with his mobile phone in the other hand.

The novel is called "Her", and it is a pure love novel serialized by a light novel writer who is very fond of Hiroki Kamishima.

Hisaishi Saeko wrapped her arms tightly around the waist of Kamishima Hiroki, just buried her small face on Hiroki's chest, closed her eyes and fell into a light sleep, as if she was not used to getting up early on the first day of school.

The long and curled eyelashes are like a feather fan, trembling slightly with breathing, and a faint smile appears on a delicate face like a fairy, as if dreaming some sweet dream.

Smelling the pleasant fragrance of Zoeko, Hiroki couldn't help showing a wry smile. He still remembered that when he first entered junior high school, he had the first awareness of the difference between men and women.

And it just happened to catch up with Zoeko to start the second development of sexual characteristics, so she was strictly prohibited from intimate physical contact.

But also because of this incident, it almost caused an irreparable situation at that time.

During the period when Yuki banned physical contact, Zuo Yizi's mental state once fell out of control.

Irritability, crying, and throwing things are commonplace, and what is more serious is that once he even committed self-harm.

Fortunately, it was discovered and rescued in time. If it had been an hour at night, it is estimated that there would not be such a delicate beauty standing in front of me now.

Later, I learned from the doctor that Zuo Yizi was suffering from a disease called "skin hunger and thirst", which is a mental disease.

When you get sick, you will be extremely eager to make skin or body contact with close people, just like flowers that lack water. If they are not moisturized in time, they will wither and wither.

According to Zoeko’s own description, every time she is touched or hugged by Hiroki, her body feels like it is going to melt away, her head is so dizzy that she can hardly think, and she is also accompanied by physical symptoms such as weak legs, blushing, and rapid heartbeat.

What's even more strange is that Zuo Yizi's symptoms can only be relieved when she sticks with Yuki, not anyone else. Even Zuo Yizi will hate getting close to people other than Yuki, let alone physical contact.

So after that incident, in order to prevent Zoeko from doing any extreme behavior, Hiroki turned a blind eye to Zoeko's behavior.

Fortunately, Zuo Yizi has been very stable since then, and after treatment with medicine and Yu Shu's patch, her condition has gradually stabilized.

Hugging tightly in public like this now, Hiroki was very uncomfortable at first, and was often pointed at by passers-by.

But with the passage of time, I gradually got used to it, and still looked at "Her" in my hand calmly.

Hiroki, who was immersed in the story of the novel, felt as if someone touched his ass.

He glanced at Zuo Yizi, who was lightly asleep, and made sure that her hands were still tightly wrapped around his waist, so it shouldn't be her.

Could it be a thief?

But my mobile phone is in my hand, and I don't usually have the habit of carrying cash, so I don't have anything in my butt pocket.

Hiroki glanced back, there was no suspicious person except for a row of office worker women in professional attire and black stockings sitting on the seats.

It seems to be my own illusion.

Hiroki didn't care, and turned his attention back to the storyline of the light novel, watching it happily.

Come again?

This time the touch is very real, Hiroki can be sure that it is not an illusion, someone really touches his butt.

Yu Shu turned around and observed carefully. The working women on the seat were about 20 to 30 years old. Most of them were in a resting state with their eyes closed, and the most beautiful one was right next to him. behind.

A set of tight-fitting OL business attire with a hip skirt, a pair of straight and slender legs wrapped in black pantyhose, and patent leather glossy stiletto high-heeled shoes on the feet of the stockings. The whole body exudes a kind of OL Subduing the temptation, he was holding his mobile phone as if he was replying to some message.

Yu Shu looked at this OL woman, but couldn't connect her with the idiot, was he too sensitive?

It is also possible that someone walked by and scratched him just now, Yu Shu comforted himself in his heart, and then read the novel again.

It's just that this time Yu Shu paid a bit of attention, and was always vigilant around his surroundings, in case there really was an idiot pervert coming to moles him.

Because Yushu has seen in the news that some elderly perverted uncles don't like women, but they like to pick some young boys to attack him. He doesn't want his private position to be touched by a wretched middle-aged uncle. Goosebumps popped up all over my body just thinking about it.

Time just passed by for a while, and the subway was about to arrive at the school site.

Yu Shu, who thought he was safe and sound, was suddenly attacked by that devil's claw again, but this time Yu Shu didn't turn around immediately, but after checking three numbers in his heart, he turned around like lightning and grabbed the meat on his buttocks. claws.

I would like to see who is so bold to do such an outrageous thing in broad daylight!

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